rebirth of change

Chapter 1936 Promise to fight until 08

"Three months ago, the "Sports Weekly" published an article called 'China Athletics Sydney Olympics to Prove with Gold Medals', which listed three athletes who can win gold in track and field, and you are the only male athlete , the other two female athletes are both members of the Majiajun. They are regarded as representatives of the outstanding performance of female track and field players. Unfortunately, those two are on the rejected list. In this sense, the women's track and field team is almost a The whole army was wiped out. That's why Director Huang is expressing his feelings for you. You can be said to be his last card to maintain his face and status." Niu Qihua continued.

"A project cannot be supported by just one or two people. However, if the doping test is to be opportunistic, it is better to lose this project. If others find out, we will be even more ashamed." Chen Kangjie sighed. .

"That's what I said, but so far, you are the brand of our country's track and field, and this big banner is carried on your shoulders. As for the successor, it needs further discovery and training."

"After such a long training, what do you think of that Liu Fei?" Chen Kangjie stopped caring about Ma Jiajun's affairs and changed the subject.

"He, his grades are fairly stable, he is well trained, and has the strength to hit the top of the world. His body and toughness are very suitable for hurdling events. This is an aspect that our country has not made breakthroughs so far." Niu Qihua said seriously.

"Then train it well. Since your school is called 'Champion Track and Field School', then I can't be the only champion, otherwise, it's too narrow." Looking at the gray sky outside the window, Chen Kangjie said.

"Of course we hope that others will also become world champions, but this requires a process, not overnight." Niu Qihua said.

"Hey, fortunately, we were not the ones who won seven years ago. Otherwise, people all over the world would be disappointed by the air quality." Leaning on the seat, Chen Kangjie said, staring at the sky outside the window.

Seven years ago, our capital city lost to Sydney by two votes, 2000 to 43, in the final voting for the bid to host the 45 Olympic Games.At that time, many people felt very sorry for this result.

However, from today's point of view, those two votes were not unjustly lost.As far as today's air quality is concerned, we can say that we are not fully ready for the Olympics, and we still have a lot of work to do.

"Then do you think we can win this time? Are you confident?" Niu Qihua raised his voice and asked Chen Kangjie.

"I will definitely win, I have [-]% confidence." Chen Kangjie replied firmly without thinking.

"Why? Isn't our current air pollution just as serious." It sounds like Niu Qihua doesn't have that much faith.

"It is true that our air pollution is still very serious. This is mainly due to the fact that the capital is too big and the population is too concentrated. However, after so many years of rapid development, we have stronger strength and more funds to solve this problem. For this Olympic Games, whether it is the capital city or the whole country, we will concentrate the greatest efforts to run it well. If we eliminate the coal-fired boilers, relocate the steel factory, and plant trees and grass in a large area in the north, then the air in the capital city will It will be much better, and these are not a problem in terms of capital and technology. Of course, if there are some restrictions on the driving of the car, the effect will be even better." Although Chen Kangjie according to another time and space His experience knows that we won this bid, but his determination is not just blind obedience, he also has his own objective analysis.

"Speaking of it, that's really the case. If our country really wins the right to host the 08 Olympics, then you still have the chance to compete at your own doorstep."

In fact, no matter where the 08 Olympic Games will be held, Niu Qihua hopes to lead Chen Kangjie to attend more times.Even if he didn't participate once, he would bring great fame and benefits to Niu Qihua and the others.Of course, if you can instantly kill everything at your doorstep, the sense of accomplishment will be even greater.

"I'm worried that I won't be able to participate in 08." Chen Kangjie said in a low voice.

"How could it be? In 08, you were only 28 years old, which was the golden age. Don't you want to compete once in your own country?" Niu Qihua said eagerly.

Niu Qihua was really worried that Chen Kangjie would quit midway. Where can he find such a good athlete? It's rare to find one in a century.If Chen Kangjie quits, then their title of "Gold Medal Coach" may change hands.

"Of course I think so. Don't you think it's just in case? You know me. Could it be that I've been a professional athlete all my life? Now I'm still studying, so it's okay to play a little bit, but when I graduate, I will be a professional athlete after all. I have to do other work." Chen Kangjie said ambiguously.

"Then if you do other jobs, it will not affect your training and competition. Just like you are now, you have not been a full-time athlete. In the past four years, you have not had any formal training for more than three years. When you graduate, you will adopt exactly the same The current model." Niu Qihua said vigorously, no matter what, he didn't want Chen Kangjie to give up his gallop on the field so soon.

"This... then let's talk about it when the time comes. If there is a chance, I won't object." Chen Kangjie didn't say anything to death, nor did he fully agree.

When Chen Kangjie went to the arena as an athlete, we said that he was just playing for tickets. It would be better to say that he was going to fight for a certain honor for the country.In terms of track and field, our country is really weak. Chen Kangjie does not want his country to be criticized in this regard. He hopes to let the world know through his actions that China is competitive, not just In several narrow fields such as table tennis, badminton and diving.

"No matter what, you must compete once in your own country. I absolutely believe that the people of the whole country have great expectations and enthusiasm for your appearance. If we win, you will not play at that time, how much It is sad and a pity. Besides, you are still the ambassador of the bid, and you have credit for it, don’t you? Don’t you hope that you won the right to host it with great difficulty, but you are absent?”

"Hahaha, Mr. Niu, you seem to be saying that if you have raised your share, you must eat, otherwise you will lose a lot." Chen Kangjie laughed.

"Well, that's the truth. It's not rough to say. You have to taste who's in the well when you dig a well, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, it really makes sense. Well, let me promise you, if we succeed this time, no matter what job I do, you will lead me to another battle." Chen Kangjie His expression froze, and he agreed.

In fact, Chen Kangjie also wanted to compete at his own doorstep, the feeling should be quite different from that abroad.To put it narrowly, as Xiang Yu said, wealth and honor do not return to their hometowns, just like walking in brocade clothes at night.Being able to present a wonderful game to the people of the whole country on the national soil is also a great incentive for the Chinese people, which can enhance the public's sense of pride and patriotic enthusiasm.

"Okay, what you said... you have arrived at the hotel, you should take a good rest, you will attend an event tomorrow."

The next morning, after Chen Kangjie got up and got ready, he went to the exhibition hall to attend a special event for bidding for the Olympic Games.This event is deliberately arranged to be held on the eve of the opening of the Sydney Olympic Games. In addition to using the rising Olympic fever to attract everyone's attention, it also has a self-intensive effect. After all, we lost to Sydney seven years ago, otherwise, the opening ceremony will be held soon The Olympic Games is in this city.

Originally, the attention of the news media is now on Sydney. According to the previous plan, only domestic media will participate in the promotion and reporting of this event.However, after learning that Chen Kangjie would attend this event, representatives of the foreign media stationed in Beijing still flocked here.

It is true that there are too few public events that Chen Kangjie can attend. Since there is such an opportunity for face-to-face contact, how can journalists with sensitive information let it go for nothing?Anyway, now that it has entered the "Olympic time", I believe that as soon as the news about this Olympic bid ambassador and outstanding athletes comes out, it will also attract a large number of viewers and readers.

This event is held in the form of a forum. If Chen Kangjie can come, he will naturally be a key guest of the forum.

The actual result is also like this. Ever since Chen Kangjie appeared in the multi-functional conference center of the exhibition hall, he has become the focus of the people present, and at the same time, he has naturally become the focus of media attention.

After finally squeezing to the front of the venue and being arranged by the staff to sit on the forum seat, Chen Kangjie felt a little more relaxed, good guy, these people are too enthusiastic, and almost squeezed him into a biscuit.

Originally, as a forum, there were certain rules and a moderator. Under the guidance of the moderator, everyone started a discussion on a topic of concern, like a "brainstorm".

It's just that in today's forum, Chen Kangjie didn't seem to be here to help, but rather to make trouble.Why do you say that, because whether it is the host, the guests, or even the reporters below, they all focused on Chen Kangjie.It made a forum nondescript, but it looked like Chen Kangjie's own press conference.

However, most of the participants and almost all the reporters didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. It seemed that this event should be like this, centering around Chen Kangjie.As if if it weren't for this, it would lack attractiveness.

"Long, as the chief ambassador of this Olympic bid, we asked him to talk about his views on this Olympic bid. It is best to talk about our strengths and weaknesses..."

"Long is not only an ambassador for the Olympic bid, but also an excellent athlete. He is about to go to the competition. I would like to ask him, what is the difference between competing abroad and domestically..."

"Long, how many gold medals do you think you can win this time? What expectations do you have for Beijing's preparations for the Olympic bid?"

"An Olympics can change a city, and at the same time, a city can also give the Olympics a new connotation. In this regard, Long should have a different experience. Let him talk about it..."


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