rebirth of change

2057 Fame spreads far and wide

The battle against Cui Zeshou made Chen Kangjie a real celebrity in the school.

A person with strength, whether he changes his face or not, cannot be concealed.This is what people often say, is that gold always shines.

Chen Kangjie, who came down from the martial arts stage, was greeted with cheers like a tide. Although everyone's warm admiration for him was not comparable to his outstanding performance in the Olympic Games, it was undoubtedly the first in this campus. up.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, when they see him, they will give him cheers and applause. Moreover, many girls look at him with burning affection in their eyes.On campus, Chen Kangjie won a group of fans as Chen Wen for the first time, and his not-so-handsome appearance also won the favor of many Huaichun girls.

As for Chen Kangjie himself, he wasn't very excited and felt normal.

Cui Zeshou was not a very threatening or challenging opponent to Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie knew this from the very beginning.

No matter how powerful the fighters in these schools are, they are still in the category of amateurs, and they cannot be compared with those professionals or professional killers who have been immersed for decades.

Chen Kangjie originally wanted to stay and watch other people's games, but the alumni were too enthusiastic, and those who knew him or didn't know each other wanted to get close to him.Therefore, Chen Kangjie simply stopped watching it, and it would be better to leave the place of right and wrong for a while.

In the indoor gymnasium, there was only one person who felt resentful about Chen Kangjie's victory, and that person was Zhaofu Sato, who wanted to trouble him.

Takao Sato has always been watching from the sidelines. Although he is very confident and prepared, knowing and understanding his goal is the quality that every karate master should maintain.

Zhaofu Sato has watched Chen Kangjie's two matches. In one game, he won with fists, but in this match, he simply won with kicks. Moreover, every time there was no dispute, the opponent couldn't stand up anymore. Impressed.

Through his own careful observation, Sato Takao came to the conclusion that Chen Kangjie was indeed difficult to deal with.His style of play is very unique, no matter whether it is hands or feet, there seems to be no certain routine to follow.

It doesn't look like Chen Kangjie has practiced boxing and Sanda, but it doesn't look like he has learned a certain traditional martial art like other domestic students, such as Beiqi.It feels like recruiting Sato, as if whoever confronts him, he will use his kung fu.

The most obvious is the just-concluded competition. Leg skills are the strength and main force of Taekwondo, and the usage rate is as high as 70.00%.And Chen Kangjie just used his legs to win Cui Zeshou.Zhaofu Sato was sure that Chen Kangjie had never learned taekwondo systematically.

The reason is that almost none of Chen Kangjie's moves is a standard Taekwondo move, and from the beginning to the end, he never took the initiative to attack, and only took defensive measures according to the opponent's changes after Cui Zeshou made a move.

This kind of ability to learn what looks like something, but only limited to the image, and the essence is not that kind of ability, made Sato Takao feel a little powerless.And Zhaofu Sato also found that Chen Kangjie was very strong, and Cui Zeshou didn't wear gloves, but he was wearing protective gear.But he still couldn't stand up after being kicked, and it took him a while to recover, which showed that Chen Kangjie's strength was extraordinary.

Zhaofu Sato knew that there would definitely be a battle between himself and Chen Kangjie. This was his mission here, and it was also inevitable for this competition.

Zhaofu Sato didn't think he would lose to others, he couldn't lose before he had fought with Chen Kangjie.Of course, even if he lost by accident, he would still look for Chen Kangjie.

Before coming to China, Takao Sato had full confidence in himself.He didn't take an ordinary Chinese student seriously.In Japan, Takao Sato studied under famous masters and started competing with others since middle school, with few failures.Those who can beat him are those who have practiced karate longer than him and are professional in nature.

However, after watching Chen Kangjie play against Cui Zeshou today, Zhaofu Sato's confidence has gapped and is no longer so full.

However, Takao Sato was not really depressed, he hadn't given up on himself and felt that Chen Kangjie could defeat him.He just felt that it would not be that easy or simple to win against Chen Kangjie.As long as the strategy is identified, as long as the correct tactics are implemented, it is still possible to defeat Chen Kangjie and disable Chen Kangjie.

After returning to the dormitory, Chen Kangjie had just escaped from the admiration and excitement of Chen Wenjie and the others, when Fan Xuexi, who was thousands of kilometers away, called, and the first thing he talked about was about his competition.

"Congratulations, great hero, I heard that you just defeated a taekwondo master?" Fan Xuexi said with a smile on the phone.

"What kind of hero, what kind of master, it's all nonsense, we are just a campus event... Strange, how do you know? Do you have clairvoyance and ears?" Chen Kangjie stood on the roof of the dormitory, Looking at the still green pine tree road all over the mountain.

"Hmph, you think I'm like you and don't care about me at all, but I do care about you."

Chen Kangjie was stunned, and scratched his head in embarrassment, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

For Fan Xuexi and the others, Chen Kangjie really didn't care enough in essence. Although he often called, but the time was a little longer, it seemed a bit routine.Chen Kangjie never paid attention to Fan Xuexi's other affairs in other ways.

"What? Are you a little ashamed? Do you feel sorry for us? Hee hee, I really want to see what you look like and your expression now." Fan Xuexi is like a roundworm in Chen Kangjie's stomach, and she can sense Chen Kangjie's intentions even through the phone mentality.

No wonder the ancients would say that there is a sympathy between hearts. It seems that lovers can really be connected with each other.

"I'm really ashamed, I'm really blaming myself, I don't care enough." Chen Kangjie said in a deep voice.

"Okay, okay, don't be ashamed, don't blame yourself. I'm just joking with you. Of course I know that you are full of affairs and have too many aspects to take care of. You can't be busy with time and energy. Understand, understand, I just didn't expect you to be able to fight on stage, ha ha."

"Thank you for understanding, thank you." Chen Kangjie was even more ashamed. He obviously didn't do a good job, but Fan Xuexi took the initiative to find reasons and excuses for him, "We didn't fight, we competed on stage. Fighting is about grudges. I and them There is no enmity or grudge. By the way, you haven't told me yet, how do you know, the news is too well-informed."

"Hahaha, I have a spy on your side." Fan Xuexi was proud of Chen Kangjie's ignorance, and smiled happily.

"A secret agent? Do you think it's 007? Come on, what method did you take?" Chen Kangjie couldn't believe that Fan Xuexi would really have some kind of spy.

Not to mention that Fan Xuexi didn't have that ability, even if she had that ability, it's impossible for those people around Chen Kangjie to not notice it at all.

"Hehe, you really are a thief, so why don't you guess what method I used."

"I'm just fine, not a thief. What kind of adjective, you ask me to guess, I really can't guess it, but it's definitely not a spy. Did you use some technical means? Or did you cheat?" Chen Kangjie leaned his hands on the edge Make yourself comfortable on the retaining wall.

"You're just cheating. I knew you couldn't figure it out. Let me tell you, I have many netizens from your school, and some even belong to your student union. I got your information from them. How about it? I'm smart." Right?" Fan Xuexi said proudly.

"Scheming, you actually adopted the roundabout strategy of besieging Wei and saving Zhao. Why, will they talk about me? I'm not a celebrity now. Even though I'm the vice chairman of the student union, not many people in the school really know me."

"It's true that they didn't take the initiative before, and most of them were induced by me. But now you are a celebrity on campus. I opened QQ just now. Wow, many people are talking about you, and some people have posted your photos. Most of them I’m full of praise for you. I didn’t know that you are so mighty, but when did you learn Kung Fu, why didn’t I know?”

It was only then that Chen Kangjie realized that it was spread through the Internet.

"I haven't learned any kung fu. I just like to exercise and I'm flexible. How can I take amateur competitions in school seriously? You said it, it's just fighting. I'm just fighting fiercely at most, hehe." Chen Kangjie said perfunctorily.

Chen Kangjie didn't intend to conceal it deliberately, but it was hard to explain.Moreover, once the explanation is opened, it will lead to more things, which may be endless, so it is better to keep it as it is.

"But they all talked about you in a miraculous way, such as dozens of rounds of battles, whirlwind legs, chain legs, praying mantises catching cicadas and orioles behind them."

"Tch, amateur commentators, how can you believe it? It's all nonsense. Fighting, it's either punching or kicking."

"But they said, you didn't use your hands from the beginning to the end, you used your feet all the time."

"Oh, it's because the kid was afraid that my fist would be big, so he agreed to just kick it with my feet. Wait, you called, didn't you just want to tell me this?" This woman is really not good when she starts to compare pennies and pennies. To deal with it, Chen Kangjie quickly changed the subject.

"This is one aspect, but it's not all. I'm calling to ask you, do you plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and if so, which school? This is what Deng Min wants to ask."

"Why did you suddenly think of asking this? Are you two going to take the exam?"

"We are up to you. If you take the test, then we will take the test. If you don't rely on it and come out to work after graduation, then we will not take the test. If you take the test, then we will apply for the same school as you, but we can't do it again. Just like in high school."

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