rebirth of change

Chapter 1834 Zhao Yuexiang's Insight

He Baoguo's changes were really forced out.

Before that, He Baoguo was almost the only one who followed Situ Kuo's lead. Situ Kuo was the leader in everything he did.

He did this originally out of the need for close cooperation and the consolidation of the alliance.After all, Situ Kuo is his superior, and he is the top leader of the provincial government, so he must respect him when he should.And after all, everyone is on the same line. On the local side, maintaining a leader is very necessary to unite everyone.If the two of them have a quarrel, it will make the people below at a loss, which is not good.

It may be that He Baoguo has kept such a low profile for a long time, and Situ Kuo has gradually developed an illusion that He Baoguo is his man, not only his subordinates must obey his orders, but also unite other people. Rise up to defend his interests and existence.

Because of this delusion, when Situ Kuo came back that day, he didn't give He Baoguo a good face, thinking that he had done something wrong, and that wrong thing had caused damage and threats to him.Situ Kuo hoped to hit He Baoguo with a cold attitude and let him know who is the leader.

Although the conversation that day did not collapse, the atmosphere was really bad, and it was rather cold and blunt from the beginning to the end.

It was also that incident that made He Baoguo reflect that he could no longer indulge Situ Kuo.

Speaking of which, Situ Kuo is also a selfish person. When others do something that is beneficial to him, he will greet him with a smile, encourage and support him.But when what others do may affect and hurt him, he wants to pick himself out, and it is even possible to let others take the blame.

It was precisely because of his certainty and understanding of Situ Kuo's character that He Baoguo adjusted his attitude towards him.

There is no way, ever since Liu Hongjun came to Qianzhou, if Situ Kuo's character hadn't been at play, the current complicated political situation in Qianzhou would not have occurred.Some people took refuge in Liu Hongjun because they couldn't understand Situ Kuo's certain ways of doing things and his virtues.

Otherwise, after more than ten years of operation from Zhao Zhibang to Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo, Qianzhou from the province to the cities and counties below cannot be said to be monolithic, but at least everyone is consistent in the general direction.

The owner has such a strong network of connections from top to bottom, as long as the leadership is good, how much trouble can Liu Hongjun, an outsider, and the top secretary, create?I dare not say that he will be overwhelmed, but at least there is no problem in "dominating the river". What's more, with a little courage, he can completely overwhelm him.

But now?Not only did Liu Hongjun have more and more power to speak, but there were even signs of division among them, and the construction and development of the province were also affected.

Don't look at the fact that Yao Zhe's matter won the province last time, it was actually an illusion.It was an illusion that Liu Hongjun didn't realize.That incident was basically led by Chen Kangjie, even though he was only behind the scenes, but without some of the work he did, Yao Zhe would really have to go to Xingzhou.

Others don't know the inside story, but He Baoguo knows it.Not to mention anything else, just because of Cui Boyang's change of attitude, did Situ Kuo's veiled threat really take effect?That was the result of Chen Kangjie's work.

Cui Boyang was considered an old man in the province. He was no stranger to Chen Kangjie, and he was no stranger to the relationship between Chen Kangjie and the previous three provincial party secretaries.At the same time, he is no stranger to Chen Kangjie's influence in several economically developed cities in the province.

To put it bluntly, if the big bosses in the province want to let people go down to practice gold plating, the best places are of course Liushuipan, Shun'an, Huicheng, Jiebi and High-tech City.Able to gain political achievements in a short period of time.Among other things, Cui Boyang's two secretaries served as deputy mayors in Shun'an and Jiebi respectively, and his wife and brother served as director of the construction committee in Liushuipan.These are very critical positions, and they are also positions that are easy to achieve.

As for these places, in terms of influence, Situ Kuo might not be as good as Chen Kangjie.The chief officials of these places have good connections with Chen Kangjie, and more importantly, the political achievements of these places are mainly supported and maintained by Chen Kangjie.

For example, if he just said a word, the wife and brother who is the director of the construction committee will be "cast into the cold palace" by Qiu Yi. Not only will he not have any political achievements related to him, but he will spend his time like a year while wasting his time.

Because of this, Cui Boyang is a gentleman who knows current affairs.It was difficult for him to go any further, but he had to save some money for his people.

Under such a background, He Baoguo had to reflect.If he doesn't become tough, if the local faction alliance collapses, it will be very difficult for He Baoguo to unite everyone.

He Baoguo has the capital to be tough, and the biggest killer in his hands is Chen Kangjie.This is what Situ Kuo did not have.

In politics, the right to speak cannot always be relied on by others, it is better to be in one's own hands.Otherwise, you will face the risk of being abandoned and traded at any time.

Don't look at Situ Kuo being friendly and close to He Baoguo now, in fact, his heart has been turned upside down.





Yes, Situ Kuo did regret it.If He Baohui had such an attitude, he shouldn't have treated him like that when he came back from his hometown.

There are all medicines in this world, but there is no regret medicine.If there was one, Situ Kuo tried his best to get one and swallow it.

How nice and pleasant it is to have a right-hand assistant who obeys what you say.It's all right now, under my persecution, people are going to be equal to me, this is really quite uncomfortable for Situ Kuo who is used to giving orders.

But what about suffering?Can't stand it?Are you tearing your skin apart?Doing that would certainly hurt He Baoguo, but it would hurt Situ Kuo even more.

Unless, Situ Kuo is willing to accept the reality of just doing nothing to guard his current position, and then retiring to the second-line pension after a while.As long as he still has ambitions, as long as he still has desires and pursuits, he cannot part ways with He Baoguo.

Because He Baoguo has Chen Kangjie's family affection, there will still be many people behind him to support him, but what about himself?

There is no choice.Some things, once done, really can not go back.In desperation can only accept the reality.

Although the current feeling is not as good as before, as long as we can still cooperate, it is still a barely good choice.At the very least, as long as they fight Liu Hongjun, they will all get the benefits they need.

Situ Kuo and He Baoguo poured the wine, and Luo Liying and Zhao Yuexiang came out with the soup talking and laughing.

On the surface, others thought they were such good girlfriends and friends.In fact, only they know all kinds of inside information.

In getting along with people, the more casual, the closer the relationship.If you are too polite, too careful, it will be a kind of alienation.

The relationship between Luo Liying and Zhao Yuexiang was polite, especially Zhao Yuexiang, who was always paying attention to some words.It's not distant, but it's not too casual either.

After following He Baoguo for so many years, Zhao Yuexiang is no stranger to the sophistication in the officialdom, and before coming here, He Baoguo had explained to her.

All in all, the two families will remain friendly, but they will no longer be as close and casual as before.

This meal, in a friendly atmosphere, lasted for more than half an hour and ended.

Of the two bottles of wine that He Baoguo twisted, he and Situ Kuo only finished half of the bottles.

At their level, there will no longer be such a situation of not returning home drunk.

"Old He, will the close relationship between you and Situ Kuo have a profound impact on you? He is also the governor after all." Zhao Yuexiang asked after returning home and just entering the door.

"I had no choice but to do it. Situ Kuo is capable, but his vision is not wide and his resilience is not strong. If I don't adjust my relationship with him and let him decide everything, I'm afraid that will hurt me. Influence." He Baoguo said, walked to the sofa and sat down: "Don't worry, although he has these shortcomings, from the point of view that he invites us to dinner at home, he is still rational. Even if I have the suspicion of forcing him Inside, he will also know how to make trade-offs."

"Yeah, when I think of him showing you his face just after he came back from his hometown, I think he's not good enough." Zhao Yuexiang sat down beside He Baoguo, and said a little angrily.

"If he hadn't done that, I wouldn't have reflected on it. Forget it, I won't talk to you about it. I'll take care of things at work." He Baoguo sighed.

"You know how to deal with it. You know how to deal with it. In the past half a year or so, I haven't seen you feel very comfortable. As I said, you should talk to Xiaojie more, I know he can help you." Zhao Yuexiang Some worried complaints.

"He has already helped me. If it wasn't for him, do you think Situ Kuo would be willing to put up with my aggressive tone?" He Baoguo said, taking a sip from the thermos teacup in front of him, to get rid of the alcohol: "Actually, The reason why I made such a change was the suggestion Xiaojie gave me during the phone chat two days ago. I made the choice and decision after careful consideration.”

"It's his suggestion? Did you talk to Lao Chen on the phone?"

"Yes, not only did I communicate with Lao Chen, but yesterday I also called the chief, Comrade Huang Zhenhua and Comrade Tan Changguo. Although they didn't say it explicitly, they acquiesced to a certain extent. He also has doubts about not being able to provoke the leader." If it wasn't for Zhao Yuexiang's better grasp of getting along with Luo Liying, He Baoguo would not have said so much to him.

"If it were me, I wouldn't worry about him either. Before Liu Hongjun asked someone to investigate the Mengting Group, although he didn't support it, he didn't strongly oppose it either. Doesn't he know the role of the Mengting Group in Liushuipan? Such a company, how many jobs have been solved, how much taxation has been provided, and Xiaojie is also their company consultant. He doesn’t even fart, I support you, others can ignore it, we can’t ignore it, you belong to Xiaojie Godfather, you have to support him."

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