Chen Kangjie wiped the sweat off his face with a white towel. The intense exercise made his facial muscles a little red.

"What did you say? Secretary Yao was dismissed?"

"Yes, someone called you just now. I said I was your assistant and you were training. He told me the news that he had just passed the approval of Secretary Yao at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. It's a decision to be dismissed, and another appointment." After Liu Deyi finished speaking, he handed Chen Kangjie's mobile phone to him.

Chen Kangjie took the phone, but he didn't open it to see who was calling him, and he didn't want to call someone to check right away. Instead, he took a big sip of the mineral water that Xiong Ziqiang gave him, while meditating, thinking about something , the eyes don't blink much.

Yao Zhe's dismissal shows that Liu Hongjun has already made a political hand.Now that he has made the move, will he fight back immediately?There is a question of balance and timing.

In order to cope with Liu Hongjun's challenge, Chen Kangjie was not idle, and he also had some preparations.It's just that recently I have devoted myself to training every day, and I haven't paid too much attention to the outside situation.

After thinking about it, Chen Kangjie went to the rest chair beside him and sat down.The people next to him knew that he was thinking about something, so no one disturbed him.

"Diring bell..." Suddenly, the phone in Chen Kangjie's hand rang cheerfully, not only interrupting his thoughts, but also almost startling him who was engrossed.

When Chen Kangjie came back to his senses, he picked up his cell phone and picked it up. When the others saw Chen Kangjie calling, they consciously or unconsciously moved a little distance away.

"Hey...oh godfather..."

The call was from He Baoguo.

"Xiaojie, I have some bad news for you..."

"Godfather, I see. Are you talking about Secretary Yao's dismissal?"

"You know it quickly." He Baoguo joked with a dry smile.

"Someone called me just now, just a minute or two ago." Chen Kangjie explained.

"Who is it?" He Baoguo asked.

"I didn't even have time to look at it. I don't know who it is. It should be a high-level person below." Chen Kangjie said guessing.

"Oh, today's situation is a bit sudden. The meeting was supposed to study the spirit documents of the central government's United Front work, but at the end of the meeting, Secretary Liu proposed personnel adjustments, and we were caught off guard."

"This should be premeditated, and it doesn't seem to be strange. There have been rumors about Yao Zhe's transfer for a long time. It should come, and it will always come." Chen Kangjie was not excited, and looked very calm. It was also that rumor that made him psychologically prepared a long time ago.

"That's what I said, but... hey, no matter how much we opposed it, we didn't suppress it. The result of the vote was six votes in favor and five votes against." He Baoguo said a simple sentence, but it also showed that The competition was fierce.

By one vote, Yao Zhe lost his titles of secretary of the party committee and director of the management committee of the high-tech city.

"It didn't form an overwhelming advantage." Chen Kangjie teased Liu Hongjun from the air.

A secretary of the provincial party committee, in terms of the appointment and dismissal of personnel proposed by himself, only made a small victory without forming a unified atmosphere. This shows that his control over the provincial party committee has not yet been fully formed, and his ability to control is not particularly strong.

However, from another point of view, Liu Hongjun's tenure barely lasted a year, and it was considered pretty good to be able to have such a situation.

"The power and influence of the party committee is too great. Of the five deputy secretaries, only Governor Situ is on the government side. Secretary Liu will have four deputy secretaries and a secretary general of the provincial party committee, which will form an advantage." He Baoguo said in a word. It shows the competitive situation.

In other words, Situ Kuo's ability to control is not bad, at least apart from the strength of the party committee, everything else is considered united.

No wonder it won't take long for the central government to put forward the reform request of reducing the deputy.It is said that what we practice is that the party leads everything. However, once the power of the party committee is too strong, even to the point of absolute strength, it is easy to create the absolute power of the top leader, making it easy to achieve power. This kind of absolute power lacks checks and balances. It is not necessarily a good thing for the party organization itself.It is easy to form hills in the local area, which greatly reduces the policies implemented by the central government.

In addition, the current central task is economic construction, and economic construction is mainly completed by the government.The party committee mainly grasps the macroscopic view of pragmatism, while the government focuses on practical implementation. There is a problem of connection between them.If the party committee with a grasp of macroeconomics does not understand economics and pragmatism, then the macroeconomic policies it introduces will be greatly reduced, making it difficult for the government to implement them.

At the government level, if you want to put forward some insights of your own, or have different views, it will be difficult to get them implemented.

Therefore, the best way to solve this structural contradiction is to reduce the number of deputy secretaries and appropriately weaken the absolute control of local party committees. Correspondingly, the government's influence will be somewhat improved, which can be regarded as the completion of the task of economic construction. A political boost.And form a mutual check and balance between the party committee and the government to avoid the formation and proliferation of mountain ideas.

Of course, the fundamental principle of the party's leadership has not changed, and the secretary is still the top leader, but it is no longer so easy to achieve supremacy.He must listen to the voices of all parties and make various balances. On this basis, the leadership achieved is more valuable and more in line with the needs of society and the characteristics of the times.

In the past, when we talked about democratic centralism, more emphasis was placed on centralization, and the democratic part was seriously ignored.That's why our country has taken some regrettable detours.

"Godfather, don't worry, such an advantage won't last forever. Secretary Yao has been dismissed. Have you decided on a successor? Who will take his place?"

"Not yet. The deputy secretary of the party and the masses proposed a candidate, but it was rejected. In the end, under the pressure of Governor Situ, the successor should be discussed at the next meeting. With such a change, we should give President Ouyang said hello, but...for a while, I don't know how to inform him, so I will give you a consultant first."

"It's okay, let me talk to him. I believe he will understand your difficulties and attitudes." Chen Kangjie fully agreed.

Chen Kangjie naturally had the qualifications and ability to agree, and Ouyang Zhenhua would listen to him. If he said no problem, of course it would be no problem.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you...Oh, by the way, Governor Situ asked me to ask you if you have any suggestions for the successor. He said that he would do his best to fulfill his original promise."

Chen Kangjie smiled at the corner of his mouth, the governor is really interesting, from He Baoguo's question, it can be known that this call is his preference.He probably felt ashamed to face Chen Kangjie face to face, so He Baoguo did it for him.Anyway, He Baoguo and Chen Kangjie are a family, so many things are much easier to talk about than him.If he was the one who made the call to Chen Kangjie, then if Chen Kangjie choked him up a few words, he would really have to hold back uncomfortably.Who told two of the three people who reached the oral agreement to leave, leaving him alone?

"Godfather, you and I are still polite, please don't please... We really don't have a ready-made successor for the time being, so let me report to President Ouyang to see what he means. "Chen Kangjie frowned and said.

This is true. Chen Kangjie is not a member of the system. Although he knows many officials, most of them are not in his team.Yao Zhe was chosen because he was close to Chen Qigang and He Baoguo on the one hand, and because Yao Zhe's philosophy was more in line with Chen Kangjie's on the other hand.

Now Chen Kangjie was asked to choose another person who could replace him, it was quite difficult.It stands to reason that Qiu Yi is a good candidate, let alone whether his ideas are suitable, at least he can direct, and he will definitely carry out work according to Chen Kangjie's wishes.

It's just that Chen Kangjie also knew that Qiu Yi had not been a secretary for long, so it might not be a good thing for his career to be transferred now.In addition, Qiu Yi moved, wouldn't he have to find another person to take his place?In the past, Tang Luo Zirong is now the deputy mayor. According to what He Baoguo told Chen Kangjie, he is a good candidate to control Liushuipan in the future, but now it is impossible for him to become the secretary of the municipal party committee all at once. It's long, and it's still a little bit reluctant.

Picking up an apple and losing a pear, Chen Kangjie would not do such a thing, neither would He Baoguo and the others.So, this matter has to be discussed in the long run, especially, it needs to be discussed with He Baoguo, he is the leading figure who can play a huge role.

"Well, if you're free tonight, come and have dinner at home. I'm off work now too."

"Okay, I'll be there in a while." Chen Kangjie agreed without any hesitation.

Even if He Baoguo didn't mention it, Chen Kangjie would go to him at night.This matter must be planned as early as possible. Who knows when Liu Hongjun will choose to hold the next meeting.He is the secretary, the top leader, and he has the power to decide when to hold a meeting, and he also controls the core of the meeting.I was caught off guard once, but there will be no next time.

After hanging up on He Baoguo, Chen Kangjie told him to pack his luggage. Today's training cannot continue.

"Jie Shao, are you going back? According to the plan, we have to strengthen the triple jump today, and there is still an hour and a half left." Seeing that Chen Kangjie was about to leave, Niu Qihua looked at his watch and said eagerly.

"Coach, I have something to do, so let's stop here today. After I finish my work, you can decide the rest. You point to the east, and I will never go west." Chen Kangjie said resolutely with a pleading tone.

"Long, why are you so fast today?" Liu Fei, who passed in front of Chen Kangjie after a run, also asked curiously.

"Ah, I have something to do, let's take a step first, you practice hard." Chen Kangjie responded, and then said to Niu Qihua and his three coaches: "Three coaches, there is one more, you just use this time to help He, he has potential."


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