"Secretary Liu, why don't I think this is a problem at all? It is precisely because our country lacks a clear definition and statement in this regard, so I brought it up. Don't worry about what we don't exist now? Is it? If it stops like this, then it’s better to go back to the closed era of the past. Western countries always say that we don’t talk about human rights, but we always argue that we have human rights, and citizens’ property rights are exactly one of human rights. According to Did Secretary Liu mean that he wanted to contradict the central government? Besides, I am just proposing a bill. Whether it is passed or becomes a law depends on the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.” Chen Kangjie’s rebuttal was powerful, and it was full of Contains sarcasm and disdain.

A few years ago, especially in front of the old chief's southern tour, there was still a strong line dispute in the country.If Liu Hongjun said this at that time, there might still be a market.However, after the old chief's southern tour, a conclusion has been reached. His argument is just to bully the ignorant.He really regarded Chen Kangjie as a timid and ignorant young man who was destined to be humiliated.

Before Chen Kangjie retorted, several people secretly nodded to Liu Hongjun's words.But after Chen Kangjie finished refuting, Liu Hongjun was speechless, and they were also dumbfounded.

Liu Hongjun gave Chen Kangjie a hat, and in turn, Chen Kangjie did not forget to give him back.Moreover, Chen Kangjie didn't care about Liu Hongjun's hat at all, he didn't take it seriously at all, not to mention the earth-shaking environment, even ten years ago, he didn't care, because he was not a person in the system at all. Young is also young, the problem is not big.As for Chen Kangjie's labeling of Liu Hongjun, although it is not a line dispute, he is not able to bear the "opposition to the Central Committee".As a senior leading cadre, if you go against the central government, you usually will not end well, and the above does not allow such people to exist.

Of course, in reality, it will not be just because of Chen Kangjie's labeling. After all, this is not the age of convicting people with words.But he can't afford to wear this kind of hat. If he wears this hat, his official career will come to an abrupt end.

Now Liu Hongjun is blushing, this young man is too difficult to deal with, and every word he says is stinging.

"Why would I disagree with the central government? What did I say that does not protect human rights? I just think your proposal is immature, and it should be extensively investigated and discussed. Is this not okay?" Liu Hongjun defended himself with black brows and staring eyes, "Even if you are a young representative, you have to pay attention to organization and discipline. We are a delegation, not a mess... Random organization, isn't it true that you proposed a proposal?" Under the leadership of the organization and the party committee?" Not to mention defending himself, Liu Hongjun even taught Chen Kangjie a condescending lesson.

Liu Hongjun's words were very serious, and the people next to him would keep silent even if they wanted to say something. At this time, the wise way is to shut up, so as not to get himself involved.The smell of gunpowder is too strong, I'd better be careful, and I'll be upset if I get caught in the fish pond.

"Hehe, hehe..." Not only was Chen Kangjie not angry, but he was able to laugh, which surprised everyone else. Just imagine how many people can laugh under the pressure of the old and the old. It's good to be cautious.

Liao Minggui thought to himself, talent is talent, but the young man is too young.It's smooth sailing. I don't know how to bear it. Is it a joke to offend the secretary of the provincial party committee?Although you have the backing of your father and Vice Governor He, it's useless.Your father is in other provinces, and he is out of reach. Vice Governor He is quite different in rank and power, so he is powerless to protect you.

The three female representatives also sweated for Chen Kangjie. No matter whether they agreed with Chen Kangjie's plan or not, they all felt that it was not wise for Chen Kangjie to be so bullish, and they should give the elder one some face.

They just didn't know that Chen Kangjie had no intention of getting close to Liu Hongjun. If he didn't get close, he wouldn't save face for him.Others are afraid, but he, Chen Kangjie, is not. He doesn't ask him to get rich or get promoted, what can he do to me?What's more, Chen Kangjie tried every means to get rid of this scourge, so as not to disturb his hometown and hinder his development.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Kangjie's laughter made Liu Hongjun's complexion even uglier, which simply ignored his authority and despised him.

"Hehe... I laugh at Secretary Liu that your desire for power is too strong. It's okay to have a strong desire for control, but the idea that power is greater than the law is really bad."

"You..." Pointing at Chen Kangjie, Liu Hongjun was too angry to speak.

"You want to ask me why I say that, why I slander you so much?" Chen Kangjie said calmly.

"That's right, Xiao Chen, it's very impolite for you to say that, or it's very wrong. Secretary Liu is the head of our delegation and the leader of our whole body. Can't he intervene?" Liu Hongjun said angrily. It was so severe that he couldn't speak, so Liao Minggui had no choice but to stand up and help.

"No matter if you are the head of the regiment or a few leaders, you have to abide by the law, right? I am a representative of the National People's Congress, and I have the right to propose proposals independently, which is granted to me by the law. There is no law that says that my proposal must be approved by several leaders. Am I wrong? Am I going to be deprived of my rights? This is not the National People’s Congress. Why should I get the approval of several leaders? As long as my proposal is legitimate, it is correct. Even They all want to control, isn’t it because they want to control too much or because they want to have too much power? Isn’t this using power to suppress the law?” Chen Kangjie’s rebuttal was loud and steady.

I don't know whether Chen Kangjie was intentional or not. When he said "several hands", his tone of voice was always lowered, which sounded like "hands-on-hand".This was simply blatant slander, and it was face-to-face. If Liu Hongjun hadn't squeezed the armrest of the sofa tightly, blood might spurt out.The three female representatives were all blushing, feeling ashamed, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, feeling very uncomfortable.They are all married people, and their ability to accept this aspect is still very strong.But Liao Minggui was extremely embarrassed and behaved very badly.

But on the other hand, they can't say anything, it can only be regarded as their own guesses.Although what Chen Kangjie said is very similar to "hands-on", but he can say "several hands" in one sentence, you can't do anything.These words are not only very disgusting, but what's more disgusting is that the disgusted person can't find a place to vomit.Outside, who would think that Chen Kangjie was talking about "snipers"?They will only think that what he said is "a few leaders".His image is there, he is not a person who can swear at all.

At this point in the communication, Liu Hongjun felt that there was no way to continue communicating with Chen Kangjie. It wasn't that his goal had been achieved, but that if the communication continued, he might be pissed off like Zhou Yu.

Liu Hongjun stood up from the sofa, "Hmph, I say you can't raise your proposal, but you can't raise it. I'm the director of the Provincial People's Congress. Your proposal must be reviewed first."

"I didn't intend to take it as a proposal from the delegation. I don't have to pass your review. Don't think too much of yourself, and don't put yourself in a superior position." Liu Hongjun was ruthless, and Chen Kangjie was not easy to handle.

Liu Hongjun's words were spoken standing up. It stands to reason that he should be more imposing when he is condescending. In addition to his status, what he said should be more stressful and impactful.However, the people present had a different feeling. They felt that Chen Kangjie, who was lazily sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, would be more aura. Basically, I don’t like you at all. How can you be sure of me? .

This kind of tit-for-tat fierce smell of gunpowder made everyone present tremble with fear.A representative of the National People's Congress quarreled with the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and it was not a disadvantage. Few people have seen it.It should be said that I have never heard of it, and I was at the scene, and I still heard every sentence, who would not be terrified?Today was really an eye-opener. They, including Liao Minggui, were all holding their breath, not daring to breathe, for fear that the slightest sound would draw the secretary's anger onto themselves.Moreover, the three female representatives have other discomforts, that is, they don't know whether they should stand up, if they stand up, it feels like they are arguing with the secretary, but if they don't stand up, they feel inappropriate and awkward .

"Since you said that, then I'll put myself in a superior position once, and I'll put my words here. If your proposal can't be raised, then it can't be raised." After speaking, Liu Hongjun gave Chen Kangjie a hard look, and said No longer caring about his image, he stopped hiding and tucked it away, and walked outside with a stride. A staff member who was about to come in was bumped by him, and his eyes almost wanted to kill the staff member who was blocking the way.It was really hard for him to control his emotions anymore. After so many years of official career, Chen Kangjie was the first one who humiliated him and contradicted him so mercilessly.

As soon as Liu Hongjun moved, Liao Minggui hurried to follow, for fear that he would be even slightly behind.The three female representatives looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do, they didn't know if they were going to send off the leader.Normally speaking, it should be given away, but there is no way to give it away in the scene now. Anyone who understands knows that showing courtesy now will not get a good face.So the three of them just stood by the bed in a flurry of ups and downs.

"I don't care. If I can't get it up, I won't get it up. If I can't do it this year, I'll just get it up next year. What's so great about it. Oh, I almost forgot. Next year, I might lose my qualifications as a deputy to the National People's Congress. You are the director of the Provincial People's Congress." Well. You can play with the power in your hands as you want, and you are very skilled in turning your hands into clouds and covering your hands with rain." Just as Liu Hongjun stepped out of the room, Chen Kangjie threw this sentence lightly from behind, It almost made him fly into a rage immediately.


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