rebirth of change

Chapter 2022 I will do it if I see it

"Master Jie, why are you helping that kid? He made things difficult for you beforehand, so there is no need for you to repay your grievances with kindness. That kind of person should be trampled to death." Sitting in Zhu Yutao's spacious office, Zhu Yutao poured a cup of fragrant tea Sending it to Chen Kangjie's hands, he asked puzzledly.

"It's not that I want to repay grievances with kindness. That kind of person can indeed be trampled to death, but it's not worth it, and it's unnecessary. Small people also have the sadness of small people. I'll say a word for him today. He is grateful and will definitely work hard to cooperate. This is in my favor. If I see Director Zhang stepping that kid down, let alone whether Director Zhang will be happy. At least we have offended someone. Offended Director Xiao. Female director. You are in the advertising media. It is necessary to maintain a good relationship with the TV station. If you make enemies everywhere, you will get into trouble at any time." Chen Kangjie took a sip of tea, put down the cup and calmed down Said.

The two of them said that after Director Zhang killed Director Xiao, Chen Kangjie didn't make trouble, but generously pleaded for Director Xiao.Later, Zhu Yutao helped to say a few more words, and Director Zhang took back the direct punishment of Director Xiao in order to save face.However, he is only in the stage of committing crimes and making meritorious deeds. He will not be finished until the program of the Gongshang University Campus Singing Contest is recorded and the broadcast is effective.

After getting such a result, Director Xiao was very grateful to Chen Kangjie, and swore that he would definitely use their best personnel, and he would go out in person to show the most exciting aspect of this competition to hundreds of millions of viewers.

After going through a series of things, Chen Kangjie's way of doing things is also tending to be calm and smooth.This is a necessary social skill in our country, and the way that everyone is clearly defined as black and white will not work.

Of course, this was also when Chen Kangjie had the upper hand.Moreover, this does not mean that Chen Kangjie lacks the mentality of hating evil.In this regard, he has not changed much in his bones, but he has begun to approach some things from a more general perspective.

Take this director Xiao as an example, if he is useless and the mud cannot support the wall, Chen Kangjie will not speak for him.Chen Kangjie has never dealt with him before, but he has watched some of their programs, and I dare not say that they are the best in China, but they are still passable.

"Hmph, what kind of trouble can he bring? His role doesn't affect us at all." In recent years, Zhu Yutao has faced high-end people with real power, and he is inevitably praised by many people. Speaking, also become a lot more confident and generous.

"That's not necessarily true, brother Zhu. In history, many major events were triggered or even decided by small people. Therefore, it is better to be more restrained and cautious." Chen Kangjie waved his hand, "Forget it, let's not talk about him, They just need to cooperate well. Next, I have to go to the Public Security Bureau."

"Why are you looking for the Public Security Bureau? Oh, I see, to maintain law and order at the scene?"

"That's right, Sister Wan Rong will come, and so will Jia Kui. They are all big stars with a lot of fans. If another bad incident happens, then I will feel ashamed." Chen Kangjie scratched the top of his head and said.

"Compared with you, they are really nothing. I think if you take the initiative to plan and participate in a talent show, it will definitely create a sensation, and many people will stand out and become real stars." Zhu Yutao urged, "If If you are interested, we can work together to do this. As for the broadcasting platform, I believe all TV stations across the country will actively participate and be enthusiastic."

"Then I'm working for you for nothing? You get a lot of benefits, but what about me? I don't seem to get anything of value." Chen Kangjie smiled narrowly.

Chen Kangjie's words made Zhu Yutao a little ashamed.

The fact is true, if Chen Kangjie really wants to plan and participate in such a similar talent show, Zhu Yutao's advertising company and the TV station that will make the most profits must be.Whether it is advertising fees or popularity, they will have a double harvest.But what about Chen Kangjie?He has a lot of popularity, and as for the so-called generous reward, it seems that it doesn't seem to have much effect on him.

Even if Chen Kangjie was paid a sky-high price of 500 million for recording a program, the level of hard work should not be as hard as Chen Kangjie shooting a commercial.

"Yeah, you're going to suffer a little bit, hehe, that's what I said, don't take it to heart." Zhu Yutao said with a smile.

"I was joking with you too. Since you have this heart, you can also try to plan it. If it can impress me, maybe I will do you a favor. Didn't you just help me today? As for money or not , I don't care, what I care about is that if I can introduce some young people with potential, especially to go abroad, I don't mind contributing my personal strength. It is difficult to rely on a country's external image Humans, it requires more and more talented young people to come to the fore."

"Really? Master Jie, do you really want to?" Zhu Yutao jumped up excitedly.

If Chen Kangjie is really willing to participate in such a talent show, such as being a judge or a guest, it will definitely attract the attention of the world.

Although he modestly said that it is difficult to rely on one person for a country's external image, Zhu Yutao, who goes abroad every year, knows it well.In foreign countries, Chen Kangjie basically represents an identification symbol of China. Many ordinary people, especially young people, their interest in and understanding of China began with Chen Kangjie.

It can be said that the combined influence of the [-] most well-known artists in our country cannot match that of Chen Kangjie.

The same is true in China, he is the most outstanding and accomplished star, bar none.

It is conceivable that if it can be realized, the influence and popularity of Shuangai Advertising Media Company will undoubtedly reach a higher level.As long as he has a program plan approved by Chen Kangjie, Zhu Yutao believes that he can win any TV station in China, including CCTV.The banknotes of the advertisement carrier will definitely be overwhelming, and any influential and powerful domestic company will rush to any advertisement details in the program.

Of course, the premise is that the program he planned must be pleasing to Chen Kangjie.

In fact, as someone who has experienced it, Chen Kangjie knows that there are many talent shows that are popular all over the country, and some talent shows have indeed introduced a lot of entertainment talents with great potential to the entertainment industry.But to be honest, most of the stars who stand out in those shows can't play the role of the mainstay, and many of them become third-rate stars after two or three years of popularity.There are very few who have successfully stood up and broadened their career channels.

If Zhu Yutao has this heart, then it's good to test his ability.Although he is not a member of the entertainment circle, he has contacted many celebrities and often dealt with the media. He has the resources to do this. The key depends on what kind of people he invites and how much room for innovation he has.

"As long as your plan can impress me, I am willing. If not, then don't blame me for not giving your brother face." Chen Kangjie put the vaccination first.

"The key is, do you have enough time? Do you want to continue your studies after graduation or come out to work?"

"This time also needs to be coordinated. After graduating from a bachelor's degree, I plan to study for a few more years. After all, I have to get a master's or doctoral degree. If I only have a bachelor's degree, wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing? Don't you think so?" Haha" Although education means little to Chen Kangjie, but he doesn't want to enter a full-time job right away, so he can only continue to study.

Moreover, nine times out of ten, after he graduates, his family will ask him to continue his graduate studies.

"Then why don't you just find a school with combined master's and doctoral programs? At the postgraduate level, your time should be much more relaxed than it is now."

"It's a good idea. I'll choose it carefully." Chen Kangjie thinks that Zhu Yutao's idea is good. At that time, as long as he publishes a few in-depth papers, he can get a degree.

As for the publication of papers, Chen Kangjie is not in vain, and his strength can definitely be written.

"Jie Shao, then we've made a deal. Oh, do you want me to visit that classmate of yours?"

"No, she wants to visit your advertising company, so let him visit. Isn't your assistant accompanying you? If you don't let her see, she will think about it. These girls are very clever. "Chen Kangjie refused.

After finishing the business at the TV station, Zhu Yutao said to send them back to school, but Tao Mi asked if he could visit his company halfway.

It's not easy to refuse, so here we come together.Zhu Yutao arranged for his assistant to take Tao Mi to look around, but he was "conspiring" with Chen Kangjie in the office.

"Jie Shao, you didn't fall in love in the university? Do you want to show it someday?" Zhu Yutao sat a little closer and asked with a wicked smile.

"No, no, even if there is, I won't show it to you." Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes at him.

"What's the matter, don't you say it all? If you don't have a love experience in college, it's like studying in college for nothing. You can't even let go of this?" Zhu Yutao teased.

"Don't worry about this, just do your business well. I will talk when I want to talk." Chen Kangjie stood up after speaking.

"Hey, don't you like you too much, are you picky?"

"Believe it or not, I'll kick you, go, go out and see her, you've seen enough about this crappy company, we should go." Chen Kangjie put on a serious face, pretending to kick Zhu Yutao, and he backed away in fright.

It was here that Tao Mi pushed the door in accompanied by Secretary Zhu Yutao.

"Chairman Chen, what do you mean? Your cousin's advertising company is huge, and every department is very professional. Their studio is probably the best in China, do you know? When I saw Long’s photo, it turned out that Long had also shot commercials here.”

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