rebirth of change

Chapter 1811 You are messing around

"Liu Huawei? What's a single Liu Huawei?" He Baoguo showed disdain and disgust in his eyes.

That's right, even if Liu Huawei is Liu Hongjun's son, in the eyes of a provincial leader like He Baoguo, he really has no place in the table.How could He Baoguo care about a mere Liu Huawei?

"I know that you did that because you wanted to punish that dude and hit Secretary Liu's prestige by the way. However, relying on such means will not play a decisive role. The position of a secretary of the provincial party committee does not depend on his children. It can be decided on such a small matter, otherwise it would be too childish. I am worried that you will be so high-profile, so as to affect you in reverse." He Baoguo said seriously.

Look, dandy, Liu Huawei should not be defined as a dandy in He Baoguo's place.

Looking back, Chen Kangjie thought again, am I so high-profile?It seems... a bit high-profile, not only did he directly face Liu Huawei, but also collided with Liu Hongjun before, and met Liu Huawei again today.This can be regarded as a high-profile walk to the front of the stage, and it really runs counter to the low-key style that I have always pursued.

But how can being high-profile have a bad influence on yourself?

"I seem to be a bit high-profile, but I have never shown my true face to others."

"You are deceiving yourself. Do you think that no one will know you without your real face? Yes, for ordinary people, it is true that you will not practice your two appearances, but for Liu Hongjun, this is not the case. It's not difficult. It depends on you being able to instruct people from the high-tech city, being able to afford such a domineering sports car, and being able to enter and leave the family courtyard of the provincial party committee. As long as you use a little care, it's not difficult to know who you are." He Baoguo Today, I really want to have a good talk with Chen Kangjie. Once I speak, it's not just a few words.

"That's true." Chen Kangjie did not deny He Baoguo's speculation.

Although Chen Kangjie had done a lot to cover up his identity, it was not so perfect. The clues that He Baoguo said just now could not be more obvious.

"I've thought about it for the past two days. After all, you are studying in the province now. Whether it is the industry invested by your Hongyuan or the industry of your brothers and sisters, most of them are still in the province. If you really push him , the loss will be huge. His position, ordinary small things, are not a threat at all." He Baoguo analyzed.

Chen Kangjie was silent, and didn't make a sound for a while.

He Baoguo thought that his words had a deterrent effect on Chen Kangjie, so he didn't speak any more, giving Chen Kangjie time to slowly digest.Compared with his own climb, He Baoguo valued Chen Kangjie more.

He Baoguo has no son, so he almost treats Chen Kangjie as his own son now.Chen Kangjie has already made great achievements in all aspects, so with the passage of time, it is hard to imagine how shocking his achievements will be.So he didn't want Chen Kangjie to be affected unnecessarily at this critical moment, thus affecting his future development.

It can be said that part of He Baoguo's hope is carried on Chen Kangjie's body.

In fact, He Baoguo was wrong. Chen Kangjie was not shocked by his words, but he was hesitating about a question, that is, should he tell He Baoguo about the preparations he said and did.

From the day he confronted the Liu family, Chen Kangjie had already made up his mind, and it seemed that he had no way out.In any case, the guy who is doing nothing in his position must be "invited" out.

Chen Kangjie was not simply doing it for himself. For him personally, Liu Hongjun did not pose much of a threat.The point is that this is his hometown, and he doesn't want the good development situation to be ruined by a person with a bad heart.This was what Chen Kangjie said he couldn't tolerate. If he didn't know what kind of person Liu Hongjun was, it would be fine. Since he was reborn and knew what kind of virtue he was, he wouldn't give him this chance.

Liu Hongjun's position is in control of the overall situation. Every move he makes, every policy he releases, and his grasp of direction will have a great impact on the entire province, and even such an impact will last for many years before he can pay a greater price Then correct it.

Now the whole country is looking for development, and with his strong support and promotion, the province has finally achieved a good development situation by leaps and bounds. How could he want this situation to be easily destroyed by others, thus delaying the happiness of many people? process.

If the arrest of Liu Huawei cannot have a fundamental impact on Liu Hongjun, then the other materials and resources in Chen Kangjie's hands are different.As long as he is released, it is guaranteed that Liu Hongjun will not be able to eat and walk around.

In another parallel world, Liu Hongjun ended up in jail.

Chen Kangjie had just sorted out those materials. Before that, he wanted to operate independently and not cause trouble for He Baoguo and the others.

Now it seems that that kind of thinking seems to be revised.

"Godfather, I actually have other bargaining chips in my hand." After weighing things up and down, Chen Kangjie still decided to tell He Baoguo to know, at least he knew, so that he could be psychologically prepared and cooperate with some operations at the same time.

"What chips?" He Baoguo asked.

He Baoguo was a little nervous, but he knew that Chen Kangjie was a master who could make trouble, so don't be such a moth.

"I have evidence of Liu Hongjun's violation of discipline." Even in a private room, Chen Kangjie's voice was still slightly lowered.

Has Liu Hongjun violated discipline?These words were like a boulder thrown into the calm lake in He Baoguo's heart, immediately stirring up layers of waves.

He Baoguo seemed to be clicked, and he jumped up from the chair directly.The eyes were full of disbelief, and there was some annoyance mixed with surprise.

It would be a mistake to think that He Baoguo was annoyed that Liu Hongjun was sitting in that position but did something that violated discipline.

"You, what you said is true?" He Baoguo seemed to want to reconfirm seriously.

"Yes, of course it is true." Chen Kangjie nodded with certainty.

"You're messing around!" Not only did Chen Kangjie not get the compliment, but He Baoguo stared at him and criticized him.

"I...what's wrong with me?" Chen Kangjie was a little confused.

"What's wrong with you? Do you know that it's a taboo for you to investigate an official in private like this, and it's still a ministerial-level official. Are you a procuratorate? Are you a discipline inspection department? How dare you Do you do that? You have to know that even in the discipline inspection department, it is not allowed for subordinates to investigate their superiors in private. Once your behavior spreads, you are making an enemy of the entire political system, do you understand?" He Baoguo really Is a little distraught.

It seems that this kid has been too smooth all the time. If he didn't tap and tap at the right time, his tail would go up to the sky, and he could do anything.

If it's something else, then forget it, and now it's a political responsibility to secretly investigate a provincial party secretary.Even if Chen Kangjie is outside the system, Chen Qigang and He Baoguo are inside the system.

This kind of thing is not allowed to happen to anyone in the system, otherwise, if a leader, everyone can investigate himself behind his back, it would not be completely messed up.All the experience is probably not enough to deal with these things, where there is no time and energy to devote to serious work.

Once the order is disrupted, it means the beginning of great turmoil.

This is the case with the ten-year catastrophe. The subordinates can use any excuse to find out the superiors to criticize them, and even torture them to death.The result is that the entire country has been stagnant for ten years, not just stagnant, it should be a big setback.There is a painful crisis in all aspects of the business. If it is not for the old chief to turn the tide, the whole country may collapse.

Such a bad influence is something that no one in power wants to see. Who wants to be subverted at any time?

Chen Kangjie had violated a taboo in official circles by secretly investigating a high-ranking provincial and ministerial official as a white man.Even though he is a representative of the National People's Congress, even though he is a well-known figure in the society, he is still white. In the system, he has no official position at all.

As for the vice chairman of the student union in the school, this is just a social position and cannot be put on the table.

"If you have clues and information, then you can report and reflect. No one will say anything to you, but if you hold it in your hands and go deep, then even if you win in the end, it will be a miserable victory. We It will offend a large number of people." He Baoguo may feel that his words are a bit serious, so He Baoguo slowed down his tone.

What He Baoguo said here is "we will offend a large group of people", not "you will offend a large group of people".Chen Kangjie understood this sentence, and it is estimated that the miserable victory will end in this place.

In addition to Chen Kangjie leaving a very bad impression on people, others may even think that Chen Kangjie's behavior was acquiesced and instigated by his elders. Once such a situation occurs, then even if Liu Hongjun is really pushed away or won, breaking the rules He Baoguo and the others don't want to get any benefits.

Not only will they not get benefits, but they are also likely to be suppressed.It would be strange if people in the system did not unite to teach such outrageous behavior a lesson.

Chen Kangjie understood the mystery and risks completely.

Before this, Chen Kangjie really didn't think about it from the perspective of the political system. He only felt that as long as he grabbed Liu Hongjun's sore foot, he would be able to make him submit obediently. Push him off stage.

Now it seems that I have taken it for granted. It is definitely not that simple to win a provincial party secretary.

Prior to this, Chen Kangjie had taken down the secretary of the municipal party committee in Beijing.It's just that later he also knew that he just happened to be at the right time. It was someone else who really wanted to take down Secretary Chen.

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