rebirth of change

Chapter 1689 is a guest not a prisoner

Chen Kangjie took Xiang Dongfang and the three of them had just walked to the middle of the stairs when they heard a roar in English from upstairs.

"Why, why can't we go out, you said I don't understand, find someone who understands English."

And when the other party replied, he was also a little excited.

"What did you say, what did you say?"

Hearing this, Chen Kangjie hastily quickened his pace three steps and took two steps to go upstairs.

In the dark corridor on the second floor, Zheng Jun and two soldiers were only confronting a few locals. Although they hadn't reached the point where swords were on the verge of breaking out, it could be seen that the emotions of both sides were a little unstable.

"Brother Zheng, what are you doing here? He doesn't understand what you say, and you don't understand what he says. It's like talking to a duck. If you have anything, you can tell me." Chen Kangjie squeezed between the two parties , now pushed Zheng Jun back two steps, and then said.

"Jie Shao, why didn't you rest?"

"Fortunately, I didn't rest. Otherwise, I don't know how many misunderstandings you will make. In this place, there are very few people who can speak English. If you use English to reason with them, what effect will it have?" Chen Kangjie Said dumbfoundingly.

Maybe it was because Matthew had been very polite to Chen Kangjie. After he appeared, the local soldiers fell silent and just stood there watching.

"Jie Shao, you don't know, they are simply bullying people. I took a few people out to get acquainted with the surrounding environment, but they blocked them, and they didn't hesitate to point their guns at each other. Contradictions, that's why I came to them to argue." Zheng Jun said excitedly.

"You should tell me about this kind of thing first. Language is a big problem here. Your theory won't help."

"Aren't I afraid of disturbing your rest?" Zheng Jun, who failed to achieve his theoretical goal, said with some guilt.

"Long, what's the matter, why don't you take a break." At this moment, the door of a room at the end of the corridor opened, and Matthew came out wearing a coat, he said as he walked.

"General, it's nothing serious. It's just a little misunderstanding. I'm sorry to bother you... Hey..." Chen Kangjie said hello to Matthew.

Chen Kangjie finished speaking halfway, another person appeared behind Matthew, which caught Chen Kangjie's attention. Chen Kangjie was surprised because this person, like him, was also a Chinese with yellow skin and black eyes.

"Okay, you guys go down." Matthew waved to his subordinates, and after those men retreated to the next room, Matthew said to Chen Kangjie, "Long, since there is no rest, then Let's just sit down, how about I introduce someone to you by the way."

"Okay, I wish I could." Chen Kangjie answered Matthew's words, but his eyes were fixed on the Chinese.

Matthew's room is not better than Chen Kangjie's room, it is also very simple, there is not even a bed, just a layer of carpet that has been laid on the floor for a long time, and there are some bedding and other items in the corner, which looks a little different What's more, there are two sofas and a chair in his room.

Chen Kangjie had heard before that Matthew was very simple. Seeing him today, he really lived up to his reputation. For a former vice president, living such a simple life was indeed not easy.

After entering Matthew's room, the Chinese approached Chen Kangjie, "Mr. Chen, hello, I'm Qiao Yanxue, and I'm from the Northwest Military Region."

"The people from the Northwest Military Region are here for me?"

"It can be said that I work in the Northwest Military Region Staff Headquarters. I just transferred from Dusangbei. I was ordered to pick you up." Qiao Yanxue said succinctly.

"You are alone."

"There are two more people, but they live outside." Qiao Yanxue replied.

Qiao Yanxue is tall and big, with a burly figure. The corridor is dark and a little hard to see clearly. After seeing it clearly, Chen Kangjie thinks he is quite handsome. He has a Chinese character face, looks like he is in his forties, and has sharp eyes. He really deserves to come from the army. A person with a very hard back.

"It seems that you already know each other without me introducing you, hehe, please sit down, let's sit down and chat." Matthew sat down on the wooden chair by himself, and gave the two sofas to Chen Kangjie and Qiao Yanxue .

When Matthew said this, Chen Kangjie couldn't continue chatting with Qiao Yanxue in front of him, even though he was curious about what Qiao Yanxue brought, the two shook hands and sat down separately.

"It's really a headache. One of you understands French and the other understands our Persian. What language should I use to communicate with you?" When Chen Kangjie and Qiao Yanxue sat down, Matthew scratched his head and said mockingly.

That's what he said, but maybe he felt that Chen Kangjie did not have an official status, so Matthew still used Persian, Qiao Yanxue understood it, but Chen Kangjie was still ignorant.

In some border areas between our country and Central Asia, due to ethnic relations, some people also speak Persian. Since Qiao Yanxue is from the Northwest Military Region, it is not surprising that he can speak Persian. People who speak the local language come to play riddles with others.

"Let's speak French. I used to work in the United Nations authority during the transitional period of Campbell, so I can speak some French." Qiao Yanxue glanced at Chen Kangjie and said to Matthew. In order for Chen Kangjie to understand what he said, Qiao Yanxue Yan Xue directly uses French.

Campbell is a Southeast Asian country bordering China that belongs to the Organization of La Francophonie. Although this country has its own local language, it has been a protectorate of France for more than half a century in history, so some elites still Those who speak French, even today, there are even French newspapers and periodicals in the local area. Moreover, French is one of the two major working languages ​​of the United Nations Secretariat. It is an official language in international organizations such as the European Union, the African Union, the International Court of Justice and the Olympic Movement. It is not surprising that Qiao Yanxue can speak French since he worked in the United Nations authority during the transitional period in Campbell. It may even be because he masters this foreign language that the country sent him there. And it should be the status of military personnel. In Kampo, it should be the first time that China has sent an organized peacekeeping force abroad. With such participation, it is normal for military personnel to be stationed in the transitional UN authority.

Qiao Yan's French is not up to standard, it is even more blunt than that of Mathieu, who went to French middle school, but he can still understand it.

"Hehe, that's good. It seems that we have found a common ground. It's not easy." Matthew laughed.

Chen Kangjie was a little embarrassed. For a long time, language was Chen Kangjie's strong point, but today, he finally realized the saying that no one is perfect, no matter how powerful people are, they have their weaknesses. In the past, Chen Kangjie was always accommodating in language Others, I didn't expect that now it would be others accommodating him, otherwise, he would not understand what others said at all, which made Chen Kangjie, who has always been very proud, embarrassing even if he couldn't think of a rare moment.

"I'm ashamed, thank you for accommodating me." Chen Kangjie said with a slightly red face.

"It doesn't exist. Three people negotiate together. Naturally, they have to reach an agreement. Otherwise, they will stumble when they go their own way." Matthew is the oldest, and he is also the leader of one party. A little bit old and heavy.

The reason is very simple, but Chen Kangjie always felt that Matthew had something to say. He didn't mean to chat, but used the word "negotiation", which made it much more formal. Could it be that Matthew's French was really used Did he forget to use vocabulary in a mess? Chen Kangjie expressed some doubts.

"Yes, yes." Unsure of what Matthew meant, Chen Kangjie could only nod in agreement.

"By the way, long, what were you arguing with General Matthew's guards just now?" Qiao Yanxue didn't want to accept that, so he changed the subject.

"It's nothing, just a few of my people want to go out for a walk, but the general's subordinates don't let them go out, so they want to ask, what's the reason, because they don't understand the language, so they don't ask clearly." When it was time, Chen Kangjie turned his head to look at Matthew De, meaning he wanted to hear his explanation.

"This is for their safety. Although this is the rear of the battle, the enemy will infiltrate from time to time. Moreover, air strikes also occur from time to time. In addition, they don't speak the local language. If they go out to interact with the local people If there is any conflict, it may lead to a conflict. In addition, and more importantly, for the sake of confidentiality and security, if the enemy's investigators know that you have come to Faizabad and live here, The enemy is very likely to adjust the fighting method, which is not good for all of us." Matthew seemed to have a well-thought-out plan, and he explained calmly.

At first glance, what Matthew said makes sense, but after careful consideration, it seems that this is not the case. For example, if there is an air strike, what is the difference between being in the yard and outside the yard? Falling from the sky, it’s not a flat shot, and it’s not impossible to have conflicts with the locals, but how can they have conflicts with the locals as soon as they go out, they are not bullies or fools, besides, it’s dark, How many people are wandering around on the street? As for confidentiality and safety, it is even more confusing. When they came, they came in a car. There were not a few local people at that time. How can this keep secrets? ah.

He understood that Chen Kangjie understood, but he couldn't just refute Matthew.

Chen Kangjie didn't refute, but it didn't mean Qiao Yanxue did the same.

"General, they are guests, not prisoners or captives. I think there should be basic freedom, what do you think?"


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