rebirth of change

Chapter 1884 No Solitaire

With Liu Hongjun settled, Chen Kangjie's summer vacation has also arrived.

Of course, the issues related to Liu Hongjun will continue to ferment in the future, and many people will be involved. However, those are not Chen Kangjie's concern and handling, and they are all left to He Baoguo.

In this incident, Chen Kangjie acted as a pioneer, a role of kicking open the door. As for how to "throw grenades" and "mix sand" inside later, that was He Baoguo's business.

After experiencing this incident, He Baoguo had a new understanding of Chen Kangjie.This guy is really suitable for politics, and he has calculated and grasped every step of the way quite well.For example, Liu Huawei's acquittal, Chen Kangjie didn't fart, as if she didn't care at all.Another example is that when he got the information about Xishan, he held it tightly until the critical moment before he directly bypassed the province and handed it in.For example, the investigation of the Foundation has already involved a lot, but the outside world doesn't know anything about it. It was only after his appointment was made that it was handed over to him as a sharp sword.

This guy is really "scheming", fortunately he is his own person, if he is on the opposite side, He Baoguo himself will find it difficult to find a way to deal with him.

Thinking about it carefully, Chen Kangjie is a lieutenant general. Since he met him, his official career has become smooth. In just over ten years, he has become the head of a province. It's hard to imagine.

As soon as Chen Kangjie's vacation came, he led a large group of people to fly to Batie to finish the remaining half of the movie.

It is said that there are a large number of people, not only the crew, but also his training team. Chen Kangjie has no intention of giving up the training plan halfway, which is also the firm request of Niu Qihua and the others.The days of the Olympics are getting closer and closer.

Compared with the last trip to Pakistan Railway, Chen Kangjie received more attention this time.

Speaking of attention does not mean that Chen Kangjie received such a high-standard reception.Due to time constraints, Chen Kangjie did not plan to participate in any activities this time, and he even declined the banquet from the local government.

However, this time the security of Chen Kangjie from the Pakistani Railway was much stricter than last time.From the moment Chen Kangjie got off the plane, the local security department took high-standard protection measures for him.Wherever he went, there were security vehicles clearing the way and following him.Martial law was enforced from the outside in the area where Chen Kangjie wanted to work and shoot.Except for the staff participating in the performance, other idlers are not allowed to enter this area.

Even, the local area has sent armed helicopters to conduct irregular patrols over Bulushaburo to ensure safety from the air.

It can be said that the treatment Chen Kangjie received in Pakistan Railway is not much lower than that of a head of state.

The reason why Batie attaches so much importance to the comprehensive protection of Chen Kangjie is undoubtedly related to the last bombing.

Although Chen Kangjie was safe and sound in that bombing attack, it was enough to worry many people, and its impact spread to all aspects.

Not only did two of Chen Kangjie's bodyguards die, but local government officials also suffered heavy losses. Governor Loughman of the Northwest Frontier Province was seriously injured, and Loughman's secretary Gulam died protecting Loughman.Huck, the mayor of Bulushabro, was also injured, but slightly less injured than Rafman.Eighteen other officials and local people died, and the local police also paid a heavy price for the sacrifice of nine people during the mob's siege.

With such a painful lesson learned from the past, how could it be possible that the Pakistan Railways did not take it seriously?If a similar thing happens again, not to mention the huge cost, even the face lost, it is not something that Pakistani officials can easily bear.

There is another reason for being serious about Chen Kangjie, that is, Chen Kangjie's arrival has indeed brought many unexpected benefits to the local area.Just saying that he is willing to sponsor a group of students and teachers to study in China every year and to invest in the establishment of a number of schools in the local area is a great contribution. Besides, once Chen Kangjie's movie can be sold well, it will be a great contribution to Bulushaburo. Its urban influence and tourism are also a big boost.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, Pakistan Railways must go all out to let Chen Kangjie work in Pakistan Railways safely, and then leave safely.If the public security situation in Bulushaburo is really worrying to an unacceptable level, then even if this movie can bring a sensational effect, not many people are willing to take risks in this city full of crises and unrest.

In addition to the strict measures taken by Pakistan Railway, Chen Kangjie and the others did not completely pin their hopes and guarantees on the local people.In fact, the security performance of the Pakistani side last time was really unflattering. They didn't wipe out all the terrorists. Some of them not only escaped, but also caused new threats to Chen Kangjie and the others.

As the saying goes, you can raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while.Zheng Jun and the others have been training for a long time on Christmas Island, so it's time to come to Chen Kangjie's side to fulfill some responsibilities.

Under the arrangement of Ouyang Zhenhua and the mobilization of Zheng Jun, this time, an elite team of 50 people came to Batie from Christmas Island ahead of schedule and came to Bulushaburo.These 50 people will be responsible for the security protection closer to Chen Kangjie. As for the closest bodyguards, they are still Chen Kangjie's bodyguards.

After arriving in Bulushaburo, the whole team only had a day of rest and arrangements, and immediately devoted themselves to the intense and orderly shooting tasks.

During the half-month break, Chen Kangjie made some changes to the script to enhance the grandeur of the scene and the intensity of the gun battle.In terms of close combat, a lot of shots have also been added.As a result, the task was very heavy and the time was very tight, and everyone, including Chen Kangjie, had little respite.

What's more, apart from filming, Chen Kangjie had to devote no less than an hour and a half to his training every day.From this perspective, Chen Kangjie is the busiest and most tiring of all.

He is a director, he is also a leading actor, and he has to train.The time he can rest every day is really less than six hours, because he has a solid foundation and a good physique. If it were someone else, he might be exhausted in less than half a month.

"Long, isn't this fight too bloody and real?" Half a month later, during a break during the filming of a hand-to-hand combat between Chen Kangjie and Chen Long and a dozen "Mi Army soldiers" , Chen Long pulled Chen Kangjie aside.

"What do you mean?" Chen Kangjie, who was wearing sunglasses and a shirt, took off his sunglasses and stared at Chen Long and asked.

"According to me, it should be softer, and the movements should be increased to better reflect the beauty of Chinese martial arts. You can even add a little humor to it." Chen Long greeted Chen Kangjie. Said the gaze.

"Brother, I understand what you mean. What you said seems to have always been your acting style. I'm not saying that this acting style is bad. From the bottom of my heart, I like it very much. But there is something involved in it." , that is, who is our movie for?" Chen Kangjie didn't flinch because Chen Long questioned him.

With Chen Kangjie's current fame and status, he is fully qualified to ignore Chen Long's doubts.Chen Kangjie is the director and the largest investor, while Chen Long is only the second leading actor, at best he has the status of a small investor.He is not qualified to question Chen Kangjie, he just needs to complete the movie according to Chen Kangjie's request.Besides, the time is so tight, Chen Kangjie doesn't have so much time to explain every scene clearly to others and get everyone's approval.

However, Chen Kangjie did not show his big-name qualifications. Chen Long is a senior he respects and a martial arts actor he loves. Therefore, Chen Kangjie still hopes to persuade him and get his support and understanding from the bottom of his heart.

Besides, there are few Chinese in the crew, but Americans accounted for the majority.If the two of them have conflicts and conflicts, it will also make "outsiders" laugh at it.

Not only can they not have conflicts, but they should be more united.Only when they are united can they condense the unity and cooperation of the entire team.In order for the Chinese to gain recognition and respect from more people in the world, what is often lacking is unity.

Among the Chinese, there are many examples of their own people deceiving their own people, their own people robbing their own people, and their own people looking down on their own people. Because of this, although the Chinese are generally hardworking and kind, they are still looked down upon by many "foreigners".It is believed that the Chinese are a state of disunity, that they are experts in internal struggles, and outsiders are amateurs.

The crew is also a small society, and since it is a small society, there will be all kinds of people and various viewpoints and logics in it.In this small society, Chen Kangjie is the core figure. He should not only unite with other people, but also unite with his important partner.

"Of course it's for the audience to see."

"Hehe, of course I know that the filming is for the audience, but the question is, where is the audience for the filming?" This is the essence of Chen Kangjie's question.

"..." Chen Long fell silent.

Although Chen Long can be regarded as an international superstar, to be honest, his influence is mainly concentrated in the Greater China region, at most Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia. In the Western world, his influence and reputation are far inferior a lot of.It can be seen from the salary he received in Hollywood.His salary is not the exorbitant salary paid by the first international superstar.

"Let's put it this way, if our film only hopes to be successful in Greater China, then according to your vision and method, there is no problem and it can be widely recognized. However, our goal is audiences all over the world. Not only do we want to conquer the Chinese, we also want to conquer the Westerners, and we also want to break into markets like South America and Central and Eastern Europe. Their aesthetic concepts and understanding of martial arts movements are different from ours." Chen Kangjie explained seriously road.

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