rebirth of change

Chapter 1813 It's time for He Wanrong to get married

Chen Kangjie did not stay overnight in He Baoguo, he went back to school after chatting with He Baoguo for over an hour.

Chen Kangjie left, but the message he left tortured He Baoguo for almost a whole night.The information given by Chen Kangjie was really shocking. This is a double-edged sword. If it is handled well, it can drive Liu Hongjun out of the stage or squeeze him away. If he is not careful, he will hurt himself in turn.

"Old He, why don't you take a break? Look at you, you just don't listen to me telling you to smoke less. The whole room is full of smog. Are you not uncomfortable?" Half an hour after Chen Kangjie left, Zhao Yuexiang knocked on the door and walked into He Baoguo study.

The ashtray on He Baoguo's desk was almost full of cigarette butts, the whole room was filled with the strong smell of tobacco, and Zhao Yuexiang, who hadn't gotten used to it all at once, choked on two mouthfuls.

Knowing that He Baoguo's work pressure is high, and because of the need for entertainment in the officialdom, it is impossible to stop smoking and drinking.So usually Zhao Yuexiang was just reminding her, but she didn't do anything to restrain her.

However, now that He Baoguo is swallowing clouds and making the whole room look like a "heavenly palace", Zhao Yuexiang can't take it anymore.

He Baoguo seemed not to have heard Zhao Yuexiang's words, the cigarette held in his right hand was still stuffed into the innermost part.

Zhao Yuexiang grabbed the cigarette decisively, smothered it fiercely in the ashtray, and then pushed the window open.

"It's all about you, are you still not conscious? Are you trying to choke me to death or are you trying to choke me to death?" Zhao Yuexiang scolded.

"Aren't I agitated by some things and can't make up my mind?" He Baoguo said with a wry smile on his face.

"Agitated? Can't make up your mind? Didn't Xiaojie come to chat with you before and you would feel happy?" Zhao Yuexiang was a little puzzled.

"Don't mention that kid, that kid brought my troubles." He Baoguo waved his hand, trying to disperse the smoke in front of him.

"The trouble that Xiaojie brought you? What is it, tell me." Zhao Yuexiang suddenly became interested.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. In the past, Chen Kangjie brought positive energy, but this time it was negative energy.How could Zhao Yuexiang not be curious?

"Hey, forget it, you won't understand some things even if you tell them." Of course, He Baoguo would not tell Zhao Yuexiang what Chen Kangjie said.

Not to mention that it was He Baoguo's consistent creed that his wife should not interfere in politics, even telling Zhao Yuexiang about the things Chen Kangjie did would only increase her worries.

"I don't understand, I don't understand, what do I not understand? If you don't tell me, I'll call him and ask him personally." Zhao Yuexiang was very upset at He Baoguo's contemptuous words.

You are the deputy governor, but I am also the wife of the deputy governor. You are also a cadre. Do you look down on people like this?

"Don't, don't... You go ask, it will embarrass that kid, he has grown up now, he is not a child anymore." Naturally, He Baoguo couldn't let Zhao Yuexiang ask, and he could only speak when he was eager prevaricate.

"Embarrassed? What's the matter?"

"It's's just..." It was really hard for He Baoguo to find any good excuses in his mind, and he hesitated.

"What is it? Tell me, what were you discussing just now?" The more He Baoguo behaved like that, the more anxious Zhao Yuexiang became.

With a sudden inspiration, He Baoguo finally thought of a more appropriate excuse.

"We were discussing the concept of love. I told him that we can fall in love now, but we have to find someone who is wholehearted and consistent. But he said that I am old-fashioned and that he wants to talk to several girlfriends, otherwise I will be sorry for his identity. Tell me, does this kid owe money?" He Baoguo said nonsense in his heart.

"That's it? Hehehe, are you bored and troubled? Let me tell you, it's really not easy to find a girl who is worthy of Xiaojie. He talks about a few, picks and chooses. There is nothing wrong with that. With his name and appearance, as long as he is willing, that little girl will not be allowed to go from here to the capital! Really, you are still worrying about this matter?" He Baoguo thought he had said that. No matter what, Zhao Yuexiang has to stand by his side.Who would have thought that Zhao Yuexiang would be so magnanimous because of a miscalculation.

Zhao Yuexiang would definitely not agree with it if it was done before. Their generation is quite conservative.But since Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong stepped into the entertainment circle, Zhao Yuexiang gradually paid attention to the news of the entertainment circle.

And the entertainment industry is like that, if you want your first love, you have to find the right one, from one end to the end, it seems that I haven't heard of anyone who has done it.So, under subtle influence, Zhao Yuexiang also became enlightened and open, no longer so clingy.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Xiaojie is a boy, so you don't need to worry about it. You should worry about how to persuade Wanrong. He is in his early thirties, and it's time to find a boyfriend, so let it go on. …”

Speaking of the latter, Zhao Yuexiang's mood became depressed.What he didn't finish saying was, "If you drag it on, you will be an elderly mother, and by then, the child will be unhealthy."

Zhao Yuexiang just stopped the car because she felt that those words should not be said in front of He Baoguo.

Speaking of this, He Baoguo's mood also became depressed.

Regarding He Wanrong's marriage, He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang did not fail to supervise, but the result was not satisfactory.

Before He Wanrong went out to develop in Hong Kong, both He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang felt that she was still young, and if she was allowed to develop freely, the fate would come naturally, and it would happen naturally.According to their family's conditions and He Wanrong's natural beauty, it is impossible to find a boyfriend.

When he stepped into a line of work, they also understood that her career had just started and she didn't want to be tied down by marriage, so they didn't force her much.

But as time passed, her daughter's career became more and more successful, and she got older.The two old people can no longer let it go, they are really anxious.

Therefore, every time He Wanrong came back, Zhao Yuexiang would speak earnestly to her. Although He Baoguo, as a father, couldn't say it clearly, it was only insinuating.

But every time He Wanrong would use some reasons as an excuse.Either busy with preparing records, or busy with the next movie, not busy with concerts, or busy with endorsements and interviews.Anyway, it's just a sentence, there is no time for love.

If she was pushed further, she would simply say that she had never met a suitable one, and that she would consider it if she did.

I don't know if it's because she's really busy or to avoid her parents' bombardment. In recent days, He Wanrong has been going home less and less frequently. Sometimes when she comes back, she comes and goes in a hurry.

Really poor parents.Now the He family is really doing well, there is no shortage of money, no lack of power, it is He Wanrong's marriage that makes He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang very worried.For parents, the safety and happiness of their children is their greatest wish. Compared with this, other achievements are insignificant.

"I can't say clearly about this matter. It mainly depends on you. You are a mother, so it's easier for you to do such a job." He Baoguo said dejectedly.

"What should I do? I've complained countless times, and now I call her, and as soon as I mention this, she immediately finds a reason to divert. What's more, twice he just dropped a sentence of 'to I'm busy, so I hung up the phone." Thinking of this, Zhao Yuexiang was quite angry.

"Then you can't do anything, what can I do?" He Baoguo also felt very rascal.

The two were silent for a while, then Zhao Yuexiang suddenly said: "She won't listen to us, why don't we ask someone to help?"

"Look for someone to help? Who are you looking for? It's not like you don't know, your precious girl is very independent and independent, otherwise she wouldn't have traveled so far to Hong Kong." He Baoguo shook his head hopelessly.

"Looking for Xiaojie. When he went to Hong Kong, it was Xiaojie who introduced and encouraged him. She has always valued Xiaojie's opinion. Tell me, asking Xiaojie to do her work is more effective than ours. Are you okay?" The person Zhao Yuexiang thought of was Chen Kangjie.

"That boy? Is it okay? He is capable of other things, but he is not capable of this matter, right?" He Baoguo was not very sure about Chen Kangjie's ability in this area.

"You have to try to find out if it works. Xiaojie knows a lot of successful people. If not, let him introduce a few. That's his sister. He has to care about it. Oh, I think this method is good. I will Go and call him..." Before he finished speaking, the hot-tempered Zhao Yuexiang did what he said, got up and went outside to call Chen Kangjie.

"Hey, you..." He Baoguo stretched out his hand to stop Zhao Yuexiang, but before he could say a word, Zhao Yuexiang had already disappeared by the door.

He Baoguo, who sat back in the chair, shook his head helplessly.This matter, it can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.If He Wanrong doesn't fall in love again, it will indeed be very likely to delay her life.There is still a big difference between boys and boys in this respect.

As soon as Chen Kangjie returned to the dormitory, he received a call from Zhao Yuexiang.At first he thought it was He Baoguo calling, and he wanted to talk about Liu Hongjun again.Chen Kangjie was a little surprised when he found out that Zhao Yuexiang entrusted him with the task of urging He Wanrong to fall in love and get married quickly.

Chen Kangjie didn't dare to promise Zhao Yuexiang about this matter, but he couldn't refuse either.Marriage is a major event, that is no joke.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie stood on the edge of the balcony and began to search for the matter.

Yes, the godmother was right, sister Wan Rong can't go on like this.

Others have to rely on their acting career to keep going, but He Wanrong doesn't have to.Her ideal has been realized, and she should return to the normal life track. After all, for life, truth is the most sustainable.

When it came to introducing a boyfriend to He Wanrong, Chen Kangjie was not prepared to do everything.That is not good for others to intervene.Chen Kangjie said that what he considered was that sister Wanrong should be transformed.If she wants to fall in love and get married, it's best to get out of the entertainment industry. Only then can she live an ordinary life.

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