"Do you have any good suggestions?" Zuo Weisheng saw that the current methods were not so good, and the conversation was interrupted again, so he had to stand up and maintain it.

Zuo Weisheng's words were for everyone present, but his gaze was naturally and unnaturally cast on Chen Kangjie and Ding Xiaoyang.

Ding Xiaoyang was in charge of the campus song contest, and Chen Kangjie was the "culprit" that caused the interruption of the competition. Therefore, the final trouble still had to fall on Chen Kangjie and Ding Xiaoyang.

"Let me say a few words." Ding Xiaoyang actually didn't have any good ideas, but under the watchful eyes of Zuo Weisheng, she had to say a few words as the general manager.

In fact, Ding Xiaoyang has been thinking about how to save the campus song contest last night and today, but after much deliberation, she has no idea, and there is no feasible way to gain reputation.The most important thing is that it is almost impossible to invite teachers from the Music Department of Normal University to be judges.

Among the colleges and universities in the province, only the Normal University has a complete music education system, and only they have a reserve of professional talents in this field.It should be said that the Institute for Nationalities also has related majors and teachers, but their focus is on ethnic musical instruments and ethnic music, which is not so suitable.

It can be said that Chen Kangjie drove away Xi Xiaocong and the others, which was equivalent to closing the way to invite professional judges from the province.Of course, the Provincial Song and Dance Troupe and the Provincial Symphony Orchestra also have corresponding professionals, but it will be much more difficult to invite them.

"Okay, tell me, you are the general manager of the campus song contest, and your opinion is very important." Zuo Weisheng was exerting pressure invisibly.

If it's not good to point the guns directly at Chen Kangjie, then just focus on Ding Xiaoyang.He didn't believe that Ding Xiaoyang couldn't stand it anymore, and that the culprit, Chen Kangjie, wouldn't stand up.If Chen Kangjie also stood on the sidelines, it would also deal a blow to his prestige.

How many people will be convinced by a person who only knows how to destroy but not how to save?This kind of person is the rat shit that ruins a pot of soup.

"First of all, the campus song competition cannot be interrupted for too long, it must be resumed as soon as possible. If the time is too long, the enthusiasm of the contestants will be hit, and the discussions of the students will become discordant. This will also affect our student union. Very bad." Ding Xiaoyang said.

"Well, this is necessary. Today, the presidents of the student unions or the ministers of literature and art of several colleges have approached me and asked me about the matter. Their opinion is that they have spent a lot of effort to organize the preliminaries. If they just waste all their efforts , They are not easy to explain." Zuo Weisheng seized the gap and said eagerly.

After hearing this, Ding Xiaoyang felt that the burden on his shoulders was even heavier.She herself could have guessed whether the students of the colleges would be so reconciled, but she didn't expect that the persecution would come so quickly.

"I can understand their demands. We will notify you as soon as we are ready." Ding Xiaoyang nodded.

"Secondly, I think it is necessary for us to give an explanation to the Youth League Committee. After all, this is related to the teachers of other schools. We take the initiative to explain to the school. This can reduce our pressure and let the school leaders understand the whole story." Ding Xiaoyang deserved As the vice-chairman, the height at which he stands and the direction in which he considers issues are not comparable to those of the middle-level cadres below.

"Well, it makes sense. We can't be passive. If we wait for the leader to take the initiative to ask, then we will be really passive. After this meeting, I will personally report to the secretary of the Youth League Committee. If possible, I will also report to the relevant school leaders. So as not to have a negative impact on the friendly relationship between our school and the Normal University." Zuo Weisheng immediately said "from a high place".

"Third, if the competition is to continue, we must resolve the matter of the judges. This is also a key to whether our competition activities can resume normally. Some students said just now that it is possible to let student representatives serve as judges. It increases the participation of students, but after all, it reduces the professionalism of the competition. It also violates the organization plan we announced at the beginning. At that time, we promised to invite professional judges to score and guide." This is the most difficult part for Ding Xiaoyang .

"Yes, I think this view is very objective, but the question is where do we invite professional judges now." Geng Bin couldn't bear it, and jumped out again.

After a short pause, Geng Bin then said in a strange manner: "But we seem to have forgotten one thing. Isn't there a very professional music genius in our school? He is better than those teachers in the music department. Otherwise, we will let him Be a judge."

For Geng Bin who is so good at seizing opportunities, Zuo Weisheng secretly gave him an appreciative look.

This is ridiculing and provoking Chen Kangjie. After Geng Bin said those words, all the people present looked at Chen Kangjie almost in unison.

Ding Xiaoyang's expression was a little complicated. She was worried that Chen Kangjie's riot would disrupt the meeting, but also hoped that Chen Kangjie could really find a good way.So far, there is no problem in the student union that really stumps him, especially when it comes to finding sponsors, he is almost at ease.

However, Ding Xiaoyang felt that the possibility of Chen Kangjie's ability to turn the tide was not great.He doesn't usually participate in the activities of the Ministry of Literature and Art, and the whole department of Literature and Art has gone out of control. Could he still have a panacea?What's more, Chen Kangjie messed up the game, but he didn't aim at nothing and make trouble out of nothing.The key is that the three teachers invited were really unreliable, and they couldn't even hear the original tape.

Not only did Chen Kangjie not answer Geng Bin's words, he didn't even look at him.This made Geng Bin feel that the punch he swung was hitting the air, but it was Chen Kangjie's indifference, which made him not know how to continue the performance.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became weird.No one spoke, only Geng Bin stood dumbfounded.He wanted to continue talking, but he didn't know what to say, and he wanted to sit down, feeling too embarrassed.But standing like this is also a move to lose points.

Geng Bin's face turned red quickly, and he was very uncomfortable being suffocated by the breath in his body.

"Geng Bin, please sit down. Even if Chen Wen got it right once, he is not a professional musician after all. How can he be the judge?" Zuo Weisheng couldn't stand it anymore, and he couldn't let Geng Bin continue. If you make a fool of yourself, you can only smooth things over again.

Zuo Weisheng was also holding back. On the one hand, he hated Geng Bin's rotten iron, and on the other hand, he also hated Chen Kangjie's cunning and determination.It's so simple and silent that Geng Bin can't get off the stage. This method is the simplest and brilliant.Who the hell is this guy, how can he have such concentration, why can't he be angry?

Wouldn't Chen Kangjie be angry?Of course not, he just shut up on purpose, deliberately kept Geng Bin on the spot, and deliberately put Geng Bin in a dilemma.To deal with this kind of person, there is no need to yell, he can be taken down if there is no trick to win.

Zuo Weisheng seemed to be speaking for Chen Kangjie, but in fact, wasn't he belittling Chen Kangjie, wasn't he trying to provoke Chen Kangjie?Is it not a form of persecution?

Just the word "Mongolian" has already defined Chen Kangjie.People who don't know anything will be fooled.

"Chairman Zuo is right. I am indeed not suitable to be a judge. I also know myself. I am not that qualified." Chen Kangjie said with a smile, not at all being fooled by Zuo Weisheng.

In fact, such a small matter is nothing more than a trivial matter to Chen Kangjie.As for how to deal with the aftermath and how to restore it, Chen Kangjie had already planned it last night.He originally planned to have a chat with Ding Xiaoyang today, but Zuo Weisheng dragged him to the conference room unexpectedly.

Since you only want to fight and don't want to do things with sincerity, then Chen Kangjie intends to hold back and see who will jump out and what kind of tricks will be played.

With just one word, Chen Kangjie completely dispelled the pressure exerted by Zuo Weisheng.

People have already admitted that they are not suitable to be judges, they have already admitted that they are not qualified, so what else do you have to say?Are you pressing?Obviously impossible.Zuo Weisheng didn't want to just confront Chen Kangjie like this, his best method was to adjust the center and "stretch the frame".That's an excellent strategy for being invincible.

"Chairman Ding, what other good measures do you have? You continue to talk." Seeing that his words had no effect on Chen Kangjie, Zuo Weisheng could only continue to turn to Ding Xiaoyang.

"This... To be honest, I don't have a good solution. It is probably unrealistic to invite people from the Normal University. But it is not suitable to invite people from the Nationalities University. If there must be professional judges , I think, the only way is for the school to come forward and hire someone from the Provincial Song and Dance Troupe, other than that, I don't know what else to do." Ding Xiaoyang gritted his teeth and said with difficulty.

"Let the school come forward? This is not good. We can't ask the school to wipe our ass when we are in trouble. In that case, what good impression will our student union have on the school leaders?" The head of the discipline inspection department immediately jumped out and vetoed it. road.

Geng Bin is in charge of the Disciplinary Inspection Department. As Geng Bin's subordinate, he and Geng Bin are relatively close.Just now, Geng Bin was made unable to come to the stage by Chen Kangjie, so he wanted to share his worries at this moment.

Sure enough, the Minister of Discipline Inspection received a nod and smile of praise and appreciation from Geng Bin.

"Then what should we do? Is it possible that we are anticlimactic like this? Why didn't the Ministry of Literature and Art designate a corresponding emergency plan? Now that something goes wrong, everyone is burping. How can we face the whole school who trust us and the students who trust us?" Teacher leader?" Zuo Weisheng's face darkened.

Anyway, Zuo Weisheng is also the leader of the student union, the first person in charge of the student union.Except for problems, the top will not ask the ministers or other people below to criticize, and he is the one who is caught.But now that everyone is helpless, how does Zuo Weisheng behave?

"Hey, doesn't our school still have a talent who understands music? Long, isn't he studying in our school? Why don't we look for him?" Lu Xue from the secretariat said in amazement at this time.

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