rebirth of change

Chapter 1667 Maybe it will be useful later

"Wow, the air here is really good. After a nap, I feel much more refreshed." Facing the rising sun, standing on a small piece of open space of only a hundred square meters among several houses in the outpost, Chen Kangjie stretched his waist , sighed looking at the mountains in the distance.

I didn't think it would be such an enjoyable thing to take a good rest before, it's very normal.But last night, in a small room burning with charcoal fire, wrapped in a cup with some sour smell, lying on a low wooden bed in the corner, sleeping without any scruples, Chen Kangjie suddenly felt how comfortable it was.

Just like a person who is not short of food and clothing, he usually doesn’t think the food he eats is so good, and often picks and dislikes this and that. The simple tea and light rice in my eyes can be so delicious.

Chen Kangjie and the others traveled intensively all day, from morning to night, over mountains and ridges, trekking long distances, and it was difficult to get a short rest in the middle.That's not to mention, they also carried out two raids in the middle, one captured the carriage and supplies, and the other occupied the place where they stayed. The hard work and fatigue involved were hard for others to understand.

Last night, after Jahril and the others took the lead and dealt with Mazari and Rabbani, a group of people quietly entered the sentry post under the leadership of Jahril.

In this mountain that lacks recreational activities, at night, the most suitable thing to do is to sleep, not only to keep warm, but also to recharge your energy and save supplies.When the strangers came, most of the people inside the sentry post had already fallen asleep, but there were still three who didn't sleep.They gathered in the west wing, which was a small room with windows. Against Jaleel's explanation, this small room was the office of the highest commander of the sentry.Due to the high mountains and dangerous roads, the Haruni sentry post did not have a telephone line, but for the sake of communication, an old-fashioned telegraph was equipped here.

Chen Kangjie and the others knocked on the door and came to the window. The three of them hadn't noticed it yet, and their attention was focused on a telegram on the unpainted desk.The reason why only the three of them are there is also because among these people, only the three of them can barely read and write, and the rest are 100% illiterate.

The sudden intrusion of several strangers startled the three theologians.While frightened, the three of them sensed that something was wrong, and they were about to go to the corner to get weapons.It's just that they have been controlled one by one before they got the weapons.

Chen Kangjie walked to the table curiously, picked up the piece of paper full of words like worms crawling over it, glanced at it twice, but couldn't understand it, so he had to hand the piece of paper to Jahril again.

After a quick scan, Jahril frowned deeply.

"What's the matter? What did the telegram say? It kept them from going to bed in the middle of the night." Chen Kangjie asked impatiently.

"Long...... This telegram is about you." Jahril read the telegram again before hesitatingly said.

"Is it about me? What's going on?" Chen Kangjie became puzzled.

"The telegram was sent from Mitram. The above content is that all checkpoints and sentries are required to keep a close eye on several yellow-skinned Chinese. If possible, try to arrest them. If not, they will be released. Killed. Isn’t this...yellow-skinned Chinese just some of you?” Jahril roughly explained the content of the telegram.

"Huh? Is there a reason for that? Or why do you do that?"

"Not at all," Jahril replied.

"Jie Shao, according to this, the person who is going to assassinate you in Bulushaburo will be a theologian? Bulushaburo is just close to the border of Afghanistan, and they can understand the language. Only they have the ability to do this." The scale of penetration.” Tan Jun added.

"It seems like this. I was thinking about this along the way. At that time, I thought, who has this ability? There is no doubt that the organization of theologians has this ability. Ever since we were driven north, I have been doubting this Sure enough, it really has something to do with them. It's his grandma, well water doesn't violate river water, I don't mess with them, but they actually messed with me, it's too bullying, hateful, hateful." Chen Kangjie said angrily, "If I hadn't had such suspicions, I would not have agreed with you to execute those soldiers when attacking the carriage."

"The most important thing now is not knowing why they did this." Xiong Ziqiang said.

"I don't care why they do this. Since they are the first graders, don't blame me for the fifteenth grades. I will remember this account for them first, and I will settle it with them sooner or later." Chen Kangjie gritted his teeth.

"Then what should we do? I've seen that the other people live in the two rooms opposite, and they all sleep soundly." Samidov said.

"There's nothing else to say. Of course, it's an eye for an eye, blood for blood. Since these people are all fighters of theologians, they can't stay. Only by dealing with them can we get real safety." Dong Mingshu was impatient. Said.

Chen Kangjie walked back and forth in the house twice, and after he stopped, he saw his face full of determination, "Be clean and neat, we still have to live in this house, don't be too embarrassing and cruel, otherwise, we will suffer It's us."

After getting Chen Kangjie's approval, it only took Xiong Ziqiang and the four of them ten minutes to get rid of the dozen or so theologian warriors who were sleeping soundly and dreaming sweet dreams.These people still didn't know who was responsible for them until their death. Most of them were still awake, either their necks were broken or their hearts stopped beating after suffering huge injuries.

Chen Kangjie said that he should be clean and neat, but he should use a knife, and he should not let himself be in a whirlpool just because of his scruples.


"Jie Shao, you are much more energetic today." Xiong Ziqiang who was walking beside said in a low voice.

"How are the two of them? Is there anything better?" Chen Kangjie asked jumpingly,

Last night, after dealing with these soldiers, Chen Kangjie and the others did not immediately go to rest, but immediately began to treat Alyosha.Wang Wei is better, as long as the dressing is done, Alyosha needs an operation.

None of Chen Kangjie and the others are doctors. Surgery is no joke. It is a typical technical job, and not everyone can do it.Faced with Alyosha's injury, everyone was helpless.When they were in the army, they all learned simple battlefield injury treatment, but that kind of treatment and surgery are two different things.

Standing in front of Alyosha's bed, one and two stared at each other, and no one dared to move forward.If there is a little carelessness, it is very likely that Alyosha's life will be killed.But if he didn't do anything, his wounds were already inflamed, and they didn't know when they would be able to return to the country. If they didn't deal with Alyosha as soon as possible, if it took longer, he might never be able to go back.

In the end, with the encouragement of Chen Kangjie and the consent of Samidov, several people rushed to the shelves and operated on him together.Of course, the main surgeons were Samidov and Tan Jun, who had been trained more deeply.Xiong Ziqiang and Dong Mingshu are in charge of laying hands, doing rough work such as boiling water.

After the operation, I don't know if it was successful or not. The equipment here is too simple, and the medicines are not complete.Whether Alyosha can pass this test, whether he can recover, depends more on his physique and desire to survive, that is to say, it mainly depends on himself.

"Wang Wei's injuries are fairly stable. After the chest was bandaged, there was no sign of deterioration. Alyosha was a little pessimistic. He had been running a high fever from yesterday to now. Dong Mingshu and Tan Jun took turns to take care of him. This kind of high fever is caused by the inflammation of the wound, and taking medicine doesn't help, so he has to carry it by himself." Xiong Ziqiang said.

"I hope he can get over it. Hey, I don't know what's going on with Brother Hui and Basyev. This also worries me." Chen Kangjie's good mood facing Chaoyang is gone, replaced by worry.

"That kid Pang Hui is very smart. He shouldn't be caught so easily or... As for Basyev and the others, it depends on whether the Pakistani side will do their best." Xiong Ziqiang was actually worried, but he still Consolation to Chen Kangjie.

Xiong Ziqiang knew Chen Kangjie well. He knew that Chen Kangjie was calm and optimistic on the surface. In fact, as the person who brought them out, Chen Kangjie had a lot of psychological burden and pressure after such a thing happened.

"I hope... By the way, can the transmitter work? Can I send a telegram to the country?" Chen Kangjie asked, changing the subject.

"No, there is a password. Those three people are like stones in a latrine. They are smelly and hard. No matter how you ask them or threaten them, you refuse to tell them. They don't seem to be afraid of death at all." Xiong Ziqiang shook his head and said angrily.

"They have experienced religious brainwashing. Once this kind of person is successfully brainwashed, they will not be afraid of anything. Forget it, since they don't say anything, don't waste your energy and get rid of it. We will wait here for Wang Wei and A Liao Sha has almost recovered, so he found a way to leave by himself. Now I only hope that those people will not chase here."

"Jie Shao, that Jaliel, do you really want to keep him? Do you think..." Xiong Ziqiang asked tentatively.

"Let's keep him for the time being, maybe it will be useful in the future. Besides, he has already killed his partner. If he betrays us, he will die too. I think he is also a person who is afraid of death, and the threat of staying behind should not be great. .” Chen Kangjie said.

"It's true, that kid didn't sleep well last night, he seemed to be having a nightmare, and he was woken up a few times by fright. Since you think it will be useful in the future, then leave him for now. Master Jie, let's go and see Wang Wei Come with Alyosha and have something to eat."

In order to monitor Jahril and prevent him from escaping, Xiong Ziqiang kept him by his side.

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