rebirth of change

Chapter 1766 Determination of Main Responsibilities

"Have you reached a conclusion? Can you afford to waste so much of the leader's time?" Seeing those traffic policemen muttering endlessly, Liao Minggui couldn't stand it anymore.In other words, Liu Hongjun couldn't stand it anymore, and sent a signal to Liao Minggui with his eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay..." The captain raised his head in response, and then told his colleagues: "Now we have no room, we can only work together. Based on everyone's opinions, No matter how inappropriate, I can only do it once. Here, I will put the ugly words first, and keep my mouth shut about this matter. If anyone reveals half a word in the future, don't blame others for being rude. In the future, no matter who asks, they must speak the same words, and it is the responsibility of the car in front of them if they are bitten to death, do you understand? If something goes wrong, no one can get away."


"Don't worry, I won't even tell my wife."

"I have no problem."

In the face of their own future and destiny, no matter whether they feel sorry for Chen Kangjie or not, they still have the same unified thought.

The captain came in front of the crowd with three brothers. Although they had unified their caliber and understanding, they still felt a little guilty if they really wanted to cheat in front of the provincial leaders. Everyone looked a little unnatural, a bit like those who did Misunderstanding elementary school students.

Others can lower their eyebrows and be compliant, but the captain, as the backbone of the leader, can't.After he calmed down his restless mind, he picked up the folder in his hand and planned to make public the results of several discussions.

"Leaders, after our close inspection and the dictation of the two driver comrades..."

"Wait a minute, wait a moment..." Chen Kangjie waved his hand rudely to interrupt the traffic police captain's report.

"What's wrong?" The captain looked at Chen Kangjie suspiciously.

"Comrade Chen Kangjie, why do you interrupt him? So many of us have been standing here for a long time, and everyone is still starving. Didn't you just say you trusted them? Could it be that you want to go back on your word now? "Liao Minggui said bluntly.

While the traffic police were measuring, Liao Minggui felt that Liu Hongjun was not satisfied with his performance just now, so he rushed to show it now.

Although Liao Minggui's words were blunt, he still didn't dare to speak harshly to Chen Kangjie, which can be seen from the way he called Chen Kangjie.

"Secretary Liao, did I say that I'm going to go back on my word? Did I say that I don't believe them?" Chen Kangjie said after squinting at Liao Minggui.

"Then what do you mean?" From Chen Kangjie's eyes, Liao Minggui saw disdain, but he still didn't overdo it.

Situ Kuo and He Baoguo didn't say a word, and they both stood aside and stared at Chen Kangjie in a daze, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"Hehe, I just want to provide some information to the comrades of the traffic police." Chen Kangjie laughed softly.

The traffic police captain asked, "What information?"

Chen Kangjie said happily: "Before you came, I had already filmed the whole scene with a video camera. In other words, I left evidence. This evidence is very helpful for us to objectively draw conclusions about the accident. If you need it, I will It can be provided to you as material that you may use in your future work.”

"Ah?" The captain of the traffic police opened his mouth in surprise.

With this evidence, it will leave a handle and space for the case to be reversed in the future.This was really beyond the expectations of the traffic policemen. They thought that they had just opened their mouths to make a conclusion, and both parties drove the car away.As long as they speak strictly and insist on it, they can make an iron case.

But it’s no longer possible. They are talking nonsense now, but in the future, once the case is overturned, it will be proved that they are talking nonsense, or using public affairs for personal gain, abusing power, and bending the law for personal gain.That's troublesome, they can't bear such a blame.Losing an official and dismissing him is easy, and he might have to spend a few days in prison if he fails.

It would be wishful thinking to expect Secretary Liu to protect them in this matter by then.For the sake of his own reputation and to clear the relationship, it would be considered light for Secretary Liu not to step on it.

Can they say that Liao Minggui hinted at them doing that?Not at all, and Liao Minggui would not admit it. Moreover, Liao Minggui never said a word of bias. Instead, he asked them to enforce the law fairly and seek truth from facts.

The buttocks can understand that the culprit is only a few of them, the traffic police who dispatched the police, to bear the blame, there is no doubt about it.

Even if these traffic policemen have not experienced such a thing personally, they have heard of similar examples.Not long ago, there were living examples in the unit.A cadre of the traffic bureau killed someone while driving while drunk. After the traffic police department dispatched the police, it was identified as the cadre's responsibility.However, the situation turned around. That night, a leader of the Political and Legal Committee made a phone call, not only asking the Public Security Bureau not to file the case, but also instructing the traffic police detachment to destroy part of the evidence and help make a fake.The financial compensation for the family members of the deceased was still using public funds. Among them, the traffic police department and the public security department both assisted in the work of the family members of the deceased.

The matter should have ended like this, but the inside story was exposed a year later.As a result, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau who gave the order to the traffic police detachment not only lost his position, but was also prosecuted by the procuratorate. The four traffic policemen who handled the matter were fired from their posts.

In court, they all confessed to the leader of the political and legal committee who said hello, but he insisted that there was nothing wrong with it. No paperwork was given to them.

As a result of this matter, all the responsibilities of the deputy director and the detachment leader were naturally borne. One was sentenced to two years in prison, and the other was sentenced to one and a half years. This blame was very unfair.These two people didn't know the cadre of the transportation bureau at all, and they had nothing to do with it. On the contrary, the leader of the political and legal committee was a cousin of the cadre of the transportation bureau.But so what, there is no evidence, and they are the leaders of the procuratorate who can influence the court, so they have nothing to do.

"Comrade Chen Kangjie, why didn't you say it just now? You're only talking about it now." Liao Minggui was obviously uncomfortable with Chen Kangjie's move.

"I forgot about it just now, but I just remembered it now. How can you blame me?" Chen Kangjie looked innocent, "Besides, when I was filming, Secretary Liu and this little Huang were both there. Did they know about it?" .”

"My surname is Wang, not Huang, do you have ears?" Mr. Liu's driver, Xiao Wang, was wrongly addressed by Chen Kangjie, and finally got a chance to ridicule Chen Kangjie in a fair and honest manner.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I just watched a movie yesterday, and the silly dog ​​in it was named Xiao Huang, oops, I didn't get out of the plot of the movie for a while, I heard them call you Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang, I thought it was Xiao Huang, sorry, sorry." Chen Kangjie didn't care the slightest bit about Xiao Wang's sarcasm, but appeared to have a very correct attitude.

The less upright Chen Kangjie is, the more upright he is, the more people can't help laughing.

Except for Liu Hongjun, Liao Minggui and Xiao Wang, everyone else showed knowing smiles either obviously or implicitly.There are still leaders like Liu Hongjun present, otherwise, I don't know how many people would have bent over laughing.

This is not separated from the plot of the movie, it is obvious that Xiao Wang is deliberately compared to that stupid dog.

Xiao Wang was so angry at Chen Kangjie's words, if he didn't think that he was not his opponent, and there were so many leaders present, he would rush at Chen Kangjie again.

As for Liu Hongjun and Liao Minggui, their faces became even more livid.Chen Kangjie not only played tricks on them, but also slapped them in the face again.If not done well, the driver Xiao Wang will become synonymous with dogs in the future.

Even Liao Minggui has already made a decision. As soon as this matter is resolved today, he will quickly replace Xiao Wang.How could Secretary Liu let a person with a nickname like a dog drive a car? Doesn't that imply that Secretary Liu is a dog?

Poor Xiao Wang doesn't know yet, but because of his kick on the gas pedal, his glamorous little days are coming to an end.

This is the fate of people, it goes very smoothly, and an unknown person can reach the sky in one step.But if you are unlucky, you will be unreasonable, high above you, and you will fall into the mundane world in an instant, or you will still fall into the geese with your butt backwards, it hurts!

"Several police officers, you can announce your survey results. Secretary-General Liao has said that everyone is still waiting to go back to eat. I will also borrow the words of Secretary-General Liao. I believe that you will be objective and fair, and seek truth from facts. Come to a conclusion. Let’s start, we will listen carefully.” Chen Kangjie shrugged with a half-smile and continued.

"This...we..." The captain of the traffic police faltered and couldn't speak clearly, his small eyes turned around, looking at Liao Minggui and Li Hongjun for a while, and He Baoguo for a while. With Situ Kuo.

As a result, people on both sides kept their faces straight, and no one sent him a signal.It seems that fairness and justice have truly been placed in their hands.

"What? Didn't you come to a conclusion? Is there any difficulty? Don't worry, as long as you are fair, even if it is my driver's fault, we will admit it." Chen Kangjie said again.

Of course, Chen Kangjie's implication is that if you are not fair, then I will quit.

"What are you looking at me for? Just do what you want!" The traffic police captain, who was squeezed into a corner by Chen Kangjie's words and had no way out, and his three buddies all looked at Liu Hongjun in unison.Liu Hongjun's face was hot, and he had no choice but to make a statement.

"Then we... are mainly responsible for the driver of the Audi car behind..." The captain of the traffic police finally came to such a conclusion after careful consideration. As for the reason, no one cared.

"Oh, it turned out to be Secretary Liu's driver. It's as simple as that. If you didn't say it earlier, it would be a waste of our time." Chen Kangjie commented gloatingly, "If you said that earlier, we would have gone to dinner."


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