rebirth of change

Chapter 1958 He is too tired, too tired

Wei Quanzhong passed the baton from a long distance away.For Wei Quanzhong, the small baton weighs a thousand catties, and it is heavy in his hand. The sooner it is passed, the sooner it will be more relaxed.

Chen Kangjie now also hopes that the baton will be passed to him earlier, he is really anxious.These three guys ran down 300 meters and fell so much, how could he chase them.If the baton is not passed, the game will stop immediately, and the top three will be hopeless.

So when the baton just touched Chen Kangjie's hand, Wei Quanzhong felt an extremely powerful force pulling him forward.Unable to stabilize himself, Wei Quanzhong fell to the ground in embarrassment.After Chen Kangjie got the baton, he flew out like an arrow.

The reason why Wei Quanzhong fell was the result of Chen Kangjie's force.He was like grabbing something, he got it, grabbed it and ran away, without taking anything else into consideration.Chen Kangjie was too fast and too powerful. Before Wei Quanzhong could let go, he was pulled down.

When the baton was handed over to Chen Kangjie, the atmosphere in the audience became boiling.Now that Chen Kangjie is in the middle behind, it is almost impossible for him to catch up. However, the audience still hope that there will be a surprising miracle, and they still hope that he will play a gorgeous reversal like 1500 meters.

"come on! Come on......"

"You are the best, long, you can do it..."

"Hero, catch up, we support you, we love you..."

"Rush, rush...overtake..."

Even though they thought the ending was predictable, the enthusiastic audience still cheered Chen Kangjie hoarsely in various languages.Even if Chen Kangjie has no way to win the championship, they still hope to see Chen Kangjie's outstanding performance.

Looking at Michael Johnson who had gone far ahead, Chen Kangjie felt that the game was irreversible, and at the same time, a burst of heat and a fighting spirit that refused to admit defeat suddenly arose in his body.

What kind of slogans the audience chanted, Chen Kangjie felt that he couldn't hear them, and his ears seemed to have blocked all the noisy voices.

Now Chen Kangjie is very focused, with a pair of sharp eyes staring at Michael Johnson's back. As soon as he lifts the hot air in his abdomen, Chen Kangjie feels that every muscle and every cell in his body is warm and full of strength.His pair of solid legs were like wheels on a high speed, and he was moving forward at a speed that was hard to see clearly.

It stands to reason that each foot should actually step on the ground, so that the other leg can have a support point and strength to step forward.But Chen Kangjie had a strange feeling, he felt that the ground seemed to have softened and became warm.With every step, the soles of the feet seem to be soft, with a rebounding force to push upwards, and the temperature is also warm, making the soles of the feet very comfortable.

It feels a bit like running on a giant inflatable mattress, which has never been the case.

"Wow, look quickly, look quickly, Long's speed is so fast..."

"It's unbelievable, how can there be such a fast speed..."

"Wow, I love you so much, rushing up, it's so great..."

"Ah! God, am I right? I passed, and Long caught up with the Brazilian team's last shot..."

"long, long, long...go, go...."

Because Chen Kangjie was running, he didn't feel that he was much different from usual. At most, he just felt that the distance between himself and the opponent in front was getting closer by using his competitors as references.

But in the eyes of the audience at the scene and the audience in front of the TV, the current Chen Kangjie is even more flying than flying.As if he had practiced "Lingboweibu", he was speeding on the runway at a strange and breathtaking speed.

"Old Niu, you don't think so. We have never seen Jie Shao's performance today." Lin Zhidong stared at a pair of big eyes, and grabbed Niu Qihua in surprise.

Lin Zhidong's grip was strong, but Niu Qihua didn't feel any pain, and his attention was completely attracted by Chen Kangjie's amazing performance.

"I haven't seen it before. It's too fast. It's much faster than he participated in the 100-meter race. How could this be?" Niu Qihua replied instinctively.

"Oh my god, his steps are completely different than usual." Tang Wei stood beside him and exclaimed.

In Ouyang Zhenhua's home, the family of three who could only feel sorry for the game was now brought up again by Chen Kangjie's sudden performance.

"Ouyang, look, look, Master Jie feels like he is flying, how can he be so fast?" Tan Meiyun exclaimed.

"You don't need to shout, I just watched him, and I said he won't lose, surpass, surpass, surpass the Yankee." Now Ouyang Zhenhua is not like a majestic big boss at all, he is just like ordinary fans. Not much difference.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, I knew godfather was amazing." Standing on the floor, Ouyang Xuanhua shouted excitedly, waving his little arms.

In Brothers Internet Cafe, the dozens of students surrounding that TV set are also now getting excited one by one.

"The one next door to Spicy is breaking through the limits of human beings."

"You know a ball, this is the real level of long, rush, rush, rush up and kill them."

"Reversal, reversal, come on, my god, you must persevere."

"Look, look, Brazil is overtaken, overtaken."

"Xiongqi, Xiongqi...Come on, come on..."

"I can't imagine, is this still a human being?"

As for the narrators of the various TV stations who were in charge of the on-site narration, the words they used were even more amazing. Some narrators were so stunned that they even forgot to explain.

It was only ten meters away from the finish line. At this time, Chen Kangjie had rushed to the second position, and the distance between him and Michael Johnson had narrowed to within three meters.With such a powerful explosive power and impact, not to mention ordinary audiences, even those professionals can't believe their eyes.

This is equivalent to the men's 1-meter final. No.2 crossed the finish line 15 meters ahead of No.[-]. How could there be such a disparity in the race?I didn't even dare to think about it, but now it happened.

Chen Kangjie also gradually felt that he was a bit unusual today. He knew that his speed would be very fast, but he never thought that he would be so fast.It seems that there is a force on the ground that is pushing him upwards, and every step has a force that is supporting him to fly forward.

Feeling that Chen Kangjie is expected to win the championship, the audience from all over the world became desperate.In all the competitions, there is no such shocking and eye-popping scene.

Many people were almost hoarse, but they still stood up hoarsely, and continued to yell at Chen Kangjie.The voices were so mixed that it was difficult to hear what they were shouting clearly. I only knew that they were cheering for Chen Kangjie and giving Chen Kangjie the strength to move forward with the greatest sincerity and hard work.

However, just when everyone felt that Chen Kangjie had the hope of tying Michael Johnson, the heat in his abdominal cavity suddenly faded and disappeared, and Chen Kangjie's steps also stagnated.Immediately, Chen Kangjie felt unable to increase his speed, and every step he took was no longer light and elegant, but became heavy and difficult.It's like the machinery and equipment are suddenly out of lubricating oil.

Chen Kangjie returned to a normal state.

I don't know why this happened, but seeing the victory is in sight, Chen Kangjie can't give up, and he must persist no matter what.No matter how hard it is, you have to get through the ten meters.

Chen Kangjie, who didn't sweat a lot during the game, was sweating profusely at this time, and every pore in the province was spraying water.The exhalation of the nasal cavity and oral cavity is aroused and becomes dull, and the inhalation seems to be less than the exhalation.

Ten meters, that is, the blink of an eye.Under the attention of hundreds of millions of people and in frustration and regret, Chen Kangjie crossed the finish line.However, no matter how hard he tried and tried his best, he was still one position behind Michael Johnson in the end.

"Oh, what a pity, it's just one step away."

"Why is it so close? It's so sad."

"Don't be dissatisfied. He can chase so much. This is already an extraordinary performance. He is also the runner-up after all."

"What are you talking about, the runner-up is unacceptable to Long."

"Why do I feel like I've been on a roller coaster? The's hard to say whether it should be joy or pain."

"See, Long has already tried his best. He is so tired that he is so rare and amazing. No matter what, he is a hero in my heart, and he is as great as a god."

Chen Kangjie had never been so tired before in a competition, but the 100-meter distance made Chen Kangjie almost collapse.He felt that climbing a mountain of several thousand meters might be a little easier than this.

After running past the finish line, Chen Kangjie sat down on the floor, fell down and panted heavily.After strenuous exercise, the leg soreness appeared for the first time in Chen Kangjie's body. Now he is weak all over, and he seems to feel that it has become a very difficult thing to get up and walk normally.

Chen Kangjie was lying on the ground, but several cameras were carried around him by the cameraman. The scene of him panting and sweating was transmitted to thousands of households along with the cameras.

At the beginning, everyone felt sorry for Chen Kangjie not being the first to cross the finish line to win the championship, but at this time, people only felt heartache.

After participating in so many games in a row, he was too tired, too tired.He is a human being, a young man in a small grade.To be able to have such an amazing fighting performance in the last game, what else do you want?

Seeing Chen Kangjie's exhausted and powerless appearance, some old people and some girls' soft hearts seemed to be stabbed by something, and they were moved to tears with heartache.

As the picture of Chen Kangjie at this time was shown on the big screen, those fanatical fans could not wait to rush down from the stands to hug him up immediately.

"long, long, long...."

"Long, how are you? How are you?" Michael Johnson noticed something strange while celebrating his victory to the audience, and hurried to Chen Kangjie's side to help him up, asking with concern.

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