rebirth of change

Chapter 1954 Can only suffer from being dumb

In each Olympic Games, the main stadium as the track and field event has the largest number of spectators, and it is also a competition venue with a relatively high attendance rate.

However, this year's Olympic Games, the attendance rate of the main stadium is obviously higher than the previous ones, especially when Chen Kangjie participated in the competition, it is almost full of seats, and even his tickets can be fired many times outside, even if In this way, it is still hard to get a vote.

"If there is such an enthusiastic response in my future competitions, then this life will not be in vain." Sitting in the stands, Liu Fei looked at the dark crowd and heard what they said about Chen Kangjie. The alumni who came with me said.

"Liu Fei, don't even think about it. We will never be able to catch up in our lifetime. You practice hurdles. Even if you can win the World Championships and the Olympic Games, your prestige cannot be so high. " A classmate patted Liu Fei's knee and said.

While this classmate was telling the truth, he also had some jealousy.Among the several students who came with him, Liu Fei was the one whom Chen Kangjie valued the most, and he was also the one with the most potential to become the number one in the world.So consciously or unconsciously, he will become the object of envy and insinuation by his classmates.

"Yes, what you are talking about is seeking truth from facts. His history, no one will be able to surpass him in the future." Liu Fei didn't think there was any ambiguity in his classmate's words, and said with an air of admiration.

"Liu Fei, if you want to have such appeal, unless you join the entertainment circle quickly, of course, you have to be able to create a wide variety of literary and artistic works that are sought after by the whole world." Another classmate glanced at Liu Fei said afterwards.

"Forget it, with his looks and age, the chance of that is very slim, so don't fantasize about it." The classmate who started to slap Liu Fei's knee continued.

At this time, Liu Fei had also tasted it a little bit, and these two guys targeted him again.However, even so, Liu Fei should feel angry and unhappy, but in fact, he didn't, and he was completely relieved within a minute or two.

What people said is right, good medicine tastes bitter, but faithful advice hurts the ear.Can you reach that level by yourself?There is really no possibility of losing it.There are so many people who like Chen Kangjie, support him, and worship him, not only because of his majesty in the stadium, but also because he is an insurmountable genius in other aspects and fields.As for myself, it is still unknown whether I will be able to perform in hurdling events in the future, let alone other fields.

After thinking about it, Liu Fei felt that it was really an extravagant expectation. It was a bit like a lamp that was brighter than the sun. Even the most powerful searchlight in the world was less than one ten-millionth of the sun.The gap itself is that one is in the sky and the other is in the ground, how can I brazenly compare the two?

In fact, sports are not the source of motivation to attract other people to support and appreciate Chen Kangjie, but his performance on the field is good enough to play a role in promoting.

Make an assumption, if Michael Jackson also has good physical fitness and physical fitness, then if he also appears in the Olympic Games, his influence will also be hot.No matter how many places he gets in the end, he will be enthusiastically sought after.Some fans, even if they are going to rob, will try their best to get a ticket.

For example, in order to watch Chen Kangjie's trapeze battle, Ka Kui bought a high-priced black market ticket, which was twenty times the original price.This is still when the location is not particularly ideal. If it is the best seat, it will be done by others [-] times earlier.

Ka Kui is actually just a microcosm. In the stands, there are many Chinese faces. If you pay attention, there are some big names who are celebrities themselves.Whether they applied through an intermediary agency or by themselves, they tried every means to get a ticket for Chen Kangjie to participate.

It can be said that this Olympic Games has also created a history, that is, in the previous Olympic Games, it is the one with the most Chinese faces.Some of them are local overseas Chinese, some came from China, and some flew from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao and some places in Southeast Asia.The purpose is to see for yourself the extraordinary performance of Chen Kangjie, a legendary oriental youth.

Like every previous competition, when Chen Kangjie appeared on the track with other athletes, it immediately caused a burst of madness and restlessness.Those competitors immediately became soy saucers, because there was only one appointment called out by the audience, and that was long.

Chen Kangjie's runway is fifth, and Maurice Green, who has had a bad relationship with him, is beside him, fourth.

Feeling that Chen Kangjie was the only one in the eyes of so many people, Maurice Green felt very uncomfortable. It was precisely because of this unpleasantness that he became even more jealous and resentful towards Chen Kangjie.

"I don't know what those people who have high hopes for you will think if you don't win the championship for a while." Maurice Green said in a strange tone beside Chen Kangjie.

"However they can think, they can't think at all. I may lose, but the person who wins me will definitely not be you." Chen Kangjie waved to the audience and said with a smile.

Maurice Green still hopes to confuse Chen Kangjie through words.

Is it just that Chen Kangjie is so easily influenced by a word or two?Not only did he show strong self-confidence, but he also ridiculed Maurice Green in turn.

Chen Kangjie paid attention to Maurice Green's previous games.Although he was strong, Chen Kangjie Yiran didn't take him seriously.

Don't you want to hit me?Then you have to withstand my blow first.

Whether it was the spectators, reporters or referees, when they saw Chen Kangjie waving with a smile, they would never have imagined that at this very moment, Chen Kangjie was arguing with Maurice Green.

" are too arrogant..."

"Dude, don't be so angry, okay, now we are facing a live broadcast around the world, maybe 20 billion people are watching, you look like this, how bad you are, smile, you should smile, understand?" Chen Kangjie said, " Otherwise, people will think you are rude and uneducated."

Originally, Chen Kangjie had finished speaking, but when he thought about it, Chen Kangjie added another sentence, and when he said this, Chen Kangjie extended a friendly hand to Maurice Green in a friendly manner.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is Chen Kangjie expressing friendliness and approachability.

However, Maurice Green, who was angry in his heart, was in a dilemma. Should he reach out and shake hands with him?Shake his hand, it's hard to swallow, and it has earned his reputation as a kind and friendly man.But if you don't shake hands with him, doesn't it mean that you are rude and uneducated?

Maurice Green's hesitation immediately dissatisfied some people.What the hell, Long took the initiative to shake hands with you, but you are still indifferent, who do you think you are?You simply don't know how to flatter. For a person like you, it's completely embarrassing.

All kinds of harsh words of criticism began to come out.

Maurice Green, who was in a dilemma, had a good idea to teach Chen Kangjie a lesson in an instant.

When he saw Chen Kangjie's physique, he planned to bully him, and it would be great if he could hurt him a little in the end.

In the east, Chen Kangjie is considered tall, and his body is also considered burly.However, compared with a black American like Maurice Green, he is a little under-appreciated and looks much thinner.

Ever since, Maurice Green smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then reached out his hand to hold Chen Kangjie together.

You sent it to your door on your own initiative, so you can't blame me.Are you not arrogant?I'll let you know right away the price of arrogance.Maurice Green thought to himself wickedly.

It's just that Maurice Green's ulterior motives are destined to fail.Looking at and analyzing problems one-sidedly is really harmful.

As soon as he took Chen Kangjie's hand, Morris suddenly exerted force.His calculation was that once his own strength was used, even if Chen Kangjie's hand was not broken, it would still be enough for him to drink a pot, and he would definitely not be able to recover within a short period of time.If that affects his performance, that would be great.As for what will happen afterwards, Maurice Green is not in the mood to think about it now.

What Maurice Green didn't expect was that the force he exerted was not only like a mud cow sinking into the sea, but also caused a heart-pounding pain from the phalanges of his own index finger and little finger.

In terms of strength, Chen Kangjie has not lost to anyone so far. It is wishful thinking for Maurice Green to use such a trick to achieve an ulterior purpose.From the wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, Chen Kangjie became vigilant.

Maurice Green thought he was doing beautifully, and Chen Kangjie was even more beautiful than him.She held his hand so that he couldn't pull it out, and at the same time gently pulled it, her left hand went up to meet him, and hugged him.

This kind of hug as a courtesy is the most common in the West, even in China, it is gradually becoming popular, so no one would have thought that this would be an episode of the two of them secretly fighting.

Being hugged by Chen Kangjie, Maurice Green felt that he couldn't breathe.He was startled and scared in his heart now, how could the other party have such great strength?It's unbelievable, the size is so big, but it makes people feel like they are meeting an elephant.

Chen Kangjie wouldn't go too far, so the counterattack was just a small punishment for Maurice Green, not to mention that there were so many people watching.

Three seconds later, Chen Kangjie let go of Maurice Green with a smile, and patted him lightly on the shoulder.

But Maurice Green's complexion changed.After suffering such a big loss, he really wanted to punch Chen Kangjie.

It's just that the camera in front of him reminded him that he can't do that. If he did that, then his game would not have to go on, and he would become a street mouse all over the world.In addition, he also realized that the opponent's strength was beyond imagination, if he was rough, would he be able to please him?Don't steal chickens and lose money, just ruin yourself.

Looking at Maurice Green's complicated expression, Chen Kangjie smiled.He was sure that the other party would swallow this dumb loss, unless he was crazy.If he dares to make any changes, it is guaranteed that he will regret it for the rest of his life.

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