Under the blue sky, the sun was shining brightly, the greenery on both sides of the road was verdant, and the road surface was cleaned and spotless.

On top of a row of skyscrapers, wisps of white clouds floated like cotton candy.Chen Kangjie fully opened the car window, leaned against the car door and admired the clouds rolling and relaxing.But it was Lin Ling who was thinking in his mind.

After being teased by Fan Wenxuan, Chen Kangjie missed Lin Ling when he hung up the phone.It's just that she is studying in the United States now.Chen Kangjie wanted to call her, but thinking that it was late at night over there, he gave up the idea of ​​asking her to make a phone call.

Among the three women who have an affair with Chen Kangjie, Lin Ling can talk like an adult, which may be due to the fact that Lin Ling's age and Chen Kangjie's actual maturity are relatively similar.Although the two of them get together less and leave more now, as the saying goes, a small farewell is better than a newly married one.The long distance and the passing time not only did not dilute the feeling between each other, but made each other's miss more deeply.

But Fan Xuexi and Deng Min are relatively naive. Even though their relationship with Chen Kangjie has taken a big step forward, they still retain that kind of love no matter when they get along face to face or in the lovesickness on the phone. A rare innocence.Correspondingly, Chen Kangjie did not speak out with them, and always maintained the respect of each other as guests.

As the saying goes, distance produces beauty.It actually depends on how close the heart distance is to each other. If the psychological distance is relatively far, then the distance will not produce beauty, but gradual strangeness.

Of course, Chen Kangjie and his three girlfriends are not strangers, but they are not together all year round, and the distance between them has not been significantly shortened.

Chen Kangjie's thoughts fluctuated in the sunlight, this rare tranquility is really rare for Chen Kangjie now.It's just that some people just don't give him too much time and good space.

The noisy roar of a car engine is a boulder thrown into a clear lake that is as quiet as a mirror.

Xiong Ziqiang tilted his head, glanced at the rearview mirror, and said, "Jie Shao, there are some drag racing gangsters."

Chen Kangjie stuck his head out of the window to look back, and said with certainty: "I saw it, and it's the same few people I met last time."

"Hasn't the person who caused the accident been arrested? Why did they dare to come out in such a short time?" Xiong Ziqiang's doubts seemed to be talking to himself, or asking Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie did not respond to Xiong Ziqiang, but fixed his eyes on the red Ferrari 911 running in the middle.This car was so familiar, Chen Kangjie was basically sure that this car was the one that caused the accident a few nights ago.

In the past few years, Zhucheng's economy has developed by leaps and bounds driven by the high-tech city, and many people have made a fortune through this shareholder style and become rich.

However, such a sports car is not something anyone can afford casually.Chen Kangjie did not believe that there were several identical red Ferrari 911s in Zhucheng.Even if there is, it is impossible for them to devote themselves to the behavior of racing on urban roads so boringly.

There were fewer cars on the road than usual this weekend, so the speed of those sports cars was much happier than what I saw with my own eyes that day.In just a few seconds, those sports cars chased to Chen Kangjie's side.

Two young people, a man and a woman, were sitting in the BMW Z3 running ahead.The flirtatiously dressed girl might think that it was silly for Chen Kangjie to stare at them from the car window, so she contemptuously gave Chen Kangjie a very unrefined middle finger.

In less than half a second, the red Ferrari 911 arrived in front of Chen Kangjie.Through the transparent car window, Chen Kangjie saw a familiar young man driving inside, and beside him sat a long-haired girl who was also howling.

Because the speed of the other party was too fast, at least one hundred and seventy-eight, Chen Kangjie couldn't see the appearance of those two people at all.It's just that he really has a feeling that he has met and dealt with that racing driver.And this feeling didn't just come from a momentary meeting that night.

Chen Kangjie has not yet come to his senses from the search for the feeling of the past, a blue Toyota mr2 and a Mitsubishi gt3000 behind him have already overtaken their take-off cars at lightning speed, leaving only a faint exhaust fume.

"It's so arrogant. At such a fast speed, whether it hits a person or a car, it will be an unpredictable disaster!" Xiong Ziqiang slapped the steering wheel and complained resentfully.

Chen Kangjie said fiercely: "Brother Qiang, catch up and catch these guys. I really want to see what kind of person is so lawless."

"Jie Shao, you're not serious, are you?" Xiong Ziqiang was a little surprised.

The car Dong Mingshu was driving was scratched last time, and Chen Kangjie didn't let him chase him, but today he was uncharacteristically.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Chen Kangjie stared at the few sports cars ahead of him with piercing eyes, only the buttocks of the cars could be seen.

"Do you want to confirm whether these cars were the ones involved in the accident someday?" Xiong Ziqiang asked, as expected of someone who knew Chen Kangjie very well.

Chen Kangjie nodded and said: "Those who know me, Brother Qiang, I do have this idea."

"Jie Shao, I'm afraid it won't work. Someday we can catch up, but today we probably won't be able to." Xiong Ziqiang shook his head and sighed.


Xiong Ziqiang replied: "Although our car is specially made, the increase in safety protection has increased the weight of the body. Our maximum speed is only 3, which is the limit. There are few cars on the road today, and this section of the road is almost There were no traffic lights, and their speed was much faster than that day. It would be a shame to catch up with them. The top speed of the BMW Z911 is [-], and the top speed of the Ferrari [-] is more than [-]. Even the two cars behind are faster than We are fast, and as long as their skills are not too bad, it will be difficult for us to intercept them."

What Xiong Ziqiang said was the truth. He could easily reach a speed of [-] kilometers per hour with one kick, and the limit of their car was only [-] kilometers per hour.If you want to do good things, you must first sharpen your tools.Without a good car, it is really difficult for someone to chase and stop him.

Chen Kangjie couldn't refute Xiong Ziqiang's words. It's not that he amplifies the ambition of others and destroys his own prestige.But seek truth from facts.

After pondering for a while, Chen Kangjie made a crazy decision.

"Go, go to the villa by the lake." Chen Kangjie ordered.

"Jie Shao, why are you going to the villa by the lake? Don't you go to the track and field school?" Xiong Ziqiang was a little confused.

"Our car can't catch up, so go and drive a car that can catch up. These guys must be caught, and they can't let them harm the world again. They should have just started the race, won't It's over soon." Chen Kangjie said firmly.

Maybe Chen Kangjie didn't even know it, but he was actually more stimulated by that girl's middle finger.He is not only trying to be a good person now, but more importantly, he has to win back face.

Don't you drive a good car?I will drive a better one.Don't you compare speed?I will let you see what speed is.

"Jie Shao, what do you mean... to drive that Koenigsegg with a speed of [-]?" Xiong Ziqiang finally came to his senses.

This was mainly because Chen Kangjie's super sports car was rarely driven, so Xiong Ziqiang didn't think about it. Now that Chen Kangjie mentioned driving a car that could catch up, he immediately understood what Chen Kangjie was going to do.

"Only that car can catch up with them. Let's go, turn the corner ahead and get the car." Chen Kangjie made up his mind and did not back down.

"Is... what? We can call the police and let the traffic police arrest them." Xiong Ziqiang wanted to object.

"We can't catch up. Can the traffic police car catch up? Besides, I suspect that if the traffic police catch it, it won't be of much use. After all, those who can afford to drive these cars will not be ordinary people at home. Turn around, Turn the corner, don't hesitate."

"Captain, where are you going? You're going the wrong way, that's the direction to the villa by the lake." Pang Hui's eager inquiry came from the intercom.

"Just go to the villa by the lake. Master Jie is going to drive a good car to compete with those boys." Xiong Ziqiang shook his head helplessly.

"Wow, really, that's exactly what I want. I should poke the prestige of those scumbags. I'll drive in a while. I'm confident that I can surpass them." Pang Hui was very excited, and he didn't think it was dangerous at all.

"Just watch it, I will drive it myself today." Chen Kangjie extinguished Pang Hui's excitement with a single sentence.

"Young Master Jie, do you drive? This is not allowed. You seldom drive. It is too dangerous for you to drive yourself." Chen Kangjie vetoed Pang Hui, but Xiong Ziqiang voted against Chen Kangjie's whim.

"Brother Qiang, are you looking down on my skills?"

Xiong Ziqiang said: "It's not a question of looking down on you. This is a technical job. You must be familiar with it to make perfect. You seldom touch cars. It's not good to be too unfamiliar."

"It's just because I seldom touch it, so I just got started today. Don't object, I must compare those boys, if I don't catch them, I will not give up today." Chen Kangjie became stubborn, it was a nine-headed bull They can't be pulled back.

After a while, Chen Kangjie and his three cars arrived at Chen Kangjie's lakeside villa, and Chen Kangjie's super sports car Koenigsegg was parked in the garage of the villa.

The garage opened, and before anyone persuaded Chen Kangjie to persuade him, he slumped into the cab.

"Jie Shao, if you want to chase, then I will drive, and you can be the navigator." Xiong Ziqiang bent down and held Chen Kangjie's car door.

"Brother Qiang, if you're worried, just sit in and I'll drive you a car today. If you don't want to, just keep driving that car." Chen Kangjie said while pressing the button to start the engine.

Xiong Ziqiang couldn't compete, so he had to sit in the co-pilot on the other side.Now he can only hope that there will be no problems through his own guidance.

Chen Kangjie reversed the car and drove out of the villa.Pang Hui drove the car that Xiong Ziqiang drove before, while Dong Mingshu and Tan Jun remained the same.Three cars followed Koenigsegg's ass and headed for the main road in the city.


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