After hesitating for a while, Tuo Peixi finally reluctantly told the reason why she beat Zhai Min.

It turned out that Xu Yong was from the school's physical education department. Because of his good sports performance, he was bold, and he had a good figure. Therefore, he enjoyed a lot in school and was very popular with girls.

In school, Xu Yong has the nickname Big Brother.Why is there such a name?It is because the people in the physical education department are the strongest in the school. They may not be able to compare with other departments when it comes to studying, but when it comes to being tough and fighting, the physical education department is undoubtedly the "blue bay".And Xu Yong is the most popular in the physical education department, and his combat index is also one of the highest. Gradually, people who know him well give him the nickname "Big Brother".Of course, such a nickname also has something to do with the gangster movies in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and was influenced by those movies to a certain extent.

As the saying goes, full of warmth and lust, after Xu Yong gained a certain "status in the world" in the school, he frequently pursued beautiful girls.

The love of young girls is always less rational, and the proportion of emotional components is relatively large.Relying on his forthrightness and handsomeness, coupled with the support of his friends, Xu Yong has really won the favor of many girls.Many girls feel that having a boyfriend like Xu Yong not only gives them a sense of security, but also makes them look good.

It's just that Xu Yong is a playboy type. He has always been in love for the sake of love, rather than really looking for a lifelong partner.Subconsciously, perhaps he also had such lofty thoughts, but the fact that girls were so easy to obtain made him bury those lofty thoughts deeply in his heart.

Xu Yong's relationship with every girl did not exceed one semester, and even the girlfriend he had the shortest relationship with was only one day, and he dumped her the next day.

Tuo Peixi and Xu Yong met at the school sports meeting.In that sports meeting, Tuo Peixi's eye-catching performance attracted Xu Yong's idea.

Xu Yong felt that he had dated all kinds of girls, but he had never dated a female man.Ever since, he began to pay attention to Tuo Peixi.Especially after the game, when he discovered that Tuo Peixi was actually a fresh beauty, Xu Yong was even more excited.

I don't know if Xu Yong was really moved by Tuo Peixi, anyway, since then, Xu Yong and his brother often found various excuses to get in touch with Tuo Peixi.

Tuo Peixi didn't have much interest in ordinary boys, especially when he learned that Xu Yong was such a philandering carrot and a wolf in sheep's clothing through word of mouth from his friends, he became even more ruthless towards Xu Yong. , making no secret of his dislike for him.

The reason why he got involved with Zhai Min is because Zhai Min is Xu Yong's girlfriend now.This girl is really a bit of a nympho, ever since she was caught up by Xu Yong, she actually fell in love with Xu Yong sincerely.

Since Zhai Min really likes Xu Yong, she certainly doesn't want Xu Yong to have other women.But she also knew that Xu Yong and his brothers had to find a way to get in touch with Tuo Peixi every now and then.Ever since, Zhai Min became jealous.

Zhai Min doesn't have Tuo Peixi's force value, and she doesn't belong to that kind of very strong girl, but she still has some cleverness.

Out of jealousy, Zhai Min thought of a way to destroy the possibility of Tuo Peixi and Xu Yong.

She spread rumors when she met everyone on campus, Tuo Peixi was shameless, a nympho, stalked Xu Yong, and loved her to death.In order to be with Xu Yong, she doesn't even mind being a mistress or a mistress.In short, do everything possible to tarnish Tuo Peixi's reputation and destroy the possibility of them being together.

It didn't take long for those ugly words to reach Tuo Peixi's ears through an intermediary.

Tuo Peixi has no affection for Xu Yong at all, even disgust and disgust.Tuo Peixi couldn't bear to hear that kind of slanderous words. She was so angry that she knocked on the door.

At the door of a milk tea bar outside the school, Zhai Min was blocked, Tuo Peixi stepped forward and slapped Zhai Min without saying a word.

Zhai Min didn't expect Tuo Peixi to be so barbaric at all. She didn't have any mental preparations, let alone any precautions.In two or three strokes, Tuo Peixi stepped on the ground.

Zhai Min also couldn't stand being beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face.It's just that she is not Tuo Peixi's opponent at all, so she puts her hope of getting ahead on Xu Yong.

No matter what Zhai Min said now, she was still Xu Yong's girlfriend in name, maybe she wasn't after Xu Yong caught up with Tuo Peixi to replace her.

My girlfriend was beaten, if I don't get it back, it will be a shame.Moreover, Xu Yong has been trying every means to pursue Tuo Peixi, but Tuo Peixi not only doesn't give him a chance, but also sneers at him or speaks harshly to him, and just doesn't dump him or fuck him.

Now that there is such an opportunity, Xu Yong certainly wouldn't mind mentioning Zhai Min.If Tuo Peixi can succumb, or give him a chance, not only will Xu Yong not really stand up for Zhai Min, but he may even step on her in turn.Of course, if Tuo Peixi still doesn't give face, Xu Yong doesn't mind being a villain for a while. At the very least, it is necessary to let her spend some money.

It's just that all plans and plans were automatically terminated for Chen Kangjie who came out, especially when Tuo Peixi also introduced that Chen Kangjie was her boyfriend.

Since she is already someone else's woman, there is nothing to say. Xu Yong and the others may not beat women, but it is completely okay to beat her boyfriend hard and get some compensation.

"You guys are talking nonsense. How can you pretend that we don't exist?" I asked myself, but the other party not only ignored me, but also muttered to myself, which made Xu Yong lose face. Very hurt.

"Brother Yong, what are you talking about? We fight this kind of stuff first." Wei Hongtao, who had accumulated resentment and was impatient for a long time, jumped out and said.

"What the hell are you? Big or small, you are just a follower. You can't help but get out of your crotch before your boss gives orders. Do you still want to make decisions for your boss? We are now Negotiation, understand?" Chen Kangjie already knew the situation, so naturally he didn't have any good feelings for these guys.

"Damn you, I think you're tired of working." Furious Wei Hongtao cursed and pulled out a stick from his back waist.

"Taozi, be safe and don't be impatient. Let's see what he says. If you don't satisfy us, you will show up." Maybe Chen Kangjie's provocation played a role, and Xu Yong didn't let Wei Hongtao do it at the slightest disagreement.

The boss doesn't like his younger brother to make decisions for him.Xu Yong didn't think there was anything wrong with Wei Hongtao's appearance before.After Chen Kangjie reminded and ridiculed him like this, he couldn't hold back his face.

Whether to fight or not, he has the final say, and the extent of the fight should also be decided by Xu Yong.Instead of being led by the nose by his own brother.

"Say, what should we do? Let's draw the road?" Xu Yong stepped forward two steps, and Chen Kangjie stared at him as if he was convinced.

"Ask me? Well, then I won't be hypocritical or wordy. You guys, apologize to Tuo Peixi, and promise not to harass her in the future, then forget it." Chen Kangjie stood upright without hiding. , said calmly, meeting Xu Yong's gaze.

"What? Did I hear it right?" Chen Kangjie's proposal really exceeded Xu Yong's expectations, as if he heard a joke.

"Yes, you heard it right." Chen Kangjie gave him an affirmation.

"Brother Yong, I can't stand it anymore. This bastard is obviously playing us. Beat him until his parents can't recognize him." Chen Kangjie's words enraged the brothers beside Xu Yong. Everyone is gearing up, and they are all ready to do it.

Facing the large number of people on the other side, Chen Kangjie didn't take it to heart at all, but he could still show a faint smile.If you are someone who often deals with Chen Kangjie, you will know that Chen Kangjie's smile does not represent friendship, but that someone is going to be unlucky.

"Hehe, what if we don't apologize?" Xu Yong was not immediately influenced by the brothers, but asked with a stylish back smile.

"You will." Chen Kangjie cherished words like gold and spit out three words.

Chen Kangjie's arrogance finally reached the limit of Xu Yong's patience. If he continues to quarrel with Chen Kangjie, he will probably look down on him himself.

In the face of arrogance, only by being more arrogant than the other party can we achieve our goals.

Xu Yong seemed to raise his hand to strike without warning, but to Chen Kangjie, his every move was actually equivalent to an early warning.The squirming of his shoulder had already told Chen Kangjie which hand he would move, and he knew exactly how to move it.

Before Xu Yong's hand touched Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie had already slapped him first.The crispness of this slap was deeply seared into everyone's ears in this silent environment.

Xu Yong was slapped so hard by Chen Kangjie that he couldn't stand still, and he staggered back several steps.

There was no need to shout slogans anymore, Chen Kangjie and Xu Yong's actions were the signal to start the fight.The four people next to Xu Yong immediately surrounded him instinctively and attacked Chen Kangjie.

Wei Hongtao ruthlessly swung his stick towards Chen Kangjie's head.Wei Hongtao felt that his blow was absolutely sure, and the other party would definitely hit his head.

It's just that he is fast, and Chen Kangjie is even faster than him.How could Chen Kangjie, who was always on guard, let him succeed.During this time, Chen Kangjie lowered his head, bent his waist, and immediately punched Wei Hongtao on the side of his waist.

The side waist is one of the weak links of the main body, and even if Chen Kangjie didn't use all his strength in this punch, it was almost five or six points.

If it is a master, then his power may not have much lethality.But for ordinary students who are physically fit, it is not so easy to bear.

As the stick fell to the ground, a huge colic came from Wei Hongtao's waist, as if his kidneys had been blown apart with a punch.

Wei Hongtao collapsed in an instant, shrunk into a ball and couldn't get up.

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