rebirth of change

Chapter 1735 This is what I should do

"I hope I won't disappoint you." Chen Kangjie said with a faint smile.

"I talked so much about your career and your different identities. These contents may meet the expectations of young friends, but today we are a special program for the Two Sessions, so we still have to return to this theme. Fortunately, you still have an identity as a respected representative of the National People's Congress, so what do you think is the difference between your identity and other labels?" Yi Min changed his tone and asked a question Both detailed and broad questions.

"How do you say this? In fact, each of us does not have only one identity label. Take you as an example. You are both a reporter and a producer. In addition, you may also be a girlfriend. The identity of the daughter, and so on, this is a very natural thing, if you give too much interpretation, it doesn’t actually mean much.” Before officially answering, Chen Kangjie played with the flower gun for a while, which is a good way to cheer everyone up. Get vaccinated.

As soon as Yi Min heard Chen Kangjie say that she still has the identity of a girlfriend, her face turned bright red, and her big transparent eyes blinked unnaturally a few times in line with the change in her complexion.

Chen Kangjie glanced at Yi Min, aware of her strangeness, but Chen Kangjie could only act as if nothing had happened in front of so many people, and Yi Min also realized that it was not time to be shy, so he quickly adjusted his state and returned to normal.

"You ask me, as a representative of the National People's Congress, how is this identity different from my other identities. Of course, the biggest difference is that my other identities can be said to be for myself. It is to realize self-worth and obtain self-interest. Even the identity of an athlete who fights for the country and the people has corresponding factors in it to a certain extent. Frankly speaking, the core of the identity of the National People's Congress is to serve The masses of the people have served, and I can no longer think about problems or do things from my personal perspective, because I represent the masses of the people, and all I have to do is to respond to their demands and fight for the interests they deserve. , On this basis, the government can also be supervised to ensure that the government's various principles and policies conform to the interests of the vast majority of people as much as possible."

After taking a sip of water, Chen Kangjie continued: "In addition, there is another difference of autonomy. Whether I am a singer or a film director, I have a lot of autonomy. I can decide whether to do it or not, and I can also decide Whether to do it today or next year, because I am doing it for myself, of course I am the center. But being a deputy to the National People’s Congress is out of my control. For example, in this meeting, I cannot decide when the meeting will be held, let alone the content of the meeting. Even if I don’t come, I have to have a valid and necessary reason to ask for leave. My autonomy is not completely under my control, and I have to abide by the rules and regulations and related laws and regulations. Also, I am a director, even if it is two years, If I haven’t made a film for three years, or even ten years, I can’t say I’m dereliction of duty. As a representative of the National People’s Congress, if I don’t do something every year and don’t reflect the aspirations of the people, that’s dereliction of duty. I’m sorry for my identity and title... "

"You mean to say that as a representative to the National People's Congress, you should replace the people and put forward proposals that can represent their ideas and interests. Is that what you mean?" Yi Min asked.

"Yes, that's what it means." Chen Kangjie replied.

"But every session of the National People's Congress, not every representative proposes a bill. Does that mean that those who don't propose a bill are incompetent?" Yi Min asked this question very sharply.

Although this question was sharp, it had been added to the list of questions given to Chen Kangjie, so Chen Kangjie could not avoid it, and he also thought about how to answer it meaningfully.

"This... can't be said completely. Here, I have to report and explain to everyone that it is not so easy to put forward a rigorous bill, let alone something that can be taken for granted. In this, a lot of work needs to be done. The research and argumentation of the National People’s Congress also requires a synthesis of opinions and ideas from various aspects. Of course, it is mainly the ideas and opinions of ordinary people at the grassroots level. Therefore, this will take time. And most of our deputies to the National People’s Congress have their own jobs , we are not full-time deputies to the National People's Congress, so if we want to complete these large amounts of work, we need a lot of effort, and to complete a good representative bill, one year may not be enough. After all, everyone can put in it Time is limited, and one’s own professional knowledge is also limited, and some questions need to be consulted with relevant experts. This will prevent many representatives from proposing high-quality representative proposals every year. Correspondingly, it is impossible for all representatives to submit proposals to the General Assembly Immediately, while explaining the reason, Chen Kangjie immediately made a turn in his thinking, "However... I also have to admit that among our representatives, some, or a small number of them are indeed seeking fame and standing. They don’t shit in the latrine. This group of people just regards the deputies to the National People’s Congress as a symbol to flaunt their status, but they don’t want to serve the people from the bottom of their hearts. It is impossible to put forward a motion at the beginning of the representative. These people can be said to be incompetent and incompetent. Don’t make a fuss about the existence of these people. The forest is big, after all, there are all kinds of birds. According to our social reality, It is not realistic for this group of people to be completely eliminated. However, with the advancement of our rule of law and the improvement of people's awareness of participating in and discussing state affairs, it will gradually improve."

Chen Kangjie's following words filled with righteous indignation are not aimless, but exist in reality.Some of the qualifications of deputies to the National People's Congress are not obtained through normal channels, and there are a lot of rent-seeking factors in it.In particular, some deputies to the National People's Congress in the corporate world can obtain the qualifications of a deputy to the National People's Congress on the basis of spending money.Since the qualifications are bought with money, it is a bit fanciful to expect him to truly represent the interests of the common people and serve the common people.These people want to use this identity to increase their social status and act as a protective film, and even this identity can gain certain privileges.That's all.It's just that this involves our representative selection system, which Chen Kangjie can't do anything about.He can only hope that the future will get better and better.

"Oh, we understand, you can say that, at least it proves from the side, you should not be a deputy to the National People's Congress who has lost the chain." Yi Min said.

"I dare not say how well I can do it. At least I think I am worthy of the identity given to me by the people. I am also trying my best to do my own thing well and make sure that I don't lose the chain as much as possible." Chen Kangjie replied modestly .

"Then I'll take the liberty to ask, did you bring a proposal to the meeting this year?" Yi Min asked according to the routine.

"Well, I brought two proposals this year." Chen Kangjie nodded and said.

"Wow, it seems that you are really conscientious and competent. You came with two proposals. Students, do you want to know what kind of proposal this young representative of the National People's Congress brought?" Yi Min pretended to be surprised, Then throw the question to the audience present.

Yi Min can actually tell with his thumb, these college students must have given an affirmative answer.Sure enough, everyone shouted in unison: "I want to."

"Representative Chen, since everyone is thinking about it, then you can satisfy everyone's curiosity. This can be regarded as a way for the public to participate in and discuss state affairs." Yi Min easily extended his left hand to Chen Kangjie, asking him to make a high-level statement.

Since this was broadcast live, Chen Kangjie couldn't read his two motion reports verbatim.In that case, unless the program time can be extended twice, it is unrealistic.Moreover, if he really read aloud, he would also make the public sleepy.Ordinary people really don't have much patience to listen to long-winded narrations, which consumes too much energy.

Chen Kangjie could only condense the content of the bill, clearly expressing the central idea in a concise and concise manner, emphasizing what benefits ordinary people can gain if these two bills can be implemented, and how much positive significance they can bring to the nation.

Chen Kangjie has an excellent memory. He narrates the content without looking at any materials, without being complicated or awkward, and using popular language that ordinary people can understand.Although he talked for several minutes, no one, whether it was the audience at the scene or the citizens in front of the TV, found it boring. Everyone found it interesting and everyone listened with gusto.Through this section of his explanation, many people have deepened their knowledge and understanding of him.

"According to what you said, if these two bills can be implemented, it is really a blessing for the country and the people. We all look forward to these two bills being able to become relevant laws or policies. Today, our Historical imprints are rapidly disappearing, and it is really time to protect them. Moreover, if the civil property rights of ordinary people are protected, everyone will feel more secure and easier to live and work in peace and contentment. Like you, you are farsighted, can consider issues from the overall perspective and represent It would be better if there were more representatives from the common people who proposed solutions." Yi Min praised Chen Kangjie.

"Thank you, you praised me. I just fulfilled certain responsibilities and obligations. In layman's terms, I do what I should do." Chen Kangjie didn't get complacent just because of the praise, and kept his modest and prudent style.

Now not only dozens of people at the scene are watching him, but hundreds of millions of people across the country are also watching him. Chen Kangjie naturally has to behave more gracefully, more elegantly, and more modestly.

"The structure of your two proposals is very grand. Although I haven't seen the detailed manuscripts, through your narration, it makes people feel that everything is on the ground. The argument is very solid and the work is very detailed. In this, you must Did you pay a lot?" Yi Min stroked a few strands of hair around his ears, and asked curiously.


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