This class is taught in a large lecture hall, it is a big class, and it is open to all students in the 97th grade of the entire college.

The lecture theater is still very large, and can accommodate 250 students. Because Chen Kangjie was delayed by Jin Yingtong and Lu Hongyu on the playground, when he arrived, there were not many vacant seats in the lecture theater.

The doctoral supervisor who lectures is still very famous. Not only has more than ten books, but he also acts as a consultant for many companies. Is it possible to see him talking about a certain policy in the media?Because of this, not all the students who came to attend the class were students from the School of International Economics and Trade, and some students from other majors also came here especially.

"Chen Wen, here, here..." Chen Kangjie stood at the door, looked around, and was about to find an empty seat. At this moment, someone in the middle opposite stood up and waved at him.

"Your boy is very early today, and you actually occupied such a good and perfect position." Chen Kangjie moved to Tan Jian's side, removed the book from the seat next to him, and sat down naturally.

There is no doubt that the person named Chen Kangjie just now is his buddy Tan Jian in class.

"Nonsense, Professor Shi Tingyuan is very famous. Since he came to give us a lecture, he will definitely be popular. If I don't come sooner, there is no place for us. Look around, look around. Are there any vacancies?" Tan Jian looked proud with foresight.

Chen Kangjie glanced back and forth, left and right, and it was true that as Tan Jian said, the few vacant positions just now were filled.Moreover, at the back of the lecture theater and in the aisle, there were some students who were late.

"You guys are a bit prescient. By the way, is this Shi Tingyuan famous?" Chen Kangjie patted Tan Jian's shoulder appreciatively, and then asked another question that made people feel a little idiotic.

Tan Jian stared at Chen Kangjie suspiciously as if looking at a stranger.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there a flower on my face?"

"It's not that you have pimples on your face, I'm worried that you have water in your head. Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Don't you usually love to learn? Why don't you know Shi Tingyuan? Are you kidding me? "Tan Jian treated Chen Kangjie as a monster.

"I really don't know him. I can't just know everyone who is famous. Then I can't be too busy. Looking at you like this, it seems that you admire him very much." Chen Kangjie said confidently.

Chen Kangjie really didn't know who this Shi Tingyuan was, he only knew that he was a doctoral supervisor and a senior professor at that key university in the east.That's all.

Of course, it cannot be said that Chen Kangjie has little knowledge.Chen Kangjie has read a lot of books, but they are all real masters, both at home and abroad, and he reads professional publications in the industry, some of which are directly in the original foreign language.As for TV and newspapers, due to time constraints, Chen Kangjie had less contact with them.

Among the dozens of economists or corporate strategy experts that Chen Kangjie had an impression of, there was indeed no such person as Shi Tingyuan, which is why he asked this question.

"I have convinced you. In the future, don't say you are my good buddy." What Chen Kangjie often said is now used by Tan Jian to ridicule him, "Let me tell you, this Shi Tingyuan was a treasurer before. A professor from Baodao University on the other side of the island jumped to our mainland a few years ago and was hired as a professor and doctoral supervisor. He publishes a book every year on average, and all of them are very popular. He not only lectures all over the country, but also The TV station also invited him to do a column called "Shi Tingyuan Commentary". Many big companies turn to him for consultation and planning. Do you know the coy electronic technology company not far from us? Such a big company looks for him as a consultant. I really admire you, you have never heard of such a person." At the end, Tan Jian sniffled, a little contemptuous of Chen Kangjie's ignorance.

For a long time, Tan Jian knew that he was no match for Chen Kangjie in terms of knowledge or other aspects, and was often despised and reprimanded by Chen Kangjie.Now that he has an opportunity to prove that he is better than Chen Kangjie, of course he should make good use of it.

"You don't need to look like a villain, I will convince you once, okay?" Chen Kangjie is not the kind of person who has a small belly, and he didn't care much about being scorned by Tan Jian once.

At this time, that Shi Tingyuan walked into the classroom accompanied by the vice president of the college.

Chen Kangjie looked towards the podium. This Shi Tingyuan really looked like a scholar. He was wearing a neat gray double-breasted suit. He was wearing a red bow tie instead of the dark tie that most professors like. tie.A pair of large-rimmed gold-rimmed glasses hang on the bridge of his nose, and his most attractive thing should be his very artistic hair.It is very long, and the back is almost draped over the shoulders. The hair from the forehead to the top of the head is combed back. It looks fluffy on the surface, but if you look closely, you should be able to see that it has been carefully arranged. .

Shi Tingyuan stood there smiling and looking at the overcrowded students below, while beside him, the vice president of the college was already introducing Shi Tingyuan's achievements and knowledge.

In the eyes of other students, Shi Tingyuan's smile is kind and approachable, but Chen Kangjie, who has seen countless people and met many important people, can faintly feel a kind of color from his smile.Especially when the vice president talked about which big companies hired him as a consultant, the pride and arrogance overflowing from the corner of Shi Tingyuan's mouth became much clearer.

The vice president didn't waste everyone's time, he only took 5 minutes to explain Shi Tingyuan's brief introduction, then added some compliments of his own, shook hands with Shi Tingyuan and left. Only a teacher from the teaching and research section of the college was left to accompany him.

It was Shi Tingyuan who came here, otherwise, the vice president of the college would not have come to make this introduction.In any case, now the Technology and Business University is also a key university, and it is a key university that is rising very fast. The vice president is also a professor and a doctoral supervisor.

Amidst the warm applause, Shi Tingyuan sat in his lecture seat, turned on the microphone and began his lecture today.

"Sure enough, he is a well-known man with a reputation. This professor still has some goods, and many of the things he said are instructive." Listening to Shi Tingyuan's talk for more than half an hour, Chen Kangjie nodded and said to himself.

Since Shi Tingyuan is not a full-time teacher, it is impossible for him to explain the content in too much detail. He mainly talks about some broad theoretical content.

Although it was some big and generalized things, he still inserted two or three examples, which sounded a lot more vivid.And Chen Kangjie himself is no stranger to enterprises, he has created several well-known large enterprises, so he naturally has a deeper understanding of what Shi Tingyuan said.

"That's right, I don't look at who he is. It's a pity that you only met him today." Tan Jian, who had been working hard to take notes, raised his head, not forgetting to take revenge on Chen Kangjie.

"Remember yours quickly, if you delay, you won't be able to keep up." Chen Kangjie folded his hands and continued to stare at Shi Tingyuan, not paying attention to Tan Jian's careful thinking at all.

But after that, Chen Kangjie gradually frowned, especially when he talked about talent cultivation, Chen Kangjie frowned even deeper.

"...Talent is one of the most important core competitiveness of enterprises, and also one of the important resources of enterprises. Every enterprise, whether it is a large enterprise or a small and medium-sized company, needs employees who can create value for the company. , should be given generous reports. In an enterprise, if one person earns more income than another, it only means that this one is more talented than the other... Is there any one that is easy to measure talents? What about the standard? Yes, and it’s very intuitive. That’s income. Whether you, the students here, are talents in the future, or what level of talent they are, can be easily seen from your future income... "

"...Among my students, I only look at those who have entered large international companies, those who have entered state-owned enterprises or private small and medium-sized enterprises. I don't think they are my students, because they have never learned from me The real skills learned here, their income is ten times or even tens of times, hundreds of times less than those who enter the international large companies...Everyone here, don't think that you are the favored ones of the sky. The university provides you with a superior learning environment, but for many of you, in the future, the school will not be proud of you, but you will be proud of this school..."

"...we study economics, we study business operations, in other words, we learn how to make money. When you spend four years or more learning how to do economics, to learn how to If you earn more money, after graduation, you can be regarded as a relatively professional player, especially if you come out of a key university. I often tell my students that when you graduate, when you are 40 years old, If you have not earned 1000 million, please don’t tell others that you are a student of Shi Tingyuan. Today, you are here to listen to my lecture, and you are also my student. This sentence is equally suitable for you. In the tide of the market economy, in this era of full competition, 1000 million is just a threshold. In the next ten or twenty years, if your net worth is not 20 million, then you must not say that I have taught you a lesson And for those students who meet this standard, you are welcome to come to me to communicate, the closer the level has given us the necessity and content of communication..."

Chen Kangjie's face was gloomy, not only frowning deeply, but also shaking his head.

What is it all about?It's just nonsense.Why does it sound so much like those engaged in pyramid schemes?Even if you want to irritate everyone, these words are only suitable for speaking in enterprises, not in universities.

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