rebirth of change

Chapter 1801 Learn to grasp the main contradiction

"You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? You slander me, you bastard, I remember you..." Liu Huawei was so angry that he cursed at Qian Shaoqi.

"If what he said was a lie and really wronged you, then why are you so excited? You said you remembered him, but now the reality is that he remembers you first. You'd better save yourself, have strength, It should be used to think about how to face the families of the victims and the sacred law." Tang Yunfei roared out to stop Liu Huawei from continuing to show off his arrogance.

"You..." Liu Huawei stretched out his hands tremblingly and pointed at Tang Yunfei. His hands were handcuffed, and he had to do everything with both hands.

"What about me? Do you remember me too?" Tang Yunfei asked with a resolute appearance, but he still felt a little guilty inside.

Tang Yunfei really didn't want to be remembered by Liu Huawei, that was not a good thing, like a bee buzzing and hovering on the top of his head, it might swoop down and sting at any moment.What is even more confusing is that this is not a cute little bee, but a poisonous hornet.Let you have no idea what kind of specific harm will happen after being stung.

"Okay, very good...hehehe..." Liu Huawei laughed back angrily: "It seems that you have formed a team and are going to work together, so I will open your eyes and take a good look. When you arrive What kind of tricks can be played in the end. Hehe... I don't believe it, just rely on the big waves you can make."

Liu Huawei is quite familiar with and confident in his background and his brother's abilities.In his subconscious mind, it seems that there is nothing impossible for their family, if they want money and money, they need power and power.The combination of the two can be regarded as an unstoppable hurricane domestically.

There is nothing wrong with Liu Huawei's self-confidence, but, to a certain extent, it becomes arrogance.His vision became narrow, and he didn't even think about it. If he can combine power and money, he can do everything to his advantage, so why can't other people do it?

If Chen Kangjie hadn't been involved, Liu Huawei would have no problem putting on a show of prestige. Tang Yunfei wouldn't dare to mess with him, and Yuan Zhuolin wouldn't dare to mess with him, just like Qu Hanbin.

The unlucky thing for Liu Huawei was that he met Chen Kangjie, he had no shortage of money or power, and Chen Kangjie also had no shortage.According to the law of the jungle in this kind of game, Liu Huawei can only wait to be eaten by Chen Kangjie.

If you want to talk about it from the source, it should be that Liu Hongjun should not have come to Qianzhou.If he didn't come, there wouldn't be much interaction with Chen Kangjie.If Liu Hongjun doesn't come, it's unlikely that Liu Huawei will come, so they can live in peace.

The tide of history could not be stopped, Liu Hongjun finally came, and his ruling philosophy was too incompatible with Chen Kangjie's thinking.

If Chen Kangjie hadn't been reborn, there might not be anything wrong with Liu Hongjun's method of promoting work.It may even be regarded as a far-sighted move by many people who are eager for quick success.Ordinary people who don't know the truth may also greatly appreciate his governance ability.

After all, as soon as his strategies are implemented, the economic data will rise gradually, and the financial books will also look good.

In this era, it is for this reason that many relevant leaders climb up with the so-called short-term achievements.This is mainly because our society has not yet formed a good, long-term evaluation mechanism.

Someone once described that most people in our society suffer from myopia.There is some reason for this listing to a certain extent. After all, it is impossible to see that kind of foresight at once. Quite a few years later, history will reveal it in the dust of history and praise it.Politicians stand for what they think is right. This is farsightedness.And politicians won't insist, they need immediate benefits.

The most typical example is environmental protection. Many leaders only pay attention to the achievements of economic development, and environmental protection, which is closely related to the people and future generations, does not get into their eyes.As long as they concentrate on developing the economy and the data is good, [-] out of [-] will be promoted and reused.Although this kind of data comes at the cost of environmental degradation that ordinary people can feel personally.

In other words, the sky is no longer blue, the water is no longer clear, and the mountains are no longer green.Officials are unlikely to be held accountable.On the contrary, if the data declines or fails to increase significantly, life will be difficult.

In short, no one regards the protection of green mountains and green waters as a political achievement, at least for the time being, it is not recognized by everyone.Chen Kangjie, who happened to be reborn, had long agreed.

If Chen Kangjie had been a senior leader, he would probably have shouted the slogan: "Protecting green mountains and green waters is also an achievement in politics."This kind of protection is to a certain extent more important than some so-called economic development.

Talking and talking got dragged too far, let's get back to the book.

If Liu Huawei had not been criminally detained, then all the conflicts and games would have been hidden and not exposed to the sun.

However, after Liu Huawei was handcuffed with both hands and identified face to face by Qian Shaoqi, the conflicts and games were separated from the lower level.

In other words, Liu Huawei and her brother Liu Huawei, who loves her, can not decide and influence the direction of the outcome, nor can the police handling the case and Yuan Zhuolin and the others decide and influence it.

This kind of conflict is bound to go up because of Liu Hongjun's identity and Chen Kangjie's attention.

Liu Hongjun, who had been kept in the dark for a long time, knew about this incident for the first time on the afternoon of the day when Liu Huawei was criminally detained.Furious, he smashed his favorite inkstone in the office.

Liu Hongjun was angry at his ineffective son for not letting him worry, and he was also angry at Liu Huawei and Liao Minggui for keeping him in the dark.

"Secretary Liao, what's going on?" Liu Hongjun called Liao Minggui to the office, pointed to the police notice to his family on the desktop and asked angrily.

Liao Minggui was very disturbed. Before entering this office, he knew why the secretary called him, but he had no time to figure out a countermeasure, so he could only face the leader's anger.

"Secretary Liu, I don't know what they do in Zhucheng... I even had someone call me for this matter..." Liao Minggui looked at Liu Hongjun's livid face, feeling uncertain for no reason.

"Huh, it's okay if you don't let people call you. They just asked to ask and cooperate with the police. After your call passed, it has now become a detention." Liu Hongjun slapped the piece of paper, as if wanting to The piece of paper was shattered with a slap.

Liu Hongjun, who doesn't know kung fu, obviously doesn't have that kind of skill. The piece of paper is still the same piece of paper, and it hasn't rotted.It's just that the desk was almost rotten. Fortunately, the desks selected for the leaders of the provincial party committee were made of high-quality materials.

Liu Hongjun meant to blame Liao Minggui. You did not do well, not only did you not get him out.Let it go and push him into a bigger fire.

As long as this matter spreads, it will undoubtedly have a greater impact on Liu Hongjun.The detention of the children of a provincial party committee secretary, or the criminal detention of a hit-and-run, is not going to attract attention.In order to deal with the attacks of political enemies, the wily Liu Hongjun needs a shield, and Liao Minggui can play just such a role.

"Secretary Liu, I didn't expect them to be so bold, let alone that things would develop like this..." Liao Minggui said aggrievedly.

"I didn't expect that, I didn't expect that, so what else did you think of? He broke the law, so he should be dealt with according to relevant laws and regulations. I will never be partial to personal feelings. But, should I know? Things If it can’t be done, and you still keep it from me, can I still get into your eyes?” Liu Hongjun said.

Liao Minggui was really dissatisfied.

You are asking me what I am doing here, you should go home and ask your son.What are you doing?Did I do something wrong for your family?Don't you think about it carefully, whether people don't sell my face or really don't sell your face.

It was your son who was detained, not mine, so why are you yelling.It is the fault of the father whether to raise or not to teach.Instead of educating your son well, you taught me a lesson.Even if you want to use me as a shield, it doesn't have to be so obvious, it's not like I can't see it.

It's just that Liao Minggui's dissatisfaction can only be indulged in his heart, and he can't show it.Otherwise, the fake shield may become a real shield.

"I'm sorry, Secretary Liu, I mishandled this matter, and I shouldn't have been behind your back..." Liao Minggui not only couldn't express his dissatisfaction, but even took the initiative to take responsibility and apologize.

"Old Liao, you have been a government official for decades, so you shouldn't be so rash when dealing with problems." Liu Hongjun waved his big hand, and his tone became kind and kind: "You may want to help me share the work and pressure, this is Okay. But, sometimes you do bad things with good intentions. Look, you are passive now, aren't you?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I did not act well. If the secretary can point it out to me, it will be very helpful to my future work. I will definitely learn the lesson from this incident." Liao Minggui was very respectful, a little rebellious There is no meaning at all, it is no different from a docile little daughter-in-law.

In front of the chief officer, the secretary-general really can only play the role of the little daughter-in-law. Only by playing this role well can life be easier.Otherwise, what you will face will only be suffering.

"That's not my focus." Liu Hongjun shook his head lightly.

"That's..." Liao Minggui asked.

"When doing things, you must learn to grasp the main contradiction. This is what the chairman advocates, and it is also an important content in our dialectics. When you deal with any matter, you have to think about it. What is the main contradiction? No Can you succeed if you figure out this problem? That is like a blind man trying to figure out an elephant." Liu Hongjun warned in an admonishing tone.

This was a bit convoluted, but Liao Minggui still understood.To put it simply, it is a sentence. It is necessary to figure out who has the decision-making power.

Taking this matter as an example, it is necessary to find out who is involved in Liu Huawei's affairs.If you can't find this person, it's useless to exert pressure.


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