rebirth of change

Chapter 1776 Which businessman does not pursue profit

All of a sudden, Liu Hongjun thought of a person, a person who made him lose face one after another, but hadn't recovered.

This person is of course Chen Kangjie.After the conflict on the bridge in front of the provincial committee's family courtyard that day, Liu Hongjun's driver was fired by Liao Minggui, and another person was replaced.Although Liu Hongjun didn't hear any gossip after that incident, he was keenly aware that some government officials looked at him strangely.Liu Hongjun always felt that those people were laughing at him, his incompetence, and his weakness.

Of course, Liu Hongjun couldn't be an incompetent and weak person, otherwise he wouldn't be able to reach this level.It's just that reason tells him that he has to prioritize when doing things.

What is the current heavy and urgent?That is of course the determination of the province's personnel power and major strategic guidelines and development directions.For a provincial party secretary, this is the real top priority, and everything else is trivial.Including dealing with Chen Kangjie.

When he didn't find a suitable opportunity, Liu Hongjun could only hold back.Small indifference leads to chaos and big plans. A senior leading cadre does not focus on grasping power and building momentum, but chooses to fight with a younger generation. This is a typical putting the cart before the horse.If he did that, what would the people around him think of him?What would the bosses above think of him?Could it be that he was let here just to let him haggle over every detail with a young man?

At the beginning, Chen Kangjie wanted to trick Liu Hongjun like a prank, except to deliberately disgust him and save his face.He also wanted to direct Liu Hongjun's attack to himself. It would be best for him to take some ridiculous retaliatory measures.But Chen Kangjie still underestimated Liu Hongjun's endurance and self-control.He could use means to suppress Mengting Group because of a teacup, but he would not attack Chen Kangjie because of a small traffic scratch, at least not quickly, at least until the matter was almost forgotten.

Mengting Group is a big company, and Liu Hongjun is playing a conspiracy. His methods and reasons are beyond reproach. Even if someone knows that he is targeted, it is hard to say anything.It cannot be said that food hygiene does not need to be checked, fire safety does not need to be checked, amusement facilities safety does not need to be checked, and taxation does not need to be checked.

But Chen Kangjie is different, he is an individual, even though he is well-known all over the world, in terms of age, he is still a young man, a young man who has not yet graduated from university.If Liu Hongjun started a conflict with Chen Kangjie, no matter whether he used conspiracy or conspiracy, it would not be good for people's senses.Therefore, he couldn't make moves easily, even after Chen Kangjie's big loss.Unless he caught a reason that couldn't be more just, making Chen Kangjie speechless.

Now his son's doubts made Liu Hongjun think of Chen Kangjie unconsciously.

During the two sessions in Beijing, Chen Kangjie made two bills, one of which called for the protection of citizens' property rights.Liu Hongjun could tell at a glance that the bill was aimed at regulating the real estate industry and preventing its rapid development.

Is it because of him that the province does not vigorously develop the real estate industry?Thinking of this, Liu Hongjun couldn't help showing a self-deprecating smile.

How can it be?No matter how capable and famous he is, it is impossible for him to affect the decisions and policy choices of a provincial government.It's a little absurd, could it be that he was frustrated twice, so he was a little afraid of him?

Liu Hongjun himself may not have realized that he is not afraid of Chen Kangjie, but he has gradually paid attention to Chen Kangjie.

"Father, did you think of something?" Seeing Liu Hongjun's self-deprecating smile, Liu Huawei asked curiously.

Liu Hongjun shook his head, waved his hands and said, "I thought of someone, but what you said probably has nothing to do with him."

"Who? Situ Kuo? Tan Changguo?" Liu Huawei asked with eyebrows gathered.

"No, I thought of the most famous young man here." Liu Hongjun's complexion became a little ugly. He didn't say Chen Kangjie's name, thinking that mentioning that name would bother and disgust him.

"The most famous young man here?" Liu Huawei's small eyes rolled up, "Oh... Dad, are you long? It's Chen Kangjie, isn't it?"

Liu Hongjun said: "If it's not him, who else is there? Who else is more famous than him here?"

Liu Hongjun's voice was deep, as if it was coming out of his nose.

Liu Huawei said: "Why do you think of him? Do you think he is affecting the overall situation in the province? Hehe, Dad, are you worrying too much? Even if the two conflicts between our family and him are at a disadvantage , but you can’t praise him like that. He’s in the entertainment industry, so it’s hard for him to infiltrate politics if he’s influential.”

"I think so too, but..." Liu Hongjun hesitated a bit when he thought about the several encounters he had with Chen Kangjie.

Liu Huawei said, "But what?"

Liu Hongjun said with a serious look: "You can't easily underestimate any opponent. He is not just a celebrity in the entertainment industry. He is also a representative of the National People's Congress, and he has another important identity."

Liu Huawei asked, "What identity?"

Liu Hongjun said word by word: "A consultant of Hongyuan Investment Group."

"A consultant of Hongyuan Investment Group? Why haven't I heard of it?" Liu Huawei was puzzled: "Hongyuan Investment Group is a top investment giant in the world. Isn't it a bit sensational for Chen Kangjie to be their advisor?"

Liu Hongjun said: "You guys can't know his identity. There is no doubt that the provincial party committee has mentioned it in relevant records. And there are many signs that he has had a close relationship with Ouyang Zhenhua, the president of Hongyuan Investment Group." dense."

After pondering for a while, Liu Huawei said, "Father, this is probably just borrowing his fame, just like many companies have an image spokesperson. These people get a sum of money from the company boss, and the company can use his fame Improve your own image. This is popular now, and even our Yuefeng Industry has plans in this regard."

Since Liu Huawei has never dealt with Chen Kangjie and knows little about Chen Kangjie's inside story, he can only look at this matter from the eyes of the public and the world.

"Perhaps, but it is said that their relationship is really good. It is because Hongyuan Investment first made a large investment in Liushuipan that He Baoguo and Chen Qigang were able to get promoted quickly and go out." Liu Hongjun is in this position. The information obtained is much more than that of his son Liu Huawei.

"But even so, Chen Kangjie does not have the ability or reason to interfere with the decision-making and deployment of the province. He is a child, who will listen to him? Besides, which businessman does not pursue profit? With such a big business opportunity, there will be people and money Can't make it through?" Liu Huawei still insisted on his own understanding.

Liu Huawei is a good hand in business, he can find the best interests in the complicated business environment, and he can also make good use of his personal connections to get in and grab a lot of money.However, his understanding of politics is not as good as business.This is also an important reason why he is unwilling to take an official career.

In Liu Huawei's view, being an official is too tiring. What he saw from Liu Hongjun when he was a child was basically struggle and exhaustion.

As the saying goes, being an official for thousands of miles is only for money, and after three years of clearing the magistrate, one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver.It just so happens that my father has been an official for 20 years, and his position has continued to rise, but the family's economic conditions have remained the same, with little change.So Liu Huawei did not choose the Youth University of Politics, but went to the University of Finance and Economics in Mingzhu. He wanted to take another path.

In those years, Liu Hongjun was relatively a very good cadre. He was an honest official, down-to-earth and willing to work.His behavior and style won the appreciation of many people, so he was able to rise to the top.

Liu Huawei didn't want to be a poor official like his father. None of his classmates' parents had a higher position than his father's, but many of those classmates had a better life than him, which greatly stimulated him.

After the reform and opening up, many people who were flexible in mind or dared to work hard became rich.Several of Liu Huawei's classmates are in business at home, and one of them is just wholesale paper products, to put it bluntly, it specializes in selling toilet paper.That classmate felt inferior to Liu Huawei at first. Their family was in a small business, and Liu Huawei's father was a high-ranking government official.But when I can casually take out a few hundred yuan for a treat and Liu Huawei dare not spend 100 yuan, that classmate doesn't feel inferior.

As time went by, those students who spent a lot of money didn't feel that they were inferior to Liu Huawei, on the contrary, they became proud.This kind of stimulation made Liu Huawei determined that he must make a lot of money, much more money than the families of these classmates.At that time, look at you still arrogant fart.

Liu Huawei doesn't take the road of officialdom, but it doesn't mean that he completely draws a line from this road.Years of education and immersion made him understand that the best way for him to make a lot of money and make more money is to use his father's official position and influence.

At the beginning, Liu Hongjun disagreed with Liu Huawei's choice, and also criticized him for contracting the project in his own name.But over time, the huge improvement in family life made Liu Hongjun change to acquiescence, and later directly turned to support.

Liu Hongjun also looked away. If his son wanted to develop in the business world, then go for it. Times have changed now. If he can earn Nuoda's family business, he won't suffer in the future.This is already a commercial society, far from the era when they shouted revolutionary slogans and played class struggle.And in the foreseeable future, this society will not go back.

Once Liu Hongjun changed his attitude to support, money from outside would rush into his arms like rushing water.When he was in Xishan, Liu Huawei not only participated in coal mining, but also participated in municipal construction and real estate investment.His assets have also changed from 200 million a few years ago to hundreds of millions now.


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