rebirth of change

Chapter 2024 here, here

This time, the Campus Singing Contest of the Technology and Business University, no matter how you look at it, does not seem like an amateur competition, and its operation method feels more like that than the competitions held by many professional organizations.

For example, professionals from the provincial TV station are in charge of the contestants’ styling. For example, the layout of the competition stage is no worse than that of those large-scale performances. The college contestants also laid out a red carpet at the entrance of the auditorium, allowing them to walk on it, feeling like they are starting to be stars.Moreover, the judges of this competition took both professionalism and entertainment into account, including three forms of public singing.No matter whether the contestants choose rock, pop, or folk singing, and even some contestants have musical instruments to play by themselves, they can all have a more objective evaluation.And the three judges all pay attention to originality, and each of them has classic original works that can be produced.

Although the level of the game has risen a lot, it didn't use the way of selling tickets to enter the stadium like last time.Those students who spent money to buy tickets last time, their money was refunded.

This time, in order to take into account the needs of all parties and reduce trouble, he simply distributed all the admission tickets.

There are ten student associations of each college that are co-organized below. There are more than two dozen colleges in the school, so there are more than 200.The school league committee has one hundred tickets. Teachers who want to go to the game have to ask the school league committee for it. How to divide it is their business.The student union of the school keeps 100 tickets for themselves, the International Students Association gives 100 tickets, and the heads of various clubs in the school give one. There are more than [-] clubs, large and small, in the school.

All contestants who signed up for the competition, one ticket each, and those who entered the final round, ten tickets each.This happens to distribute all the tickets.Considering the recording effect, this final was not held in an indoor stadium with a capacity of 3000 people, but in a school auditorium with only more than 1000 seats.

This ticket distribution method takes into account almost everyone, and its biggest highlight is that it takes care of the needs of the contestants.Those contestants who failed to enter the finals could enter the arena, and those contestants who entered the finals could use the ten tickets they got to gather their initial fan base.

Just because I have ten tickets that can be distributed to anyone, in the past two days, those contestants who entered the finals have been chased and intercepted. The purpose is to hope to get an admission ticket from them.

There was still an hour before the start of the game, but the square in front of the school auditorium was already crowded with people, at least a few thousand people were here.These are students who cannot enter, and most of those who have tickets have already entered.

These students are not all from the Industrial and Commercial University, but basically from every university in the provincial capital.Although Chen Kangjie and the others did not release any news or make any advertisements to the outside world, even through internal word of mouth, they could pass on relevant information to students in other universities.

They gathered here to see their idols with their own eyes, and at the same time, to cheer for those contestants.

Although there were many people, thanks to the cooperation of the Lantian District Public Security Bureau, the law and order at the scene was orderly.The anti-riot brigade of the District Public Security Bureau, the public security brigade, and the police station all mobilized to Gongshang University to maintain law and order, and the security office in the school also deployed all security forces here.

"Come, come..." Someone shouted, and the noisy atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

At the end of the human wall composed of road obstacles and security personnel, a string of the latest Tengfei cars drove over.The TV station's crane camera and the cameraman's shoulder-mounted camera have been turned on, and their filming starts not from inside the auditorium, but from here.

"Dear viewers and friends, students, in the midst of great expectations, the campus singing competition of our Technology and Business University has finally ushered in the exciting moment of the finals...behind me, He Wanrong, Huang Jiaju and Jiang Songwen Led by the three teachers, the lucky ones who entered the finals with their moving voices and superb singing skills are about to step on our red carpet..." Su Yu, the host, stood in front of Human Rights in a white dress Speaking to the camera with a microphone.

The weather has turned cold, but Su Yu's heart is very warm. She doesn't feel cold at all because she is only wearing a dress.

Although Su Yu has served as the host of many performances since entering university, this time is obviously different from the past.

This may be the last time she hosts a show before graduation, and more importantly, this is the first time he hosts a show in front of the camera.Moreover, at this moment, the televisions in every dormitory in the entire university were turned on, and his beautiful figure could already be seen.

Although most of the students were not allowed to watch the game, they were not excluded.The school's internal cable network has already begun to broadcast. Although the signal is only connected to more than 3000 TV sets in the campus, there will definitely be many people watching.Those students who flocked from other schools have squeezed into each dormitory through the relationship of classmates, fellow villagers, and friends.

Behind Su Yu, the first car slowly stopped at the beginning of the red carpet, the door opened, and the glamorous He Wanrong stepped out of the car in a red dress, immediately arousing thunderous cheers from the crowd and scream.

With a friendly smile on her face, He Wanrong gracefully waved to these young classmates who liked her.

After He Wanrong got out of the car, the car drove away, and the cars behind came one after another.The door of the second car opened, and Huang Jiaju, who was dressed in denim and full of rock and roll vibes, stepped out of the car door with his long flowing hair. He was also greeted by waves of cheers and screams.

Jia Kui waved his hands left and right chicly, took two steps, and stepped on the steps to stand with He Wanrong.

Immediately behind them, the professor Jiang Songwen, who wore black glasses and had both a scholarly and artistic atmosphere, got out of the car. He was dressed in a casual Tang suit, which gave people a very refined impression.

Both He Wanrong and Jia Kui made a welcoming gesture, took Professor Jiang Songwen to the steps and stood in a row. This intentionally left space and angle for the camera and the camera to shoot.

In terms of fame, both He Wanrong and Huang Jiaju are more famous than Jiang Songwen, and are more popular and sought after by young people.But Jiang Songwen is also a senior, and he is a professor of alto.Whether it's from the perspective of respecting teachers or respecting the elderly, it's both right and reasonable for the two of them to do so.This small detail was reminded by Chen Kangjie, the chief planner.

After 30 seconds, the three judges and teachers walked into the auditorium together.Behind them, there are outstanding players who entered the finals this time.After going through some equipment, they went out from the back door of the auditorium, circled around, and were picked up by a car.

It was the first time for them to experience this form, and they found it very fresh, and no one had a single complaint.What's more, this was requested by the TV station, and they still remembered what the director said, "In this way, you can feel like a star and stimulate your potential even more. The big scene of mountains and tsunami is for you. You must face the test calmly and confidently. Don’t you want to hear the cheers from your classmates cheering you on?”

"... Just now, I introduced three judges who are respected, loved and admired by everyone. Now, our protagonist tonight is on the stage. The one you see now The handsome guy in the black dress, do you think he is more like a star? Hehe, let me introduce you. He is Meng Xiao, a student from the School of Culture and Communication. She loves to sing and has been nicknamed Little Pavarotti since she was a child... Now we see this student who got off the bus. In the eyes of the students, she is the little Huangying who can sing and dance. She is from Yue Suoma from the School of Accounting, who came out of the mountains..."

Su Yu's provocative commentary was not entirely written by herself. It is impossible for her to understand every contestant.Her commentary was formed after the contestant submitted a self-introduction and she edited it. Chen Kangjie and the TV station also approved his commentary.

Every classmate who walked the red carpet for the first time was very excited, so many people cheered for them, and many of them were classmates they knew.But it is precisely because of this that they seem a little nervous even in their excitement.

Especially when facing the camera lens, although they all laughed happily, they were obviously not as calm and calm as those stars who had experienced big scenes, and some of them couldn't find the position of the camera well.This immaturity, in the eyes of others, is a flaw, but Chen Kangjie thinks it is real.The oldest of these players is only 24 years old, and the youngest is only 17 years old. No matter what life path they will eventually take, I believe they will never forget such an experience today. This is probably the most unforgettable memory of their college days.

"I really didn't expect that a school singing contest could be held like this, and it's only you. If it's someone else, it might not be possible, and the school would hardly agree." In the glass window on the top floor of the auditorium, the principal Guan Mengyu told him Chen Kangjie said.

"Hehe, this shows that the school leaders are also making progress. To be honest, there are certain differences and gaps between the school leaders and the students in terms of understanding and psychology. This is something that can't be helped. The generation gap will always exist. .Students manage their own activities and make friends, which is good for them and the school." Chen Kangjie said with a smile

"Are you worried that us old guys are affecting the creativity and innovation of young people? Are you worried that we are imposing our old-fashioned will?"

"Hehe, there is one thing. Principal, don't be so sad. I have to admit that our school is actually good in this regard. The school gives the student union a lot of autonomy. This is a good exercise for the students." Chen Kangjie first suppressed and then raised his voice.

Only Chen Kangjie, who would dare to speak like that in front of the principal, was replaced by other students.

"Then I'll come forward to greet the judges and contestants. There's nothing wrong with that. Why don't you stop me?" Guan Mengyu asked with a salivating face.

"You are already a big principal, why do you want to steal the limelight from your classmates? What's more, this is an event sponsored by the student union, not the school. Besides, once you come forward, won't other school leaders follow suit? It's not good if it's complicated, I know that the students don't like that kind of red tape." Chen Kangjie said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Well, I can't tell you, let's go down and watch the show. Fortunately, I got a ticket from the Youth League Committee, otherwise, I might not be able to get in."

"Hahaha, how dare you, you are the principal, you are here, who dares to see your ticket?"

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