rebirth of change

Chapter 1971 Someone Wants to Buy an Internet Cafe

Chen Jundong's remarks further confirmed Chen Kangjie's guess, there was obviously something strange in it, and it was not like normal law enforcement at all.

The next day, Chen Kangjie accompanied them to the Internet cafe to check, no matter whether there was a conspiracy or not, first check and correct themselves, then we can talk about it.

Looking at the empty Internet cafe hall with no one there, except for Chen Kangjie, the other three shareholders looked very depressed.They are doing business for the first time, and they have no measures and psychological preparations to deal with similar things.

"Tmd, I looked left and right, but I didn't find out where we were unqualified. What a mistake." Ge Zihao slapped the back of a chair and complained angrily and helplessly.

"I think so. According to the situation we asked yesterday, could it be that the fire department deliberately made things difficult for us? I heard from my father that these government departments like to do this kind of thing." Chen Wenjie leaned on a pillar and said .

"If people make things difficult on purpose, it's only for the benefit. However, whether they came to check that day or we came to ask yesterday, no one of them asked us for benefits." Chen Jundong shook his head and said.

Chen Kangjie shook his head secretly, it was too simple.If people want benefits, must they be so naked and active?Many people do this kind of thing, just waiting for you to be sensible.If you are "sensible", then it is easy to solve, if you are not "sensible", you will always be stuck.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't feel that the fire department was looking for benefits, because on the way here, he discovered a phenomenon that didn't attract much attention.

In an alley 200 meters away from Brother Internet Cafe, there is an unlicensed black Internet cafe. Although the Internet cafe is in an alley, their billboards are grandly placed on the side of the road on the sidewalk.

When passing by that alley, Chen Kangjie noticed that many young people were rushing in. From their words, Chen Kangjie knew that they went to that black Internet cafe to surf the Internet.

Chen Kangjie has never been in that black Internet cafe, but it is conceivable that they cannot be compared with the brother Internet cafes in terms of environmental sanitation or various facilities.Before rebirth, Chen Kangjie had been to the black Internet cafe many times.Basically, those black Internet cafes don't have any environment and conditions to speak of, and some don't even have a ventilation fan.The inside is smoky, messy and pitch black, and as for fire safety, it can be said to be almost zero.

But now it is Brother Internet Cafe that has been ordered to close down for rectification, while the black Internet Cafe not far away is still operating normally, isn't it strange?

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't dare to say whether it was directly related to Brother Internet Cafe's closure and rectification. He just felt that it was a little unreasonable.

Just when Chen Wenjie and the three of them were complaining, the glass door of the Internet cafe was roughly pushed open from the outside.

Chen Kangjie and the others followed the prestige almost at the same time, and saw five or six young people coming in, everyone looked slick, the person walking in the front was wearing a black leather vest, but the vest was open, It exposed the chest with the ferocious tiger tattooed on it.

"It's not open today, I have to go online to another place." Thinking that they were going to go online, Chen Jundong waved them away.

"We know that this place is not open, and my buddies are not here to surf the Internet." The young man in the lead glanced at Chen Kangjie and the others, and said cynically.

Chen Wenjie heard that the other party didn't come to surf the Internet, so he took a step forward: "We are an Internet cafe here, and we don't come here to surf the Internet, so what are we doing here?"

"Do you have to surf the Internet when you come here? Fuck, I'm willing to come and have fun, can't you?" A golden retriever with his short-sleeved shirt widely opened behind the black vest jumped out, spitting foul words at Chen Wenjie viciously.

"What are you talking about? Our place is closed today, and it's not a public place like a park. What's the fun? Do you have any qualities?" Although the other party didn't seem to be a decent person, he looked very difficult to mess with , but seeing Chen Wenjie being scolded, Ge Zihao still didn't flinch, and stood beside Chen Wenjie.

Last time, Ge Zihao and Chen Wenjie "fighted side by side". After that incident, the two of them became much more courageous.

"Hahaha, quality? What kind of thing is quality?"

"Is the quality food or harmony? Have you really discussed it with anyone?"

"Don't you think that you have two cultures, so I will drag you out. Next door to spicy, quality is important to you, but it is a piece of shit to us, haha..."

The other party laughed and cursed wildly one by one, as if what Ge Zihao said was a low-level joke.

Chen Kangjie didn't make a sound, just observing the situation in front of him coldly.The arrival of these people made him vigilant. Perhaps, the closure of Brothers Internet Cafe may have something to do with this group of people.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? People say we have no quality, don't we have no quality? Look at all of you who are so flirtatious, let me stand aside, don't affect our conversation Business." The black vest pulled the yellow hair aside and shouted cursingly.

"You should be the owners of this Internet cafe, right? Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Feilong. People in this area call me Brother Feilong, and you can call me that too. The purpose of my visit this time is to communicate with you guys. Several bosses discuss a business." The black vest named Feilong took two steps forward, and continued to speak to Chen Wenjie and the others in his arrogant and cynical tone.

With Feilong, he didn't pay attention to these students at all. The reason why he can still have such a hypocritical posture is that on the one hand, he hopes that the matter to be discussed can be negotiated as soon as possible; Play with your temperament in front of your subordinates.These are all learned from Hong Kong and Taiwan movies, and he feels that this is more stylish.

"What business are we talking about? It seems that there is no business relationship between us." Chen Wenjie said bluntly.

"It didn't exist before, but it doesn't mean there won't be any in the future. Oh, such a good Internet cafe, the investment should not be small? It's a pity that it is so empty." Feilong looked around the environment in the Internet cafe and said, smacking his lips, Like he really came with compassion.

Chen Kangjie and the others could all tell that this guy probably had other things to say, so there was no excuse, and they just watched with cold eyes, to see what he wanted to do?

Seeing that no one answered his words, Feilong also felt bored.

"Let's put it this way, let's open the skylight and speak frankly. I can't bear to see that the Internet cafe you invested so much is closed like this, so I come to do a deal with you and sell your Internet cafe to me. In this case , you can relax, you don’t have to worry about the next business, and I, how about doing such a little good thing?”

"It's not good, we don't sell this Internet cafe, you go, get out of here quickly." Chen Wenjie pointed in the direction of the Internet cafe's gate.

"Boy, don't be shameless. It's your luck that Brother Feilong likes this broken Internet cafe. Brother Feilong is willing to have a good talk with you, that's why he thinks highly of you. Don't be so paralyzed that you don't know what's good or bad." Jumped out to stand up for their boss.

Huang Mao was not just talking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Chen Wenjie while cursing, it seemed that if Chen Wenjie dared to "speech without shame" again, he would attack without hesitation.

"Huangmao, take it easy, we are here to discuss business, don't hurt your peace." Feilong roared, and then laughed again: "Everyone, I think my proposal is worth considering, don't you really look at these A brand new computer is rusted and moldy? It’s not worth it, how can you say it’s a smart person’s, how about it? Think about it?”

This time Chen Wenjie and the three of them didn't answer the conversation, they all looked at Chen Kangjie at the same time to see what he meant.

Chen Kangjie is the major shareholder of this Internet cafe, and it was also opened under his advice and control.In addition, in normal times, when the three of them were outside, Chen Kangjie was the main one.They are all called the boss Chen Kangjie.Therefore, in their view, the key opinions and views are with Chen Kangjie.

If Chen Kangjie didn't plan to sell, then they would stand with Chen Kangjie no matter what. If Chen Kangjie wanted to sell, then they wouldn't say anything.

Chen Kangjie walked out in a leisurely manner, not paying attention to the gangsters at all.

"We open Internet cafes to do business and to make money. Since you want to buy our Internet cafes, you can consider it. The key depends on the price."

"That's right, there are indeed people who know current affairs, haha." As he spoke, Feilong tilted his body, sat down on a chair, and raised Erlang's legs: "Since you also intend to sell, then you open Give me a price."

This guy, as if someone begged him to sell him, actually pretended to be so big.

Chen Kangjie stretched out his rootless finger: "If you want to buy it, this is the price."

"50? Hahaha, you dare to ask for 50 from this Internet cafe?" Fei Long stared, then laughed unscrupulously.

"You misunderstood, it's 500 million." Chen Kangjie stared at Feilong expressionlessly, and said in a word.

When I first heard that Chen Kangjie was willing to sell the Internet cafe, Chen Jundong and the three of them felt a little uncomfortable.This is the first business they started, and it has only been started for less than a month, and the business is still very good.If they just sold it like this, they would be unwilling and uncomfortable, especially when they heard that the other party was too expensive for 50 yuan, they were so angry that they wanted to drive them away.

Now that Chen Kangjie wants 500 million, they are much more balanced.If the other party is really willing to spend 500 million to buy this Internet cafe, it will be a very cost-effective deal for Chen Jundong and the others. Apart from the cost, at least one person can share 80 million.At that time, the money can be used to open a bigger Internet cafe.

But, would the other party be willing to be taken for a ride?

Of course Feilong didn't want to, he not only stared, but also jumped up from the chair, as if there was a nail on that chair.

"Damn, 500 million? I heard you right? I used to think I was ruthless, but now I know that there are people who are more ruthless than me. I think 50 is too expensive. How dare you ask for 500 million to rob a bank? "

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