rebirth of change

Chapter 1929 You think highly of me too much

"You have such a relationship, why didn't you tell me earlier, it made me worry for nothing all day. You are not mean, but you hide such a big secret, and you don't get me a ticket for the beyond concert, I despise You." After poking Chen Kangjie's finger, Ding Xiaoyang said coquettishly.

"Miss, this is wronging me. Do I have to tell everyone I meet that I have a relationship with so-and-so? Then even if people don't regard it as a lunatic, they will be regarded as showing off."

"That's true. Now I feel that I'm a little hungry. Didn't you just say that you want to treat me to a late-night snack? Let's go." Ding Xiaoyang clapped his hands relaxedly and stood up.

"Aren't you afraid of gaining weight now?" Chen Kangjie stood up and asked.

"It's just one meal, it doesn't matter. I don't believe that I can gain weight after one meal. Anyway, I won't eat after today." Ding Xiaoyang showed the little girl's appearance vividly, with a soft voice and twitchy movements , not at all like his usual capable demeanor.

Seeing Ding Xiaoyang's appearance, Chen Kangjie shook his head. Women, no matter how old they are, seem to be changeable.

Now that he has promised to treat guests, Chen Kangjie will not break his promise.He invited Ding Xiaoyang to the school gate to have a barbecue, and then sent her downstairs to the dormitory before returning by himself.

In the next few days, Chen Kangjie worked step by step according to his own progress.As for contacting a few musicians to serve as judges, Chen Kangjie didn't need to appear in person, he entrusted his assistant Liu Deyi to do it.

On the other hand, Vice Chairman Geng Bin was busy, looking for contacts everywhere, asking for help from all directions. Of course, the focus was still on his relative who was the dean of the school that Ding Xiaoyang mentioned.

Facts have proved that Ding Xiaoyang's information source has a lot of loopholes, and the information he reported to Chen Kangjie was not accurate.

Geng Bin's relative, in fact, has no real relationship with his family. That person is just a classmate of Geng Bin's father, and he is currently the dean of the School of Management.

Before coming to this school, Geng Bin didn't know about the existence of Chang Bing. It was only after he entered the school that his father told him that he had such a classmate in this school.

When Geng Bin was sent to the school for the first time to report, his father sent him there, and even found an opportunity to introduce Chang Bing to him.

This is the normal state of the Chinese people, they want to save face.Geng Bin's father asked Geng Bin to find Uncle Chang Bing when he encountered any problems in school, and Chang Bing made a similar promise.In addition to encouraging Geng Bin to study hard and make progress every day, he also told the nephew boldly that he can come to him whenever he has problems in school, and don't be restrained.

For ordinary people, this kind of words cannot be taken seriously and trusted, and people just say it casually, just to take care of themselves.But Geng Bin just took it seriously.

Geng Bin knew very well that the matter of inviting Long to serve as a judge could only fall on Chang Bing, and it was difficult for him to get involved with Chen Kangjie in any other relationship.

"Xiao Bin, what are you talking about? You want to invite Long to be a judge for your campus song contest?" Chang Bing sat behind his desk, and Geng Bin stood in front of him.

This is Chang Bing's independent office. Due to the excellent conditions and environment of the University of Technology and Business, almost all management cadres have their own independent offices.Chang Bing and Geng Bin were the only two people in this office. After hearing Geng Bin's reason for coming to see him, Chang Bing seemed a little surprised.

Entering Chang Bing's office, Geng Bin did not sit down. He was very concerned about Chang Bing's attitude, so he acted respectfully. Of course, he also had some worries and expectations in his mind.

"Yes, Uncle Chang, this was decided at an internal meeting of our student union." Geng Bin said.

"Why do you think of asking him to be a judge? He's always in the dark. Besides, you are just an amateur competition within the school. You need such a high standard. Do you invite such a famous person to be a judge? "Chang Bing doesn't seem to agree and support them to do so.

"Uncle Chang, everyone thinks it is very necessary. Although we are only an amateur competition within the campus, if he can come to be a judge, then the grade will be raised immediately. This is a great encouragement to the players, and also It can bring the alumni closer to him." Geng Bin had thought about these questions before coming here, so he answered them in a decent way, as if that was the case.

"Even so, its operability is not high." Chang Bing said intently.

"Relying on our strength alone, it is indeed not very operable, and we can't even contact him. Otherwise, I wouldn't come to Uncle Chang for help. I believe that if you can support it, the possibility will be great. "The ability of Geng Bin who has returned to normal does not seem to be that bad, his eloquence is still very good, and he knows how to retreat and how to advance.

"Looking for me?" Chang Bing put his finger on his nose. "How did this find me?"

Chang Bing was baffled, Geng Bin came to him and said that he wanted to invite Long to be the judge of the singing contest.If you want to please, please, why come to yourself for no reason?I don't know Long, and I'm not in charge of the school's external relations. I just manage a school of management.

"Uncle Chang, I am asking you for help in private." Geng Bin was a little apprehensive, but he had no choice but to do so.

In fact, Geng Bin also understood that it was inappropriate for him to come to Chang Bing for help so hastily.If it's about academics, maybe it's okay to say, but this is the internal affairs of the student union, and it's the result of a bet. It's somewhat unreasonable to bother Chang Bing with this kind of thing. I guess his father knows it and won't support it.

It's just that he can only pin his hopes on Chang Bing now.He has already approached many people, including his teachers, counselors, and some classmates who usually seem to be related.But after listening to Geng Bin's request, they could only shake their heads to express their helplessness.Not only that, but after it was over, they talked behind their backs, saying that Geng Bin had a whimsical idea, how could Long come to be a judge, unless he was crazy.

After hitting a wall in succession, Geng Bin had no choice but to treat Chang Bing as a life-saving straw.I hope that Chang Bing can use his relationship and influence to help him. Geng Bin can't just get out of the student union in such a disheveled way. In that case, he really can't get along.

"Are you asking me for help in private? No, since this was decided at a meeting of your student union, let the chairman of the student union go to the school leader. How could it be your turn to come to me in private?" Chang Bing said with a change of expression. .

This kid usually looks very smart, and he is also the vice chairman of the student union. How could he become so unreliable in his work?

"Uncle Chang...this...this..." Feeling a little embarrassed by Chang Bing's words, Geng Bin felt awkward and didn't know how to proceed.

Hey, why are you looking for such a thankless job!Wouldn't it be nice to sit around and watch the excitement by yourself?He actually plunged himself into a vortex of trouble just for a breath of anger.

Thinking about it for a moment, that Chen Wen didn't seem to hate him too much. He had no grudges against him, so what was wrong with him, he must be provoked.

This is Geng Bin's silent reflection and exclamation on himself after being shut down a lot in the past two days.

This is true of everything, Chen Wen didn't affect him at all, and there was no fundamental conflict with him.All in all, Geng Bin was influenced by Zuo Weisheng, and he couldn't see that Chen Kangjie became the executive vice chairman, and he didn't pay much attention to his work, which deviated from his promise during the election.In addition, the friendliness and closeness of Ding Xiaoyang and others to Chen Kangjie made Geng Bin a little bit disgusted and uncomfortable.This caused the discord between them again and again.

"What the hell is going on? Tell me, what does it sound like you are talking so hesitantly?" Chang Bing's displeased face darkened, and he said in a critical tone.

"Uncle Chang, I took the initiative to ask for responsibility for this matter." Seeing Chang Bing's unsightly expression, Geng Bin could only say with a stiff neck.

"You take the initiative to ask for responsibility? Really. Geng Bin, in front of your father, I told you before that a person must be down-to-earth in doing things, and must not be too high-spirited. Do you think you can take responsibility for this matter? You In front of him is the executive vice-chairman and the chairman. They are not responsible. Why are you responsible? Nominally, Long is in our school, but even I only saw him once, and it was at the school celebration, which shows that he is How do you invite someone who doesn't like to attend public events? Oh, I can't even say anything about you." Chang Bing was a little disappointed with Geng Bin, and said bitterly.

It's not easy for you to say anything about me, you've already babbled about me, why don't you do me a favor, why did you teach me like this.Geng Bin also had some resentment towards Chang Bing, he came to Chang Bing for help, not to Xun.

Thinking about it that way, Geng Bin dared not show his mental activities, not to mention that he still has to ask Chang Bing.Even if this point is put aside, Chang Bing is at least the teacher of the school, a middle and high-level management cadre.

"Uncle Chang, I also know that I was a bit arrogant in doing that, and I shouldn't be brave. But... now this matter is already in my name after all, if I can't do it, I will... ...Maybe I won't be able to face everyone in the future. That's why I'm here to ask you to help me." Geng Bin begged helplessly and pitifully.

"Geng Bin, you think highly of your uncle Chang. You asked me to help you, but how can you ask me to help you? I don't even know long." Shaking his head, Chang Bing said earnestly.

If it wasn't for his father's face, Chang Bing would have already kicked Geng Bin out.Considering that there is such a relationship, and that he and Geng Bin's father were good friends when they were in school, Chang Bing really couldn't bear that embarrassment.

"Uncle Chang, you don't know Long, but the school should have his contact information. Aren't you very familiar with Principal Guan? If you are willing to come forward to find Principal Guan, then if Principal Guan invites you, Long will be able to help you, both in name and in reality. In fact, he is also our alumnus, so he will give the school leaders some face, didn't they all invite him during the school celebration..." Geng Bin quickly thought out the speech he had prepared Pour it out.

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