rebirth of change

Chapter 1846 You Don't Have This Chance

"Huopi, what are you doing? Do you want to die? If you dare to talk nonsense, you will die without a place to die." As soon as the sudden voice sounded, Brother Wolf didn't need to look. That fire skin who was often bullied by him.

Brother Wolf, who turned his head, glared at Huo Pi. Even if he wasn't a mighty and unyielding tough guy, he still despised Huo Pi, a person who couldn't hold out even a minute of threats.

As for the others, they looked at Huopi with neither joy nor sorrow.They can't be the first to eat crabs, but they won't be against fire skins either.

Just treat Huopi as a pioneer test, if the effect is good, then they don't mind following closely behind, if it is not good, just shut up, and there is no loss.

Huopi seemed to be a little afraid of Brother Wolf. After being drunk by Brother Wolf, he didn't dare to look him in the face, and he hesitated what he wanted to say.

"You have to know, the way the boss treats traitors. If you don't tell, you may not die, but as long as you say it, you will die. Now in broad daylight, do they dare to kill us like this?" Brother Wolf said He cheered on himself and everyone.

"You talk too much." Chen Kangjie threw a sentence to Brother Lang in extreme disgust.

Pang Hui immediately reacted to Chen Kangjie's words.

I don't know if Brother Wolf's jaw is dislocated, but with his mouth full of blood, at least he has little chance to speak now.

"It's just being cheap. I haven't figured out the situation until now. This kind of person is a waste of rice." Pang Hui, who has seen blood for countless times, was not at all surprised by his heavy feet. The whole person showed indifference to brother wolf.

Some people cannot have warmth for him, otherwise, it is very likely to become a story of a farmer and a snake.

It's useless to talk to such lowly people, only the most direct way can shock them.

Pang Hui's violent attack really had an effect. Brother Wolf shut up, and the others also fell silent.

"If you want to say it, say it well. I will only give you one chance. If you can't speak clearly within 1 minute, then your chance will be terminated." Chen Kangjie said to Huo Pi, who was staring at a pair of big eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes. I know, our boss asked us to come. As for why the boss ordered you to be dealt with, I don't know the reason." Huo Pi hurriedly nodded.

People die and birds turn to the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years.I'm so hotheaded to follow you, but in the end I got nothing. The boss scolded me as much as I wanted, and brother wolf beat me up as I wanted.That being the case, why should I stick to the end?Loyalty?loyalty?How much is that worth?If I'm so useless, what about my wife?What about my son?

Damn, besides, loyalty and loyalty must be divided into people.There shouldn't be any loyalty to someone like Brother Lang.The boss is a poisonous snake, and you are a hungry wolf. If we are loyal to you, I am afraid that we will suffer in the end.

Since this is the case, if there is an opportunity, of course I will seize it.

"Who is your boss?" Chen Kangjie asked critically.

"Ding Shaosi is the boss of the Xishan Ding Group." Huo Pi knew everything.

"Xishan? Ding's Group?" Chen Kangjie thought it was a bit interesting, "So you are also from Xishan?"

"Yes, I was recruited a few days ago."

"It's interesting. So, your boss is building the city now?"

"It was still there two days ago, but I don't know if I'm here now. Most of the time, Brother Wolf is in contact with the boss."

"Okay, very good, according to the accent, your family is not from Xishan, right?" Chen Kangjie's thinking suddenly jumped.

"No, I'm from Yanzhao." Huo Pi was stunned for a moment, not knowing why Chen Kangjie asked such a question, but he answered honestly after a while.

"Okay, then you go, remember, don't go back to Xishan, go back to your hometown by yourself. I will keep my promise and let you go."

Huopi got up from the ground, but he didn't dare to move, he still couldn't believe it and let himself go like this.

"What? Are you still waiting for us to buy you a ticket or are you waiting to see how they die?" Wang Wei glared at him and said in a stern voice.

"No, no, no, I'll go, I'll go right away." Huopi shook, and hurriedly limped away with his painful body.

Although they were all injured, they were not yet disabled. Most of them could walk on their own as long as they regained their strength.

"We also have something to say..."

"Can you leave if you say so?"

"I can provide information..."

Seeing that Huopi really left, the other three guys who were watching coldly came to life immediately.

Judging from the opponent's attack on Brother Lang, he is really not a good man and a believer, let alone a person who is afraid of getting into trouble.If it doesn't work out, the other party really dares to do some outrageous things, if that's the case, it won't help even if my intestines regret it.

So now that there is an opportunity to leave, of course we must seize it and perform.

"I'm sorry, as I said just now, there is only one chance, and whoever grabs it will get it. If you don't grab it, it can only be considered unlucky for you. Who told you to wait and see at the critical moment." Chen Kangjie waved them impatiently. The words interrupted.

"Boss, what I wanted to say just now was that Huopi took me one step ahead."

"Me too."

"I was about to speak..."

"If you don't want to be like him, then shut up." Chen Kangjie really didn't want to look at these people, pointed to Brother Lang who was still bleeding from his mouth, and said: "Life is often like this. If you lose one step, you will lose step by step." , Sometimes one step too late can be fatal."

Although Chen Kangjie of the Ding Group doesn't know what he started his business for the time being, but the coal bosses are the most numerous in Xishan. The Ding Group should also be a company developed by relying on coal.

Since these people were recruited by Ding Shaosi from Xishan, it is very likely that they are the role of the mine guard team as thugs.

Chen Kangjie had no direct contact with the coal boss in Xishan, but he knew about it from the relevant media reports.Few of those coal bosses are clean. Quite a few of the mine protection teams they keep in captivity are gangster thugs who grab territory.

Few of these people did not commit crimes. If they were really prosecuted according to the law, many of them would have to go to prison if they were not shot.

It was for this reason that Chen Kangjie didn't show any kindness to them.

"Don't beg him, hmph, just like Brother Wolf said, I don't believe he really dared to kill us."

"That's right, kill us if you have the ability."

"If you don't dare, when we go back, we will definitely get this place back."

Seeing that there is no hope for good, several people immediately revealed their true colors as scoundrels. It is really faster to turn faces than to turn books.

"Hmph, let's follow Chu Zhenglei's example." After speaking, Chen Kangjie started to walk towards the parking lot.

"What does this mean?" The three of them looked at each other, unable to understand the example Chen Kangjie mentioned.

"You still want to get back the scene? Haha, you don't have this chance, so you don't know if you will be able to do it in the next life." Pang Hui said jokingly and contemptuously to these guys who were almost sentenced to death.

As long as they arrive at Christmas Island, they will be completely in their hands. To put it bluntly, if they want to die, they will have to die, and if they are given to live, they can live.

For these scumbags, Chen Kangjie really wanted to kill them.It's just like Brother Wolf said, Chen Kangjie really can't kill them in broad daylight.It's not that Chen Kangjie didn't dare, but he couldn't.

As long as possible, Chen Kangjie will not trample on domestic laws at will.The dignity of the law not only needs to be maintained by ordinary people, but more importantly, as a person who is entitled to enjoy privileges, it must be maintained.

Otherwise, the dignity of the law will be gone.Once the law becomes a decoration, the whole society will be in turmoil and the country will fall into disaster.

Chen Kangjie is a patriot. Murder is a felony, and Chen Kangjie can avoid it as much as possible on domestic soil.

Soon, on this road leading to the forest park, there was only one Pajero overturned here.When the traffic police arrived, they couldn't even find anyone.

Since there is no perpetrator and no victim, what the traffic police can do is to tow away the nearly scrapped Pajero.

As for the others, the traffic police will not take care of them.These days, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and who would take the initiative to cause trouble for himself if he can be free.

"Master Jie, what about Ding Shaosi?" Xiong Ziqiang asked Chen Kangjie on the way back.

"How to deal with it? If this kind of person takes the initiative to come to the door, of course he will be told to come and go. If this kind of person is not cleaned up properly and trampled underfoot, those cats and dogs will think we are easy to bully." Chen Kangjie is Really angry.

Needless to say, Chen Kangjie knew that this matter had nothing to do with the Liu family.If it wasn't because of the Liu family, why would there be a few ghosts from Xishan looking for the dead?

It seems that the Liu family must be taken down as soon as possible, otherwise, not only the overall situation will be in turmoil, but even myself will not have a peaceful day.

"In a couple of days, investigate the situation of Ding Shaosi... let Tan Jun and the others do it, they have a solution. I will take care of him after I figure out his situation." Chen Kangjie then ordered road.

Ding Shaosi still doesn't know that the people he sent have been cleaned up. Now, he is in a big hotel in Zhucheng, holding his little honey in his arms, Wushan Yunyu.

"Mr. Ding, I want to buy a house here." Bearing the impact of Ding Shaosi, Xiaomi whispered.

Xiaomi knows very well that Ding Shaosi will not refuse any request she makes as long as it is during the wedding.

"Little fairy, what kind of house do you want to buy? You take care of me. After a while, our community is built. You can just choose one. Turn over, I want to play with the old man's pushcart... ..”

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