rebirth of change

Chapter 2029 Don't Burden Me

Chen Kangjie can actually understand the psychology and thoughts of those students.And this is also a normal Chinese psychology.

In our modern and simple culture, everyone worships and likes heroes, but few people are willing to be heroes.

For example, on the street, if there is one person fighting a gangster bravely, there may be tens or hundreds of onlookers, but there are only a handful of people who are willing to help, and sometimes even none.In the pen of the great writer Lu Xun, there are quite profound descriptions.Chinese people love to be lively, watch "Beheaded", and like the bloody steamed buns.

If the hero who fights the gangster wins, the onlookers will applaud him, applaud him, and regard him as a hero.But if he loses, then while feeling sorry for him, some people will even call him a fool and an idiot.

Our people are contradictory, they are both kind and selfish.

Although those students have entered the ranks of senior intellectuals, they have become college students.However, it is difficult for them to get rid of this deep-rooted shadow.

Some of them may really want to be a hero who punches Japanese devils and kicks Western sprites.It's just that this requires a foundation, that is, one's own strength.If there is the strength to win, then everyone will scramble to be the first.Once you feel that you can't do it, you will shrink back.

For those campus group incidents that happened not long ago, it is basically impossible for a single student, or two or three students, to have happened so badly.Two or three students do not have the conviction that they will definitely win two foreign students, and they are also worried that if they get involved with foreign students, they will bring endless troubles to themselves.Bickering is fine, but hands-on is almost impossible.

But there were too many people that day, and everyone firmly believed that with so many people fighting, two foreigners would have no chance of winning.Moreover, we also have a tradition that the law does not blame the public.It is because of this idea that everyone has made such a big incident, and many people have been deeply implicated.

In the Wushu Association, almost all of them are Chinese, and there are no foreign students in it.Therefore, it caused a phenomenon.It is those Chinese students who don't know the extent of the "kung fu" of those foreigners.

There is a saying in the art of war, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without imperil.But because the foreign students don't join the Wushu Association, they don't know each other, and they may not even know each other.It really makes them generally lack confidence and have no reference.They didn't know at all that most of those international students signed up with the mentality of having fun.The pressure of winning or losing is not important to them psychologically, the key is the process of playing.

In foreign countries, although they also care about face, the degree is far lower than ours.From the point of view of sportsmanship, there is nothing wrong with losing, but in our opinion, if you lose, especially if you lose to foreigners in your own country, and you are stepped on by them, it is extremely shameless and unacceptable And a huge stain that can't be lifted.They don't think that their participation is to promote friendship between China and foreign countries, and to promote mutual understanding and exchanges. "Glory for the country" is like a mountain weighing on the hearts of countless people.

The superposition of various factors makes the number of Chinese students who sign up for the Chinese and foreign martial arts competitions far lower than that of overseas students, especially those from developed countries.Xiang Guanqi, even if he is the president, he can only ensure that he takes the lead and sign up for the competition, but he can't force others to sign up.The principle of the activity is inherently voluntary.

The ashamed and indignant Zuo Weisheng really wanted to walk away, without Butcher Zhang, he would not be able to eat hairy pigs.It’s just that I have repeatedly recommended to Guanqi before that if this event is not to be ashamed, it is best to persuade Chen Kangjie to sign up.

Xiang Guanqi even came up with a convincing reason, that reason, which forced Zuo Weisheng to continue to sit here uncomfortable.

"Chen Wen, no matter what you think of us or this event, if few people from our side sign up to participate, or if we lose ugly, it's not just a few people who are ashamed, but all of us. People, including me, including you. Although I am the chairman of the student union and you are the vice-chairman, we represent the will of all the students, and we must treat every student fairly and justly. However, we cannot deny that we are Chinese. When When we meet them face to face, we will always carry national and national symbols on our bodies. Even if you are not the vice chairman in charge of the sports department, even if this event is not directly related to you, if you have the ability, I hope you can stand in a Think and decide this matter from the perspective of the country and the nation. We invite or ask you to sign up for the competition without any selfishness." After admitting for a long time, Zuo Weisheng stood up, took a deep breath, and said impassionedly.

Chen Kangjie was a little surprised by Zuo Weisheng's words, he really didn't expect him to say such a thing.

In fact, no matter how bad Zuo Weisheng was, it was only compared to him, Chen Kangjie.In fact, Zuo Weisheng is not useless, let alone be too unbearable.Otherwise, he can be a class cadre?Otherwise, he can be the president of the student union?Even if Chen Kangjie didn't go all out at the time, what about Geng Bin and Ding Xiaoyang?They didn't make concessions, and it turned out that they lost to Zuo Weisheng in the election.

Now that the talk has come to this point, if Chen Kangjie refuses again, it will be too much and too ignorant.

However, Chen Kangjie still had to figure out one thing first, and that was why they aimed at themselves.

"There are so many people in the school, why would you think of inviting me? I don't understand this."

"Chairman Chen, this is my suggestion. Because I know you well, you are a person with extraordinary skills." Seeing that Chen Kangjie's tone softened, Xiang Guanqi was overjoyed and said hastily.

"You know me?" Chen Kangjie looked at Xiang Guanqi in surprise.

"Well, let's understand. There are a few things about you that impress me. First of all, the first thing is that you once easily took down a few gangsters in the society by yourself at the school gate. I was there that day, Frankly speaking, although I am the president of the Wushu Association, if I were to face those gangsters who are used to fighting in that situation, it would be difficult for me to be unscathed, but you did it This shows that you should have also practiced, and you should have practiced for a long time. The second item is that Lu Hongyu of our Wushu Association once mentioned you. Lu Hongyu has practiced Taekwondo for three years, and he is very good The big one has good physical fitness. But he told me that he suffered a disadvantage in your hands, and you defeated him in one round. Lu Hongyu played against me, and I know his depth, and you, once I won't be able to win him in the first round. There is a third item..."

"Wait, that Lu Hongyu belongs to the Martial Arts Association? He mentioned me to you?" Chen Kangjie waved his hand and said.

"Yes, we have a good relationship. Although we practice different styles, we often discuss and discuss together." Xiang Guanqi replied.

In fact, these are the reasons why Xiang Guanqi persuaded Zuo Weisheng and Sheng Shuyi.From Xiang Guanqi's description, one can know that Chen Kangjie's "kungfu" is far superior to him.Then for the sake of the nation's face, Chen Kangjie had to be invited to participate, at least it would be safer.

"Then he signed up too?" Chen Kangjie really didn't expect that idiot Lu Hongyu would show his ugliness to the outside world.

In fact, there is no such thing as publicity or not. There were many people who saw it that day, so there is nothing too secretive about it.Of course, it was another matter for Lu Hongyu to take the initiative to tell Xiang Guanqi, at least Chen Kangjie had a little higher opinion of him.

"He didn't report it. He said he couldn't even beat you, so there was no need to embarrass yourself." Xiang Guanqi said.

"Actually, the purpose of holding such activities in the school is to promote the integration and mutual understanding between us and foreign students. It is a way of internal cultural exchange. The most important thing is participation. As for winning or losing, don't pay too much attention to it. If it is too heavy, it will become a burden. Carrying a big burden on your body, you have lost half of the game before you play. I think I can explain this clearly to everyone. Isn’t the old saying that it’s a mule or a horse? Come out for a walk, if you don’t, how will you know whether it’s a mule or a horse? Even if you lose, it’s rewarding and worthwhile to learn some of the strengths of others.” Chen Kangjie said earnestly.

Students should have the so-called "righteousness", but if they are too deeply bound by "righteousness", it may not be a good thing.

"Chairman Chen...then you...have you agreed to participate?" Sheng Shuyi asked uncertainly.

"Since you guys are so kind, can I not participate? I'm going to play too. I don't care if I win or not. My mentality is very relaxed. Don't think that I will definitely win some championship. Don't think so. I don’t think so either. There are mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people, I know this. My attitude is to participate. Don’t burden me.” Chen Kangjie stood up and said.

"You just need to participate, Chen Wen, thank you." Zuo Weisheng took the initiative to extend a hand of friendship to Chen Kangjie: "Although we have expectations for you, we will never burden you. You can perform normally. I believe , Few of those foreign students can easily take down a few gangsters."

He said that he would not burden Chen Kangjie, but the last sentence still betrayed Zuo Weisheng's heart.He still hopes that Chen Kangjie will win glory for the country and take down those foreigners.

Regarding Zuo Weisheng's secret expectation, Chen Kangjie was noncommittal.

Then, Sheng Shuyi and Xiang Guanqi also stood up, followed Zuo Weisheng's example, shook hands with Chen Kangjie decently, and said some words of thanks and happiness by the way.

In the past, Chen Kangjie fought in secret. It seemed that this time, he was going to fight a few times in public.

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