rebirth of change

Chapter 2032 Chu Xiang's Choice

"You are the hedgehog, a vulgar person, what right do you have to rant here." Liu Fenglan was not afraid of Tuo Peixi at all, and Tuo Peixi's sarcasm towards her was also hard for her to accept.

"Vulgar and rude? Okay, then I'll show you how rude you are, you bastard..." After speaking, Tuo Peixi was about to strike.

Tuo Peixi belongs to this kind of person, as long as she can't fight with words, she will fight.She belongs to the kind of girl who is not willing to admit defeat and not to suffer.

Of course, this premise is also because she has some skills. If she has no strength to restrain a chicken and is taken down by someone, she probably won't do this.

Naturally, Chen Kangjie would not allow Tuo Peixi to bully Liu Fenglan in front of him.No matter how this girl is, she is his brother's girlfriend after all, and she doesn't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha.

Chen Kangjie grabbed Tuo Peixi's hand: "That's enough, don't you think it's messy enough? People are fighting, what are you doing?"

Tuo Peixi knew that if Chen Kangjie didn't let go, she would never be able to get rid of him, so she didn't do unnecessary and useless work.However, this does not mean that she has accepted Chen Kangjie's reprimand.

"Why don't you know a good heart? I'm helping you. Can't you see that there is something wrong with her attitude towards you? Who does she think she is, and she is sneering at you? I just can't see it."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with her attitude, and I don't need your help, ok? If you stand aside honestly, that's helping me, and I'll give you more." At this time, Chen Kangjie's attitude was different. May back off.Even if it would chill Tuo Peixi's heart to say such blunt words, he would still say it.In this state, Chen Kangjie couldn't make things difficult for Chu Xiang.

"Okay, blame me for being nosy, okay?" Tuo Peixi said coldly to Chen Kangjie, then turned her head and glared at Liu Fenglan: "Die, you won't be so lucky every time, you won't be so lucky every time. Someone will help you, be careful, I will trample you to death if I have the chance."

"Let go, what are you holding me for? I'll go aside." After threatening Liu Fenglan, Tuo Peixi turned around and gritted his teeth at Chen Kangjie angrily.

Chen Kangjie let go, Tuo Peixi walked straight to the river bank beside him without raising his head.

Seeing that Tuo Peixi walked a little further away, but he didn't do anything stupid, he felt relieved.

"Chu Xiang, Liu Fenglan, I'm sorry, because I let you do this, I'm sorry. Chu Xiang, I'm fine, you are a boy, be more open, and talk to Liu Fenglan, girls, let this be, Coax a little, then it will be fine. I have something to do over there, so I will leave first, and I will come to play with you when I have time." After speaking, Chen Kangjie patted Chu Xiang on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards Tuo Peixi .

Although Liu Fenglan said that she was not afraid of Tuo Peixi when Chen Kangjie was around, she knew that Chen Kangjie would not let Tuo Peixi mess around.However, regarding Tuo Peixi's outspoken threat just now, it would not be true to say that she was not at all worried.

After getting to know Tuo Peixi, more and more news about Tuo Peixi came into her ears.That girl is really not easy to provoke, not only is she cruel to girls, but also rude to boys, she will beat her if she disagrees with her.She knew very well that she had heard that the girl once beat a boy from the basketball team to the ground and couldn't get up.

Therefore, she did not reply to Tuo Peixi's threat.Now that Chen Kangjie said such things with reason and emotion, she felt a little regretful, it seemed that she was indeed a little sensitive and excessive.

However, when Tuo Peixi and Chen Kangjie left and faced Chu Xiang alone, Liu Fenglan's usual strength returned to her. When Tuo Peixi attacked her, Chu Xiang, a stupid goose, didn't help her. It made her feel resentful and a little unbearable.

"Chu Xiang, it's the first time I saw you so capable. Now it's just you and me, so I'll ask you, is your friend more important, or me?"

Others are advancing by retreating, but Liu Fenglan is retreating by advancing.She asked that, actually following an inherent routine.In the past, when she asked such a question, Chu Xiang would always say that of course she was important.As long as Chu Xiang said that, Liu Fenglan would be half relieved, and she would go downhill.The relationship between the two will soon return to harmony.

This time Liu Fenglan also thought it was the same, but Chu Xiang's answer surprised her.

"If you are compared with other classmates and friends, it is naturally you who are important. But...if you are compared with Chen Wen, it is undoubtedly that he is important, and he is much more important. If it is because of this, do you think We should separate, then I have no complaints. I can accept your arrogance and strength to me, but no matter who my girlfriend is, I must maintain enough respect and courtesy to him. That's it." Chu Xiang faced He replied blankly.

Liu Fenglan was dumbfounded by the answer, she never thought it would be like this.

Liu Fenglan was surprised, but also felt infinite pain and grievances.

No woman in the world is willing to hear her man say that she is not as good as his friend.This is not only because women's minds are relatively small, but more importantly, they have an extraordinary obsession with the uniqueness and importance of love.

Women all hope that their position in a man's heart is the only one, and its importance is irreplaceable.In love, they may be more selfish than boys, but this kind of selfishness seems beyond reproach.Most women not only hope that they can be more important than his brothers and sisters, but even expect to be more important than his parents.As for friends, let alone.If the importance is lost to the man's family, maybe the woman can endure, and be able to persuade and correct herself.But if he lost to his friend, that would be unacceptable no matter what.

All along, Chu Xiang has always been obedient and loving to Liu Fenglan.Liu Fenglan also felt that it was a good choice to find a young man like Chu Xiang.She is satisfied with the love in this university.Moreover, she also secretly made up her mind that after graduation, she will accompany Chu Xiang on this long-distance love journey.

It's just that this road now seems to be broken because of my little caution, and I can't go on.

Reminiscing about all kinds of things, Liu Fenglan has mixed feelings in her heart.She was unwilling, but also felt that she was deeply hurt.All kinds of emotions burst out from the bottom of my heart at once, and finally turned into two lines of tears.

This was the first time that Liu Fenglan shed tears in front of Chu Xiang. Seeing Liu Fenglan's miserable appearance, Chu Xiang actually felt uncomfortable in his heart, as if being pricked by a needle.

However, just as he himself answered Liu Fenglan, if he had to choose between Liu Fenglan and Chen Kangjie, he would choose Chen Kangjie without hesitation.This choice has nothing to do with the betrayal of love or not. No matter what kind of man, there will be a ray of firm brotherhood in his heart. The key is to see if he meets someone who is worthy of being a brother.

It is often said that brothers are like brothers and women are like clothes.Clothes can be changed and bought, but siblings are irreplaceable, and they are a must-have part of a complete man.

In Chu Xiang's heart, Chen Kangjie is his brother, a loyal brother.Not to mention Chen Kangjie's care for him before high school, just because of Chen Kangjie's status today, he didn't dislike a friend like him, and he still treats him with a normal heart, which is enough to make him inexplicably grateful.

Even from a selfish point of view, the existence of a friend like Chen Kangjie would be a great help no matter which path Chu Xiang takes in the future.He is in politics, Chen Kangjie has an official path, he is in business, Chen Kangjie has a business path, he is a freelancer, Chen Kangjie also has a wild path.Giving up such an important arm of life would be a difficult choice for a rational person to make.

Moreover, Chu Xiang did not want to deceive Liu Fenglan.He still likes her, still loves her.Because of love, he had to speak out what was in his heart.Even if they can still be together in the future, he doesn't want similar situations and misunderstandings to happen again.

"Why? Why? Why is he more important than me? Why is this? Does he come to you once a semester?" Liu Fenglan was a little hysterical after being stimulated, and she didn't know what the reason was, anyway, she just wanted to know why .

Seeing a young couple arguing, the people around were not surprised. Everyone just looked sideways, and no one was willing to stop and watch.

In fact, this kind of scene interpretation is too common in a university campus where young people are concentrated. It is too common to see this kind of quarrel almost every day, splitting and reuniting.

"I can't tell you why now, if... If we can continue to walk together, then I will tell you in due time, but not now." Chu Xiang said with difficulty while lowering his head.

If Chu Xiang told Liu Fenglan right now that his classmate Chen Wen was actually the famous Chen Kangjie, the world-renowned long and kjchen, he believed that Liu Fenglan's resentment would be wiped away, and even his worries would turn into joy.

But Chu Xiang couldn't do that. On the one hand, he didn't get Chen Kangjie's permission, and more importantly, he didn't want Liu Fenglan to accept him because of Chen Kangjie's identity.

Although it is related to Chen Kangjie, love is between the two of them.He hopes that Liu Fenglan accepts him or respects him only because of himself, not by other external factors.

In the past, Liu Fenglan often asked him about long, but Chu Xiang kept silent every time.

"Why must it be later? Why not now?" Liu Fenglan asked unwillingly.

Chu Xiang was silent, he couldn't explain the "why".

"Okay, it's fine if you don't want to say it. Since I'm so unworthy of your trust and not as important as your friend, then I'll quit. From now on, you go your way and I go mine." I didn't see Chu Xiang talking for a long time The unbearable Liu Fenglan had no choice but to say the words against her will heartbroken.

Liu Fenglan turned and left with tears in her eyes, while Chu Xiang stood on the spot without moving.

Chu Xiang was also in pain and discomfort, and now he was not sure whether he was right or wrong.He wasn't sure, but it seemed he had no other choice.

Such helplessness, such parting, it was difficult for Chu Xiang to accept it calmly for a while.

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