rebirth of change

Chapter 2015 It's Finally Solved

Lin Ling didn't stay long in Zhucheng, that is, she went back to the United States in two days.But these two days, Chen Kangjie's life was a bit corrupt. Not only did he skip class, but he also prostituted himself day and night. His life was indeed a bit shameful.But who told two people to be separated by thousands of miles, so they get together less and leave more.As a man, Chen Kangjie always has to make up for it.

Three days after Lin Ling left, the group incident about the death of international students on campus was finally resolved.

According to the relevant laws of our country, and considering the actual situation of the foreign party, Gongshang University compensated Fujita's family members with US$130 million and US$27 to the injured Mike.

Such a price has really never appeared in China, exceeding 1000 two million, which can be regarded as the largest amount of compensation for personal injuries in China.

This price is quite a lot, but compared to the other party's request, he can also be said to be worthless.On the one hand, the school wanted to eliminate the influence as soon as possible. On the other hand, of course, it also meant to protect Chen Kangjie.

It is impossible for the school to get this money out of normal office expenses, and in the end it was paid out from the foundation's donation, in other words, it was Chen Kangjie's money.

The quick resolution of the matter was of course closely related to Chen Kangjie's arrangement.

In Japan, the core business of the Fujita family was severely suppressed by unknown funds and suffered heavy losses.The money is coming in ferociously, and it seems to be on a roll.It made the Fujita family go up and down like riding a roller coaster.

This family has already involved in a wide range of fields, and its connections and influence also include all walks of life.However, the source of its core power and influence is still closely related to the wealth of the family.In other words, if their family becomes poor, no matter whether it is those married political families or related households, I believe they will not buy their family's account again.

In this society, there is no benevolence and righteousness, but strength is the kingly way of existence.

Just when the Fujita family mobilized funds from the periphery to block and protect the four core listed companies, someone said that as long as their family was no longer entangled in Fujita's death, their family's stock price would recover.Otherwise, no matter how much money they mobilize, they will suffer heavy losses.

After Fujita Hongichi weighed it up and down, he finally gave his son an order not to pester him any longer, and if he continues to pester him, he will not get any benefits.

As the head of the family, Fujita Hongichi is a realist, and he is also a courageous person who can afford to let go. He wants to consider the problem from the perspective of the overall situation of the family. The kind of things that lose the big because of the small things, in the old and cunning Fujita Hongichi Generally, it does not appear on the body.

Although Fujita Koichi didn't know who was the one who spent such a huge amount of money to stop their family business, but judging from the other party's request, it was undoubtedly the Chinese side who made the move.And Fujita Hongichi judged that it was the Chinese government who made the move.Otherwise, ordinary private individuals would not be able to spend so much money at all.

Since the government is doing this, Fujita Hongichi has to deal with it carefully.In recent years, with China's economic take-off and the further opening of this billion-dollar market, their Fujita family also has great interests in China.More than a dozen large companies under the family have invested in the Chinese state. If the relationship with the Chinese government becomes very tense because of this, not to mention that those investments will be in vain, but it will be difficult to obtain the expected benefits in advance.

In addition, he, who has been in the market for a long time, also understands that if he really mobilizes more than two billion US dollars of funds from outside to stabilize the four core listed companies.Regardless of whether it can be stabilized or not, the loss is really not a small number.Financial personnel and investment managers have calculated it, and it is estimated that there will be a direct loss of one billion US dollars.What's more, the transfer of peripheral funds will also affect the daily operations of peripheral companies, and the losses will be even greater.

If he could recover such a big loss because of his own step back, why wouldn't Fujita Hongichi do it?What's more, he is also very clear that the request of his son and daughter-in-law will not be agreed to by the Chinese side.70 million US dollars, Fujita Koichi is not an idiot, no matter how much he argues, it will be great to get [-] US dollars in the end.

Not to mention that this kind of thing happened in China, even if it happened in other European and American countries, it is impossible to get support.

The reason why their family exerted pressure and held on to it was more for the sake of face.You can't let people say that the members of the Fujita family died outside, but they didn't fart.

Recently, two seemingly irrelevant things have been fermented between Japan and the United States, which have attracted the attention of many people.

One is that several Japanese media have been crazily grabbing the incident of the rape and molestation of Japanese female students by American soldiers during this period of time.

This kind of incident is nothing new in Japan. Similar incidents happen almost every year and are reported in the media, but under the deliberate control of the government, the intensity will not be so strong.

No way, who calls the U.S. military an occupying force?The U.S. military has dozens of military bases throughout Japan, with tens of thousands of soldiers stationed there.These soldiers can't stay in the barracks all year round. They can go out to play when they are on vacation.This has been held back for a long time, and Japan is also considered a world of flamboyance, so troubles arise from time to time.Moreover, these soldiers are not under the jurisdiction of the Japanese side, and the local judicial system cannot hold them accountable for breaking the law, but they must be handed over to the US side.Over time, these soldiers became a bit disregarded by the local laws, and their attitudes became condescending.

However, these media outlets are uncharacteristically, not only intensively reported the incident of sexual assault on middle school girls that occurred in the Okinawa base group and Yokota Air Force Base this year, but also dug out all similar cases that occurred in the past 20 years, and made it clear at a glance form.

If you don’t see it, you don’t know it. It’s really shocking to see it. In the past 20 years, light has occurred in several important garrison bases of Sasebo Naval Base, Yokota Air Force Base, Atsugi Naval Air Base, Okinawa Base, Kadena Base and Yamazawa Base. In the surrounding areas, there were as many as 56 incidents of sexual assault against Japanese female middle school students and ordinary girls.What's even more unacceptable is that none of the soldiers who committed crimes was severely punished, and the most severe punishment was only two years in prison.

The two-year prison sentence was because the victim was too young and the torture was cruel.After the black soldier was arrested by the local police, he was handed over to the US military the next day, and he was punished half a year later.

Although the Japanese admire strength, they also bow to the United States.But that doesn't mean they don't have anger or patriotism.

When these humiliating cases were uncovered one by one, they were laid out in front of the Chinese people in detail.Ordinary Japanese became angry for a while. Not only did widespread criticism appear in various media, criticizing their own government for being weak, but also criticizing the US for being domineering and disrespecting Japanese people at all.Even in Tokyo, Fukuoka, Hakodate and other cities, there were waves of protests to the US embassy and consulate.

Correspondingly, in recent years, American tourists in Tokyo have been frequently attacked. Some were beaten and scolded innocently, some were splashed with paint, some were robbed, and some were blackmailed.

This kind of thing is not a big deal. Tokyo is a megacity with a population of tens of millions. Every year, tens of millions of tourists from all over the world visit, and there are hundreds of disputes with foreign tourists every year.

Anyway, it's not a huge criminal case, and it will be forgotten in two days.But this time it was different. I don't know how several small media in the United States knew about these things, and they all made it onto the front page and headlines.Moreover, these media also made offensive remarks, believing that this is a great rise of Japanese nationalism. They are dissatisfied and provocative to the United States. They even feel that there is a tendency to restore militarism and ask the federal authorities to exert pressure. , not only to ensure the safety of American citizens, but also to increase the power of radicals and avoid the recurrence of the Pearl Harbor incident during World War II.

Let's face it, this kind of remarks is a bit exaggerated, but it can't stand to attract people, especially the attention of ordinary people.

If it was just the reports of a few small media, there would be no trouble, but immediately their reports were quoted and reposted by several big media.The influence spread instantly.

The governments of the two countries originally planned to put pressure on China together, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a dog biting a dog between them.Diplomats from Japan and the United States shuttled and communicated with each other to explain.How can I care about the business university.Therefore, when Fujita's parents accepted the mediation and compensation from the Technology and Business University, there was no reaction from the outside world.

The Fujita family accepted it, but what can the injured Mike's parents not accept?A reconciliation agreement was reached very neatly, and they even gave up the criminal prosecution rights of the students who caused the accident, and it was entirely up to China's domestic law enforcement agencies to decide.

As long as the foreign side does not make trouble, then things on the Chinese side will become very simple.

Of course, those students who were arrested cannot be released immediately, and the procedures that should be followed still have to be followed. Many of them will be prosecuted and tried, but I believe that the sentences will not be severe.

On the one hand, Chen Kangjie hired good lawyers for them. Of course, these lawyers are volunteers to help them with the lawsuit.On the other hand, Chen Kangjie will also do some work from the outside, such as giving advice to He Baoguo and Situ Kuo. They only need to give a little hint to the political and legal department, and the court will know what to do.

This is how the domestic legal environment is developed. Public security departments, procuratorates, and courts all work under the leadership of the party.They should not only talk about professional quality, but also political quality.

In short, this matter is a little bit aggrieved, but it is finally over.If the family members shut up, neither the US nor the Japanese side will be able to find anything to say later.

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