rebirth of change

Chapter 1943 provides scoop clues

In the United States, the vast majority of media organizations are private, so these media can be freely bought and sold like other assets, and only need to obtain regulatory approval.

Those influential media, such as the New York Times and CNN, are very strict in obtaining regulatory approval due to their enormous influence, so Chen Kangjie did not start from them, but chose some Small and medium media.This way you can get approved quickly.

The idea of ​​acquiring some media is not new to Chen Kangjie today. He has such an idea long ago, but he has never met a media organization suitable for acquisition.

Some time ago, when Bob was reporting to Chen Kangjie, he mentioned the above-mentioned newspapers and TV stations for sale, and he asked Chen Kangjie if he was interested in buying them.

With such an opportunity, of course Chen Kangjie is interested, so let Bob handle it entirely. The owner of the "Boston Globe" bid 7000 million U.S. dollars, and the prices of the four local TV stations were not too high, with an average of less than 5000 million U.S. dollars each.

Although these media organizations are still far behind media such as the "New York Times" and CNN in terms of influence and internal strength.But as long as there is a breakthrough point, it is completely possible to grow from small to large.

As long as you are willing to invest money in it, you can find first-class reporters and editors, and you can be equipped with the most complete and best equipment.With this combination of hardware and software, there will be no shortage of press materials.

In addition, with a wedge, you can also strengthen your strength through countless mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations.Anyway, other media owners would consider the economic benefits very much, but for Chen Kangjie, the economic benefits are dispensable, or the second priority.He pays more attention to social benefits, especially the social benefits to China in the United States.

"Long, are you kidding? Are you serious?" Even though Chen Kangjie had already said it seriously, Streisand still felt a little surprised.

"Of course it's true. Do I look like I'm joking?" Chen Kangjie nodded seriously.

"That's great... I... this news is too sudden... Do you really invite me?" Streisand was so excited that she couldn't speak coherently, and she didn't know how to put her hands naturally Comfortable.

"I have plans to invite you." Chen Kangjie did not simply answer "Yes", but gave an answer that can be retreated or advanced.

"Can you tell me the reason? Why did you invite me? I ask myself that I am not a good manager." After drinking half a cup of coffee in front of him, Streisand asked with a sigh of relief.

"You are right about one thing. Judging from the existing signs, you are indeed not an excellent manager. But the problem is, if I were looking for an excellent professional manager, I wouldn't be looking for you. The reason why I think of you is based on your professionalism and values."

"What are my professionalism and values?" Streisand asked.

"I have read most of your news. Among them, I found out that you are more friendly to China, or that is not comprehensive. It should be said that as long as it involves news about China, your attitude is more objective. Unlike other people, who obviously don't know much about China, but have deep prejudices. Is my explanation convincing enough?" Chen Kangjie said while leaning on the chair peacefully, sipping coffee.

Streisand also suddenly realized.

"I maintain an objective attitude towards China, which is still influenced by you. Do you invest in these media in order to serve your government? Do you want me to be a part of you?"

As an American, Streisand, like many other Americans, has her own independent thinking and choices.This has something to do with the education and edification they have received since childhood.

"You are wrong. I am not a member of the government. How could I expect you to serve our government? It is even more impossible for you, an American, to become a part of us. In fact, you have no need to doubt my purpose. It is even less likely that there will be any conspiracy in it. In fact, I only have one request, that is, no matter what kind of news is involved, as long as you can uphold a fair and objective position. I don’t want these media to be influenced by ideology. Of course, I don’t want to be swayed by the local government, it’s as simple as that. As long as I follow this principle, I don’t care about the rest.” Chen Kangjie said eloquently.

"Is it that simple?"

"Hehe, it's that simple. How is it? Are you interested?"

"Of course I'm interested. I'm so happy." Streisand said with a smile on her face. "I've done this job. Even if I'm only given a middle-level management position, I'm willing."

"Miss, as a president, you choose the middle management. You can select and appoint the original media staff."

"Then I'll give it a try, but I believe I have the ability, long, when can I officially work?" Streisand doubted herself, but also seemed confident. This kind of contradictory psychology is actually combined in on her.

"It can be done at any time. At least the Boston Globe has already paid and got approval. Gris Pineapple's local TV station has also reached an agreement and is waiting for the approval of the regulatory agency." Chen Kangjie spread his right hand and said.

"Then I will go back to New York to resign tomorrow." Streisand said excitedly.

Throughout, Streisand didn't ask about compensation, which is what makes her special.

Streisand is a journalist born for news. As long as she can do news freely, economic interests are not her main consideration.Streisand wouldn't be in this business if it was all about the money, and she should be able to make more if she left.

"Don't be in such a hurry, you've come to Sydney anyway, why don't you wait a few more days and go back after the Olympics?" Chen Kangjie said while pressing his hands.

"I can't wait any longer. Apart from interviewing you, I don't have much interest in sports news here. Even if I make some special content, CNN may cut it for me." The thought Streisand couldn't wait to be able to direct several TV stations and a newspaper according to her own ideas.

Streisand felt that she finally had the opportunity to flex her muscles. Now that she had such an opportunity, she should cherish it very much.

"Then I will provide you with a news thread, depending on whether you are interested. If you really verify this news, then even if CNN does not broadcast it, you can still use the TV station of "Boston Globe" and Greens Pineapple Come to report. Don't you want to have exclusive news as soon as you take office?" Chen Kangjie said slowly.

It can be said that the purpose of Chen Kangjie paving the way for the previous pile is to draw out this, and this is the focus of Chen Kangjie's concern tonight.

"News thread? What news thread? As long as you accept my interview, isn't this the exclusive news?"

"I am me, other news is other news, two different things, should I be a prop for you?" Chen Kangjie's face sank, and he reprimanded pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Hehe, of course not, of course not. If the clues you provide are exclusive news, then I'm interested. If you provide well-known content, then there is no need." Almost everyone who makes news Love scoops.

It's like athletes, they all like to win championships and world records.World records are what every athlete pursues, and accordingly, scoops are what every journalist hopes for.

"If you can seize the time and opportunity, it will be an exclusive news. In short, whether it is an exclusive or not depends on how you do it." Chen Kangjie seduced.

"Okay, tell me. What aspect is it related to?" Streisand became interested when he heard that it was exclusive.

"It's related to sports, but it can be sports news or social news."

Streisand did not disturb Chen Kangjie, and quietly waited for him to speak.

"I remember, a year ago, you interviewed the American men's 4x100 meters athlete, didn't you?" Chen Kangjie didn't directly tell his clue, but asked a question.

Streisand nodded: "Yes, there is such a thing. At that time, I followed and interviewed their games. Does your clue have anything to do with them?"

"You're so smart, it's about them."

"I would like to hear the details. What kind of exclusive news is there on them? Is it that they are going to win the championship? If it is this, it is not much news, just like if your country's table tennis players win the championship, it is not a big news Same."

"That makes sense, but what if one of them is doping?"

"Take doping? No way? I followed up and interviewed them, and I am quite familiar with Michael Johnson. I believe his character will not be so dry. It's just like I believe you will not use doping. "

"Michael Johnson probably won't, the Harrison brothers probably won't, but...Antonio Petgrew most likely will."

Chen Kangjie dared to say that, he was quite sure, he didn't rely on guesswork.

In the original history, the United States was the champion in the 4x100m men's relay in this Olympic Games. However, their gold medal was confiscated in the end. Consumption of prohibited drugs during the competition.And this Olympic Games happened to be in the middle of 1999.

According to the relevant regulations of the International Olympic Committee, in team competitions, as long as one of them takes prohibited drugs, the results of their entire team will not be recognized, and even if they win medals, they will also be confiscated.

The news about the American men's relay athletes going to hand in the gold medals was very hot, so Chen Kangjie knew that the problem was Antonio Petgrew.Therefore, he hoped that Streisand could find evidence from Antonio Petgrew.As long as this evidence is conclusive, then it is impossible for them to win the gold medal.

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