rebirth of change

Chapter 1891 Reckless paparazzi

"Danzi, who did you say was in the convoy that went in just now?"

"How do I know, I want to know, can I not use it? Anyway, ordinary people, ordinary people, can't afford such a car."

"Then shall we keep guarding here? This doesn't seem to be a solution."

"Shaolong, what can we do if we don't do this? Could it be that you can think of a good way?"

"I just think we shouldn't just sit on the sidelines. We've been here for several days and haven't gotten any useful news. Didn't you hear the boss say that if we can't get any valuable news, let Let's get out." Shaolong put down the telescope in his hand and said.

Shaolong and Danzai were sitting in a car on the road not far from He Wanrong's villa.The two of them are reporters for a weekly magazine, also known as the paparazzi.

They ambushed around He Wanrong's villa just to get some exclusive news.Just now when they arrived, they saw a convoy driving into He Wanrong's villa, but they couldn't write about it as news, they had to have further information.

"Could it be turned in? You have to know that the security there is very tight. Two groups of reporters tried to do that before, but they were all beaten and disabled. In the end, it was useless to call the police. Salary is very important to me, but I don't even want to spend time in a wheelchair in the future and become a useless person who is a drag on the family." Danzi is a few years older than Shaolong, in his early thirties, entered the industry early, and knows a lot, so he is more cautious.

"I didn't say I wanted to dig in. I just think it's a bit silly to wait like this. You can't wait for the scoop." Shaolong is not a stupid bird who doesn't know anything, he is just more aggressive than Eggboy That's all.

For newcomers who have just entered the industry, they all hope to get exclusive big news, which will not only get a higher salary, but also expand their reputation.In the profession of journalists, there is also a distinction between famous journalists and ordinary journalists.

"Dude, this is all private territory, so don't mess around. We'd better wait until the people inside come out, then we can follow, so that we may be able to get the traded things." Egg Boy adjusted the seat Lean back more to make yourself more comfortable to lean on.

"Hey, then tell me, has He Wanrong been taken care of?" The closed door made Shaolong not interested in continuing to observe, so he simply started gossiping.

"I don't know about this, so it's hard to say. I've been in this business for more than ten years, and I haven't heard such rumors. I only know that many wealthy businessmen tried to get her idea, but they didn't succeed." Egg boy pulled the brim of his hat Lower, to block the glare of the sun, said lazily.

"I think there must be. Otherwise, in the territory of Hong Kong, there is no one to cover her, how can she be successful. You see, such a big villa, I heard that she has lived here since she came to Hong Kong. No If people paid for it, how could she have the financial strength to buy such a good location and such a magnificent mansion." Shaolong said firmly, and he also had evidence that he believed to be tenable.

"Many people have suspected this, but they just can't find any direct evidence. I haven't seen any rich people who have close relationships with her. Gradually, everyone's suspicions are getting weaker and weaker." Egg Boy said A senior said in a mature and solemn tone.

"Could it be that the one who went in just now is... If so, then if we get the evidence, wouldn't we be the one to dominate and have a great time?" Shaolong fell into his intoxicated imagination. middle.

"Don't think about it so much, you'd better keep an eye on it. Even if we can photograph it, we can't publish it. You think there is no reason why there are so few lace news about He Wanrong. Is it?" Tanzai patted Shaolong on the shoulder and said.

"That's them. You said, if they didn't dare to post it, why did the boss let us come? Our "Xiangjiang Weekly" was founded a little too soon, but I heard that the boss has powerful support behind it." Long said confidently.

"Hehe." Tanzai smiled, but did not answer Shaolong's words.

This kind of person is too young, he only knows how to rush forward, but he doesn't know how to turn around.Eggboy is not a fledgling boy, haven't you heard the rumor?It was because of this He Wanrong that Le'an Hall hired Huang Weiming, and the Justice Society hired Chen Guangyao. Both of them are powerful and ruthless hall masters.As a result, one died in the hospital, and the other is still missing.

Although Danzai, who is a little person, doesn't know what twists and turns happened in the story, but one thing is for sure, that is, they are all unlucky because of their involvement with He Wanrong.

Of course, there is no need to tell this guy Shaolong about these things, and he probably won't believe it.In this case, it is better to pretend to be confused.

It's because Eggboy knows this.So even though he took over the task of following He Wanrong's line, he never paid too much attention to it.The news that comes out is mostly public content that everyone knows.As she said herself, he wants to make money, but he wants to be safe more.

Sitting bored in the car for a while, Tanzai gradually fell asleep, and after an unknown amount of time, he was woken up by Shaolong's slap.

"What are you doing? Have you seen a ghost?" Tanzai was very unhappy when someone disturbed his dream, and said angrily with sleepy eyes.

"It's not seeing ghosts, it's news, news." Shaolong looked very excited and excited, and didn't care about Danzi's dissatisfaction at all.

"What news?" Eggboy asked impatiently.

"Someone came out of it just now, a man and two women, and they went to the sea below."

"One man and two women, is He Wanrong among them?" Egg Boy asked.

"I don't know about this. It's too far away to see clearly. As long as we chase down, won't we be able to see it? It seems that we are going to catch the exclusive big news this time. Regardless of whether there is He Wanrong in it, it will be Someone related to her." Shaolong said while packing up his belongings.

Although these villas in Repulse Bay almost all have swimming pools, the beach here is quite well protected due to the remoteness of the terrain.Therefore, people who live here sometimes come out of their homes to go to the beach to play.No matter how luxurious the swimming pool is, it is not as natural as the sea. It is completely different styles of fun.

"Although the beach is not a private property, the beach is just below the villa. Shall we go through the villa and follow?" Eggboy made an excuse for himself because he wasn't particularly concerned.

Many of the beaches here are not privately owned in name, but because the villas are on the edge and there are no other public paths to go down, the beach feels not much different from the private ones.

"I've checked, and the corner ahead is okay." Shaolong said confidently.

"I know that place. It's a cliff. The beach below is at least [-] to [-] meters high. It's impossible to go down. Moreover, the trees there are quite dense." Egg Boy shook his head and said.

The environment around He Wanrong's house has long been familiarized by these paparazzi with various ideas.As long as there is a loophole, they can be caught and used by them.

"Hehe, Brother Tanzai, I didn't say I'm going down to the beach. It's true that we can't go down, but we don't need to go down." Shaolong raised the telephoto camera in his hand and said triumphantly .

"Do you want to take pictures from a long distance? Where is it blocked by trees and thorns, you can't take clear pictures at all." Egg Boy said.

"Brother Tanzai, why are you timid? If you can't take a clear picture, let's take a few more. Could it be that such a good opportunity is just let go? If you don't work hard, how can you be so sure?" Shaolong looked down on Tanzai's timidity, and complained displeasedly.

If it weren't for the two of them taking Tanzai as the main one and him as the supplement, Shaolong would not have been willing to gossip so much with Tanzai, and would have rolled up his sleeves to do it by himself.It's a waste of time here, and I just don't understand why the boss let such a person take the lead. With a person like him, I can't wait to get exclusive news for the rest of my life.

"Okay, okay, you say yes, then let's go over and have a look." Eggboy couldn't delay any longer, opened the car door and walked out.

If this guy went back to complain to the boss because of his evasion, it would not be a good thing for him.Eggboy simply put it off and followed him to have a look.

Tanzai and Shaolong followed the woods next to the road, circumvented He Wanrong's villa cautiously, and came to the corner extending towards the sea.

Standing here, one can indeed feel that there are people playing on the beach below, but the line of sight is tightly blocked.Except for the sea that can be seen a little far away through the gap, basically you can't see the situation on the beach below.

"How? As I said, there is nothing to photograph from here. We have touched these positions a long time ago." Standing in the jungle, Eggboy said.

"Hehe, that's not necessarily true, it's up to me." As he said that, Shaolong took off his leather shoes, and then moved the small bag hanging on his chest to the back.

"Shaolong, what are you doing?"

"Climb a tree, Brother Tanzi, we just need to climb to these two trees, and peel off the leaves to see the bottom." Shaolong is really a fledgling who is not afraid of tigers, and he is very aggressive in doing things.Dare to do anything to achieve the goal.

"If you fall, you will be killed." Eggboy said through gritted teeth.

Tanzai thinks that Shaolong is crazy for doing such dangerous things.If you fell from that tree, it would be at least seventeen or eight meters high, and you would be disabled if you didn't die.

"Hehe, Brother Tanzai, you seek wealth and wealth. If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't get a tiger's cub. If you are afraid, you can take care of me below. I will go up. Don't worry, if I get exclusive news, I will count you One copy." Shaolong's words were obviously a bit joking and contemptuous of Eggboy.Of course, these words can also play a role in provoking generals.

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