rebirth of change

Chapter 1947 Chapter 1 must not be messed up

When the announcer introduced himself, Chen Kangjie didn't look very excited. Like other athletes, he just waved to the audience to say hello. Now he has to keep calm and make sure that he is in a normal state.

Although it was just a slight wave of the hand, it was enough to excite the audience both at the scene and in front of the TV. Thousands of people stood up and waved to him.For a while, there were many arms in the huge sports field, like a large bamboo forest blown by the wind.

Since the 200-meter run starts from the curve and goes forward from the inside out, there is a certain distance between the athletes. Therefore, there is almost no interaction between the athletes at this time.

Chen Kangjie's four lanes are in the middle, his left and right sides are strong opponents, Konstantinos Kentris, Daren Campbell and the fifth lane, Atuo Bolton on Chen Kangjie's right side are all medals contender for strength.

Among them, Ato Bolton from Teninida and Tobago will not only compete with Chen Kangjie for the men's 200-meter medal, but also, in the men's 100-meter event, he will still be Chen Kangjie's opponent.

"Athletes please prepare..." The referee began to issue game instructions.

Since 200 meters and 100 meters are sprint events, athletes need to have explosive power from the beginning, so the starting method is the same, both are squatting starting.

Chen Kangjie stepped on his special high-friction running shoes and pressed his toes, then squatted down, and put his right foot on the starting block behind him to test its firmness and find the most comfortable position and body posture.

The game was about to start, and the stadium was noisy and chaotic at first, but as the athletes bent down, the atmosphere became quiet and frozen.Even the people in front of the TV held their breath, waiting to see the start of a wonderful game after the gunshot.

"Everyone on your marks...ready...crack!"

With a clear gunshot, the nine athletes shot out from the starting point like sharp arrows, heading towards the finish line.

"Come on, come on..." The encouragement and cheering shouts in various languages ​​began to resound in every corner of the main stadium like a thunderstorm.

At this time, the main stadium of the Sydney Olympic Center was boiling like a volcano about to erupt.And the eyes of the whole world, following the lens of the TV, are also deeply attracted by this place.

In squares, airports, railway stations, hotels, shopping malls... In countless places, countless people stop in front of the big screen.With Chen Kangjie in the game, they were unwilling to leave for a minute.

Chen Kangjie was running on the middle track, so from the beginning, visually, there were five athletes running in front of him, including Ato Bolton.

Chen Kangjie didn't get flustered because they were visually in front of him. Reason told him that the length of the track for every athlete was the same. What he had to do now was to keep an eye on his own track and not to cross the line without thinking of himself. Rush towards the finish line.

Unlike long-distance running, you cannot cross your own runway, especially outside players cannot insert into the runway of inside players. Once you cross the line, it is a foul.

"Come on, come on, come on, Master Jie..." Niu Qihua clenched his hands into fists and stared at Chen Kangjie's fast-running body without blinking.

In the first 100 meters, Chen Kangjie did not appear to have much advantage.Even, Atuo Bolton of the fifth track was slightly ahead of him, and Konstantinos Kentris and Daren Campbell were also holding on to Chen Kangjie tightly.At the end of the corner, the four of them were almost at the same level, only a few other athletes with less strength were slightly behind.

At this time, Chen Kangjie couldn't turn his head to pay attention to his opponent, he could only rely on the corner of his eyes to observe, to see who was in front of him and who was beside him.As for those who were already behind, Chen Kangjie didn't care much.

Through the corner of his eyes, Chen Kangjie almost grasped the situation on the field.

Ato Bolton was less than one meter ahead, and the other two were neck and neck with him, and no one was significantly ahead of the other.Such a state made Chen Kangjie very relieved.

Chen Kangjie didn't intend to fight hard from the beginning.In the past few days of continuous training and fierce competition, Chen Kangjie actually felt a little tired, especially in helping the men's 4x100m continuous competition, Chen Kangjie really did his best without reservation.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie must properly reserve some relatively certain events. He can't "fight with his life" at the beginning. After all, he still has four very crucial games in the future that require him to work hard.

However, things often backfired. Chen Kangjie didn't want to sprint so early, but his opponents put pressure on him, prompting him to adjust his tactics.

Whether it's Konstantinos Kentris or Darren Campbell and Ato Bolton.Each of them desperately hopes that they can defeat Chen Kangjie, even though this is not the Olympic final spot that attracts the attention of the world, they also have the same feeling.

For them, being able to win medals in the Olympic Games is naturally excellent.It would be even better if Chen Kangjie could be overwhelmed by the way, this is an excellent opportunity to make a name for himself.

Undoubtedly, if Chen Kangjie can be defeated in this match, it will definitely cause a sensation and attract much attention, and some people will even regard him as a hero.

Seeing Chen Kangjie was only equal to his own, Konstantinos Kentris and Daren Campbell took the lead in launching the "charge".

They felt that if they overtook Chen Kangjie now, on the one hand, they could disturb Chen Kangjie's frequency and stride; Much bigger.

Konstantinos Kentris and Darren Campbell hadn't discussed tactics in advance, let alone reached any alliance agreement.In such a game field, there is no common win, only you win or you lose.The two of them sprint after the corner, simply because they have similar desires in their heads.

The distance from the key point is still more than 80 meters, and Chen Kangjie's ranking has changed from second to fourth.Konstantinos Kentris and Darren Campbell passed him almost simultaneously.

Spicy next door, sprinting at a distance of 100 meters?Are you forcing me?Looking at the back in front, Chen Kangjie was indeed affected.

Chen Kangjie planned to sprint as well, but the distance was still a bit far. If he sprinted now, his physical strength would be greatly exhausted.

In just one thought, Chen Kangjie decided to make some adjustments.He is confident that his strength is higher than the three of them, and if he sprints now, it will not be worthwhile for him.They don't need to participate in so many competitions, but they have to participate.

So his fine-tuned strategy is to speed up a little more, and there is no need to rush to overtake them now, just follow closely behind, and let the three of them fight first.

It was really similar to what Chen Kangjie thought. As soon as Konstantinos Kentris and Daren Campbell rushed forward, Chen Kangjie was only under some pressure, but Atuo Bolton was different, and he suddenly became a little confused.

Atuo Bolton didn't have anything to think about Chen Kangjie now. He only knew that if he was separated by them, he would lose half.As a result, Ato Bolton, who was under tremendous pressure, immediately adjusted his existing rhythm, gritted his teeth, and jumped up.

In running, the rhythm of running is very important.Maintaining a stable rhythm is not only good for your physical strength, but also good for your muscle comfort.Once the rhythm is disrupted, the breathing must be adjusted accordingly, and the contraction and expansion of the muscles and even the frequency of the heartbeat will also change drastically.It can be said that once the rhythm is suddenly disrupted, the physical energy consumed will increase exponentially. If the control is not good, the trouble will be great.

Just like driving, try to avoid sudden acceleration and sudden braking.Either way, it is damage to the vehicle.

It's not that Ato Bolton doesn't know about it, it's just that he doesn't have much choice, he has to explode and rush forward.

"What's wrong with Young Master Jie? He has already been overtaken by three people. Could it be that he will lose?" Tang Wei said nervously and worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, he should be controlling and slowly adjusting the rhythm. He should be 60 meters away, and he will sprint to catch up." Niu Qihua continued to pay attention to every subtle change on the field without looking back.

It is okay to say it verbally, but in fact, Niu Qihua is more nervous than anyone else.Don't look at him knowing Chen Kangjie's strength, but in the race, as long as he doesn't cross the finish line, anything can happen.

"Long, come on..."

"Is it because Long is tired? He must hold on!"

"Go, go, long, you are the best, come on, come on, go beyond..."

"Quick, quick, quick, hurry up, if you don't hurry up, you will lose..."

Those who are worried and worried about Chen Kangjie are not only his coach, but also tens of thousands of spectators and hundreds of millions of ordinary people in front of the TV.They didn't want Chen Kangjie to lose, and even those foreigners who had their own athletes on the field had an ambivalence. They hoped that their own country's players could win, but they also didn't want to see Chen Kangjie lose.

No matter what the external environment is, the current Chen Kangjie is unmoved.60 meters away from the finish line, he is still fourth, and 50 meters away from the finish line, he did not sprint to overtake as Niu Qihua predicted.

Just when countless enthusiastic people were hanging in the air, thinking that Chen Kangjie was weak in succession, Chen Kangjie sprinted.

He seems to be like a racing driver, adjusting the car to the best condition, and the car will fly as soon as he presses the gas pedal.

"Ah! Sprint, sprint."

"Look, Long's speed is getting faster and faster."

"So excited, come on, come on, overtake, overtake."


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