rebirth of change

Chapter 1843 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

"Brother Wolf, they seem to have found us, and they seem to be leading us to the suburbs." In the Pajero, the driver said to Brother Wolf who was sitting next to him in the co-pilot.

Brother Lang looks to be in his thirties, with short, flat hair on his square head.The two arms protruding from the cuffs of the t-shirt are not only slender, but also full of knotted muscles.

"It's okay. They can take the initiative to go to the suburbs, which is exactly what I want. In the urban area, there are many people and vehicles, and there will be surveillance in some places. It is convenient for us to leave the urban area. Whether they find it or not, follow them " Brother Wolf's pair of wolf-like eyes expanded up and down, thus pulling his scar lying on the rough facial muscles, making him look a little hideous and frightening.

Brother Wolf is a very aggressive person, and at the same time, he is also a ruthless person.

Speaking of his grandiosity, it means that he doesn't particularly like to be sneaky when doing things. This may be the thinking caused by frequent fights in the army.Even if he wants to teach others, the methods he usually uses are aboveboard.

This is not to say that Brother Wolf is an open and honest gentleman.But brother wolf is very confident, he is very confident in his own skills.

Even if I let you know that I'm going to deal with you, so what?Can you escape from my palm?In a word, I have decided for you, either you beg for mercy, or you will obey.If not, I will beat you all over the place, and in the end, even your mother will not recognize you.

From this point of view, brother wolf's temperament is violent, and he has a strong point of violence.

Not to mention the enemies to be dealt with, but even his subordinates, if they offended him, they would fight with a straight posture.

If you want to use a metaphor, Brother Wolf is like a strong cat, and the person he has to deal with is the mouse.The cat and the mouse don't need to be too fancy, it can be done with keen movements and strong strength.

However, Brother Wolf, who has always been very confident in himself, is probably going to meet Waterloo today.He has always been the one who made people look like ghosts or ghosts, but today, he was lucky enough to have a taste of those who used to beg for sex under his feet.

On this unnamed country road, if someone is watching from the side of the road, they will think that Brother Lang's Pajero and Chen Kangjie's Tengfei car are together, and they went to the forest park to play together.

Brother Wolf and the others have not made any cover-ups, and in fact they can't cover up.

After about seven or eight kilometers out of the city, Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui, who were sitting in front of the car, saw from a distance that only half of the road was 300 meters away, and half of the road collapsed.

A push of soil brought weeds and two small trees down from the ridge on the side. This should be caused by the rain last night, so the road department has not had time to clean it up.

"It's there, slow down and stop them." Xiong Ziqiang pointed to the location of the landslide ahead and gave Pang Hui an order, "I'll let Tan Jun and the others catch up and block them from behind."

"Young master Jie, get off immediately when the car stops." Immediately afterwards, Xiong Ziqiang asked Chen Kangjie again.

"It's okay, I know what to do." Chen Kangjie seemed indifferent calmly.

Chen Kangjie had seen big scenes before, and he didn't panic because of this unknown situation.

In addition, Chen Kangjie also has confidence in his Tengfei car.Although the appearance of this car is very ordinary, in fact, its safety performance is very good.Since he has so much money, Chen Kangjie will not treat him badly.

At the same time, the driver in the other Pajero saw that the Tengfei car in front started to slow down, and slowed down accordingly.

"Damn it, who told you to slow down?" Brother Wolf slapped the driver on the head and cursed dissatisfied.

"Oh." The driver lowered his head, and the vehicle tilted slightly.

"Do you fucking want us all to fall to our death?" Brother Wolf cursed again.

"Brother Wolf, they slowed down and I slowed down." The driver did not dare to reply, and explained with a bitter face.

But in the driver's heart, he had already scolded him.You dead hermaphrodite, are you blind?Are your eyeballs blown out by the sun and you can’t even see it?Besides, do I want an accident?It wasn't you who called me.Even if I want to have an accident, I want to kill you, so I will not accompany you to die.

"You still dare to talk back, don't you? Are you in charge or I have the final say? They slow down, so you refuel, and I hit you." Brother Wolf stared sharply at the vehicle in front of him, and cursed fiercely.

"Crash into it?" The driver thought he heard it wrong, so he asked involuntarily.

You scolded me just now for wanting to throw you to death, but now you want me to hit you, damn it, are you crazy?

It's just that the driver instinctively asked this question and immediately regretted it.Brother Wolf almost instinctively hit his head again.

"Okay, okay, I'll hit it."

"Brother Wolf, will this be dangerous? The ridge next to it is two or three meters away. If we overturn..." A boy sitting behind said a little worried.

They can hang out with brother wolf, at least they belong to the kind of people who dare to fight and rush.It's just that it's one thing to dare to fight and rush, but it's another thing to be willing to take the initiative to cause traffic accidents.

You know, in a traffic accident, anything can happen.If you become crippled or disfigured before meeting the person who needs to be dealt with, it will be too uneconomical and embarrassing.

"I'm not afraid of sitting in the front, are you afraid of a bird? You're so stupid, their car is taking off, ours is a Pajero, and we hit it again, will we still have trouble? Give them a blow first, if They're not scared to death, so let's play slowly." As he spoke, the corners of Brother Wolf's mouth twitched, revealing the face of a gamer.

Brother Wolf has never put other people's safety and dignity in his eyes. For him, since all tasks are completed, of course he has to choose an exciting way.Life is already boring enough, wouldn't it be too boring if you don't stimulate it by playing with others?

Since you want to hit, hit it.

Even if the driver doesn't want to, he can only carry out the order, besides, he still has some confidence in his skills.Furthermore, the Pajero I was driving was better than the one in front of me, both in terms of quality and power performance.

Oh oh oh!

The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the Pajero, which had already slowed down, quickly increased again.

"No, those tortoises didn't mean to stop, they were going to hit them!" Pang Hui made a judgment based on the sound of the rear car's engine.

Now Pang Hui is more cautious than most of the time, and even a little nervous.

He is not the only one sitting in this car, Jie Shao is sitting in the back of the car.Even though Pang Hui has a solid understanding of the performance and quality of this car and his own technology, he is still a little worried.

No one can guarantee the unexpected situation of the traffic accident. If Chen Kangjie had any problems because of his driving, Pang Hui asked himself that he would not be able to bear the responsibility.It's one thing to be careless at ordinary times, but it's another thing to be careless in times of crisis.

If Pang Hui was the kind of person who was careless from beginning to end, he would have joined the special forces.

"Don't be nervous, Brother Hui, I believe in you, just play as normal, and you shouldn't have much problem taking them down." Chen Kangjie encouraged.

"Since they're about to collide, there's no need to stop. Get rid of them first. I'll let Tan Jun and the others catch up, and the praying mantis, cicada and oriole will follow behind." Xiong Ziqiang's eyes were cold, and he could only respond calmly.

The more critical the moment, the less chaos there is.Only calmness and calmness can resolve challenges and dangers.

Pang Hui also accelerated, quickly rushed through the landslide area, and continued to drive steadily towards the winding road ahead.

"They want to run." The driver of Pajero said, staring at the Tengfei car in front of him.

"Then chase. With your skills and the performance of the car, are you afraid that they won't be able to run away?" Brother Wolf waved his left hand and said proudly.

However, many times it is often counterproductive.

Brother Wolf and the others thought that relying on the advantages of the car itself, it would be easy to catch up and hit it hard from behind.Unexpectedly, that confident driver tried his best and failed to get close to the car in front.

If you let him know that the ordinary Tengfei sedan in front has a power of 2.5, is also four-wheel drive, and the driver is an experienced driver, he may not be confident, and Brother Wolf will not let him chase after it.

On the contrary, because the chassis and body of Pajero are relatively high, when passing a few sharp turns, the speed of the car was too fast, and it almost rolled over.

Of course, driving at a speed of more than [-] on such a narrow and winding mountain road is also a big challenge for Pang Hui.There are two corners, which are also dangerous.

Among all the people, Chen Kangjie was the calmest.

Chen Kangjie believes that Pang Hui's technology can handle it, and he also believes that the performance of this specially modified car is no worse than that of the Pajero behind it.

In addition, Chen Kangjie also believed that Tan Jun and the others in the rear would give each other a surprise.As long as Tan Jun and the others catch up, this short competition will end temporarily.

Sure enough, after chasing and racing for seven or eight kilometers, Tan Jun and his car appeared behind Pajero.

Without Chen Kangjie in the car, Wang Wei can let go of the car without any scruples or hindrances.

"Brother Wolf, there is a car chasing us from behind." The Pajero driver quickly noticed something strange.

Brother Wolf looked back from the rearview mirror, his face was terribly gloomy: "Damn it, the car in front couldn't catch up, and yet another person who is not afraid of death ran out from behind, pissed off, fuck it."

"Brother Wolf, these two cars are strange. Their cars don't feel so simple." The driver named Huopi said worriedly.

It is obvious that the car in front cannot catch up, but the car behind catches up easily. If the car is simple, can it play with Pajero like this?

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