rebirth of change

Chapter 1899 You Have No Chance To Breathe

Long Xiang was sitting in the office angrily, his breath hadn't calmed down, and his chaotic thoughts hadn't been adjusted yet, the door of his office was knocked open by the financial manager.

"Knock what, come in." Long Xiang was annoyed, and he didn't have a good look at those who disturbed him.


"What's the matter? Tell me quickly, I'm bothered."

"Boss, DBS Bank and Public Bank called one after another, asking us to repay the loan of 500 million and 7000 two million respectively before we get off work tomorrow..." the financial manager wearing glasses with thick lenses I can also see the boss's displeasure, but the matter he wants to report is too important, so he can only talk about it.

Before the financial manager finished his report, Long Xiang interrupted: "What? Return it before get off work tomorrow? Are they crazy? It's not time to repay at all."

"They also said that it's not yet time to repay the loan, so they don't want our interest. We don't have that much money in our books, so I will do work for them, but the other party doesn't listen at all, so we must pay them before we leave work tomorrow. They don’t even care about paying back the money, or even paying liquidated damages. They even said that we have a problem with our reputation, and they are urging the money to ensure the safety of funds.” The financial manager was worried about being scolded, and quickly explained.

"We don't have that much money now, and it's not yet the repayment date, let them file a lawsuit and get out." Long Xiang was so angry that he waved his hands and shouted.

Zhu Qingming called to say that he wanted to acquire the company, but the bank came to demand the money.If you say that there is nothing to do with it, no one will believe it.

But even if he knew that there was a shadow of Guangming Investment Company, Long Xiang didn't intend to succumb to it.

I can't afford to offend the bank, but they can't do anything about me for a while, even if they want to file a lawsuit, it will take time.By then, I have raised enough money to return it.

Long Xiang's calculation was good, but would Ouyang Zhenhua's move be so simple?Will it be so easy to dissolve?

As soon as the financial manager left, Zhu Qingming called.

"Mr. Long, what do you think? What price will you sell it for?"

"Let me tell you, I don't know how to sell the company. Don't think that I will give in if I use the bank to put pressure on me. The more I do this, the more I won't sell it to you. It's simply unreasonable." Long Xiang vented angrily. road.

"Really? If this is the case, then I'll wait, but I have something to say first. If I wait for one minute, your price will be lowered by 1 million. You can figure it out." Zhu Qingming really didn't talk nonsense, and threw it hard After the next sentence, he hung up the phone.

Zhu Qingming hung up the phone, but Long Xiang just dropped the phone here. Tmd, I just won't sell it anymore, let's see what you can do.

"Dong dong dong" there was another knock on the door of the office.

"What's the matter?" Long Xiang wanted to hit someone, and shouted loudly.

"Boss, our account at Fubon Bank has been frozen, and the funds can't be transferred in or transferred out." Before Long Xiang could call, the financial manager rushed in and said.

"What? Why did they freeze our account?" Long Xiang was made even more furious by the news.

If the two banks asked him for payment just now, it was more or less understandable to him, but the freezing of the account by Fubon Bank made him completely incomprehensible.They opened their corporate accounts with Fubon Bank, which is equivalent to their customers. They should do a good job of serving them, so why would they cause trouble for them in turn?After all, their company's funds are transferred through Fubon Bank, which is to increase Fubon Bank's profits.

"I don't know. They didn't say hello at all. I called, but no one answered the phone." The financial manager said, "If the company account cannot be used, the income of each store today can only be stored in the store. gone."

"Okay, okay, let's do this first, you go and give orders, and then ask Fubon Bank for clarification, what's going on?" Long Xiang frowned and waved his hands, and said weakly.

A big company is a big company. In order to acquire such an unremarkable company like him, it is really a big deal to let three banks play such tricks one after another.

Is it really going to sell Long Fengxiang?No, absolutely not, I can't give in like this.Long Fengxiang has been my painstaking effort for so many years, how could it be so inexplicable and suddenly transferred out?

I'd like to see, what other tricks can you guys come up with?Do you think this will defeat me?That underestimates me too.The more Long Xiang thought about it, the more unbalanced he became. Even if I wanted to sell it, it couldn't be an alliance under the city.

Long Xiang wanted to see what other tricks Bright Investment could play, and he soon felt it. Moreover, those tricks made Long Xiang feel like he was going crazy. If he really played like that, then his Longfengxiang Jewelry Company, It's almost closed down.

It wasn't Zhu Qingming or his subordinate who approached him next, but Guo Yue, the company's second largest shareholder.

"Old Guo, call me at this time, is there something wrong?" One after another is not good news, so when Guo Yue called, Long Xiang felt terrified.

"Old Dragon, I'm sorry, I called you to tell you that I have sold out my equity." Guo Yue was straightforward and didn't go around the bush.

"You sold the equity? Lao Guo, we have cooperated well, and the company is developing well. What are you doing...wait, are you selling to Guangming Investment Company?" Long Xiang thought of the key point , immediately changed his mouth and asked.

"No, I sold it to Mingtong Investment Company." Guo Yue said.

"Mingtong Investment Company? Why did Mingtong Investment Company pop up again?" Long Xiang was already overwhelmed by a single Bright Investment, and now another Mingtong Investment popped up, which made Longxiang feel deeply powerless .

The strength of Mingtong Investment is slightly higher than that of Bright Investment, so how can he deal with the two companies targeting him?

Although Guo Yue only holds 30.00% of the company's shares, he is also a major shareholder.

"Old Dragon, I don't know what's going on here, but we can't stand up to these big companies. Besides, their bids are considered fair, and I have no choice. If I don't sell, my other businesses will be impossible. Do it. I can’t help it, I just faxed the sales agreement.” Guo Yue said in a deep voice.

"I see. Everyone has his own ambitions. I don't blame you."

What's the use of being strange, people have already sold them.Is it possible to add an enemy to yourself?

Guo Yue hung up the phone, and someone knocked on the door of Long Xiang's office immediately.

"Come in, come in, knock what?" Long Xiang was jealous and irritable.

Normally, he hates being unruly. Anyone who dares to enter his office without knocking will be scolded bloody by him.If you talk back, you will most likely be told to fuck off.

But now, Long Xiang seems to hate others knocking on his office door, he feels that knocking on the door is like a reminder, which makes him depressed and restless.

"Boss, just now the security escort company called to say that starting tomorrow, they will no longer accept tasks from our company. What should we do now?" It wasn't the financial manager who came in, but Long Xiang's assistant, who also served as the company's office director.

"Tmd, they all look down on people, and now even the escort company has jumped out to fight against us. You ask me what to do? I fucking know what to do? The company supports you, and you will just throw the problem to me ?” Long Xiang, who is in a neat suit, has no gentlemanly demeanor at all, and curses like a bastard.

As a jewelry company, if their goods are not escorted by a security escort company, there is almost no security at all.Whether it is those gold ornaments or jade wares, they are all fragrant buns that are serious thieves.

Even if the employees of the company were allowed to drive and deliver those valuable goods, let alone whether the employees were willing or not, even if they did, Long Xiang would not dare to do that.What if I was robbed?Whose is it?What should I do if I am hacked by an employee?How to define responsibility?

If the escort company really cut off their business, then in a few days, most of the stores of Longfengxiang Jewelry Company would have to close their doors.There is no goods to sell, what else can we do if we don't close the door?

However, the opponent will not give him a few days of buffer time.What Chen Kangjie wanted was to get it done as soon as possible. Although Chen Kangjie didn't say a specific time, it can be guessed that what he wanted was to get it done immediately.

If Ouyang Zhenhua took the lead and took down such a small company in person, Chen Kangjie would not be ashamed, but their elite team.

Even a small company worth hundreds of millions can't win, so what are you talking about a financial tycoon who commands the wind and rain?What about a strong man in the business world?

In a word, their ability and value must be reflected in such a small matter, otherwise, they will live up to Chen Kangjie's expectations of them, or they will be sorry for the generous salary and bonus.

Since it needs to be done immediately, Long Xiang will not be given a few days.Relying on strong financial strength, once the team led by Ouyang Zhenhua does not hesitate to pay any price, the explosive strength will be quite terrifying, which is beyond Long Xiang's imagination.

"Boss, it's not good, the big thing is not good." Doesn't Long Xiang dislike people knocking on the door now?The financial manager who returned in a hurry really didn't knock on the door, and just pushed the door and came in. Moreover, his face was full of worry and puzzlement, and even a little fear.

A series of things have gone beyond his imagination as a financial manager. Thinking of their company being overwhelmed by an invisible hand, can he not feel worried and puzzled, can he not feel fear?When the company closed down, his position would no longer exist.

"Can something good happen once you come in? Look at you, an idiot knows something is wrong. What happened again? Was it an earthquake or a tsunami? Or were those shops robbed?" Long Xiang said calmly, In fact, his heart was already falling in a straight line.

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