rebirth of change

Chapter 2055 An eye-popping competition

Cui Zeshou is obviously a little too arrogant to look down on others. With the rise of South Korea as one of the four Asian tigers, he feels that in China, he can be superior and defiant.

Since you want to be arrogant, then I will cooperate with you. Aren't you arrogant and think that you can win without using your hands?Then I don't need to use my hands, and I will have a fair kick with you to see who will win and who will fall in the end.

Chen Kangjie did not specifically train his lower body, nor did he learn any famous legwork.However, after more than ten years of persistent exercise, he asked himself that his sensitivity and flexibility would not be inferior to Cui Zeshou.It's very simple, they can do the splits if they practice taekwondo, and Chen Kangjie can also do this easily.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie agreed and chose to play the same way as him, Cui Zeshou was a little stunned. He really didn't expect Chen Kangjie to do this.After being stunned, he felt a little complacent.

Legs originally accounted for 70.00% of the importance in Taekwondo. They have specially trained related, and sometimes even a game is completed with only legs alone.It can be said that leg skills are his strong point.

Cui Zeshou watched Chen Kangjie's last match. In that match, Chen Kangjie knocked down his opponent with his fists and never used his legs at all.It can be seen from this that fists are Chen Kangjie's strong point.Now he gave up punching, that is to use his own short to attack the other's strong, really stupid.

A mocking sneer flowed from the corner of Cui Zeshou's mouth, he was so impatient, he took the bait without formally using the aggressive method.I really hope you don't regret it for a while, hehehe.

Cui Zeshou's sneer did not escape Chen Kangjie's sharp eyes.He was calm and not angry.

On the Wutai, in the face of sarcasm counterattack, relying on the mouth is meaningless.Only a fierce attack can stop him from baring his teeth at you, and can convince the other party.

"Mr. Referee, look, we have reached an agreement, can you agree?" Cui Zeshou urged, worried that the referee would be stubborn.

"Student Chen Wen, do you really want to choose the same method, without gloves or hands? If you insist, we have regulations, and you can operate according to the regulations." The referee teacher did not answer Cui Zeshou, but looked at Chen Kangjie asked.

The referee originally did not take any position, but judging from his words, he still favored Chen Kangjie.It wasn't because Chen Kangjie was a domestic student, and it wasn't because Chen Kangjie was the vice president of the student union. It was mainly because the referee teacher looked down on Cui Zeshou's face.

He has actually hinted to Chen Kangjie that there is no need to use his own weaknesses to confront the opponent's strengths.As long as he insists, the referee will ask Cui Zeshou to wear gloves, and Chen Kangjie can also use both hands and feet.

"It's okay, thank you teacher, I choose the same way as him." Chen Kangjie nodded firmly.

"Since both of you insist, I won't force you. However, if anyone uses his hands later, I will judge him to be a foul. The other rules are the same as before. Do you understand?" Since Chen Kangjie had no objection, There is no need for the referee to be a bad guy himself.

"understand".Chen Kangjie and Cui Zeshou both nodded.

"Then get ready... get ready... start..." After the referee's palm was cut off from the middle, a unique competition began in front of everyone.

As soon as the referee got out of the way, Cui Zeshou suddenly threw his leg at Chen Kangjie and launched an attack.However, none of his attacks succeeded. It seemed that Chen Kangjie could predict that he would kick from that angle every time, and then kicked him back with a tit-for-tat attack.

The fighting style of the two people is almost equivalent to head-to-head. Every time, the feet of the two people bump into each other. If anyone's legs are not hard enough, then every collision is an injury.

"What are they doing? I can't understand why. The boss puts his hands behind his back, and the South Korean man also has his hands behind his back. Both of them only use their legs, and they are still head-to-head." Ge Zihao in the stands watched. A look of curiosity and confusion.

"I really don't understand. This is a competition of leg skills. After a while, neither of them has used their hands. Could it be that the rules have been changed?"

"Did you find out? Both of them didn't wear gloves. After so many games, this is the first time." Duan Yiqing said.

"Indeed, what kind of tricks are they playing? The boss's strength is double fists. Why did he keep his fists away? I don't understand, I really don't understand." Chen Jundong said.

"Did Chen Wen be tricked into playing tricks? I think it's very possible." Zhen Zi pouted and shook his head.

"No way? Chen Wen is such a shrewd person, he knows the way? I don't believe it at all. By the way, Chen Jundong, what do you know about Chen Kangjie, is he good at his legs?" Tan Jian said.

Chen Jundong shook his head: "I haven't seen it before. In the dormitory, we can't stand him with his hands. How can he use his legs? Besides, the dormitory is so narrow that we can't use it."

"I don't think you need to worry. Although you can't see which of them has stronger legs now, at least you can probably see that Chen Wen is not at a disadvantage." Zhang Hang looked at the four legs flying around on the martial arts platform below with concentration. scene said.

In fact, Tan Jian and the others were not the only ones who were curious and confused. Other audiences sitting in various places also looked confused.This style of playing with only the legs and the hands closed is indeed novel, and they have never seen it before.There is buzz and discussion everywhere.

The referees on the field did not announce the agreement between Cui Zeshou and Chen Kangjie to everyone, only a few referees on the sidelines heard their agreement.Therefore, except for a few people on the sidelines, no one else knew that they could not use their hands.

After more than a dozen rounds, Chen Kangjie also had to admire Cui Zeshou's leg skills. This guy is quite proficient in various movements such as oblique kicks, horizontal kicks, vertical kicks, straight kicks, chain kicks, and downward kicks. It's a bit dazzling, no wonder He dared to say that he could do it without using his hands.

Fortunately, it was Chen Kangjie who met him. It would be really difficult to deal with other people if they didn't use their hands.

Chen Kangjie is not as good as Cui Zeshou in terms of kicking routines.However, Chen Kangjie's advantage is his keen capture ability and quick response ability.

Although Cui Zeshou uses his lower body, every time he takes a step, his upper body will have a reaction or omen, especially his shoulders.Relying on these two items, Chen Kangjie accurately blocked Cui Zeshou's shots every time, allowing him to return without success.

After the two performed dozens of kicks dazzlingly, it was time for the first sentence.The two separated and retreated to rest, and the audience cheered and applauded them warmly.

Although they didn't use their hands, the dazzling leg skills still made the audience hooked.Moreover, the intensity of this match is far higher than other rivalries.The two of them didn't seem to have much distance to cushion or rest. They both immediately attacked again after kicking back every time.

Chen Kangjie admired Cui Zeshou, but to Cui Zeshou, he knew his own hardships.

Don't look at the fact that he doesn't have any adverse reactions on the surface, in fact, his legs are already so painful that they are almost numb.If you open your trouser legs and look at it, you can find that Cui Zeshou's calf is either blue or red.

When practicing before, Cui Zeshou used sandbags.He didn't know that before, Chen Kangjie not only hit the books tied to the tree trunk with his fist, but also kicked the tree trunk directly with his feet.

Chen Kangjie was smashing a book page after page until the whole book was smashed through, and his feet had already kicked all the bark under a tree bare.

Even with this unscientific training method, not only did Chen Kangjie's hands overcome obstacles, but his legs were almost like steel and iron bones.

So every time Cui Zeshou and Chen Kangjie face each other head-on, on the surface, no one will lose the wind, but in fact, Cui Zeshou has given up hope for this match in his heart.

Chen Kangjie could predict his attack, and he took timely blocking measures, but if he kicked hard, he seemed to kick down a steel pipe every time.Where does he have the confidence to win?

After 1 minute, the two stood in the center of the field again.After saluting each other, the game started again.

This time, Cui Zeshou no longer launched a fierce attack. After the hope of solving Chen Kangjie with three attacks and five divisions was shattered, Cui Zeshou adjusted his strategy, and he wanted to play a defensive counterattack.

When Chen Kangjie takes the offensive, he will look for loopholes, hoping to see the loopholes, then maybe there is still a chance of victory.If he attacks by himself again, head-to-head, then after this round of competition, there is no need to compete in the next round. He probably won't be able to lift his legs in the next round.

Cui Zeshou changed back and forth, his legs were jumping, but Chen Kangjie didn't jump, just moved in such small steps.

For Chen Kangjie, since you are not attacking, then I am also happy to be at leisure.If you like to dance, then let you dance enough first.

The last sentence made everyone cheer because of the fierceness of the game, but this round was so nonchalant, they didn't even touch each other, it really surprised everyone.

If it is a regular international game, the referee will let one side attack, and you can't just perform like this.It's a pity that this is an amateur game on campus, and there is no requirement or regulation that one side must undertake the offensive task.

The referee teacher just followed the pace of Chen Kangjie and the others and walked around slowly. He didn't rush or rush. In the end, he was a little bored, so he just stood aside and didn't move. You can do whatever you want.

Cui Zeshou was not in a hurry at first, but after Chen Kangjie didn't attack and just walked leisurely, he became anxious.Compared with Chen Kangjie's walking, his beating seems to be at a disadvantage, and the audience will feel that he is afraid.

In fact, it was true, Cui Zeshou was indeed afraid.

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