rebirth of change

Chapter 1816 Chen Wenjie's Heroism

"You guys are going too far, this is a university campus, not a vegetable market, please show some respect."

"Even the vegetable market can't let you be so arrogant and messy. Apologize, apologize quickly."

"Whoever has a phone, call the school security to come over. It's unreasonable. If you bump into someone and still be so domineering, you really think this is some place."


The onlookers began to denounce in one voice, although none of them said anything too harsh, but in the ears of Lei Ge and the long-haired man, these words were already very shameless and provocative.

For several years, neither Lei Ge nor the long-haired man heard such objections.This gradually gave them an illusion, an illusion that the world is in my hands.And this kind of hallucination, once produced, will kill people.After all, they don't have the strength and power to control the world, not to mention them, even the highest chief probably wouldn't dare to have such an idea.

Those who can do that are, if not dictators, then powerful leaders whose prestige is already unattainable.Rego?Is it a long-haired guy?of course not.

Not only are they not, even the people behind them are not.Instead, when they wake up from the illusory dream, what they perceive is endless fear and fear.

"Shut up the fuck, everyone is yelling, want to fight, right? Come if you want to fight." Lei Ge raised his neck and roared arrogantly.

Not only that, Lei Ge also made a very funny move.He was originally wearing a vest, so it was impossible to have sleeves. However, in order to increase the threat, he wiped up his arms alternately with both hands, as if he was about to wipe up his sleeves and prepare to blow them up.

Accompanied by Lei Ge's actions, the younger brothers behind him were also ready to move, gearing up.

Although there are many students around, but Lei Ge and the others are really not afraid at all, not to mention that the long-haired man next to him has connections in this university, even a few of them are not easy to mess with.

In the past, Lei Ge and the others did not know how many so-called proud sons of heaven they had taught.Those boys were also bluffing at the beginning, and after a few bricks went down, they would immediately bow their heads and obey their ears, as obedient as they wanted.

Once, Lei Ge and the four of them faced a dozen or so college students from the Chinese Medicine College.Although they were few and did not have an advantage, the final result was that they were all victorious.

It's not that he's a good-for-nothing because he's a boy, but they're not gangsters after all, and they can't fight to the death.And Lei Ge and the others lived on hob meat all day long. When fighting, they were really unambiguous. They used whatever they got, bricks, stones, steel pipes, kitchen knives, wooden sticks, daggers, and even machetes.

That time, when two of the ten students were stabbed twice, the others were terrified when they saw the blood all over the ground.They may have fought before, but at most it was just a bruised nose and a swollen face. I have never seen this kind of person who picks up a knife and greets them without hesitation.

Since that time, Lei Ge and the others basically walked sideways in the area of ​​the Chinese Medicine College, and no one dared to take care of their affairs.What's more, Lei Ge played with several female college students by means of indiscriminate means.

Tsk tsk tsk, the taste of female college students is really not comparable to that of girls in hair salons. The jerky is a bit jerky, but fortunately, the taste is full.

In the past, Yao Shaoqiang took care of the area of ​​Gongshang University, so Lei Ge and the others did not set foot in this area even if they could get along in other places.

There are rules in the officialdom, and there are also rules in the Tao.Under normal circumstances, it will not cross the line.Unless one's own strength is extraordinary and has the advantage of eating the opponent.Otherwise, the choice is still to guard the one-acre three-point land. If it is too much, it will cause public outrage.

Besides, at that time, Yao Shaoqiang had the identity of a son of the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau on his head. Even if he didn't have much real power, he couldn't be easily provoked by their gangsters.

However, when Yao Shaoqiang was taken care of by Chen Kangjie, a "power vacuum" appeared in the Jianghu area of ​​Gongshang University.

Such a situation will naturally attract the eyes of many people.Lei Ge and the others are no exception, their eyes have been fixed on this side for a long time.

The yamen in the officialdom has the difference between the Qingshui yamen and the rich and oily, and the sites in the rivers and lakes have similarities.

Lei Ge and the others were mainly in the area of ​​the Chinese Medicine College, and they would scan the Normal University from time to time.

This is not to say that Lei Ge's site is really bad. After all, it is also close to the city center. There are many restaurants, shops, book bars, and video bars around the school. From these stores, every Brother Yuelei and the others can get a considerable amount of protection money.Moreover, the business of delivering bottled water to hundreds of dormitories in the school is also monopolized by them.

It’s just that compared with the Technology and Business University, there is still a lot of difference. First, the number of students in the Technology and Business University is twice as large as that of the Chinese Medicine School. In addition, the Technology and Business University is much richer than the Chinese Medicine School.This determines that the financial resources around the Technology and Business University are absolutely incomparable to the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Look at the western restaurants, coffee bars, flower shops, gift houses, leisure bars, barbecue stalls, supermarkets, and food streets around the University of Technology and Business, and you will know the difference. Not to mention the large number, the grade is not low.If you win the delivery channel of the canteen in the school, you can easily get 200 million yuan a year, absolutely no problem.

So when they came here today, besides being entrusted with a task to do, Lei Ge and the others also hoped that this trip could make a name for themselves.

Lei Ge wants everyone to know that from now on, he is the one who will be taking care of this area. Those who are sensible and open-eyed, everything is easy to say.If you don't know people and don't open your eyes, then Brother Lei doesn't mind showing you what Tiger Might is.

Anyway, if something goes wrong, Lei Ge has a way to smooth it out, not to mention that he has been in Zhucheng for so many years, he has his own relationship.It is the person who entrusts him to come over to do things, and he is good enough.

Don't look at it, is it the son of the vice president of the university whose administrative level is at the departmental level?With such a relationship, wouldn't it be too wasteful if we didn't make good use of it?

The son of the vice president of the university is the long-haired man named Gao Guoqiao, and his father is Gao Beidian, the vice president of the Technology and Business University.

However, this Gao Beidian was secretly nicknamed Gao Dianbei in school.This means that he is a little bit of a loser. He has served as the vice principal in the school for more than ten years, and has gone through three principals, but he has not been able to become a regular.

After the old principal who promoted him retired, Gao Beidian thought he could take over, but Yu Weimin took over.After Weimin moved his position because of the shooting incident, Gao Beidian thought it was his turn this time. As a result, the provincial party committee sent Guan Mengyu here.

Now Gao Beidian's life in the Technology and Business University is really not easy, and his rights are getting less and less.Mengyu is in charge of the overall situation, and the teaching is supervised by the vice principal transferred from outside. Gao Beidian used to have the right to purchase some teaching equipment, but now he has also been assigned.Now Gao Beidian is nominally the vice principal in charge of logistics, but in fact, apart from the canteens, a few people from the school security department still listen to him.

Don't look at Lei Ge as a gangster, but he is clear and has a deep understanding of the penetration of power in society.As long as it is used well, it is to build bridges when encountering mountains and rivers.

Because of this, from the moment Lei Ge stepped into the campus of the Industrial and Commercial University, he had no intention of keeping a low profile.He just wanted to use a high-profile move to declare his "sovereignty."

Needless to say, Lei Ge's rough voice really shocked the students in the surrounding ivory towers, and all of them shut their mouths with cold eyes.

Seeing this situation, Lei Ge raised his head even higher.Hmph, you little rascals want to bluff in front of me, you really don't know what to do.

It's just that it took only a few tens of seconds for Lei Ge to shake the place, and soon the peaceful atmosphere was broken, and it was not Chen Kangjie who broke the atmosphere, but his roommate Chen Wenjie.

"Don't think that if you are in the society, you can show off your power in our Technology and Business University. Now you have bumped into someone, and you are in the wrong wherever you go. Now you dare to yell at us and threaten us. I really think that our Technology and Business University is here. Do you have a vegetable garden? You can greet him however you want."

Chen Wenjie broke through the crowd and stepped forward, while Ge Zihao stood half a step behind him.Behind the two of them, there are still two charming female students standing.

These two female students also yelled at Lei Ge and Gao Guoqiao just now, although the two of them didn't open their mouths again.But from their angry expressions and eyes, it can still be seen that their hearts are unyielding.

Ge Zihao was not as courageous as Chen Wenjie, but he was not cowardly either.Chen Wenjie moved forward, and he followed suit.

Let Ge Zihao take the lead, he may not dare to do it.But it's really hard for him to shrink back completely.

Not to mention that he did that, not only Chen Wenjie would look down on him when he went back, but even Chen Kangjie and Chen Jundong would not give him good face.A person who has no loyalty, a timid person, will no longer have a foothold in the dormitory.

What's more, aren't there two beauties watching from behind.If Ge Zihao backed down, he would lose face with the two beauties first.

The reason why Ge Zihao and Chen Wenjie came late was to pick up girls, and the target was those two good-looking girls.

These two girls were targeted by Chen Wenjie. In order to make a companion, he called Ge Zihao.After all, it is impossible for Chen Wenjie to ride two horses by himself, so it is not as good as Ge Zihao. After all, we are also roommates in the same dormitory, and the relationship is quite good.

Fertilizer water does not flow into the field of outsiders.

No, in order to show heroism in front of the beauties, Chen Wenjie stood up without hesitation.

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