rebirth of change

Chapter 2053 We Are Classmates Not Enemies

In the first round, apart from participating, Chen Kangjie hardly watched the performances of any other group of contestants.

But this round, Chen Kangjie has time to watch it, and he is also interested in watching it.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles.No matter how confident Chen Kangjie is, he can't be arrogant and take it lightly.

Look at other people's games and learn about other people's tactics and technical skills, which can help you improve your coping ability and chances of winning.

In addition, isn’t Xiang Guanqi worried? Then take this opportunity to observe some characteristics of each school and school. Maybe this will help a kind of transformation and innovation of Chinese martial arts and make it more attractive to young people.

In the final analysis, the inheritance of culture depends on young people. Only when the baton is handed over from generation to generation can an excellent culture last forever.

Too much of our traditional culture has gone to perish and decline under the impact of the social tide.This seems an unstoppable inevitability, especially in today's globalized world.

However, Chen Kangjie still hopes that Chinese martial arts will not only have a long history, but also be carried forward and be loved and sought after by the public.

The first pair played was a sophomore majoring in business management against a boy from Siam.

We all know that Siam has a legendary fighting skill called Muay Thai.This is a sport known for its strength and agility. It mainly uses the fists, legs, knees, and elbows of the human body as eight kinds of weapons to attack. The fists and legs are used, the knees are used to use the elbows, and the force is smooth and smooth. The strength is abundant, the attack power is sharp, and it is known as the strongest fighting skill.

If this boy from Siam has practiced Muay Thai since he was a child, then this sophomore boy in China is a little dangerous.This is not to elevate others to destroy one's prestige, it is really that Muay Thai is too fierce, and it is not easy to deal with it.

After the two greeted each other on the stage, Liu distanced himself and put on a posture, and the battle was about to start.

Chen Kangjie felt bad for that boy when he acted like that.His posture is quite good-looking, but the empty door is wide open, and it is easy for people to take advantage of it.Competing in such a narrow area, this way of exposing weaknesses is really not advisable.

However, it may be that he was lucky, or it may be that the opponent is not familiar with dealing with it, and he did not seize the opportunity to give a violent blow.

After the two of them tested each other for a while, they really started fighting.

Chen Kangjie understood a little bit. It turns out that this domestic guy is also good at unarmed combat. Judging from his moves, it should belong to the category of Dachengquan.

Chen Kangjie is not familiar with the martial arts of various sects, but he still knows a thing or two about Dachengquan.

Dachengquan is between tradition and modernity. Compared with those martial arts with a history of hundreds of thousands of years, Dachengquan, which was developed in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, belongs to modern boxing. Compared with modern boxing such as Sanda, it is more traditional.

It can be said that Dachengquan is a new boxing method that inherits the tradition and creates and evolves on the basis of the tradition.In its movements, there are shadows of traditional martial arts such as Shaolin boxing, Taijiquan, and chain palms.However, it has been simplified again, focusing on utility and attack defense.

The Siamese student's several attacks were all resolved by the opponent's palms or push hands.

The 3 minutes of the first game was up soon, and the two retreated to the two corners to rest.

"Which of the two of them do you think will win?" Xiang Guanqi asked as he retreated to Chen Kangjie's side from the front.

"It's hard to say, neither of them seems to be doing their best. The Siamese man should have learned Muay Thai, but he doesn't seem to be good at it. The attack power is okay, but there is a delay and lack of continuity. And yours Member, his boxing style takes both offense and defense into account, however, his offense seems to be lacking in strength, and his defense lacks a backhand. If their ability is limited to this, it is really hard to say whether they will win or lose." Chen Kangjie Looking at the two judges sitting on the stage resting.

"Hey, your eyesight and understanding are still better than mine. At first I thought Lu Jinfei could win, but it turned out to be an even match. Now that you have said that, I have no idea about him."

"Why did you think that Lu Jinfei could win?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Because he practices Dachengquan. His family is from Beihe. He has been practicing Dachengquan with a relative for five or six years when he was in middle school. He is in our Wushu Association, so he is considered a master. The practicality of Dachengquan is It's very strong, and it's a good skill for self-defense." Xiang Guanqi said.

"The trouble is that he met a muay thai fighter. If he fights you, to put it bluntly, your chances of winning are really slim. I think so." Chen Kangjie said with his arms folded.

"What's the presumptuousness? I fought against him before, and he won three out of five fights, beating me. Otherwise, I wouldn't say he's a master in our Wushu Association." Xiang Guanqi didn't care. Said.

"I kind of understand why he is in a dilemma. When you usually practice, don't you wear loose cloth shirts?"

"Of course, it's not a loose cloth shirt, but it's also sportswear. In short, it needs to be convenient for movement. You mean that his protective gear restricts his performance?"

"It should have an impact on him. Our protective gear has less impact on Muay Thai, but it may have a greater impact on Lu Jinfei." Chen Kangjie nodded to himself.

The second round started soon, and the 1-minute rest time was really fleeting.

In this round, the sparring between the two was much faster than before.

Of the ten attacks, the Siamese accounted for almost seven of them, while Lu Jinfei's three attacks were not very threatening.

"Your guess is right. I can already feel that Lu Jinfei can only play at [-]% of his usual level. Those protective gears that play a protective role have now become a burden. But the opponent is fighting more and more courageously, and the more he fights, the more he plays. Good. Lu Jinfei is really dead." Watching the two people coming and going on the stage, Xiang Guanqi said worriedly.

"Yeah, he was restrained, and the opponent, at least [-]% of his performance, this kind of game is really unfair from the beginning."

Sure enough, when Lu Jinfei opened his palms upwards (this is just a rough guess based on his posture, wearing gloves, it is impossible to tell whether it is a fist or a palm, but his posture should be a palm according to tradition), and caught the opponent When the two punches came straight at him, the opponent raised his body and pressed his knees forward on Lu Jinfei's chest.

With the force on his chest, Lu Jinfei loosened the strength in his hands, and his body retreated again and again.

The opponent didn't miss another chance this time, he took two strides forward, his body soared into the air again, and kicked towards Lu Jinfei's chest with a beautiful flying shot.

Lu Jinfei's reaction was quite good, he immediately changed the movements of his hands, and with the help of the strength of his shoulders, he used his bent outer arm to withstand the opponent's heel.

However, as the saying goes, the arms cannot twist the thighs, which means that the strength in the hands is not as strong as that in the feet.Lu Jinfei's movements are in place, but he himself is in the process of retreating, how can he withstand the sharp flying shot of others.He could only retreat with more chaotic steps, opening up the space he hoped for to release his strength.

The Siamese really became more confident and smoother as he played.

A flying kick did not kick Lu Jinfei down. After his body fell to the ground, he performed a side somersault, and the back of his right foot once again smashed towards Lu Jinfei's face with the force brought by his body rotation.

Lu Jinfei really wanted to dodge, but he was in motion, and the protective gear on his body reduced his flexibility.So he just turned his head to avoid the door, but the kick still hit his shoulder.

Lu Jinfei immediately felt a thousand pounds of pressure, and when he punched his opponent's calf, he also knelt down.

Kneeling down, even if you have not lost your fighting power, it is still a living target for the opponent.

After the opponent landed a punch on the calf, he bounced and took a step away as soon as he hit the ground. Only then did he stabilize his figure, and he attacked Lu Jinfei with an upward side kick.

In Chen Kangjie's opinion, the best way for Lu Jinfei at this time is to fall to the ground and get out of the way.The posture is awkward and ugly, but it will be very effective. Not only can you avoid the opponent's side kick, but you can also use the power of rolling to get back up.

It is a pity that Lu Jinfei did not adopt the effective but embarrassing action that Chen Kangjie thought.Instead, it is hoped that by attacking the opponent's lower body, it will also lose its balance or suffer heavy losses.

Lu Jinfei firmly blocked the opponent's body with his left arm, and then used his kneeling knees to exert force to turn himself towards the opponent, so that he could attack the opponent's lower body.

It's just that Lu Jinfei seems to have forgotten that his hands are still free, and they are not immovable puppets, you can hit them however you want.

Just when Lu Jinfei punched his opponent's left leg and helped his leg by the way, he was about to twist him to the ground.The opponent directly gave up the support of his legs and simply knelt down.

Faced with a pair of hard knees, Lu Jinfei became passive and annoyed. Not only did he become unable to hold on, but he also had to prevent the kneeling knees from hurting himself.

At the same time, the opponent threw away his fist without pain, bent his arm, and once again slammed his huge elbow on Lu Jinfei's injured left shoulder just now.

Lu Jinfei tilted his left shoulder and fell to the ground.

Two consecutive hard blows hit the same place, and Lu Jinfei couldn't hold it anymore.Not only did he feel unbearable pain in his left shoulder, but his left arm became limp, and he couldn't lift it up with any strength.

The referee rushed to separate the two and started counting.

Stubborn Lu Jinfei knew that he had lost and could not win the fight, even if it counted, how could he win with just one hand?

But he was really stubborn, knowing that he was losing, he still stood up with one arm.

"Student, you have already lost, we don't need to fight anymore." The foreign student from Siam said calmly instead of attacking.

"I haven't lost yet, I haven't lost yet." Lu Jinfei gritted his teeth and said unwillingly.

"You didn't lose, but you can't win anymore. We are classmates, not enemies. I don't think we need to fight anymore. As long as you nod, our game is over."

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