rebirth of change

Chapter 1938 Majority Obedience to Minority

It stands to reason that Niu Qihua should be in charge of the 4x100m event. His strength is sprinting, and Lin Zhidong is middle-distance running.However, thinking that if he was in charge of three of the five events, it would not be good for Lin Zhidong and Tang Wei to each be in charge of one, so Niu Qihua suggested that Lin Zhidong should be in charge.

There is still a difference between individual projects and group projects, and Niu Qihua actually doesn't have much experience in this regard.Giving up this project to Lin Zhidong is not considered cheating.

Of course, Niu Qihua didn't have any selfish intentions in doing this, but in Lin Zhidong's place, he didn't think so.

On several occasions, Lin Zhidong felt that the reason why Niu Qihua was so "generous" was that he basically had no chance to win a medal in this team event, so he threw the chicken ribs to him.If the event was the individual men's 400 meters, would Niu Qihua still want to do so?

As for Tang Wei, he didn't have any idea. His strength was the long jump. Unless Chen Kangjie added a rapid long jump event, otherwise, the newly added event had nothing to do with him.

"As for the pressure, it would be a lie to say that there is no such thing, especially in group events, where there is no bottom line at all. But since they have all been reported, they have come, and no matter how much pressure there is, they still have to bear it." Lin Zhidong reluctantly said Squeeze a smile.

"I don't feel any pressure. It's not what I chose voluntarily. Even if the results are not satisfactory, it doesn't matter. No one can win from the beginning to the end, and do what they should do. I am worthy of everyone and myself. .” Chen Kangjie said calmly and frankly.

That's right, no matter how anxious and stressed Chen Kangjie is, what's the point? Can he change the results of those three people?Can you make them all run under ten seconds?Nonsense, it's impossible.

Since it's impossible, what's the use of worrying?On the contrary, I made myself uncomfortable.

The only thing that can affect Chen Kangjie a bit is that if his ranking is really too bad, it will cause some damage to his reputation.Others may say, look, even if he participates, he still doesn't even have a ranking.

This is also the idea that Chen Kangjie opposed at the beginning.

Now, with the passage of time, Chen Kangjie has figured it out.Even if he doesn't get the ranking, it's not his fault anyway, people all over the world are watching.As long as I try my best, as long as I don't hold back, I believe the eyes of the masses will be discerning.

"This is the only way to do it now, otherwise what else?" Lin Zhidong sighed helplessly.

At this moment, someone knocked on Chen Kangjie's door.

"I guess, it must be a staff member who used his power for personal gain and took the opportunity to ask you for an autograph or a group photo." Tang Wei stood up and said something, then went to open the door.

It's not like this kind of thing has never been encountered before. Everyone smiled at each other and got used to it.

However, Tang Wei guessed wrong, and others misunderstood.It wasn't the staff who knocked on the door, but a group of compatriots.

"Coach Tang, hello, thank you." The person who came in was tall and tall, wearing a sportswear, with a smile on his face in Chinese characters, and offered to reach out his hand to Tang Wei.

"Coach Lu, hello, didn't you go to the opening ceremony?" Tang Wei said while shaking the opponent's hand.

"Hehe, what's the point of participating? We've been waiting for you, and Team Leader Gao is here too." Coach Lu took a step forward as he spoke, letting in the leader of the track and field team behind him.

And behind Team Leader Gao stood five young men.

After the leader Gao shook hands with Tang Wei, he went to the front to meet Chen Kangjie and the others.

According to Tang Wei's words, it was Coach Lu and the others who came, and Chen Kangjie and the others who had been sitting also stood up.Everyone is in the same delegation, and they are just customers when they come to the door. Chen Kangjie will never play big names at such a time, and etiquette must be required.

After everyone has met each other, they will sit down as guests and hosts.Just now Tang Wei was sitting alone on a sofa, but now that sofa has been let out for Coach Lu and Team Leader Gao to sit on.

The organizing committee and the delegation took good care of Chen Kangjie. The room given to him was the innermost single room, and it was not on the same floor as the athletes, but on the same floor as the sports officials.But even so, his room was not very big, at most it was equivalent to a standard room in an ordinary hotel.

There were already four people in the room, but now seven more came in, and it seemed crowded all of a sudden, not even enough seats.

Chen Kangjie sat on a single sofa by himself, Niu Qihua and the three of them sat together, and coach Lu and team leader Gao sat opposite them.The other five young people who followed had to stand.

Originally, there was a chair next to it, but the five of them felt that it was not good for anyone to sit on it, so they simply stood beside each other in a row.

"Leader Gao, Coach Lu, you are here this time..." Niu Qihua, as Chen Kangjie's head coach, said in a questioning tone.

Everyone knows Team Leader Gao and Coach Lu, but they are not very familiar with each other. After all, the track and field system has information on each other.

In fact, needless to say, whether it was Niu Qihua, the three coaches or Chen Kangjie, they had already grasped a general idea of ​​the other party's intentions.Niu Qihua's question was just a pretext for talking.

Coach Lu is the coach of men's team running, that is to say, he is in charge of the 4x100 meters, and they have brought five young athletes. Is the purpose unclear?

"I'm just here to visit Xiao Chen and you guys. We're about to start an intense game. Let's see how your preparations are going. Is there anything we can help or assist you with?" Team Leader Gao said with an enthusiastic expression.

"The preparations are almost done. Thank you for your concern. If there is a need, we will definitely bring it up." Niu Qihua bowed and said, "In the past few days, we just want to get acquainted with the venues here and get used to it. In the seaside climate, you can do some simple relaxation exercises."

"Oh, that's good, that's good, Xiao Chen is our national treasure athlete, and we must serve him as thoughtfully as possible." Leader Gao smiled at Chen Kangjie and said.

"Thank you for the leader. I'm mainly afraid of being disturbed. Otherwise, I hope I can be the same as other ordinary athletes." Chen Kangjie said.

Chen Kangjie did not object to giving him some special care. As for the reason, he also said that he was afraid of being disturbed.Of course, the leader's concern should be expressed thanks.

"Your situation is special, yes, yes. Xiao Chen has five events this time, which is the most among male track and field athletes. We are all looking forward to your outstanding performance. People all over the country are watching Watching you, people all over the world are paying attention to you." Leader Gao didn't dare to put on airs of a leader to Chen Kangjie, but even praised and praised him.

"Leader Gao, I feel a lot of pressure when you say that, haha. I will do my best not to embarrass the motherland and the people." Chen Kangjie said with a smile without being flattered or humiliated.

"Xiao Chen, Coach Niu, Coach Lin, and Coach Tang, we believe in Xiao Chen's strength. In other events, it may not be a problem to win the first place, but this 4x100m team competition... We have never practiced together...Look, should we communicate and discuss?" This is the real purpose of their visit. Coach Lu saw that the team leader Gao called Chen Kangjie "Xiao Chen". Dealing face-to-face with Chen Kangjie is like imitating the example.

Although Coach Lu is a coach, in theory he can control Chen Kangjie, but he really has no right to put on airs in front of Chen Kangjie.He even seemed a little lacking in confidence and spoke cautiously.

Didn't you see Team Leader Gao being polite to Chen Kangjie?What strength does he have?If it were an ordinary athlete, he would have sent the opponent to the base to train together.However, Chen Kangjie just refused to go, and no one had any objections yet.

Hey, it's really hard to say whether it's a blessing or a curse for such a player who can't be controlled by himself.This is Coach Lu's true thought.

After finishing speaking, Coach Lu looked at Chen Kangjie and Lin Zhidong.

Look at Chen Kangjie, it's easy to understand, he is the core.Looking at Lin Zhidong is a bit interesting.Speaking of which, Coach Lu is in charge of this project, but Lin Zhidong is in charge of Chen Kangjie.Then there was such an interesting situation. Coach Lu was in charge of the five people, and Lin Zhidong was in charge of Chen Kangjie. This meant that there were two coaches in this project, and it was difficult to prioritize.

The theory that the minority obeys the majority doesn't work here. Don't think that coach Lu is in charge of many people. If there are five, Chen Kangjie will let him.If that was the case, they wouldn't have come to Chen Kangjie's room at this time, and they were still accompanied by the leader of the track and field team.From this point of view, the majority obeys the minority.

Lin Zhidong wanted to say something, but after glancing at Chen Kangjie, he swallowed his words again.

"Coach Lu, when it comes to this, I want to say sorry to you and the five teammates. We haven't practiced together before, and the problem lies with me. Now that we have encountered each other, you can arrange it." Chen Kangjie was still very happy. Know how to behave, a few words can make yourself appear approachable.

It seems that Xiao Chen is easy to get along with, he is not putting on airs and being difficult to get along with as some people say.Chen Kangjie's words made Coach Lu's impression of him much better.

"I can't blame you entirely. You are in charge of many projects and your work is also very busy. We can understand. I think, taking advantage of these two days when everyone gathers together, we can practice together to enhance everyone's familiarity and There is a tacit understanding. Of course, the time is still according to your arrangement, and your deployment cannot be disrupted." Coach Lu nodded with a smile and said.

The five young teammates of Chen Kangjie, from the moment they entered the door, their expressions were changing and complicated.

Seeing Chen Kangjie and becoming a partner with Chen Kangjie, they are of course excited and happy.But when they thought that the five of them and the coach had to accommodate Chen Kangjie alone, they were a little unconvinced and aggrieved.However, when Chen Kangjie showed an easy-going side, they felt ashamed again, and their admiration for Chen Kangjie increased accordingly.

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