rebirth of change

Chapter 1752 Money Expresses Respect

Standing for a while with complicated emotions, Chen Kangjie was relieved from his depression until Ouyang Zhenhua came up and touched his shoulder.

Without saying a word, Chen Kangjie walked up to shake everyone's hands, and then came a man's hug.

Shaking hands means they are subordinates, hugging means they are brothers.This is a man's way of expressing emotion.

In the center of the banquet hall, a big round table was set up. After the ceremony, a group of people surrounded Chen Kangjie and sat down around the big round table.

The round table was filled with delicacies from mountains and seas. This was a banquet to celebrate their recovery and discharge from the hospital.However, the festive atmosphere is still much worse. After all, there is a gap in this team, and it is not so perfect anymore.

Chen Kangjie did not take the first seat, and the three seats there were vacant, equivalent to the three brothers who passed away.Even though they have gone to heaven, everyone here has not forgotten them.

A glass of wine was placed in front of everyone, and Chen Kangjie picked up his glass and stood up.

"Today, I am both happy and sad. The happy thing is that all of you here have recovered, and you are still so strong and strong. The sad thing is that some brothers can no longer sit with us... ...I know that they have brotherhood with you that blood is thicker than water. In fact, they are the same with me. I am very grateful for everything they have done for me, and I will remember their efforts and sacrifices. We are not The government, I have no way to give them any medals or other honors, but I can give their families full security and my respect and deep memory for them." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie turned around and bowed towards the Three empty positions, gently pour the glass of wine on the ground.

The others also stood up silently, and like Chen Kangjie, poured the wine in their glasses on the ground in that direction.It was like inviting the three departed brothers for a booze.

Chen Kangjie pressed his hands and asked everyone else to sit down.

"Although they have left us, I keep their portraits in my office. Whenever I see them, I feel that they are still with me." Chen Kangjie continued affectionately, "I know, Although you seem to be peaceful on the surface, your hearts are still ready to move, especially Samidov and John Jimmy."

"Jie Shao, yes, it is still difficult for me to accept this reality. Although we have been psychologically prepared to lose our lives at any time many years ago, when it really happened, the person who lost was not me, I ...I'm still heartbroken, and it's hard for me to face their family. We've been together for more than ten years, and we've become closer than relatives...” Said, Sammy Dove choked up.

"Mr. Jie, I am too. We are not people who are afraid of death, and we are not people who have a sense of fear of death. McGrath and Jobry are brothers I brought up. They have participated in many operations with me. No Died under the fierce artillery fire of the enemy, but was plotted against by a few shameless villains. I can't swallow this breath. I can't let them die in vain like this. This hatred, I will never forget it." John Jimmy He also stood up and said with a burst of anger.

"Don't worry, I promised you that I will definitely find this revenge for them, and I will definitely find a way to do it. It will take time, and I promise you that I can do it." Chen Kangjie said firmly. "Don't think that it's just your business. Since the enemy came here to spoil me, then it's mainly my business."

"Jie Shao, each of us is unwilling to see that sad result, everyone is unwilling, and neither are you, so don't put too much pressure on yourself. I believe that no one here will blame you." Xiong Ziqiang stood Get up and scan Samidov and John Jimmy and say to Chen Kangjie.

"Yes, we didn't blame you, it wasn't your fault at all." Samidov immediately echoed.

"I agree with this point. We are your bodyguards. It is our responsibility to protect your safety. I am just expressing our inner thoughts on behalf of the three of us." John Jimmy stretched out his hands and pointed to Pillard and Chris next to him , "We believe in you very much, and we will continue to follow you in the future."

Chen Kangjie nodded in satisfaction, "Sit down, everyone, sit down, and you will be cured."

After they sat down, Chen Kangjie held out a hand to Ouyang Zhenhua.Knowing what Chen Kangjie meant, Ouyang Zhenhua took out three small pieces of paper from his body and put them in Chen Kangjie's palm.

"We will deal with the future matters in the future. Since everyone believes in me and is willing to follow me without fear of danger, then I will not talk about other things. Here are four checks, each with 1000 million US dollars... ..." As he spoke, Chen Kangjie distributed two tickets to Samidov and two to John Jimmy, "John, McGrath and Jobbury's family allowance, please help me bring it to their families, Sarah Midov, Basyev is still injured and couldn't come, so please help me bring him."

"This little money can't buy their lives, and their lives are priceless. I only hope that this little thought can save their families some pain and worries. I'm here to tell everyone that whether it is the injured Basyev Lovesky, McGrath, and Jobry who are gone, as long as I don't fall down, they can get paid every year like you."

Chen Kangjie has always been very generous and merciless towards his own people.It is precisely because of his heroism that he has an unparalleled cohesion to the people around him.This kind of cohesion does not mean that everyone supports him for his money, but that he shows his respect and respect in such a gesture.He did not simply treat the bodyguards around him as servants, but contained the brotherhood of many men.

Everyone, regardless of their status, wants and cherishes the most is the respect of others.A scholar dies for his confidant. The confidant in this sentence is actually a person who respects himself, not a person who fully understands himself.

1000 million US dollars, no matter where they live, is enough for a family for a lifetime.Every bodyguard actually lives a life of blood on the knife edge. These people are often bloody men. They may not care about their own lives, but they can't let go of their families.Chen Kangjie completely resolved their worry-free future, and they would only be more determined to work for Chen Kangjie.What's more, Chen Kangjie didn't buy out their lives.

The next day, Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui, Dong Mingshu, Wang Wei and Tan Jun accompanied Chen Kangjie back to the mainland and went east to find Zheng Jun.

Samidov and John Jimmy were both put on leave by Chen Kangjie, who gave them more time to spend with their families and help with the funeral of their comrades.Because of his status, Chen Kangjie couldn't come forward in person.

In addition to the high reward of 1000 million US dollars for the three people who died and the injured Basev, other people also received certain compensation.Even the people brought by Zheng Jun were not left behind.

It stands to reason that when Chen Kangjie came to Hong Kong, he should go and see He Wanrong.It's just that he wasn't in a good mood, and because he was short on time, he didn't go to see her.

Chen Kangjie didn't go to see Chen Long either, but he still called him.

"Brother, how is the injury?"

As soon as he heard the call from Chen Kangjie, Chen Long, who was recuperating at home, stood up from the sofa, probably because his movements were too large, and the muscles in his legs were pulled, "Ouch!"

"Isn't it? It's been so long, and the injury hasn't progressed at all?"

"No, no, I'm too excited. My injury has healed a long time ago, and I'm just waiting for your call. I can start work at any time. Long, you called me, didn't you want to continue filming?" What Chen Longji is concerned about is the movie that hasn't been finished yet.

"But I heard you screaming again and again, big brother, the work is endless, and the body is the top priority. Is your nose not crooked? I can't breathe smoothly when I hear you talking."

"It has been corrected, but the stitches have not been removed yet, but don't worry, they can be removed at any time if necessary." Chen Long said fearlessly.

"Don't be so anxious, let's continue until you are completely ok. I don't want you to run into each other again. Besides, I don't have that time for now. I guess I have to wait until the summer vacation. Don't worry, a good meal is not afraid of being late " Chen Kangjie comforted.

"I'm really sorry, I delayed you." Chen Long said apologetically.

"Haha, if we talk about this, then we'll see each other. No one wants to see it. Well, let's leave the mother-in-law behind. We'll start working again when you're completely healed."

"Long, do you still want to go to Bulushabuluo to shoot?" During the phone call, Chen Long asked weakly and cautiously.

"Huh?" Chen Kangjie was taken aback for a moment, what did he mean by asking that, and in an instant, Chen Kangjie understood, "You know everything?"

"I heard from the staff. Long, do you think it's possible to change the filming location for the second half of the film to another city? At worst, the script can be changed a little."

"Are you worried that Bulushabuluo will still be in danger? Are you a little scared?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"I'm not worried, what am I worried about? I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid that someone will target you again." Chen Long said awkwardly.

"Then don't worry, maybe, I expect them to come again." Chen Kangjie said with sharp eyes.

Chen Long still didn't have a deep understanding of Chen Kangjie. He didn't know a lot of in-depth information, so he didn't understand what Chen Kangjie said.

"You expect...they do it again?"

"They won't. Although they are clowns, they are not fools. Don't worry, the same trick will not be repeated a second time. You should recover quickly and wait for your cooperation."


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