rebirth of change

Chapter 1851 Where do you go, you decide on your own

"What? You stopped playing? How could you do this? You are too disrespectful. We are about to start. Giving up halfway is not what a man should do." Chen Kangjie flinched from the fifth child, as if Very disappointed.Not at all happy that he surrendered.

"I can't afford to play your game." The fifth child said with his head down in frustration.

Chen Kangjie bent down to pick up the gun that Lao Wu dropped, rubbed it a few times, and shook it up: "You guys, he can't afford it, how about one of you replace him and continue playing with me?"

Arrogance, demonstration, contempt, arrogance.Most of all, it's insane.These are Ding Shaosi's and others' evaluation of Chen Kangjie at this moment.

Do you think that if the fifth child can't afford it, we can afford it?What do you want to do?Just say it directly, why do you have to torture and humiliate people like this?

Too bully.

Seeing no one responded, Chen Kangjie casually threw the money on the table.

"You really can't afford it. Fortunately, you know the current affairs. Otherwise, you would have died here." Chen Kangjie opened two holes in his shirt, "Do you see what this is? Body armor, I don't know if you can pierce it with one shot, but I can definitely kill you with one stab."

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder people dare to play like that, dare to gamble like that, it turns out that they can't die at all.Whoever it is, has that kind of confidence.

Damn, it's too insidious, how can you be so shameless as a human being.Why don't you go and fight with the kindergarten kids?Why don't you go to the old woman in the nursing home to play wrestling?Really, can you be more shameless?

Xiong Ziqiang and the others finally felt at ease.Just to put it bluntly, how could Master Jie play that dangerous game?He's really smart enough to scare the other party into surrender by playing a little trick.These guys are also unlucky enough. It's not good to provoke anyone, but they want to provoke him.That fifth child was righteous and fearless at first, but what happened afterwards?Surrendered, huh, huh, not peeing your pants is enough.

The fifth child is now ashamed, angry and regretful.

I was so ashamed that my concentration was insufficient, I was frightened, I flinched, and I was afraid.The anger is that he was played, humiliated, and played with by a young man.What I regret is that I didn't seize the opportunity, and I would have completely followed the instructor's teaching at the time - don't hit the chest if you can hit the head, and don't hit the stomach if you can hit the chest.If his gun was pointed at his head, would he still dare to play that game?Hey, the past few years of rivers and lakes have caused my professionalism to decline.

Will he give it a chance now?I guess only idiots would.

"You are despicable." The fifth child cursed unwillingly.

"Hehe, despicable? Soldiers never tire of cheating, don't you understand? Besides, a person like you is also qualified to be despicable? Don't you do too many despicable things? Did I kill your family or set fire to your house? You came all the way here to deal with me, but you said I was despicable, and you are too shameless. What kind of thing, you dare to speak nonsense." Chen Kangjie scolded without expression.

"Get the hell out of here and stay here. I'll settle your affairs with you later. The surname Ding, kneel down." Chen Kangjie shouted with a cold face.

Soon, Lao Wu and the others were taken back to squat in a corner.They weren't tied up, but with two guns over their heads, there was absolutely no way they could get away alive if there was a sign of trouble.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was no longer "gentle and elegant", Ding Shaosi became very upset.However, when Chen Kangjie asked him to kneel down, he was not so forthright.

If Chen Kangjie asked him to kneel, he would kneel down, then Ding Shaosi would never even think about raising his head in front of his brothers, let alone showing off his might.The basic integrity that should be maintained must be maintained, even if it cannot be maintained for a long time, it must be put on a show.

Later, it was Pang Hui who kicked down, and Ding Shaosi reluctantly knelt down in front of Chen Kangjie.

"Now we should have a good chat, Mr. Ding." Chen Kangjie looked at Ding Shaosi with the attitude of a winner.

"What are you talking about? Winners and losers, just write down whatever you want." Ding Shaosi said with his neck stuck in disbelief.

No matter what, Ding Shaosi is also a person who is used to being a boss. If he is bullied like this and kneels down, even if he is afraid of death, he will not immediately wag his tail and beg for mercy.There is still a little temper.

"Fresh, I like you the way you are now. Only in this way can we find a common topic." Chen Kangjie clapped his hands and said, "I want you to do one thing now, and that is to explain why you are dealing with me and you and the Liu family." Write down the past cooperation, if you can still know some secrets about their family, that would be even better."

"You are asking me to inform and betray me. What if I don't write?"

"If you don't write, I won't force you. Then I can only send you to meet your subordinates. The choice is yours. I will never force people to do things they don't want to do. Where do you go? You Self-determination." Chen Kangjie said in a deep voice.

"What happened to the old wolf and the others?" Ding Shaosi asked in a trembling voice.

"Do you really want to see them?" Chen Kangjie didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"I..." Ding Shaosi dared not answer.He didn't know whether to say that he wanted to see it or that he didn't want to see it.

If they are still alive, of course they want to see them, but what if they die?

Ding Shaosi didn't dare to answer, it was based on his own judgment, he felt that Brother Wolf probably died more and lived less.

In fact, it was Chen Kangjie who misled Ding Shaosi in his tone. Anyone who heard Chen Kangjie speak like this would think that Brother Wolf and the others were already in the underworld.

"To write or not to write?" Chen Kangjie didn't give Ding Shaosi too much time to think.

"I..." Ding Shaosi really had a hard time making a choice.

Ding Shaosi was not worried about the life and death of the Liu family, he was worried about himself.Once this thing is written, there is no turning back. If it is not done well, he will go bankrupt because he offended a large number of people. Even if he goes to jail, the possibility is very high.

Who is the most hated person in this world?A traitor is the most hated person who betrays.Just like those traitors in the past, they were basically the target of everyone shouting to beat and everyone shouting to kill.

Liu Hongjun was in power in Xishan, and in Xishan, Liu Hongjun had many former students and officials.And Xishan is his base camp.If I reported Liu Hongjun here, would the people over there give me a good look and not deal with me?Impossible, they will never give themselves a certificate for betraying a corrupt official.

"Since you don't write, forget it. It seems that you still miss your brothers very much, and you will see them soon." Chen Kangjie got up and made a gesture of leaving.

Just after Chen Kangjie took two steps, Ding Shaosi stopped him.

"Wait a minute, I'll write, but I did, can you guarantee my safety?" Ding Shaosi gritted his teeth and made up his mind as the fear of the unknown defeated the known results.

Ding Shaosi's descendants are now covered with dense beads of cold sweat.

Ding Shaosi really didn't know where Brother Wolf and the others had gone. Under the premise of not knowing this, Ding Shaosi didn't dare to take risks.

These people can carry guns with them, which means that they are not ordinary people.In China, gun control is extremely strict, and those who can carry it with them are either desperadoes or have very special backgrounds.No matter which one it is, they are not easy to match, they really dare to kill people.

Chen Kangjie stopped and turned around: "I won't guarantee your safety, it's up to you. What I can guarantee is that if you write it, I won't make things too difficult for you. Just be straightforward. , If you don’t write, you have no chance at all. If you write, you still have a chance. As for what will happen in the end, it depends on your ability.”

Chen Kangjie did not deceive Ding Shaosi, but told the truth.

Ding Shaosi rolled his eyes and made up his mind: "Okay, here comes the pen and paper, and I'll write it for you."

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.If Ding Shaosi knew that he came to Qianzhou this time, not only did he not make a lot of money, but also ended up like this, then he would not come no matter what.Even if he was begging for food at Xishan, he would not step here.

Soon Dong Mingshu put the pen and paper he had prepared on a chair next to Ding Shaosi.

"You only have one chance, don't try to write some fake news to deceive me. I can take the initiative to find you, which means I have a solid foundation in my heart. Don't think that I really dare not take you because I played with the bulletproof vest just now. How about it. Let me tell you, I really don’t take your life seriously. If you make a mistake, you don’t have a bulletproof vest on your body, and even if you do, my knife can still go in.” In order to ensure that Ding Shaosi did not play tricks Chen Kangjie had no choice but to put a curse on him.

Chen Kangjie was not joking. If Ding Shaosi did not cooperate, Chen Kangjie would not have killed him in China, but he would definitely not mind taking him to Africa to mine.Didn't he start out mining, and then he could have a taste of that.

Ding Shaosi originally had a little bit of cheating in his mind, but now he has put them all away.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

"Take them to the next door." After Ding Shaosi started writing, Chen Kangjie waved at Tan Jun and the others: "They also have homework to do."


Soon, in the noisy two connected boxes, no one made any loud noises, and in the room, the only thing that could be heard was the rustling sound of writing.

Ding Shaosi wrote about the Liu family, while Lao Wu and the others wrote about Ding Shaosi and themselves.

This is Chen Kangjie's double insurance, as long as these things are held in his hands, one can prove each other, and the other is that Ding Shaosi cannot escape from the palm of his hand.

After more than an hour, both sides were written.However, Ding Shaosi never saw Lao Wu and the others again.After Chen Kangjie and his group left, only Ding Shaosi sat on the ground in a daze.

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