rebirth of change

Chapter 1964 Can't advance or retreat

Chen Kangjie and the others had just approached the Kingsford Smith International Airport when they heard the news coming from the front. Now the Kingsford Smith International Airport has gathered tens of thousands of fans, and the entire airport was surrounded by water. Although the Australian side sent a lot of Security personnel and the police, but the boarding of many passengers was delayed.

"It's no wonder that there are so many vehicles going to the airport, but there are not many going to the city from there. It turned out to be blocked." After listening to the briefing of the Australian accompanying personnel on the vehicle, Niu Qihua sighed.

"Mr. Chen, the authorities have sent an additional [-] security personnel to maintain order, but more and more people gathered at the scene. Let me ask you, in order to ensure your safety and normal order at the airport, can you delay What's the itinerary for returning to China?" the Australian escort in a suit asked Chen Kangjie.

He is an official of the Olympic Organizing Committee. He used to work in the Ministry of Education and was temporarily transferred to work in the Olympic Organizing Committee a year ago.After Chen Kangjie and their awards ceremony, he was in charge of arranging the vehicles to be sent to the airport.

"Mr. Thomas, I have to go back to China. I still have a lot of things to do. I just need you to reply to your boss and give them a hard time. I have to find a way to send me to the airport." Chen Kangjie sat on a chair and stood facing each other. The Australian accompanying official in front of him said.

"Xiao Chen, all the delegations are returning home today. The capacity of the local airport is under great pressure. In addition, there are so many people crowded at the airport now. It would be bad if there is an accident because of the crowd." Thomas went to contact his boss At that time, the deputy head of the delegation accompanying the car approached Chen Kangjie and said.

"Director Tang, I know this too, but so what? Am I not going back? I believe Australia is able to host such an Olympic Games, and there should be a plan and method to deal with this situation."

The deputy head is the deputy director of the State Sports General Administration. He is the administrative official who stayed behind to communicate with the International Olympic Committee and accompany Chen Kangjie and the others to the award ceremony.After dealing with the corresponding matters, take the bus with Chen Kangjie and the others to the airport to return home.

When the deputy director said this, it wasn't that he had any special intentions. He was just worried that if a stampede happened, it would not only have a bad impact on Australia, but also bring troubles to Chen Kangjie.International public opinion may place the blame on Chen Kangjie.

However, Chen Kangjie did not believe that the Australian side could not even handle such a small matter well.For this Olympic Games, Sydney's security is the strongest. There are tens of thousands of police and troops gathered in the whole city. It is impossible to maintain such a little law and order.

However, Chen Kangjie still somewhat overestimated Australia's ability to deal with the corresponding situation.They didn't control the flow of traffic going to the airport because of the congestion at the airport. Chen Kangjie and his vehicles couldn't get through the bridge just opposite the airport, and the front was blocked tightly.

The location of Kingsford Smith International Airport is very special. To the south of the airport runway is the sea, while to the north and west are rivers. The Olympic Village is in the northwest of the airport. The most convenient route from there is to take the A3 highway After arriving at Kingsgrove, take the m5 ring road, take Maas Street at the intersection with Maas Street, cross the bridge over the Cooks River, and you will arrive at the airport.

But now, Chen Kangjie and the others were blocked on the west side of the Cooks River Bridge on Maas Avenue.Strictly speaking, they are not close to the bridge yet, they are still several hundred meters away from the bridge.The road ahead is full of people and cars.

"It's over, we can't go anymore, the front is already blocked." Coach Lu said worriedly after standing up and looking outside.

"Sit down, sit down, everyone sit down, and close all your curtains." Director Tang looked back and forth, and shouted hastily.

Some people didn't understand why they did this, but Director Tang pointed at Wei Quanzhong, who was slow to react, and was already criticizing him unceremoniously.

"Didn't you hear? Hurry up, close the curtains, don't think that winning a gold medal is a big deal, be complacent, now is the time to obey orders and discipline."

Seeing Director Tang's vicious look, Wei Quanzhong didn't dare to argue at all, and hastily pulled the curtains of the vehicle tightly.

As for Chen Kangjie, without Director Tang's order, the curtain beside him had already been drawn before the car stopped.

"Some people outside have gotten out of the car and are walking towards the airport. You can see that most of them are not passengers catching a flight. We can't let them see, especially you, if they see us in this car Now, not only will we not be able to go, but we may also be in danger." Seeing that all the car windows were tightly covered by curtains, Director Tang sat back beside Chen Kangjie and explained.

"Thank you, Director Tang is interested." Chen Kangjie thanked him.

The bus that Chen Kangjie and the others took was not particularly beautiful, it was just an ordinary Olympic shuttle bus, and it was impossible to tell what kind of people this bus was transporting from the outside.Anyway, today is the peak time for the delegations to return home. On the road leading to the airport, you can see such buses with the Olympic logo printed everywhere.

However, once interested people see that the Chinese delegation is sitting in this car, especially when they see Chen Kangjie in this car, there is no doubt that the surroundings of this car will be covered by thousands of people in a short time. Surrounded by tens of thousands of people, it is hard to say what will happen at that time.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Tang, we are in trouble now. The parking lot and the square in front of the airport are already full of people. Vehicles cannot go back and forth, and we are blocked behind us." Thomas anxiously came to Chen Kangjie's Talk to Director Tang in front.

"Then is there any other way to the airport?" Since Director Tang didn't understand English and needed an interpreter, Chen Kangjie simply communicated.

"This... Originally, the m5 ring road would pass under the runway of the airport, and you could go around to the other side of the airport by going there, but now our back is also blocked, and the vehicles can't go back at all. ’” Thomas said in embarrassment.

"Then how did you deal with it before?" Chen Kangjie also felt a bit of a headache now, he couldn't go, he couldn't go back, he couldn't go back.

"Now we can only pass by clearing the road in front of us. However, the energy of the staff maintaining the scene is now restrained by so many people who suddenly appeared, and there is no extra strength for clearing. What's more troublesome is that, Now many people leave their cars here and move on. Even if reinforcements are sent from the airport expressway north of the airport, it will be difficult to restore smooth flow of the road in a short time. No one is driving those cars." Thomas He replied with sweat on his forehead.

He is the Australian official in charge of accompanying him. Any accident that happens around Chen Kangjie may bring him trouble and responsibility.At that time, Thomas was very happy to hear that he was accompanying Chen Kangjie and the others, but he didn't know it was like this.If I had known earlier, I might as well have given the opportunity to that female colleague who was very loyal to Chen Kangjie.

After answering Chen Kangjie's words, Thomas' cell phone rang, he answered it quickly, and when he hung up, Thomas reported: "The city government and the federal government have sent reinforcements by land and water, [-] policemen and five Hundreds of navies are coming. We are asked to wait here and pay attention to safety."

Chen Kangjie really didn't expect that his public return to China would cause so much trouble to the local area and affect his return trip.

"If I had known this would happen, I would have quietly gone back." Chen Kangjie sighed.

"I can't blame you for this. Even if you don't say it, those reporters will release the news. The key now depends on Australia's ability to handle the situation." Director Tang comforted.

Now, the normal traffic between Kingsford Smith International Airport and the outside world is only the subway that is still operating normally, and other buses and taxis are paralyzed.And it happened that the subway was still operating normally, and it was still transporting those fans chasing Chen Kangjie from the urban area to the airport.From the city center to the airport, it only takes 13 minutes by subway, and every subway to the airport is almost full.Instead, the carriage back home was relatively empty.

If it weren't for the efficient operation of the subway, it would be difficult for the airport to gather so many people at once.As for public transportation such as the subway, it is generally impossible to suspend its operation. Once it is suspended, it will not only affect the airport, but also bring chaos to the entire city.

But at this moment, the one with the greatest pressure is the Sydney Municipal Authority.In their view, the Olympics is over, and the delegations and tourists have returned one after another, and the Olympics will be considered complete.It is precisely this kind of heart that makes them feel relaxed from the top of the team.It is this kind of relaxation that makes people seem helpless and unresponsive when there is such a large-scale crowd gathering.

Of course, in their risk plan, they did not expect that the airport would be blocked because of one person.

In fact, not all those who flocked to the airport were local citizens, and a considerable proportion of them were tourists and spectators from all over the world.When it was heard that Chen Kangjie was returning to China during this time period, and that he would have the opportunity to see him at the airport, the tourists, spectators and local citizens who had nothing to do immediately left for the airport.

Some take buses, some take taxis, and more take subways, while many locals choose to drive.Such a converging situation has led to the current situation.

"Old Tang, how are you? Where are you?" The head of the delegation, who was still meeting with IOC officials in the urban area and seeking wider support, immediately called Director Tang.

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