rebirth of change

Chapter 1721 We Protect You

"You are so smart and wise, can you do anything?" Situ Kuo asked back.

"If I knew, would I still ask you? I've been thinking about it for a long time just now, and it seems that I can't do it right or left. I can only put it on hold this year and wait until next year when I am fully prepared to bring it up. Next year I can hand it over to representatives of other delegations." Chen Kangjie said.

"A good year has been wasted again." Situ Kuo sighed regretfully.

"So, just give me a way not to waste time."

"Hehe, it seems that you are determined to eat me, how do you know that I have a solution?" Situ Kuo laughed.

"You won't come because you have no choice." Chen Kangjie said in an affirmative tone.

"Forget me convinced you...Actually, to implement a policy, in addition to laws, there are also administrative regulations. In the current environment, administrative regulations are better than laws to a certain extent. So, your The bill can first follow the path of administrative regulations, and administrative regulations do not need to go through the National People's Congress, the government can issue them by itself. Now you know what to do, right?" Situ Kuo pointed out.

"Pa", Chen Kangjie slapped his hands, and said suddenly, "I see, you mean to ask me to find the prime minister, recommend my two proposals to him, and then persuade him to turn them into administrative regulations. It's implemented within the government, right?"

"Sure enough, you are a smart person, and you can understand everything. We must abide by the administrative regulations promulgated by the State Council. Their effectiveness is not weaker than the law in terms of practicality. What to do next is up to you." Situ Kuo said with an appreciative smile.

"Although it may not work out, I will try my best. If it does work out, you have to earnestly implement it." Chen Kangjie teased.

"Let's talk about this after you succeed. At that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to implement it seriously. Okay, that's it. You have to rest early, and you have to go to a meeting tomorrow morning...Young man, it is right to be aggressive in doing things Yes, but try to protect yourself as much as possible." Situ Kuo stood up and walked out, and when he came to the door, he didn't forget to remind Chen Kangjie.

For Situ Kuo, all he could do was remind him, and he couldn't teach Chen Kangjie a lesson.It's not that his age and status are not enough, but that the relationship between them has not yet reached that depth. Moreover, it's not that Chen Kangjie's family head lacks high-ranking officials. It's better to leave the lessons to Chen Qigang and the others.

Situ Kuo left, and the haze in Chen Kangjie's heart was completely swept away.That's right, if you don't allow us to go this way, can't we save the country with curves?What can you Liu Hongjun do to me when I see it?Don't think that you can be complacent if you have a little power in your hands. It is the last word that you get more help than you don't.

Lying on the bed, Chen Kangjie slept soundly. He didn't have a single dream until dawn.After waking up, he was in good spirits.

Chen Kangjie was not special when going to the conference hall. Like other representatives, he took the same bus to go there.During the meeting, the traffic and security around the hall were very tight. Vehicles without a special pass were not allowed to enter, and the parking position of each vehicle was designated in advance.

In the parking lot outside the hotel, most of the representatives who had come beforehand saw Chen Kangjie's gaze, with a hint of surprise mixed with enthusiasm and curiosity.Almost all of them were greeted directly or indirectly last night, and they couldn't casually give joint signatures to Chen Kangjie's two motions.Originally thought that Chen Kangjie would be downcast and depressed this morning.Who would have thought that not only was he not depressed and decadent, but instead he was radiant and full of energy, and he was still so dignified when he walked, as if he had not been hit by a blow last night, but had received some kind of praise and support instead.

Especially those representatives who had signed the joint opinion on Chen Kangjie's motion felt even more puzzled.Before Chen Kangjie came, they were still in a state of apprehension. It should be said that they were in turmoil all night. They wanted to support Chen Kangjie but did not want to offend the secretary of the provincial party committee. It is such a state of mind.Some representatives have even been hesitating whether to go to Chen Kangjie to get back the opinions he signed.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie has nothing wrong with him now, what he showed is still full of confidence and the chances of winning are sure.Their preconceived guesses about the outcome collapsed, which showed that the young man still had confidence and was not defeated by the pressure.That being the case, then there is no need to be a bad person anymore, why bother to offend?Although offending Chen Kangjie will not affect his official career, it will damage his reputation and go against his wishes and conduct.

Not only was Chen Kangjie not depressed, but he smiled happily and waved to everyone.This simple action of his shattered everyone's suspicions and disappeared.The unpleasant episode about yesterday was also temporarily forgotten by them.Those representatives who were riding in the same car as Chen Kangjie began to scramble to take out their cameras and ask for a photo with him.Chen Kangjie was also very cooperative, never refusing anyone who came, and fulfilling their requests one by one, until the driver urged them to drive and it was time to drive.

Today, the square outside the East Gate of the Great Hall is waving red flags and flowers are in full bloom. The entire square, together with the large square across the road, is carefully decorated to be extremely festive and beautiful.On the towering flagpole standing in the center of the square, a bright and brand-new five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind in the spring breeze.

Before he got off the bus, Chen Kangjie saw that the square outside the east gate was crowded with people, very lively.More than 1000 delegates participated in the conference. In addition, all members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will also attend the meeting, and even the ambassadors of various countries to China have also been invited.In addition, the other major protagonists who are active in this place today are those reporters. Before coming here, Chen Kangjie knew that there were more than [-] reporters who signed up to report on this grand event, and news media from all over the country and major news organizations around the world sent people to come. interview.

"You seem to have been discovered by the reporters." Sitting next to Chen Kangjie, a representative who stood up and was about to get off the bus pointed to several reporters who were rushing over and said to Chen Kangjie.

"They didn't find me, but they saw the delegation sign in front of the tour bus." Chen Kangjie stood up and said.

"Then what should we do? They will surround you." The representative became worried for Chen Kangjie.

"Don't you guys protect me? Hehe." Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

This time he came to Beijing for a meeting, because Chen Kangjie was going to accept an exclusive interview with Yi Min, so he would not face these reporters directly, and basically he would not answer their questions.If you want to take pictures, Chen Kangjie doesn't mind.

"That's right, Chen Kangjie, we will protect you, don't worry." A female representative who took several photos with Chen Kangjie just behind said loudly.

Others quickly echoed him, expressing that they would help him block the reporters who were "in the way".This was in exchange for Chen Kangjie's unassuming and approachable attitude before getting into the car.

Although there was a car representing care and love, after Chen Kangjie got off the car, it still brought a big change to the already crowded square outside the East Gate.

Before he got out of the car, a reporter pressed the shutter, and started taking pictures. When he got out of the car, he saw that there were more and more reporters who were already three floors in and out.Not to mention that, there were still many deputies to the National People's Congress who were also enthusiastic about Chen Kangjie and joined their camp with their cameras.

"Long, may I ask what proposal you proposed for this conference?"

"Long, please tell me how far the movie you are shooting has progressed?"

"Long, what's your opinion on the operation of the economy last year?"

"Long, did you ask for leave from school for this meeting? How many days of leave did the school approve for you?"


"Long..." All kinds of questions were thrown at Chen Kangjie in the air. Some people were worried that Chen Kangjie would not hear them, so they simply shouted.

Chen Kangjie was faced with all the complicated questions, except that he didn't plan to say anything, he didn't know how to answer for a while, he only heard the first half of some questions, and the second half was already covered by other voices.He could only smile and wave his hands to those who cared about him and liked him, kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

In the face of a large number of reporters and enthusiastic onlookers, the fellow villagers in the car with him began to fulfill their promises. Although they did not hold hands, they still surrounded the city with a thick human wall with their bodies, protecting Chen Kangjie in the last place. Go forward in the middle.

Every step forward, a reporter will ask a question, buzzing, and it can directly make people dizzy.

These reporters conduct interviews publicly, and it is common sense that deputies to the National People's Congress will also be interviewed to express their views on the country's political economy and other aspects. This is also a transparent way of participating in and discussing state affairs.Therefore, the staff of the organization will not intervene or stop the follow-up onlookers on a certain representative. At this time, the government will fully guarantee and respect the freedom and rights of media supervision.So even if Chen Kangjie and the others were already faltering, there were no staff members who stood up to help them, but a few staff members stood around to prevent overreaction, and only when that happened would they intervene to stop it.Protection representatives enter the arena, but this kind of situation rarely occurs, because among these people's congress representatives, there are many celebrities, entrepreneurs, stars in the entertainment industry, writers, athletes, labor models, etc., and they will give the attention of these reporters to spread out.However, Chen Kangjie can be said to be a collection of their various types. He is basically attractive to all reporters, so standing on the steps at the entrance of the great hall and looking down, you will find that their place has become an island among the crowd. Reached the most people and attracted the most journalists.

Other celebrities may have one or two reporters to interview, or more than a dozen, which is still very famous. As for Chen Kangjie, there are about 200 reporters who surrounded him, and domestic reporters and foreign reporters are almost evenly divided. half.

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