rebirth of change

Chapter 1909 The whole team mobilizes to find someone

Chen Kangjie took the bottom line and demanded that "Xiangjiang Weekly" be shut down, while Saburo Sato went one step further and directly demanded that Zeng Kui and the others not be allowed to set foot in the media in the future.This is simply layer upon layer.

Zeng Kui suffered hardships in Tokyo, and on the other side, at the headquarters of the three-member group in Nada District, Kobe, Watanabe, the leader of the three-member group, was also calling a meeting. In addition to Wakatou, eight younger brothers and several There are many direct references.

"Yaga, Yamada-kun, what is going on? Can you give me a reasonable explanation?" The team leader Watanabe, who was kneeling in the middle chief position, threw a teacup on the ground, and the mustache on his upper lip trembled. Trembling, he yelled angrily at a young man on his lower left.

That young man is actually not young anymore, he looks like 33 or [-] years old.He is Wakatou Yamada Yasuo from the three-member group, and Yamada Yasuo is in charge of Zeng Kui's escort arrangement.That's why Watanabe questioned him mercilessly.

Within the three-member group, Ruotou is the leader of the younger generation and at the same time the number two in the group, and is trained as the successor of the group leader.In the history of the three-member team, several team leaders were promoted by Ruotou.

How can Watanabe not be angry that such a person who is said to be valued and trusted by everyone has messed up such a matter.

Yasuo Yamada stood up respectfully, and bowed deeply: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency Watanabe, this matter is my fault, and I will definitely do my best to find Mr. Zeng Kui back."

First of all, there is indeed a mistake in the things I am responsible for, and the other is that the internal hierarchy of the three-member group is still quite strict.Facing the team leader Watanabe, even if Yamada is a leader, he must maintain his duty as a subordinate.

You should know that not all Ruotou can become team leaders. In order to ensure that the future team leader has perfect abilities in all aspects, Ruotou can also be replaced.When it is found that a certain leader is actually incompetent, other people will be selected within the organization to replace him.

It can be said that without Watanabe's support, it would be very difficult for Yamada to rise to the top.

"You got it back? How did you get it back? Do you now know who launched the attack? Do you know where he was caught?" Watanabe was furious.

This is also, originally intended to engage in a long-term in-depth cooperation, so that the three-member team can go out and gain more room for development.Now he can't even protect his partners in his own territory, what is it if it is not shameful to say it?If this matter cannot be handled properly, not to mention that the cooperation with Lian Sheng will be ruined, it may even turn friends into enemies. After all, Zeng Kui came to Japan to discuss cooperation at his invitation.

"I'm sorry, Team Leader Watanabe, I'm an asshole. I don't know the details yet, but please give me some time, and I will definitely figure it out." Yamada Yasuo bent his waist deeper, and his attitude became more sincere.

I have to admit that the Japanese are commendable in admitting their mistakes.If it were us, it is estimated that many people would find many reasons to shirk and prevaricate themselves.It seems that their performance is very pedantic, but as far as the combat effectiveness of a team is concerned, obedience is essential.

Only by obeying can we twist into a rope and fight.

"You are indeed an asshole. Mr. Zeng Kui is an important guest of our three-person team, an important partner of ours, and an indispensable ally for us to enter Southeast Asia. But he was robbed under your nose. How can I give Explain to Streak? You bastard, what a bastard." Watanabe was still angry, but still seemed filled with righteous indignation.

"Team Leader Watanabe, the incident has already happened. It is not an option to just blame Yamada-kun. Let's think about how to deal with it together." Masaki Nakasato, the younger brother of Yasuo Yamada, helped him speak.

"Thank you Nakasato-kun, Mr. Watanabe blamed me for being nonsensical, I am very ashamed." Yamada Yasuo bowed to Nakasato Masaki and said.

Yasuo Yamada and Masaki Nakazato usually have a good relationship, and they once went through life and death together.

"Shimamura, the person was lost in Kumamoto. As the head of the Inaba family, you are in charge of Kumamoto. Tell me." Watanabe ignored Nakazato Masaki, and turned his attention to a short and fat man sitting in the distance .

There are many groups under the three-member group, some of them are here at the headquarters, and some are in charge of the various counties below.It's a bit like the various halls of our gangs, there are always some specific areas of responsibility.

Shimamura's name is Shimamura Kunimitsu, and the main activity area of ​​the Inaba family he is in charge of is in Kumamoto, and Zeng Kui's last disappearance place is in Kumamoto, so Watanabe asked him about this.

"Team Leader Watanabe, they came to Kumamoto temporarily, so we didn't take precautions in advance. This is our negligence." Kunimitsu Shimamura is not as open and aboveboard as Yasuo Yamada. Find a suitable reason for yourself: "After the incident, I sent all the people below to investigate and get some information. I don't know if it will be useful."

"What information? You said?" Watanabe asked.

"The other party left Kumamoto by boat, and the destination of that boat was Tokyo." As a local snake, it was not difficult for Shimamura Kunihito to find out this bit of information.

"Tokyo?" Watanabe narrowed his eyes and frowned.

"Yes, this time the other party acted fiercely, none of their wounded were left behind, and all of them were taken away, so it is not easy to confirm which organization did it." Shimamura Kunimitsu said.

"What do you think?" Watanabe asked, turning his gaze to the others.

"It's really hard to be sure, it needs a detailed investigation." Said the brother-in-law Ota Shouzheng.

"Since our forces were expelled from Tokyo, we have lacked more reliable sources of information in Tokyo. I am worried that Zeng Kui will encounter accidents if the time is too long, so I suggest sending a team to Tokyo to investigate News, they can even sink and float down, waiting for us to re-enter Tokyo." Said brother Hosokawa.

Being expelled from Tokyo became a common pain for the trio.But the situation is stronger than the people. The three gangs of the family unite to deal with them. Even if the three gangs are strong, they have no power to parry. They can't send brothers from all over the country to snatch them.If sent, once there is a vacuum in those sites, they may be replaced by others.

Watanabe's face was gloomy. The three-member group's evacuation of Tokyo was what happened in his hands, and it was also the most embarrassing thing for him.Leaving Tokyo has dealt a big blow to the power and arrogance of the trio.Some people in the three-member group expressed dissatisfaction with him, which also started from this incident.

"Your Excellency Watanabe, I am willing to take on this responsibility." Yasuo Yamada volunteered.

As a leader, you must let everyone see that you have responsibilities.There was a mistake, and Yasuo Yamada hoped to make up for it by doing a beautiful thing.This will restore everyone's confidence in him, thereby consolidating his position.

"Yamada-kun, I am very pleased that you can step forward. However, there are many gangs in Tokyo. If you go there rashly, you will undoubtedly find a needle in a haystack. Therefore, you must first narrow the scope. Who do you think will do this?" Watanabe nodded and said.

"I think the Five People's Association, the Twenty-day Association, the Little Iron Association and the Loyalty Association are the most likely." Yasuo Yamada replied.

"Then why is it impossible for the Knife Society and the Yoshino Society? There have also been great conflicts between them and us." Watanabe asked.

"As far as I know, the Yoshino Society is already almost under the Zhongyi Society, so the Zhongyi Society is equivalent to the Yoshino Society. As for the Small Sword Society, their life is not as good as before, and they are also attached to the Loyalty Society." Yasuo Yamada replied road.

As Wakatou who is about to succeed, Yamada Yasuo will not only focus on the three-member group.For the other gangs, he still needs to know something about it.

"Well, good, very good. Then you arrange it. I always feel that this matter should be done by the Loyalty Club. Other gangs have shortcomings in strength. Only the Loyalty Club can have such a strong force. I will give you In two days, within two days, Mr. Zeng Kui must be brought back to me."

"Okay, I promise, we will find Mr. Zeng Kui within two days and bring him back." Yamada Yasuo said, patting his chest.

If Yasuo Yamada did it, it would undoubtedly be a great credit, his position would be well consolidated, and the high-level gang members would look at him differently.It's a pity that his military order is destined to kill him.

If Yasuo Yamada found and took Zeng Kui away, it would be Saburo Sato's turn to explain to Chen Kangjie.

"At the same time, everyone, immediately pass on the order to mobilize all churches and put everyone down. We must find Mr. Zeng Kui. And tell everyone that if anyone finds and finds Mr. Zeng Kui, we will not only take it seriously There is a reward, and the status can be raised by one level." This is what Watanabe should do in a mature and prudent way, he can't pin his hopes on Yasuo Yamada, and he can't limit the scope to Tokyo just because the ship is going to Tokyo .

At the same time, Watanabe did this to put pressure on Yasuo Yamada.In other words, if it was not he who found Zeng Kui but someone else, then it was possible that the position of the head would have to be changed.

In order to find Zeng Kui, the three-member team can be said to have mobilized the whole team.This is not only related to their face, but also to their interests.

All of a sudden, gang members with only nine fingers appeared everywhere in cities and villages in Japan.Nine fingers can be said to be the Peugeot symbol of the three-member group. This is the result of each member cutting off one of his little fingers in order to express his determination and loyalty to the boss.

These men are dressed in suits and ties like white-collar workers.In order to find Zeng Kui, some of them even bought information from others at their own expense.

Unfortunately, after a busy day, they found nothing.

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