When Chen Kangjie got off the plane, the first thing he saw were two pure beauties standing side by side.

However, Chen Kangjie didn't hug the two beautiful girls who hadn't seen each other for a long time, but hesitated.

Before asking people to bring the two to Hong Kong for a reunion, Chen Kangjie considered it entirely from his own point of view, but when he actually saw them, Chen Kangjie felt that it seemed inappropriate.

Fan Xuexi and Deng Min are like Chunlan Qiuju, each with its own merits and demeanor.If the two of them met him alone, then Chen Kangjie would be able to deal with it calmly, but now that the two of them were standing together hand in hand, Chen Kangjie was a little at a loss.

Mistake, misstep.How to do this, how to deal with it.The relationship between them and themselves is not an ordinary simple relationship. If the relationship between them is as simple as that in middle school, it will be easy.However, both of them have skin-to-skin relationship with him, if this is not done well, it will be a catastrophe.

How many heroes have been defeated in the struggle with women, and how many heroes have fallen under the attack of women.

Chen Kangjie has been trying to avoid confronting Fan Xuexi and Deng Min head-on.Unexpectedly, an inadvertent decision of his own made this situation appear, and he also fell into a dilemma.

No matter how much self-blame and secret regret seems to be of no avail, now, I can only face it.If you can't figure it out, just pretend to be crazy and stupid.

"Hehe, have you been waiting for a long time? It's really hard work to trouble you to pick me up." Chen Kangjie shook his head, put aside those distracting thoughts, and greeted the two beauties with a smile.

"Seeing you in a daze just now, are you regretting letting the two of us come to Hong Kong at the same time? Do you feel that you have done something unwise?" Fan Xuexi didn't give Chen Kangjie face because of his smile, and opened his mouth to criticize.

I heard people say that the IQ of a woman in love is zero.Nima's, it's just nonsense, does this IQ seem to be zero?It's even smarter than a monkey.Chen Kangjie cursed in his heart.

"Hahaha, how could it be? That's not it. I was so happy to meet you all of a sudden. Excited, excited. This excitement made me fall into a trap, ha ha." Chen Kangjie's brain reacted so well Not so fast, and he is worthy of being a director and an actor. Not only did he suddenly find an excuse, but the expression on his face did not show the slightest bit of panic.

It's almost as if it should be.

Men who are with women seem to be able to learn some lying skills more or less.This is completely forced out, if there is no such skill, this man will probably face the end of failure.

"Really? Is that the excited expression? You can't see any surprise at all. Your other talents are unparalleled, and this lying skill may not be superb." Deng Min stood by Fan Xuexi's side and shared with her. advance and retreat.

Now that he has lied, then Chen Kangjie has no reason to confess and be lenient when he is forced by a sentence or two now. That would be too inferior.All he could do was grit his teeth and persevere.Anyway, as long as I persist, you have nothing to prove that I don't think so.Do you think that if you cheat, I will show my original shape?

"I said, are all you women so suspicious? I'm really excited. Don't think about each other, can you? It's been a long time. Are you unhappy to see me? Are you planning to interrogate me here? Let's go." Come on, let's go, the airport is not a place for conversation, let's leave quickly." Chen Kangjie resorted to slick tactics, insisted on a sentence or two, and then quickly diverted his attention.

In fact, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min didn't really want to embarrass Chen Kangjie. They also knew that the airport was crowded with people and it was not a place to reminisce about old times and tell lovesickness.It's just that the moment Chen Kangjie saw them, he said that what he showed was not surprise and excitement, which made both of them feel a little hurt.

Now that Chen Kangjie looked away, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min could only leave the airport first.

Fortunately, Ouyang Zhenhua prepared an extended car, even if Chen Kangjie sat with the two of them, he would not look uncomfortable.If it's an ordinary car, it's a big problem.Chen Kangjie couldn't sit by himself, but drove the two of them to another car, and he couldn't let Fan Xuexi or Deng Min accompany him in one car alone, and the other person was assigned to another car.He couldn't let both of them squeeze into the same seat with him. In that case, he who was squeezed in the middle would not only not be able to enjoy the blessing of being equal to each other, but might be tortured to death Gamo.

"When did you arrive? Did you come together?" Chen Kangjie sat upside down, casually chatting with Fan Xuexi and Deng Min who were sitting opposite him.

Chen Kangjie decided that no matter what, the atmosphere must be harmonious. Only when the atmosphere is harmonious can he get along with them safely.

"I arrived yesterday, why, are you afraid that we will come together?" Fan Xuexi answered a few words casually, and immediately gave Chen Kangjie a sharp blow.

Chen Kangjie really felt like sweating on his head, why did he hold on to this again?One head, two big ones.

"Of course I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. If I were afraid, how could someone bring you all here?" Chen Kangjie found a high-sounding reason for himself.

"I'm afraid you think it's a stupid decision." Deng Min added.

"Hey, I don't know how to do stupid things." Chen Kangjie smiled awkwardly.

"Then, don't you want the two of us to meet and quarrel? Don't you worry that the two of us will be embarrassed? Embarrassed?" Fan Xuexi didn't let Chen Kangjie go because he was overwhelmed. It's getting sharper.

Chen Kangjie really felt like he was pushed against the wall and couldn't get off.

The reason why he has been unwilling to face the two of them at the same time is nothing but this fear.I'm really worried that they will be jealous, and I'm also worried that they will be embarrassed and embarrassing to each other.

Now is the era of emotional freedom and equality, unlike the patriarchal society in ancient times, not to mention unattainable emperors, even ordinary people, men with three wives and four concubines can also rely on authority to make decisions at a glance, and the women around them This struggle is suppressed.Of course, it is impossible to suppress it at all, at least it can prevent them from showing it in front of him.

Now Chen Kangjie can order Fan Xuexi and Deng Min in a superior tone, what should you do, what should she do?Of course it can't.That was extremely disrespectful to them, and if he did that, it was very likely that he would lose these two confidantes in an instant.

"I...Of course I don't want any conflicts between you two. You...don't you look pretty good, just like in the past." Chen Kangjie said embarrassingly.

"How do you know that we are not acting like this? Maybe in our hearts, we already hate each other to death?" Fan Xuexi's tone remained unchanged, and continued to chase and beat Chen Kangjie fiercely.

Chen Kangjie was really overwhelmed, he really wanted to open the skylight, stick his head out and yell to vent.

Wei Xiaobao's seven wives can handle it well, and his childhood is still nourishing, why is it so difficult when he comes to himself, the two women are so powerless to deal with?Don't you really have the ability to control women?

Even though Chen Kangjie is a reborn member, it seems that he is omnipotent.However, this was the first time he encountered such a situation, whether it was before rebirth or after rebirth, and he had no experience to learn from.

I have heard some stories about this in the past, but it was either in ancient times or in ancient backward tribes.In a civilized society, there are no such people around him at all, and no one can give him experience to follow.Ever since, Chen Kangjie could only be like a first-year kid who was exposed to formal textbooks for the first time, everything was so ignorant.

"I...that's the situation I'm most afraid of. Frankly speaking, I never thought of what I should do in such a situation." Shaking his head slightly, Chen Kangjie wiped his forehead after sighing. Shen Sheng said.

"Chen Kangjie, I want to ask you a very old-fashioned question. Suppose we went boating together. If Xuexi and I fell into the water at the same time, who would you save?" Fan Xuexi turned her head and poked Deng Min, as if to remind He what, then, Deng Min asked such an old-fashioned question, but it made countless men feel ashamed.

"There's no problem at all. I'm good at water, and I rescued both of you. I swim often, and I rescued you two. There is no problem at all." Chen Kangjie didn't regard this problem as an insurmountable gap, and said confidently .

That's true, if it's just in an ordinary lake or river, with Chen Kangjie's physical fitness and water skills, he can do this.But is his answer satisfactory?

"What if it's at sea? If the ship sinks, like you did with the Titanic, can you bring us both to shore? If you can only bring one of us to shore , who will you choose?" Fan Xuexi immediately shattered Chen Kangjie's self-confidence and set up further embarrassing obstacles.

"That's not going to happen."

"But what if it happens?"

"If that's the case... I will save anyone who is close to me. This is a natural reaction, and we can't be far away." In desperation, Chen Kangjie had no choice but to make this choice.

It was really tormenting, Chen Kangjie experienced what it was like to be ants on a hot pot.

"Then if we were all equally close, who would you choose?" Deng Min asked.

Oh, buy Karma's!This still keeps people from living, it is simply forcing people to die.

No matter what, Chen Kangjie couldn't name either of them. Doing so would not necessarily please the one who said it, but would definitely offend the one who didn't. It would make her sad.

This kind of multiple-choice question is almost the same as asking a person to choose to die by jumping off a bridge or jumping off a building.

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