rebirth of change

Chapter 2039 Man, you are a pure man

"Hehe, you are really trustworthy, I thought you were completely captured by her." Chen Kangjie teased lightly, "So, can you call and ask her out? I'll treat you to supper, Anyway, if you don’t have class tomorrow, it’s no big deal if you let yourself go for a while.”

"Call him? Now?" Chu Xiang stared with big eyes.

"Brother, of course it's now, don't tell me you don't have her phone number." Chen Kangjie patted Chu Xiang on the shoulder, and then handed him his mobile phone.

Holding Chen Kangjie's mobile phone, Chu Xiang hesitated: "I'm afraid it's not good to call her out now? We've only been arguing for two hours."

"Bullshit, it's just because we've only been arguing for two hours that you need to relieve yourself quickly. Do you want to cook raw rice? Although she may be angry, she must still have a warm heart for you. If it takes a long time, her It will be really difficult to recover when the heart is cold." Chen Kangjie pointed out to Chu Xiang like a master in love, "Besides, if you call her now, whether you can call her out is actually a test for her The weathervane of your emotional authenticity. If you really can’t scream, then you may really be over, otherwise, it’s just a small episode on the long-distance love race, no big deal.”

Chen Kangjie is also a person who has experienced several love trainings in the past life and this life. In this respect, Chu Xiang is more like a rookie than others.

"You're right, okay, I'll fight." Chu Xiang, who was moved by Chen Kangjie's words, nodded and said firmly.

On the other side, Liu Fenglan is still receiving comfort and advice from her roommate.

After she separated from Chu Xiang, she ran back to the dormitory, fell on the bed, pulled the quilt over her head and cried bitterly.

I always thought that this love will last forever, and the sea will dry up. However, I haven't graduated yet, so this unforgettable love that put all my heart and soul into it is ruined like this.

Liu Fenglan was really sad, she really never thought about making trouble like this.

All kinds of sweet kindness and vows of eternal love are still deeply engraved in my mind, but unfortunately, all of that will never return.Liu Fenglan couldn't accept that a boy who had put his heart and soul into him actually said that he was not as important as his classmates and friends. She was very sad, unwilling and wronged.

She took the initiative to mention the breakup, but on that occasion, in that kind of atmosphere, what if they didn't break up?It was simply the only ending that had to be chosen.

As long as it is a sincere woman, there is almost no one who has not cried when love breaks up.This is a woman's nature. Didn't someone say that women are made of water.

At the beginning, Liu Fenglan was the only one in the dormitory, so she cried unabashedly.But gradually, the roommates came back one by one.

Liu Fenglan doesn't want her roommates to know her tragedy, no matter whether she is strong or not, she is also a woman who cares about face.

It's just that this person's crying while being sad will have inertia, and it can't be closed tightly like a faucet with a single twist.

Liu Fenglan changed from crying to convulsions and numbness. Even if she was covered by a cup, she still attracted the attention of her roommates.

The two roommates began to ask her why with concern.

At this time, as long as someone asks, Liu Fenglan has found an opportunity and space to talk.She had to confide out the sadness in her heart, if she continued to feel depressed in her heart, she would feel even more uncomfortable.

After listening to Liu Fenglan's confession, the two roommates naturally took her side and began to criticize Chu Xiang with one voice.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want this kind of man, what's the big deal? It's his blessing that he can find you, and it's his loss if you dump him."

"Your boyfriend, I have always felt that I am not good enough for you. I am not arrogant. If I dump him, I dump him. Isn't the boy we girls lack still alive?"

"You don't need to be sad for him. It's not worth it. Look at you, you are swollen from crying. If you see him tomorrow, he will think you miss him so much. You should let go of the past. From now on, you should Live a happier and more exciting life, let him regret it."

"He is just a small sapling. How can a small sapling compare with the whole forest? There are many boys in our school who are handsomer, more temperamental than him, and richer than him. Maybe tomorrow, someone will say goodbye to him." You may not be able to catch up with the door."


Hearing her roommate belittle Chu Xiang so much, Liu Fenglan felt conflicted.There is relief, but there is also a slight dissatisfaction.But at this time, she couldn't complain and defend Chu Xiang, because they broke up.

Liu Fenglan actually knew that her three roommates didn't think much of Chu Xiang.Their visions are relatively high. After she fell in love with Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang only briefly interacted with her roommate a few times.Today, one of my roommates went to another school to find boyfriends, and only two came back.

When she heard that Chu Xiang was so useless at their mouth, Liu Fenglan really felt blocked.After all, she likes Chu Xiang from the bottom of her heart.

Just when Liu Fenglan's tears fell from the corners of her eyes involuntarily, Chu Xiang called.

One of Liu Fenglan's roommates picked up the phone, and after listening to a sentence, she put the phone away: "Liu Fenglan, you are so heartless to call, do you want to answer?"

"Do you still want to answer this kind of phone call? Liu Fenglan, if you don't answer it, you must not give in. If he calls you, then what will happen to you? You can't let him look down on you." Liu Fenglan didn't reply, and she said A roommate was the first to say it outrageously, as if she was more outraged than Liu Fenglan.

The roommates have said so, what else can Liu Fenglan do?She was run on and had no choice.Can I still say that I want to answer the phone?Wouldn't that be the kind of rubbish that the roommate didn't say?

"Tell him that I won't answer his calls, and tell him not to call me in the future." When there was no way to retreat, Liu Fenglan could only say hard-hearted against her will.

In fact, Liu Fenglan was looking forward to this call very much. He really wanted to hear what Chu Xiang would say to her and what he would explain to her.It's just that there are two snobbish roommates in the middle, Liu Fenglan can only follow their wishes.

Sure enough, the roommate who answered the phone relayed Liu Fenglan's words, and before Chu Xiang could say anything, she slammed and hung up the phone simply: "Ambition, this is the sister in our dormitory, let her Wherever it is cool, stay there."

In fact, once she said that, Liu Fenglan regretted it.

That's so unfeeling, they have loved each other sweetly, how could they treat him like that?Liu Fenglan thought to herself, Chu Xiang on the other end of the phone must also be heartbroken.The woman's soft heart made Liu Fenglan not very willing to see Chu Xiang hurt and sad.Even though we have broken up, as a former lover, I still hope that he can live well.

Chu Xiang, who was holding a mobile phone in his hand, really wanted to jump violently.If it weren't for the fact that the phone belonged to Chen Kangjie, out of anger, he would have smashed the phone.

"What's wrong? He's not in the dormitory?" Chen Kangjie asked looking at Chu Xiang who was staring at him in a daze.

"She's here, but she doesn't answer my calls, and asks her roommate to tell me not to call her again." Chu Xiang said with a breath.

"Fight again."

"Why do you still beat her? She is so unfeeling, why should I put my hot face on her cold ass? Stop beating, damn it, what are you doing? Without Butcher Zhang, can you still eat hairy pigs?" Chu Xiang said angrily.

"If you tell you to hit you, hit it. Why are you so sloppy? Do you really want to break up? I told you, women's words are often untrustworthy. Her words are obviously angry, can't you hear it? Elm head, you. Don’t tell me you’re making people angry, so you’re not allowed to lose your temper? She’s a girl, so hurry up and hit her. If she’s really desperate for you, then he’s the one who said to you personally, Instead of asking someone else to do it for you.”

Chu Xiang stared at Chen Kangjie in disbelief.

"You damn turtledove, look, hurry up, if you can't call him out, don't call him my brother in the future, I can't afford to lose that guy." Seeing that Chu Xiang didn't move, Chen Kangjie knocked over with dissatisfaction .

Rubbing his head, Chu Xiang could only reluctantly pick up the phone again to dial.

"Why is it you again? Didn't I tell you everything? Liu Fenglan didn't want to answer your call and told you not to call again." The roommate still answered the call, but this time she didn't ask Liu Fenglan, but Help her refuse directly.

"Please ask her to answer the phone, I have something to say to her." Chu Xiang tried his best to control his emotions patiently.

Chu Xiang knew that Liu Fenglan's roommates didn't think highly of him, but he didn't care, since he didn't want them to be women anyway.The person answering the phone now is obviously blocking and destroying his reconciliation with Liu Fenglan himself, but thinking that she still needs her help, Chu Xiang endured it again and again.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiang's low profile did not bring the other party's friendliness.

"What's wrong with you, can't you understand people's words or something? I told you all, but she didn't answer your call, and she didn't want you to call again. Why are you so begging for nothing? What's your face? So thick."

"You bastard, I'm looking for Liu Fenglan, not you. What are you doing in a paralyzed way? Did I dig your ancestral grave or set fire to your house? Thirty-eight, I don't want to talk to you, Give the phone to Liu Fenglan, and you can talk to me again, believe it or not, I will pour dung on you downstairs in your dormitory one day." The mud bodhisattva is still angry, let alone Chu Xiang, a man of seven feet.

Chu Xiang was completely irritated by the other party, and he yelled and cursed regardless.

The person on the other end of the phone was dumbfounded by Chu Xiang's scolding, and she couldn't believe her ears.And Chen Kangjie, who was standing opposite Chu Xiang, was also dumbfounded.Damn Xipi, is this still such a flimsy "Camel Xiangzi"?This is too hot.

Chen Kangjie gave Chu Xiang a thumbs up: "Men, you are a pure man."

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