rebirth of change

Chapter 2018 hit a wall again

"Director Xiao, if you can do this, you can do it. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Why are you so fierce?" Tao Mi pulled Chen Kangjie, stood up from the side, and said tit for tat like an old hen protecting a chick.

Tao Mi came with Chen Kangjie, even though she said before that she was just a follower, mainly looking at Chen Kangjie.But when Director Xiao acted arrogant and disrespectful to Chen Kangjie, it was impossible for her to be completely indifferent.

Anyway, Tao Mi thinks that she is a girl, and it is impossible for the other party to do anything to her.

"Hey, it's reasonable for you to come to my office to make trouble, right? I've told you clearly, don't do it, don't do it, but you still rely on me to affect my work, who's to blame?" Director Xiao threw He took the things in his hands and leaned on his chair arrogantly.

"You..." This time it was Tao Mi's turn to be unconvinced, and she really wanted to go forward and point at the other party to make a good argument.

Chen Kangjie pulled Tao Mi back: "Tao Mi, let's go, it's fine if he doesn't do it, if he doesn't do it, someone will naturally do it."

In the past few years, Chen Kangjie's forbearance skills have improved a lot. Coupled with martial arts practitioners, self-control is relatively strong.Chen Kangjie gave up his plan to fight with Director Xiao.

Chen Kangjie didn't take it very seriously for being just a petty director.If it was a few years ago, Chen Kangjie would probably make him look good.Now, Chen Kangjie thinks it's unnecessary, such a self-righteous person sometimes suffers from him.

And after all, they came here on behalf of the student union, and at a larger scale, they came here on behalf of the school.If you quarrel with others as soon as you come, the impact will not be good.

Before Chen Kangjie pulled Tao Mi out of Director Xiao's office, Director Xiao's disdainful voice came from behind: "Hmph, don't even think about it. In the province, if I don't want to do it here, there is nowhere to do it."

"Really? Then let's take a look." Chen Kangjie walked out without turning his head.

"Let's see who will do it for you. If someone does it, I'll call you uncle, you brat who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth..." Director Xiao's angry roar came from behind.

Director Xiao can't be angry. In the media circles in the province, especially when it comes to arts and entertainment, no one can ignore his existence like that.

But now, a student union cadre in a university dared to speak boldly in front of him instead of bowing his knees.Director Xiao couldn't bear this, if outsiders found out, where would he save his face?

Now in the province, the provincial TV station is the only satellite TV station, and the others are cable TV stations from all over the country confined to a small area.Moreover, only the provincial TV stations have special entertainment programs.Director Xiao happened to be the director of the TV station in charge of entertainment programs, so he had that kind of tone to say that.

Unless Chen Kangjie and the others find TV stations from other provinces, is that possible?Which provincial satellite TV station would be interested in paying attention to the programs of such a provincial university?Unless you're really out of your mind.

Besides, even if other provincial stations are really annoying, it will be difficult to bypass the provincial stations if they want to come to Qianzhou to record programs.If he intentionally interfered with it, the matter would only go down the drain.It is impossible for other TV stations to offend their provincial station because of such a low-level campus program, which will hinder the cooperation between the two places and the two units in the future.Most people don't lose a lot because of small things.

"Chen Wen, if he can't get here, where else can we look?" Tao Mi said worriedly after walking a few steps outside.

Tao Mi naturally also knows that if the provincial TV station refuses in the province, there will basically be no other alternative resources.

"It doesn't matter, the TV station doesn't belong to his family. Even if it belongs to his family, he's just a son. Isn't there his parents on it? Doesn't the TV station have someone more capable of making decisions?" Chen Kangjie didn't show any expression. How much pressure must there be, said easily and naturally.

"Hee hee, you still have the heart to joke around at this moment." Chen Kangjie's words immediately made the sad Tao Mi laugh.

"I'm not joking. Let's go upstairs to find the leaders of their TV stations. I don't believe that the leaders of all TV stations are so domineering." When they reached the stairs, Chen Kangjie didn't go down, but walked up instead.

When he was downstairs just now, Chen Kangjie had already seen from the schematic diagram of the building that the leaders of the TV station were working on the fourth and fifth floors.

On the fourth floor, Chen Kangjie and the others stopped at the door of a deputy director's office after making a round of inspection.

"Just here." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie raised his hand and knocked on the door without any timidity.

"Please come in." Chen Kangjie pushed the door open and walked in with a very standard clear mandarin.

This office is slightly larger than Director Xiao's. As soon as he entered, Chen Kangjie saw behind the boss's desk, a capable middle-aged lady in a black professional suit with short hair, fiddling with the computer in front of her.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The other party showed half of his face from behind the computer screen and asked kindly.

"Hello leader, we are from the Student Union of Technology and Business University. I am Chen Wen, the vice chairman. This is Tao Mi, our Minister of External Relations. We are here to..." Because Chen Kangjie couldn't make it clear that he was here to Whoever you're looking for, and you don't know what the other person's name is, so you just have a hodgepodge, pouring out everything you want to say in one go.Not only did I introduce myself, but I also made my future intentions clear.

"You mean your school held a campus singing competition, and you want our TV station to record and broadcast it?" the female deputy director asked calmly.

"Yes, this is beneficial to both parties, so it should be a cooperation. This kind of novel entertainment program is rare on the current TV screen, and the level of our competition this time is quite high. It should be It can meet the requirements of the province and Taiwan." Chen Kangjie said frankly, neither humble nor overbearing.

"You..." The other party was about to speak when someone knocked on the door, interrupting her words.

"Please come in."

Chen Kangjie and Tao Mi also turned their heads by the way, and when they saw the person who came in, they were both stunned.The person who came in was Director Xiao who had just rejected them.

Director Xiao seemed to have expected to see Chen Kangjie and Tao Mi here, and he didn't show any surprise, but the pride and disgust behind those eyes were still clearly visible.

"Why are you here?" Director Xiao didn't talk to the female deputy director first, but seriously questioned Chen Kangjie and the others.

"Director Xiao, do you know each other?" The female deputy director asked Director Xiao suspiciously.

"Director Ling, these two people just came out of me. I have already told them the answer clearly. Who would have thought that they turned around and ran to you to cause trouble." Director Xiao replied respectfully.

"Did you tell them the answer clearly?" Director Ling looked very curious.

"Yeah, their activities didn't meet our requirements at all. They were all amateur players. They were from a business university, not a conservatory. It can be said that few of them had really received professional training. The program is still far from our TV station's requirements. Moreover, our previous programs were broadcast with time limits and were relatively serious. In terms of organization, they don't know what will happen tomorrow. Two weeks ago, They are about to hold the finals. At that time, someone in the station proposed to do a program altogether. I also agreed. Although the grade is a little lower, it has a certain positive meaning. But when we arrange the broadcast time of the program came out, but they canceled the event, Director Ling, you said this... this is simply a child's play. So this time we can't make the same mistake again, I rejected them." Director Xiao is worthy of being a TV station The cadres who are eloquent are still very logical, and they explain the reasons for their refusal clearly and adequately.

After listening to Director Xiao's introduction, the director also frowned.

As for the quality of the program, she hadn't read any bad reviews, but she couldn't accept it because the time was uncertain.The programs broadcast on the TV station are planned and arranged in advance, and many programs cannot be changed.If the source of the program cannot be guaranteed in terms of time, it will indeed bring considerable risks to the TV station.

"Director Ling, the cancellation of our event last time was indeed a last resort. At that time we..." Chen Kangjie was worried that Director Ling would be persuaded by Director Xiao, so he hurriedly stood up and explained.

"Okay, don't explain any more. Director Xiao is in charge of this matter. I usually don't interfere with the specific content of the program. You can communicate separately. I have another report to do here." Director Ling waved his hand to stop Chen Kangjie from continuing. Said lightly, tantamount to politely rejecting Chen Kangjie's request.

Hearing Director Ling's words, Chen Kangjie's expression darkened, but Director Xiao beamed with joy, and even raised his eyebrows provocatively at Chen Kangjie, which meant to say, "I said no, let's see what you can do. Fight with me, you are still very young."

Director Xiao was indeed here to stop Chen Kangjie and the others on purpose.He was in the office, and when he got a report that Chen Kangjie and the others had gone upstairs, Director Xiao immediately paid attention.

Director Xiao didn't think that the leader would bypass him to make a decision, but he was not afraid of [-], just in case.If the leader is persuaded by them, the show is a trivial matter, the key is face, there is no room for face.

So Director Xiao hurriedly took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and then followed him upstairs.He eavesdropped a few words at the door first, making sure that Chen Kangjie and the others were communicating with Director Ling, and then "broke" in to cause sabotage.

Director Xiao knows that Deputy Director Ling is a person with a strong sense of time, and it is not easy to change things that are often decided, and he especially hates that the other party is not punctual.Therefore, he started working from this aspect and turned it into a breakthrough to stop Chen Kangjie and the others.

Sure enough, when she heard that Chen Kangjie's program had actually been suspended once, but was still planning to record it on the TV station, she immediately showed displeasure.

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