rebirth of change

Chapter 1796 Crime of driving against public safety

Qian Shaoqi was so surprised by the male reporter's words that he couldn't figure it out, with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Poor? What's pitiful? What's so pitiful? I never feel pitiful."

The male reporter said solemnly: "That's why you are pitiful, and you don't even know what is pitiful about yourself. Oh, it should be called pitiful, pitiful is more appropriate."

"You reporters know how to be alarmist. How come I've become sad again? I'm doing well." Qian Shaoqi was even more confused. Despite his grandiose words, there was a ripple of fear in his heart.

Apart from being curious about unknown things, a person also has some fear, such as ghosts and gods and the end of the world.

"Okay, then I wish you well in the future, but... I'm afraid my wish will not come true. Since you have admitted everything and feel at ease, what else can we say, today you You can also let us go back to the station to deal with business." After finishing speaking, the male reporter put away the microphone, and signaled the cameraman to put away the camera by the way.

"C'mon, gods and ghosts, they just have no good intentions." Seeing the end of the interview with the two reporters, Qian Shaoqi muttered with a sneer.

The male reporter heard it, but pretended he didn't hear it, and walked out.But the camera glanced at Qian Shaoqi mockingly, and followed.

When they were about to go out, the photographer complained and said: "I really don't understand why the station arranged for us to interview a dying person. It's really unlucky."

"Don't complain, we have witnessed history. This guy is most likely the first driver who was sentenced to death for driving endangering public safety. Let's go back and take a good bath to get rid of bad luck and avoid evil. "After the male reporter finished speaking, the two turned into the corridor.

"Hey, hello, hello, what are you talking about? Hey, come back, what are you talking about?" The conversation between the two reporters was not loud, but Qian Shaoqi could barely hear it.Such conversations made Qian Shaoqi tremble in his heart, he struggled to stand up from the handcuffed chair with a guilty conscience, and shouted towards the door from the inside.

"It's none of your business what people say. Just stay there. Just now when they interviewed you, you were reluctant. Now that you're gone, you're screaming again. What's the reason?" The accompanying policeman scolded Qian Shaoqi with a glare.

Regardless of the police's reprimand, Qian Shaoqi continued to stretch his neck and shouted towards the open door: "Reporter, come back, what are you talking about about history, death penalty? Did you hear that? Come back..."

No matter how stupid Qian Shaoqi was, he knew that the unlucky person those two reporters were talking about was him.He didn't know why, so he wanted to call them back hoarsely to ask them clearly.

This is related to one's own survival and destiny. No matter how open-minded a person is, it is impossible to be calm and calm when facing issues related to his own life.What's more, Qian Shaoqi is far from being an open-minded person who sees through the world.It can even be said that people like him are more afraid of death than ordinary people.

It is often heard in the world that a certain person does not want to die, but in fact, it is all false, at most it is that person's heart is more ruthless and bolder.Otherwise, since he doesn't want to die, why is he still alive?

A so-called social person like Qian Shaoqi, who was at the bottom of the rivers and lakes, was not as courageous as he imagined.If he was really ruthless and courageous enough, and wouldn't be so bad, he would have already made a fortune, so why would he need to steal and go to prison?

There is a saying in Jianghu, never steal what can be robbed, and never steal what can be stolen.In other words, Qian Shaoqi is at most a bit more dignified than a beggar.Conversely, if it is about life, he might not be as good as a beggar.

"Huh? You called us?" Qian Shaoqi thought that the two reporters ignored him and walked away. Just as he was about to muster up his breath and call out louder, the male reporter stepped back and stretched his hand towards the door. Take out half of your head.

"Yes, yes, yes, I called you." Qian Shaoqi said repeatedly excitedly.

"What's the matter? Didn't you refuse to cooperate with our interview? Our task is simply completed. Go back and edit it, and it's barely usable." A sly smile flashed across the corner of the male reporter's mouth, and then he regained his composure and asked.

"When you went out, what were you talking about? Witnessing history? Death penalty? Tell me, tell me, what's going on?" Qian Shaoqi nodded and asked. Not a lick of it.

The male reporter stared at Qian Shaoqi twice, then turned to the policeman: "Comrade policeman, didn't you tell him the truth?"

The police comrades seemed a little embarrassed and cramped: "It's not that we didn't tell, but that we haven't entered the procedure yet... The court is responsible for the trial. We just need to figure out the facts."

"That's true. You can say it or not." The male reporter nodded and said.

"What the hell are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?" Qian Shaoqi rolled his eyes and asked the male reporter and the policeman, looking left and right impatiently.

"It's nothing that you don't understand. Anyway, you are fine. Moreover, you also admitted that you were the one who caused the accident and you were the one who escaped. That's enough, and we don't want to make trouble." The male reporter said.

"No... I'm fine. I admit that I was the one who caused the accident... But what endangers what safety? Oh, I can't tell. In short, what does I have to do with the death penalty?" They The more he didn't say anything, the more understatement, the more nervous Qian Shaoqi felt.

He felt that these people seemed to be hiding something from him, and they still concealed the most critical information.

When everyone knows something, but you don't know, then everyone will think you are a fool, an idiot.

No matter how gangster Qian Shaoqi is, he doesn't want to be that kind of idiot who is kept in the dark.What's more, this secret is very likely to be related to his life, so he has to try his best to figure it out.

"Why are you asking this? You just need to admit your crime. Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. It's better not to know what you shouldn't know." Seeing that the reporter wanted to speak, the police took a step forward and yelled at Qian Shaoqi. .

Immediately, the policeman took out his walkie-talkie: "Two brothers, take the suspect to the detention center."

Soon, two policemen came, and they went in to "help" Qian Shaoqi away.

"Let go, let me go, I'm not going, I haven't figured it out yet, I'm not going." Qian Shaoqi swayed from side to side, desperately trying not to let the two policemen grab him.

"Are you finished? What else do you want to figure out? Now it's us who want to figure out your problem, not what you want to figure out. Cooperate well, or you won't have any good fruit for you." The policeman's face turned black just now Come down and say.

"Anyway, I just won't leave. I just want to make it clear. Comrade reporters, comrades, you are here to interview me, so you can't just watch." Qian Shaoqi, who has been in the police station, knows that it is hard to fight the police at this time. It was useless, he could only pin his hopes on the two reporters.

Qian Shaoqi couldn't figure out why he resisted like this. According to his thoughts before he came in, he was a bachelor who would take all his problems on his shoulders.Perhaps it was the conversation between the two reporters that disrupted his steadfastness and persistence, and his heart became restless, and it seemed that he had entered a terrifying conspiracy.

"Comrade policeman, wait, I think you should tell him the real consequences. Although he deserves what he deserves, he still has the right to know. Moreover, since the court has not pronounced a sentence, he is only a criminal suspect for the time being. "Maybe the male reporter felt sorry for Qian Shaoqi and helped him.

When the two policemen who were going to escort loosened their grip while the reporter was helping to speak, Qian Shaoqi broke free and shouted confidently, "Yes, I have human rights, I have human rights."

In fact, Qian Shaoqi had no idea what human rights meant or what connotations they contained.He only knew that he often saw Americans on TV criticizing us for not having human rights, so he blurted out the quote.

"Fart." The policeman slapped Qian Shaoqi on the head, "You have a fart's human rights, why don't you say you have human rights when you are racing fast, why don't you say you have human rights when you run a red light and kill someone You have human rights, why didn't you say you have human rights when you escaped. Oh, now that you know how to control human rights, where is such a good thing?"

The less others told him, the more itchy Qian Shaoqi felt, and the more uncertain he felt.

"Comrade policeman, you can't say that. He committed a crime, he deserves what he deserves, and he should be severely punished by the law. But it doesn't mean that he shouldn't have the right to know. It's not a big deal. Why not tell him?" The male reporter may have some sympathy for the "poor" Qian Shaoqi, and helped him with a pleasant face.

"Yes, I have the right to know, so why not tell me?" Qian Shaoqi said like a clown, sticking his neck.

Qian Shaoqi's words almost made everyone present laugh.

"Okay, okay, you want to know, right? Well, let me tell you, anyway, you have already confessed, and then the court can pronounce a sentence based on the circumstances of your confession." The policeman nodded, as if forced Said as if there was no other way.

"You said just now that your crime is a fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years. This was true in the past, but it is not now." The policeman said slowly after a while.

"No? Why not? They told me yes before coming here. So what's it like now?" Qian Shaoqi was a little stunned.

"I don't care what others tell you, in order to increase the punishment of traffic violations and crimes and reduce the death rate of traffic accidents, the Supreme Law has made a new interpretation of the punishment in the past. If you caused the death of others while driving normally, then It’s true that it’s only less than three years, even if the compensation is enough, and if the victim’s family forgives you, the criminal responsibility can be cancelled. However, you are racing illegally, causing death and then escaping. Therefore, an additional charge is added, called endangering public safety The crime of driving, once you use this charge, you may face the death penalty. The procuratorate plans to prosecute you for this charge." The policeman spread his hands and said.


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