Chinese people are like this, no matter where they are, there is no shortage of spectators.They may not dare to do some things, but they like others to do them. For someone to do what they want to do but dare not do, they can encourage, push, and of course applaud.

Take what Chen Kangjie is doing now, don't look at those students who are like angry youths, screaming and criticizing Mike and Fujita with righteous indignation.But if they are really asked to do something to the two foreigners, few of them dare to do it.

In our country, there is a very contradictory and interesting idea.Beginning in the middle of the nineteenth century, we were bullied for half a century.That period of history has become an unforgettable pain in our hearts.

It is precisely the existence of that period of history that makes Chinese people generally have a spirit of self-reliance and seeking national rejuvenation. They all believe and hope from the bottom of their hearts that the history of being oppressed and oppressed cannot and will not be repeated. up.However, in reality, we have a kind of yearning and admiration for foreign countries, especially the West, and treat foreigners who come to our country as generously as possible, and treat all of them as "foreign friends" .

We consider ourselves to be a country of etiquette, but the courtesy we often break through is rarely given to our own people, but to those "Eight-Power Allied Forces" who have bullied us.Of course, for those African brothers, there are always people who put on a proud face.

In many activities, as long as there are foreigners, those figures are always arranged intentionally or unintentionally as a "finishing touch" during the publicity, as if those foreigners come, our worth is doubled like.

This kind of contradictory mentality and behavior does not exist alone, but is very common, and it does not only exist among the people, but also has a market in the official world.

However, in Chen Kangjie's case, he did not abide by the customary "loss of power and humiliation of the country".In foreign countries, he is a person who is infinitely sought after, so how can he still pursue these foreigners in his own country?

After scolding one and shaking another, Chen Kangjie still didn't let go of that Mike, but dragged him back into the crowd.

Seeing this situation, Ding Xiaoyang, who was worried that Chen Kangjie would cause trouble, hurried forward to dissuade him.

"Chen Wen, what's the matter? Let go of him first. If things get serious, you won't end well. What's going on?"

Chen Kangjie glanced at Ding Xiaoyang, did not answer her words, turned to stare at the angry Mike: "Apologize, apologize to all of us."

"Apologize? Why do you apologize? You hit me, you have to pay the price, you have to take responsibility, fuck y..." Mike, who has always been walking sideways in China, is now angry. How could he Apologize.Not only did this guy not apologize, but he also cursed.

It's just that Chen Kangjie wouldn't let him finish his curse words at all.

Mike's "you" just pronounced the pronunciation of the first letter, and Chen Kangjie punched it, and returned a sentence in English at the same time.

"I hope one day, you choke on the shit you tolk."

"You don't talk about human rights. You are a violent crime. I want to sue you. I want to sue you. If you dare to beat me, your school will definitely expel you and I will take revenge. Fujita, call the police." Mike rubbed his face With the nosebleeds coming out of his face and nose, he yelled ferociously: "He insulted us, and he must pay the price."

"For people, we only treat human rights. Do you think you are a human being?" Chen Kangjie was not afraid: "You have to apologize. If you dare to spit shit out of your mouth again, I will still give you a good look."

"Fujita-kun, are you alright? Get up, get up." The Chinese girl who was led by Fujita just helped Fujita up with concern.

"Go away, bastard, your people bullied us, you didn't speak just now, get out now, you don't need your hypocrisy." Fujita pushed the girl away.

"Let me call, I remember you, you beat foreign friends, you destroy our friendly foreign relations, we will sue you. Mike, don't worry, I will call the school leaders now, this is a diplomatic incident." The seductive girl who was reprimanded by Chen Kangjie just now fawned over Mike, reprimanded Chen Kangjie with raised eyebrows, and at the same time took out a small mobile phone to make a call.

Chen Kangjie really couldn't bear this shameless girl.He snatched her mobile phone, threw it to the ground, and stepped on it hard.

"You want to be shameless, you want to drink footwashing water for others, you want to be a traitor, that's your business. But don't think too highly of yourself and destroy friendly relations with foreign countries? Diplomatic incidents? Really shameless, right? "

Seeing Chen Kangjie's appearance of eating people, the girl was so frightened that she trembled, and then looked at her cell phone that had been torn apart, and she burst into tears.

"Wow, woo woo woo...I won't let you go, Mike, you must help me."

"He can't protect himself now." Chen Kangjie gave the girl a disgusted look, and then continued to point at Mike: "Apologize, apologize immediately, otherwise, I don't care which country you are from."

"Chen Wen, what on earth do you want him to apologize for? He is about to leave, and you still arrest him. Do you know that you have caused a catastrophe now, and the school will definitely punish you." Ding Xiaoyang who didn't know what was going on Don't catch Chen Kangjie.

Now it's not just Ding Xiaoyang who doesn't understand, even most of the students who are watching don't understand why.

However, they greatly appreciated Chen Kangjie's ability to do this, and felt that it was a very proud thing.These few people, they have long been tired of seeing.

That Mike and Fujita thought they were foreigners, so they were arrogant and spoke very badly.And that seductive girl who thought she was wooing a foreigner was even more lacking in consciousness, and her aura was even stronger than the two foreigners.

"Dogs and men, you should teach them a lesson."

"Traitor and running dog, why did your parents give birth to such a shameless daughter like you?"

"That's right, what's the big deal, hit, hit hard..."

"Good job, dude."

"Oh, I remember, the one who did it was the vice chairman of our student union. It's amazing. We need such a student union leader."

"We support you, afraid of a ball."

Although there are a lot of people supporting him, Chen Kangjie does not have any sense of pride and pride.Instead, he felt a little sad, sad for our society, sad for our education.

"He has to apologize, didn't you hear? He called everyone chink just now, which is an insulting name for us, almost like calling us Chinese pig." Chen Kangjie explained to Ding Xiaoyang, and then continued to stare at Mike : "Sorry, I don't care if you sell grams or buy grams, you have to apologize. Now is not the time for Chinese workers to go to the United States to build railways. If you don't apologize today, you can't go anywhere."

Chen Kangjie has a very high level of English. Others can't tell that it is a discriminatory term used by Americans to treat Chinese people. How can Chen Kangjie not understand it.Coupled with their previous arrogance, Chen Kangjie was even more disgusted.So no matter what he wants to get back this little bit of dignity and face, it's not because of his will, but because of big right and wrong.

Many people heard Chen Kangjie's explanation to Ding Xiaoyang, and their emotions became more agitated, and some people wanted to reach out and beat Mike.

"If you want me to apologize, there is no way. If you have the ability, I will make a sequel. I am not afraid at all. I will definitely ask the consulate for this matter." Even after Chen Kangjie pointed out his mistake, Mike's attitude was still very tough.

"Yes, Mike, don't apologize, let's see what they can do? Huh, I will also report this matter to our embassy. We came to this ghost place to support them, but we were beaten instead. I can't swallow this breath anyway. " Fujita supported Mike with red eyes.

"Who needs your support?"

"It's bullshit, no one here invited you here, go back to your place."

"Little Japan, we do not welcome you in Greater China, stay away from death."

"Who doesn't know that you are here because of the long, you better get out, don't beg for nothing to stay here, no one welcomes you here."

"Support? You've supported me, you're so shameless, you're putting money on your face."

Fujita and Mike have been in China for some time. Although they didn't study hard, they have learned some Chinese. They can basically understand the bad words of so many students around them.

The two looked at each other, and their faces became a little ugly.This caused public outrage.

"Apologize, apologize quickly."

"Yes, I must apologize."

"You can't leave without an apology."

Just as the students continued to put pressure on the two, the deputy secretary of the school youth league committee who came to inspect the work came over with the two of them.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, what are you guys doing here? How decent is it?" The deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee named Yuan Qing walked into the crowd and said imposingly.

"Xiao Ding is here too, what are you guys doing, just organize the activities well, it's outrageous for so many people to queue up, why is it so crowded here, do you know that this is negative for the campus environment Influence?" Yuan Qing saw Ding Xiaoyang in a blink of an eye, and said in an official tone.

Although Chen Kangjie is the executive vice chairman of the student union, he is not familiar with Yuan Qing because he seldom participates in the operation and activities of the student union. On the contrary, Ding Xiaoyang and the others deal with him more.

"Secretary Yuan, we..." Before Ding Xiaoyang had time to explain, he was interrupted by two international students who seemed to be holding onto their saviors.

"Are you the leader of the school? If you are the leader of the school, we will ask you to respond to the problem."

At this time, Yuan Qing was also taken aback by the nosebleed Mike and the embarrassed Fujita: "What's wrong with you? Who hit you? It's just playing the piano randomly. Isn't this embarrassing and discrediting us?"

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