rebirth of change

Chapter 1820 A sharp turn of attitude

"It's nothing wrong, yes, we did it first, but none of you students opened their eyes, not only blackmailing us, but also swearing at us. For such ignorant people, of course we have to teach them a lesson." Brother Lei Raising his eyebrows, he said indifferently.

"Blackmail? Blackmail you nima. Is it reasonable for you to hit someone with your car? Did you see that the injured person's leg is still bleeding." Chen Wenjie wiped the blood on his nose and cursed angrily.

Chen Wenjie was really annoyed, he had never been repaired like this before when he grew up so big, the bridge of his nose felt like it was about to break.

Everyone followed Chen Wenjie's fingers and saw that the woman who had just fallen on the ground was supported by two classmates. The knee was indeed bleeding, and the white socks and sneakers on her feet were stained blood red.

"You bastard, you son of a bitch, you have to be careful, I remember you, if I don't depose you, I'm not a man." Brother Hua, who was punched by Chen Wenjie, no matter what his current situation is, Angry and angry, he pointed at Chen Wenjie and cursed unscrupulously.

"Come on, scare your uncle, do you think I'm afraid of you?" After being scolded like that, Chen Wenjie's temper also came up, and he carried his chest up.

The school security guards who were worried that the situation would get worse hurriedly stopped Chen Wenjie.If there is another cross-eye between each other and another scuffle, it will not end well. As the security guards present, they will be punished.

"We'll settle this account later. Get out of the way now and don't block our way." Lei Ge gave Chen Wenjie and the other students a vicious look, then waved his hand imposingly and said.

"It's not that easy to leave."

"They can't just leave like this. They must apologize and take responsibility."

Immediately there were dissenting opinions.

"You can't leave until the matter is clarified." The security captain also felt that this would not work, and there must be an explanation.

"It's really up to you, right? Is it true that you are not afraid of death? I am not afraid of talking to death. Today, no one wants to touch my buddy. If anyone wants to make me feel bad, I will kill him." Brother Lei's eyes showed fierceness. Light, the crazy words started to play.

Just as Lei Ge thought, these security guards are migrant workers.It is indeed unlikely that they will work hard for others.

When Lei Ge said such domineering words, several security guards were obviously discouraged.

They all know that these gangsters are just some flies and bugs, and if they are really eyeing them, life is really hard.

Since the shooting incident of Chen Kangjie, Gongshang University has indeed strengthened its security forces.But that was only for Chen Kangjie, the other school order was still maintained by these ordinary security guards.

No matter how loose their momentum was, they didn't dare to let Lei Ge and the others go so easily.

Aren't there so many students staring at him? If they were released without asking indiscriminately, the students would make a fuss, and their work would basically be over.

Even if it is a part-time job, the salary given by the University of Technology and Business is good. Such a job is not easy to lose.

"I don't care how great you are in society. If you don't explain this matter clearly and handle it well, you can't leave." The security captain said neither soft nor hard.

"Comrade, in fact, we can't blame us completely for this matter. We didn't hit her, he fell it himself. Why don't you see, are there any impact marks on the front of our car?" Seeing the situation reached a stalemate, Gao Guoqiao I can only stand up again.

Not to mention, after he said this, everyone noticed that the front of the car was really unscathed, and there were no traces of the impact.Gao Guoqiao only discovered this detail when he turned around now.

There are two explanations for this. One is that the girl was just frightened and fell to the ground and was injured.The other is that the quality of the car is good, and there will be no scars after such a slight impact.

As for which situation it belongs to, other people really can't be [-]% sure, only that girl knows.

"Student, are you okay now? Did that car hit you just now? Don't be afraid, just tell the truth, there are so many of us, we will make decisions for you." Ge Zihao walked up to the girl and asked road.

"They...the car...didn't hit me directly...but it scared me. Their car was going too fast. I didn't have time to react. It fell to the ground." The victim girl is still a little bit shocked.

"How is it? Everyone heard it, our car didn't hit her at all." Gao Guoqiao said with a little relief.

"Even if you didn't hit him, you were injured because you were scared. You drove so fast, you just wanted to scare people to death. You have to bear the responsibility." A female classmate who supported the injured girl said.

"How can we blame us? She doesn't walk on the sidewalk, and even if our car drives faster, it's okay. We have something urgent to do, and no one stipulates that our car can't be fast." Gao Guoqiao suddenly It seems that I have confidence again.

If he can settle this matter in a few words, it will be a small credit no matter what, and the bastards like Lei Ge can't be underestimated.

"Can't you see the big warning sign at the school gate? Are you blind? The speed of the car on campus is not allowed to exceed [-] kilometers per hour. You were at least [-] kilometers per hour just now. Isn't that wrong?" A male student who participated in the action just now shouted loudly .

"I just didn't see it. If you dare to talk too much, you bastard, believe it or not, I will kill you. Are you responsible for what happened just now? I haven't troubled you yet, so you dare to jump out?" A horse boy pointed the boy threatened.

"Please pay attention to your words and deeds. If you continue to threaten like this, then we will have to find the police station to deal with it." The security captain couldn't stand it and said.

What he said was also a means of handing over the contradiction.

"Don't use the police station to scare people. I didn't scare you too much. You don't dare to say that it's commonplace to go to the police station, and you go there often." The horse boy responded with his neck stuck.

"Brother Lei, we are here to deal with business. If the matter is not completed, go to the police station first. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Young Master Liu." Gao Guoqiao stared at the young man in disgust, and then whispered beside Lei Ge reminded.

At this moment, Lei Ge seemed to remember why he came here.Paralyzed, almost ruined a good thing.

Yes, I have a mission.If he didn't get things done, he would get into trouble first, not to mention losing face with First Young Master Liu, if he canceled the conditions of cooperation and handed it over to other people, it would be a big loss.

You little bastards, wait for me, when I do a good job and win this piece of land, I will let you know how many eyes Lord Ma has.

"Okay, I'll give you face, you go to settle things, wait and see how I deal with these bastards." Lei Ge let out a foul breath and nodded.

Gao Guoqiao nodded, and then walked in front of the security captain: "You also saw that we both hurt each other, and the girl just now admitted that we didn't hit her, so let's just leave it at that?"

"It's so easy? I'm afraid it won't work? Not to mention that these students were beaten like this, even that girl was injured because of your fright. Don't you plan to show some sincerity?" The security captain didn't push forward just because the other party softened In fact, there must be an explanation for this matter, otherwise those students would not be so easy to agree.

In the opinion of the security captain, if the other party can pay some money and apologize, the matter will be over.It's not that difficult, it's easy.

"Then what do you mean?"

"Apologize, and compensate... two thousand for medical expenses." The security captain didn't expect the lion to open his mouth, and the conditions he gave were not excessive at all.

Those gangsters in society, if they can avoid grudges, they should try their best not to.

The security captain felt that his conditions were not too much. As long as they did this, he was confident that he would suppress this matter.It's just that when such a condition came to Lei Ge, it was tantamount to the lion opening his mouth.

"What? Lose money? Do you have to apologize? Are you crazy? There is no way. If you want to lose money, they will pay us. If you want to apologize, then they will apologize to us. It is enough for me not to care about it today. Don't even think about asking me to apologize and lose money."

"As far as these scumbags are concerned, what is the point of talking to them, turn them over to the police station, and let them sit down for a few days to be honest."

"If you don't agree to such a light condition, it's crazy. Chen Wen, these guys should be taught a lesson."

Chen Jundong and Tan Jian complained angrily in Chen Kangjie's ear one after another.

Chen Kangjie seemed very calm, at least on the surface.

"Don't worry, these guys will definitely suffer." Chen Kangjie said something that seemed perfunctory.

It's just that what Chen Kangjie said was perfunctory?Of course not, not for anything else, just to find a place for those two guys, Chen Wenjie and Ge Zihao, and Chen Kangjie will not let them go easily.

"Hmph, so what if your father is the vice principal? Not to mention the vice principal, even the principal has to be reasonable. The vice principal is great? If there is no apology or compensation for today's matter, there will be no end." Just before Chen Kangjie and the others During a simple conversation, Chen Wenjie suddenly became agitated, pointing at Gao Guoqiao and yelling angrily.

"Don't make trouble. Now we are solving the problem. If you all have this attitude, then go to the office with us to deal with it. If it doesn't work, go to the police station to deal with it. Don't forget, you were just gathering people to fight. Continue to fight , They were punished, so are you, and you will leave a criminal record, do you really want to do that?" Maybe it was the reason why Gao Guoqiao moved out of Gao Beidian, and the attitude of the security captain suddenly took a 180-degree turn.

Needless to say, what the security captain said was really lethal.

What students are afraid of is nothing more than fear of punishment and leaving a criminal record.In that case, not only will their lives be affected, but even their job hunting after graduation will be affected.Not to mention the obstruction of joining the party and being promoted as a result.

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