rebirth of change

Chapter 1670 Someone Prepared In Advance

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, and you won't be afraid of choking." Seeing Pang Hui wolfing down two local pancakes, Chen Kangjie was afraid that he would get his own throat stuck, "Brother, get some snow, Give him some water to drink."

"Have you not eaten for a few days, are you so hungry?" Xiong Ziqiang let Dong Ming go out from his side, lowered his brows and said to Pang Hui.

Pang Hui took a big bite of the pancake and said inarticulately, "It's really... three days... I haven't eaten anything for three days... I came here because I saw a house here from afar."

"Forget it, ask what you want to ask after he finishes eating, don't waste his time." Tan Jun helped put a cake by the fire and bake it.

More than half an hour later, Pang Hui patted his stomach after eating and drinking, "Oh, I didn't have much appetite when I saw this kind of food before, but now I know that the taste is also very good."

"If you're hungry for three more days, you'll still feel good if you give shit to you. Each of us eats three cakes a day, and you make five in one meal. Thanks to you." Dong Ming joked.

"Go, go, you're the only one who eats shit. It's seized supplies. If you don't eat it, you won't eat it for nothing." Pang Hui burped and waved his hand.

"You are just this one meal. I will eat it for you next meal. One is enough. The taste of this thing is not very good. I only eat it as a last resort. Okay, eat it, drink it, and drink it again. What happened to you in the past few days, where did you go, why did you come here." Chen Kangjie leaned back against the wall and said.

For Chen Kangjie and the others, who usually eat rice as their staple food, this kind of food is really not delicious even if it is not difficult to swallow. The only alternative food is to continue to be patient. If it wasn't for Alyosha's recovery, they probably wouldn't be bored in this place even if they risked their way across the mountains.

"I didn't know what happened that day. After firing a few shots, I turned around and you were gone. I was going to look for you in the north, but two bastards came out from the stabbing and dragged me together. Behind the wall, I only took care of one of them, and several more came out. I had no bullets, so I had to be chased by them. I got a set of local clothes, this is what I was wearing, and I was fooled to get away from chasing. In fact, I didn’t know you were here at all, but I said to go north, so I walked in this direction, and their warning along the way It's still very tight, I dare not enter towns and villages at all, if there is no food, I just rely on drinking water to survive." Pang Hui said.

"I knew you were not so easy to catch, so how did you find this place in the end." Xiong Ziqiang punched Pang Hui kindly.

"Halfway, I wanted to give up, but accidentally, I found the mark you left on a mountain. With the mark, it means that you have been there, so I followed the mark, but I didn't go too far. Far away, the mark disappeared. At that time, I thought you were all caught. I wanted to go back and inquire about the news to rescue you, but I was really tired, so I hoped to go into the mountains and find a remote family to add. I, ordinary people did not find it, but fortunately they found you by accident." Pang Hui continued.

Pang Hui said it in a few words, but to spend so many days alone in the wild without food and clothing, the sadness and pain involved are beyond the imagination and understanding of others. The face and unkempt hair and beard are evident.

"The mark you saw should have been left by me and Master Jie. The reason why we didn't see the mark again is because we have already left together." Xiong Ziqiang explained that at that time he and Chen Kangjie opened the way for the future. Samidov and the others left directions, so they made some marks along the way. Of course, these marks are not very clear to others, and they are no different from children's graffiti.

"You said that you went to the west of Mitram, and you are close to Sarobhi." Chen Kangjie asked curiously, "How do you know that the place you went to is Mitram and Sarobhi."

Pang Hui stood up, reached into his pocket, and took out a piece of paper, "This, I got it from my pocket when I was making clothes."

Chen Kangjie took the paper handed over by Pang Hui, and unfolded the folded paper with a sideways body. What appeared was a map, and interestingly, it was marked in English.

"I speculate based on my own route. Mitram is here, and Saroby is here. I have been to a road between them. There are not many cars passing by on the road, mainly some personnel carriers or vehicles with machine guns. Pickup." Pang Hui said, pointing to the map.

"Jalil, come and take a look. Is this your map?" Chen Kangjie waved to Jahril.

Jahril bent over and came to Chen Kangjie, took a look at the map, "It is indeed our map, but only half, that is, the eastern half, here is Kabul, and here is the Hindu Kush Mountains, we should It's probably at this location." Jaliel said, pointing to the map.

"Why is there only half of it, and it's still marked in English, Jaliel, do you have such a map?" Tan Jun asked.

"I'm also surprised, I haven't seen such a map before, and... the markings on it are more detailed than other maps I have seen, especially in the northern part of the Hindu Kush Mountains and Kabul Peripherals, how could this happen." Jahril scratched his head, still puzzled.

"Brother Hui, what exactly is the environment where you got this clothes." Chen Kangjie turned to ask Pang Hui.

"It's on the side of the road connecting Saroby and Mitram. There's nothing special about the environment. It's just a small grocery store. I saw no one, so I grabbed the clothes and some food." Pang Hui didn't know why. Said.

"Beside the road." Chen Kangjie said to himself, then picked up the map, looked carefully at the road that Pang Hui mentioned, and found that there were some small numbers beside the road.

"Can any of you tell me what these numbers mean?" Chen Kangjie asked everyone.

They took a look at them one by one, but couldn't tell why, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I know what that might mean." Seeing that no one else could tell, Jahril, who wanted to show off, looked around and said boldly.

"Tell me, it's okay to say something wrong." Chen Kangjie encouraged.

"This should refer to the road and its width and actual carrying capacity. The latter one hundred may refer to the current number of vehicles passing by every day."

"Yes, it should be like this." Chen Kangjie smacked his forehead, "It seems that this map was drawn by an outsider."

From the moment he saw that the map was labeled in English, Chen Kangjie suspected that the map was drawn by an outsider, but he did not find a more detailed reason. Now that Jahril said this, Chen Kangjie was 100% sure of his guess.

Jahril was also familiar with the local conditions, so he was able to deduce the meaning of those numbers. If outsiders were not familiar with the situation, they probably would not be able to figure it out after racking their brains, and they would probably regard it as latitude and longitude.

This map can be regarded as a very important piece of information, so the question is, who is going to rack their brains to get a piece of Afghanistan's geography and traffic information? This is obviously ill-intentioned, otherwise, who would seem so boring.

"Outsiders, which outsiders, bordering neighboring countries." Pang Hui asked.

"Generally speaking, if it is not for the purpose of attack, no one would do it. These surrounding countries do not seem to have any signs of attacking Afghanistan. Our country also borders them, so we are unlikely to do so. Do it." Xiong Ziqiang analyzed with common sense.

"Using English to mark this kind of map can basically exclude the northern countries. Only Batie and Tianzhu can do this, but I really don't understand why they want to do this." Samidov said.

In fact, Chen Kangjie already had a rough answer in his mind, but he couldn't say it, because after entering the 21st century, only that country had invaded Afghanistan, and they also used English.

"Jalil, this is Badakhshan." Chen Kangjie pointed to another detailed area and asked.

"Yes, this is Badakhshan. This is a province that has not yet been fully under the jurisdiction of the theologian." Jalil said while looking at the map.

"It's not fully under the jurisdiction of the theologians. What's going on? Don't the theologians fully rule the country." Chen Kangjie was curious.

"90.00% of the territory has been surrendered, but a piece of land here and some mountainous areas in the north have not been fully ruled. I heard that the Northern Alliance led by former Vice President Matthew De is stationed here." Jaril also Not sure, after all, he is only a small character, and the theologians have relatively strict control over the dissemination of information, so it is considered pretty good for him to know this.

"Matthew, he's here." Chen Kangjie became more interested.

Chen Kangjie has heard of this name before. His brother is still a protest hero. They were born in a famous family. After the theologians took power, the only one who could fight was the former vice president, Matthew. According to rumors, he admired it very much. Taizu, I have read and read his anthology again and again, especially paying attention to Taizu's exposition of people's war and guerrilla warfare. Some people say that he established his own base based on this set of theories, and fought against theologians for many years. Did not fall down.

"I don't know if it's here or not. Anyway, this area should belong to their base." Jahril shook his head and said,

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