rebirth of change

Chapter 1774 To keep the basic disk

"Comrade Baoguo, let's discuss the facts as they are, and you can't attack them in person." After all, Liu Hongjun was a secretary of the provincial party committee, and with a single sentence, he exposed Deputy Secretary Yue's plight of being attacked.

"Secretary Liu, I don't want to attack personally, I just explain an objective fact to Deputy Secretary Yue." He Baoguo easily put down the pen in his hand, and continued: "Most of the people we are working on know that the chief officer below, then In addition to foreign affairs and national defense, basically everything is responsible, from the food and drink of the common people to the development of strategic fundamentals such as industry, agriculture, transportation, water power, environmental protection, etc. Everyone has seen it Comrade Yao Zhe is a good player in economic development, but he has no experience in governing a region, and he is somewhat lacking in experience. Transferring him to the end of the festival can just make up for each other, and use his ability to develop the economy to further promote The prosperity and development of Jiebi City has further improved the employment and living standards of the local people. At the same time, it is also a kind of exercise and improvement for his ability to grasp the overall situation. Comrades who are free to develop the economy can also get in touch with and learn from other aspects Correspondingly, Comrade Qu Hanbin has a wealth of ability to grasp the overall situation, but the future economy will be driven by science and technology, and the high-tech industry will become the leader of the times. In our province, the high-tech city is the largest high-tech industry Gathering area, when he comes here, on the one hand, he can continue to use his strengths, and on the other hand, he can strengthen his familiarity with and leadership in the high-tech industry. This is very good for cultivating the overall ability of a cadre. The central government proposed , We must vigorously cultivate and promote compound talents, we are not considered promotion, but we have cultivated them."

He Baoguo's explanation is reasonable and in line with the following reality. Of course, this is just a family opinion. All truths are relative, and it is difficult to talk about absolutes. It just depends on how others attack.

"Governor He's words are very good, and they are more in line with objective needs. However, there are some truths, and I don't agree with them." Now the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda jumped out, "We all recognize Comrade Yao Zhe's ability. Yes, especially the ability of economic construction, so where are such comrades most needed? Of course, it is more needed in backward areas like Pinxingzhou. We can't say that all talents are placed in one place, which is very important for the balance of our province. Development is not very favorable. Take a look at our province. The central, western, and northern regions have all developed greatly, but the southern and eastern regions have remained stagnant, with little change. Comrades, we are a socialist country, and It is common prosperity and fair development. It is not necessary for the rich to be richer and the poor to be poorer. Just now Governor He said that the central government requires vigorous training and promotion of compound talents. I think that some capable comrades should go to backward places Exercise is also a kind of cultivation of compound talents.”

"Secretary Lou, I have never said that Pinxingzhou does not need strong leading cadres to drive it. Comrade Ma Long of the Provincial Planning Commission is good. He has been working on the economic front and is very familiar with economic work. I think it is very good for him to go. As for what you said about common prosperity and fair development, this is of course what we all pursue, and it is the goal pursued by our party. But it is not realistic at this stage. Past history has already explained this. Otherwise, the old chief Nor does it talk about allowing some people in some areas to get rich first, and then drive other areas to develop and become rich. You just mentioned a few areas, have they reached the level of prosperity? Far from it.” He Baoguo’s eloquence and tact are also not That's right, when Deputy Secretary Lou spoke, he thought of a countermeasure, and it was even sharper.

Ma Long from the Provincial Planning Commission was Deputy Secretary Lou's most powerful general, and He Baoguo deliberately dragged him into it in order to take Deputy Secretary Lou's army.Didn't you keep saying that you want to send people who understand economics, so send Malone there.If you are willing to let Ma Long go, then you can give up the good position of the Provincial Planning Commission.

It's not that He Baoguo and the others really don't want to see Pin Xingzhou or want to give up the overall development of Pin Xingzhou.From the perspective of a provincial leader, as long as he is not the kind of person with impure motives or a vegetarian diet, it is impossible to have such an idea.As a provincial and ministerial cadre, his vision and mind are not so narrow.

It's just that at present, the most important thing is to keep the basic market.If even the basic disk is lost, then the strength will be greatly damaged.How difficult it is to implement one's own governance without strength.At present, Pinxingzhou is not the key position of the struggle, but the high-tech city is.

The high-tech city plays a very good leading and driving role in the development of the whole province.If the high-tech city is lost, and Jiebi City is also lost, then even if Pinxingzhou is in his hands, it will have nothing to do with the overall development of the province, and it will feel a little useless.

Although a provincial and ministerial-level leading cadre doesn't care about gains and losses in a moment, but from the perspective of the whole body, he has to care.Especially in some key places, only by grasping these places in your hands can your own governance philosophy be well implemented.

Over the years, it's not true that the following areas such as Pinxingzhou and Tongxiang have not been developed, but their development level is far behind those of Zhucheng and Liushuipan.

In recent years, driven by several prefectures and cities in the north-central and mid-west regions, especially when the transportation facilities have been greatly improved, various aspects of the southern and eastern regions have improved to varying degrees.At least one thing is that their travel is convenient. Young people don't have to travel thousands of miles to other provinces to work. They can get employment opportunities in the province, and their wages are not lower than those in the coastal areas.Under the radiation of these cities, they have also introduced some supporting industries.Especially in terms of tourism, great progress has been made. Not only does the province provide a large number of tourists, but with convenient transportation, many foreign tourists who come to Qianzhou will also turn to have a look.

In the past, He Baoguo and the others had always wanted to implement some new incentive policies in the southern and eastern regions and adjust the way of development.However, due to the influence of various aspects, it has not always been fully implemented.

Chen Kangjie's refusal to let Yao Zhe go to Pinxingzhou was also based on the overall situation.On the one hand, it is inappropriate to put someone like Yao Zhe there, on the other hand, he also knows that if he does not grasp a few key cities and economic points, the development of the province will become even worse .

Taizu once said that power grows out of the barrel of a gun.Now, the key cities below are the barrels of guns, and whoever catches them will be able to control the overall situation.What's the use of holding a certain place if you can't even grasp the overall situation?The local must also obey the global.

Chen Kangjie once imagined that after the situation in the province stabilizes, Mengting Group will increase its efforts to invest intensively in the south and east, and strive to create a tourist route worth 500 billion or even 1000 billion.At the same time, Limin Bank has increased its support for local agricultural industrial parks, and strives to take a path that combines modern and efficient agriculture with modern tourism, coupled with some modern service industries and supporting industries, which can completely make those cities land on the market. Go up a big step.

Of course, this kind of idea can only be shelved now. The suppression of Mengting Group and the instability of power in the province have seriously hindered the implementation of his idea.

From a selfish point of view, Chen Kangjie actually left a great contribution to He Baoguo.One day when the provincial internal political situation is stabilized and He Baoguo becomes the chief official, then Chen Kangjie will bring out this big support plan.When the time comes when He Baoguo arranges his people there, the fruits of victory will actually fall into his basket. Taking this opportunity, it will be logical to take another step up.

Just imagine, if He Baoguo can bring together a few backward poverty-stricken areas and ethnic minority areas and make a big change, then it will be difficult for the central government to take a look at it.

Everything will have to wait until Liu Hongjun is squeezed out of the stage, he doesn't want the wasted money to go to waste.

"Governor Situ, have you consulted Comrade Qu Hanbin for your proposal? As a veteran municipal party secretary, should he also consider his feelings and emotions when making adjustments to his work?" Cui Boyang, deputy secretary of the group, asked solemnly.

Cui Boyang is the oldest in this group, with loose hair, very thin, and the crow's feet around his eyes are already very clear.

"Secretary Cui, it was actually Comrade Qu Hanbin who proposed to come to the provincial capital to exercise. A few days ago, he came to me to report on the water conservancy work in Jiebi City this year. During the conversation, he mentioned this to me. So I think that when we adjust the work of the comrades below, we should also consider their wishes to a certain extent. This shows that we care about the comrades. Only when the comrades below are placed in a suitable position can they give full play to their abilities. Potential, if it is a good match, it will be counterproductive." Situ Kuo pushed his cigarette in front of Cui Boyang, and said kindly.

Situ Kuo was trying to win over Cui Boyang. To others, he was taking the offensive, but to Cui Boyang, he was doing both.

The focus of today's meeting was actually on Cui Boyang, whichever side Cui Boyang favored would win.In the game a week ago, the basic game of all strength has been drawn out, six to five.If Cui Boyang turned against him, it would be five to six.

Situ Kuo's meaning was very cryptic, but he believed that Cui Boyang could understand.As long as you help me, not only can you smoke my cigarettes, but the people below you will also be taken care of accordingly.But if you are stubborn, then I'm sorry, the people below you can only play Lalang match, and put it in an inappropriate place, then it will really backfire.

Cui Boyang looked at Situ Kuo thoughtfully, and within three seconds, Cui Boyang took out a cigarette from the cigarette case that Situ Kuo pushed over and lit it.


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